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Chapter 13: Thirteen: Training P.1


"Alright! Shall we start this meeting?"

The king says as he puts his hands on the desk, clasping them together then looks at his butler who simply nods his head. The butler begins to build a barrier inside the office to not let anyone be eavesdropping on their meeting. The king smiles at the butler who nods again, his face void of emotions. "Please take a seat." The king says as the chairs in front of him were enough for everyone to sit on so everyone sits on the chairs. "Now tell me what happened and why we have this human-demon like person named Corey came to be?" The king asks and Luke immediately explains the situation and events that happened yesterday.

The king nods his head, understanding what Luke has been explaining. The king bows his head a little and sighs once Luke was done. "What a turn of events. I didn't think that it would happen this quickly." The king says which made everyone confused. "What do you mean, uncle?" Akalea asks and the king looks at her. "I have a person, I call her an Oracle, who can predict the future of something that will either bring chaos or peace in this Realm of ours. Her powers of seeing or predicting the future is different than others who have this. She can see clearly the happenings while others are more of a blur. Last week, she told me that something will happen to the academy but didn't know when. All she saw were a big tree, a portal, two human-demon like people and a very powerful person who was wearing a butler uniform."

The king says which made everyone's eyes widen. Luke was confused because he didn't see the butler. "Butler? I didn't see a butler." Luke says and he felt angry now that he remembered that the girl disappeared maybe because of the butler who he didn't see. "Calm down, honey." Liliana coos Luke to calm down which he eventually did. "I saw the butler." Akalea says which made everyone look at her, even Corey who looked shocked. "There was a moment of when the time stopped and someone came out of the portal wearing the butler suit. He said that their king ordered him to bring his daughter back. He also said that they don't need Corey to come back with them hence that's why he's here. He said that they were planning on something and I think it's something we should be preparing for."

Akalea explains and looks at everyone who were listening. "The butler told me to take care of Corey because he didn't want him to be involved in their plan." Akalea looks at Corey as she says this. "He said he was sorry because he called you 'useless' and 'of no importance' as he was talking to your sister. He probably said that so your sister won't find you and take you back with them. He also said that you're a good kid that's why he did what he did because he doesn't want you to get dragged into your family's mess." Akalea explains to Corey who just had his head down, nodding his head as Akalea could feel his sadness. "The butler was strong. He said that he hoped to not face me soon. I'm guessing soon really means soon."

Akalea says as she looks at her uncle who has his eyebrows furrowed, thinking of something. "Well, I'll have to go to the Oracle later after the meeting and have you all be informed with what she'll say. You can also inform this to your trusted people about this." The king says and Sir Akane, Luke and Liliana nod their heads while Akalea and Corey were confused as to why they'll be informed as well. "Why include us?" Akalea asks and Corey nods, agreeing with the question. "You're family, Akalea. Also, I may or may not know what you're already made of because of this father you have who keeps bragging about you." The king looks at his brother who had a flattered look as he sheepishly smiles while rubbing the back of his head. Akalea sees this and facepalmed herself.

"As for Corey, you should be informed in this because the people we'll be facing may be your own family. I want you to know because you're also involved in this." The king says and Corey nods his head. "Besides, with all the bragging that my brother kept telling me about Akalea, I can tell whatever Akalea is doing is with good intentions and reasons. So, if she brought you with her means that she can tell you're a good person and someone she wants to help." The king says which Corey slowly looks at Akalea and slowly smiles before looking away. The king sees this and he smiles as well.

"How about I take you under my wing?" The king says which everyone gasped in shock as well did the butler who was shocked by his majesty's words. "My king, that would be-" The butler tries to reason out with the king but the king held up his finger to stop the butler from speaking. "I'm doing this not because I want you to fight for our Realm against your family. I'm saying this because I know how you feel. We are both lonely and want family affection. I can become a father to you and you can become a son to me. I don't have anyone else I can call a family besides my brother and my niece plus my trusted butler over there as I was too busy with my duties as king. But I would love to have someone I can call a son while I'm rotting away in this palace."

