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Chapter 3: Love and hope

As the man approached the bridge, Chris trembled with a mix of fear and desperation.

He believed that his only escape from the pain and loneliness that plagued his existence lay in the void beneath him.

But the man's words pierced through his anguish, pleading with him to reconsider. Chris, offering a sliver of mercy, granted the man thirty seconds to speak.

Tears streamed down Chris's face as the man uttered the name of his parents.

In that moment, an overwhelming wave of sorrow crashed over him, the realization of their absence hitting him with an unbearable weight.

With a voice choked by grief, he cried out to the crowd, revealing the emptiness that had consumed him since their tragic departure.

The onlookers, touched by the depths of his suffering, recognized the magnitude of his pain. They whispered among themselves, acknowledging the heavy burden this young boy had carried.

The man's own tears mingled with Chris's, their shared anguish forming an unbreakable bond. He assured Chris that if his parents were still alive, they would never want him to end his own life.

They would desire only the best for him, encouraging him to persevere. The man emphasized that Chris was not alone in his struggles.

Reminding him that many others had faced profound pain and yet emerged victorious, finding success against all odds. Love and support, he insisted, could be found in unexpected places.

But Chris, overwhelmed by bitterness and the belief that he was unloved, lashed out. He expressed his frustration, recounting the good deeds he had performed in the orphanage, only to be met with indifference and hatred.

The memories of his enemies, Justin and the others, enjoying a better life while he suffered, tore at his wounded heart. In that moment.

He realized the harsh reality that some people simply refused to acknowledge the potential and greatness within others, choosing instead to nurture their own animosity.

Leonard, witnessing Chris's agony and desperation, stepped forward with compassion in his eyes.

He spoke softly, his voice carrying a profound weight of wisdom and empathy. "If you have the courage to kill yourself, why don't you have the courage to live?"

Leonard's words hung in the air, resonating deep within Chris's wounded soul.

A hush fell over the crowd as Leonard continued, his voice steady yet filled with compassion. "Nobody loves you? Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places, my boy.

Love can be found even in the darkest corners of our lives, in the most unexpected moments. You are not defined by the rejection of others or the pain you have endured.

You are defined by your resilience, your capacity to rise above the hardships, and your ability to find purpose in your existence."

Chris wiped away his tears, feeling a glimmer of hope pierce through the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

Leonard's words struck a chord within him, challenging him to reconsider his perspective on life.

The crowd, captivated by the profoundness of Leonard's message, marveled at the transformation unfolding before their eyes.

With newfound clarity, Chris mustered the strength to ask the man his identity, and the answer struck the crowd with awe.

Leonard Andanch, the head of the esteemed Adanch Group of companies, stood before them.

The realization that this powerful and successful figure had appeared in public, known for rarely making public appearances, left the onlookers in a state of bewilderment.

As Leonard offered to adopt Chris, the crowd held its breath, eagerly anticipating his response. People exchanged puzzled glances, wondering why Chris hesitated.

While others speculated about his reluctance to be a part of the Leonard family. With determination shining in his eyes, Chris dashed toward Leonard, embracing him tightly.

After Chris and Leonard embraced each other, a fleet of ten black Mercedes-Benz limousines surrounded them.

The crowd watched in awe as they realized these cars had arrived for Leonard and Chris, though Chris remained unaware of the reason.

Leonard informed Chris that they would be going to a hotel together, where they would finalize the adoption papers at the orphanage the following day.

Chris agreed, his heart filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, while the astonished onlookers tried to piece together what was happening.

As they descended from the luxurious Mercedes-Benz limousine, Betty, Leonard's personal secretary, and Carl, the head of the Junior Bodyguard team, approached them.

They greeted Leonard, expressing their concern for his safety and apologizing for not receiving a prior call.

Chris stood there, amazed at the sight of Carl, a large and intimidating figure, expressing fear and deference towards Leonard. The crowd, witnessing this unexpected display of respect, was left astounded.

However, Leonard reassured Carl, telling him there was no need for punishment and that his presence was welcomed.

He explained that they could use Carl's assistance since they had arrived and wouldn't require any taxis.

Carl, relieved by Leonard's response, accepted the opportunity to serve and protect, dismissing any thoughts of fear.

Meanwhile, Betty, observing Chris's presence with a sense of sympathy, wondered if he needed financial assistance or some other form of support.

However, her thoughts were interrupted when Leonard instructed her to ensure that news of his public appearance did not spread, and to maintain confidentiality regarding Chris's adoption.

Betty was taken aback, momentarily lost for words, as she processed the revelation. Leonard clarified, emphasizing the importance of keeping the adoption discreet, and declared that Chris would now be known as Chris Andanch, a part of the Andanch family.

Overwhelmed with joy, Chris began to realize that after a long and arduous journey, he was finally gaining a father and a family.

Betty approached Chris, bowing down before him, and introduced herself as Leonard's junior secretary.

She assured him that she would fulfill his every request and need. Chris, still trying to comprehend the sudden turn of events, urged her to rise, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity.

With everything in place, they embarked on a few hours' journey to their destination, De la Palms Hotel.

As the motorcade arrived at the luxurious hotel, Chris stared wide-eyed at the grandeur before him.

The thought of a new beginning, a life filled with love and opportunities, filled his heart with hope.

The doors of the hotel opened, and with Leonard by his side, Chris stepped into a world of endless possibilities, leaving behind the pain and sorrow that had haunted him for far too long.

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