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Chapter 14: Vengeance

"Hehehehe, HAHAHAHA." The monster started laughing as it saw Lia's face turn from scared to completely terrified with a tear running down her cheek. He couldn't help standing up, leaning back with one of his hands on his chest and the other on his face while laughing hysterically. Lia started crying once she realized how hopeless the situation was. If something like that could kill even Velios, who has been training non-stop since arriving in this, it could probably kill everybody else currently. That fact alone just proves how dangerous this monster was compared to the low-level ones even a normal human could win against. Lia had officially given up. It was no use struggling and she knew it. Her arms turned limp and her legs stopped trying to support her body weight. All her muscles started relaxing, her mouth was slightly open and her sight was stuck to the ground, zoning out while thinking back to everything that happened up to this point in her life as if it was all flashing before her. She was fully ready to face the same fate as all the other ones of her friends in the group did and all that would remain of her would be her clothes, only a few parts of her body and possibly some bones. Then, the monster slowly stopped laughing. "Come on, what's the fun in that? What's the point of doing all of this for you to give your life away just like that, not like it was worth anything in the first place. You could at least beg for it like everybody else. Except that one friend of yours. I admit, he was surprisingly strong and for that, I guess he can get a little bit of my respect. But in the end, he was far too weak to beat me, hehehe." The monster started laughing hysterically again, reminiscing about the fight he had and how cool he thought he looked after having pierced through Velios' body. With all the blood splashing everywhere and his pose. That feeling was priceless.

 "It's quite nice to get to eat good once in a while after having fought so hard." The monster had sat down on a nearby rock, eating Lia's detached arm. He was in a good mood and kept on thinking about how fun he had in the duel. Swinging his legs back and forth while continuing to chew off pieces of muscles and tendons. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." The monster suddenly coughed two times, blood rushing out of the mouth, a sharp sensation going through the middle of his chest from back to front. As it looked downwards, it dropped the arm it was just holding. Before Velios arm could escape, the monster had grabbed it to try and break it but after having gotten pierced, all of the monster's strength had disappeared and the injury was far too serious to heal directly. As Velios violently pulled his arm out, blood was gushing out and the monster started grinning. "How did you do that? How long were you standing there for?" Velios just stood there, looking down at him in pity because of how utterly weak he was. The monster slowly turned around with a furious look on his face, holding his chest trying to heal his wound so that he could fight. Screaming, the monster tried to come in with a quick attack so that it could get back to heal, but its plan backfired quickly.

 Velios with brute strength and technique only managed to cut off the humanoid monster's arm in one clean up-swinging movement. Before the monster had even grabbed its arm, Velios had already rushed beside it, grabbing it by the neck and slamming it into a tree before proceeding to punch the monster over and over again until the tree couldn't handle it anymore. The bits of bark and wood flew everywhere as the monster basically flew straight through it. The monster jumped back at him with a kick which was easily blocked followed up with two different kicks. The monster started profusely screaming after it had gained some distance as its arm temporarily grew back but with unknown side effects. Velios had to keep the poker face up so that the enemy wouldn't notice how dangerous the situation that Velios found himself in. The giant wound on Velios' body was like a ticking time bomb, either one wrong move or if he doesn't finish the fight quickly enough and that wound reopens again. Somehow, they knew what the other person wanted and it was the exact same thing. They wanted the fight to end as soon as possible because if the fight continued, they would probably both die. Without a single word being uttered, the rest and the finale of the dual had already been decided. An all-out brawl between them was going to decide everything. 

 They both jumped forwards to each other, hitting each other with their forearms before taking a wide stance on the ground. The first punch was hit at the exact same time on each other's jaws. Velios' head flung back from all the fatigue but he kept on going. Punch after punch, you couldn't even see what was going on. They either had the exact same pace or one was slightly faster hitting the other here and there. Harder and harder punches, faster and faster punches. Blood was splattering everywhere and Velios was way past his limits, barely being able to see straight. I have to survive! To atone for my sins and to not forget the lives that were forgotten today. I have to survive! Velios suddenly had the upper hand. One hit after the other, it completely destroyed the part of the body where the monster got hit. The monster couldn't hit back anymore. Its arms were completely destroyed and the speed at which Velios was going was faster than the speed of sound. The monster desperately tried healing the destroyed areas but it was to no use as Velios just hit them again and again. Impossible. By a... human? Was the last thought that the monster would ever think. Velios' punches had finally made the monster fall to the ground where he stood over it. As the final hit, Velios dragged his right arm back before hitting it as hard as he could right onto the monster's face, going through and crushing it whole, creating a giant hole going right through it.

 Velios stood there, the final victor of the hardest battle of his life, barely conscious not being able to think straight. He just stood there, over the immobile body of the monster, it was going to die within the next few seconds. But just before that, Velios out of habit picked up the monster's arm that he had previously sliced off and took a big bite of it. The monster had a little smirk on its face as it knew full well what had happened. A human had not only bested it in combat, but also avenged his friends by eating his arm back. The thought of it would have made him chuckle, but having half of its body missing and detached. It was safe to say that the battle was over, but without a real winner. Because even before arriving, Velios had lost the only and first people to ever care about him in any way.

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