"—because she's always been mine from the onset, my ferocious love," Rukiya said thoughtfully like she wasn't even listening to anyone anymore, and maybe they could have bought into her fantasies if only Hawi hadn't spoken in her real voice and not the nana voice she'd been using.
Oh, Hawi.
"Bitch I'm your what now?" Hawi asked as she looked at Rukiya who had suddenly turned to look at her.
Rukiya could have sworn she had heard Hawi's voice and she could have sworn everyone in the shelter had heard her too. She looked in the direction of Malika's nana and Malika was busy facepalming.
She looked like she was about to go crazy by just listening to Hawi and her madness. This woman would be the death of her if she wasn't careful. Hawi didn't even care for a moment, because to her, she wasn't going to pretend for long.
Well, about damn time, don't you think?