The king says with a fatherly smile to Corey who looks at him perplexed and shocked as to why he's going so far as to do that. Corey could feel the king's fatherly love even though they just met. Corey kinda liked that someone was willing to become a father for him to love than his own father who was neglecting him. Corey was thinking to himself on what he should do. He wants to but he was afraid that he might cause troubles to the king if ever people will know that the person who the king calls a son is a human-demon and the son of the king of the Nether Realm. Corey was split into those two thoughts as he closed his eyes, tearing up. Either wanting his own loving father or making the kingdom go against the king for letting Corey become his son.

Corey begins to tremble from just thinking of the endless possibilities if he chooses one of them. Everyone was silently watching Corey as they wait for his decision. The king sees Corey acting like that pains him knowing the things he experienced before and that he might be split into two decisions. "Corey?" The king calls out to him softly which Corey didn't budge or look up even though he wanted to but he was afraid. "Corey?" Akalea calls him softly and Corey slowly puts up his head, hearing Akalea's voice.

"It doesn't matter what you choose as long as you're happy with it. No matter what troubles that comes to the king or to us, we will face them together, okay? I'm the one who brought you with me so I'm responsible for you. Whatever you choose to do, we will support you." Akalea says softly and gently as she puts her hand on his arm, giving his a reassuring squeeze. Corey slowly nods his head, making up his mind just from her words. Corey looks at the king as he stands up. Corey bows his head, his upper body bending to 90 degrees. "I would like to be called your son." Corey said slowly but firm with his decision.

The king smiles at Corey, thankful for Akalea talking to him and helping him make up his mind. "I would love to be called your father." The king stands and walks over to Corey, helping him stand up from his bow. "I won't ask you about your past nor ask you if you heard anything about your father's plan. I want you to tell me things on your own accord when you have fully acknowledge me as someone you trust and confide in. I don't care if you're the son of the king of the Nether Realm or if you're a human-demon person. From now on, you are reborn as my son and I'll see you as is." The king's gentle and firm words brought more tears to Corey's eyes.

As Corey started to cry, the king pulls Corey in his arms and letting him cry on his shoulders. "Th-Thank you." Corey says wholeheartedly as the thought and determination of protecting his new found family with all he's got. Once Corey was done crying, the king lets go of him to look at him again. "I'm sorry I stained your robe.... sir." Corey says seeing the tear stain on the king's clothes and didn't know what to call him, yet. "You can call me father and it's fine, I can change into new ones." The king says with a smile as he pretends to dust off the stain with a smug look. Everyone laughs at the King's actions while the butler was smiling a bit, happy that he sees the king acting like himself again.

"Congrats, Kalid!" Akane walks over to his brother, the king, Kalid and wraps his arm around his shoulders as he congratulates him on having a son. "Thank you, Akane." Kalid, the king, thanks Akane with a smile while looking at him, finally becoming as happy as he was before when the family was together. "Sir Luke, may I ask if it's alright with you to take my son as a student in the academy? Can you place him in Akalea's classes as well so they can stay together if ever something happens." The king, Kalid, asks Luke who nods his head smiling. "No problem, my king." Luke says and Kalid scoffs at Luke. "Why don't you stop with the my king, Luke? We're the only ones here so stop being the stiff ass guy here." Kalid says which Luke laughs and stood up.

He wraps his arm over Akane's arm and around Kalid's shoulders. "I was being the headmaster in front of my students, ya know? You're the stiff ass guy here." Luke says as he, Kalid and Akane laugh together, laughing like they don't care about the world. Liliana was watching them, laughing at her own doofus of a husband and his two best friends. "Oh, right. My baby, did you know that Luke is our bestfriend from when we were kids till now? I mean besides being gone for 20 years." Akane says to Akalea who looked shocked from the information but she laughs when Kalid and Luke glared at Akane when he said being gone for 20 years.

"Yeah! Why the fuck did you disappear when it was about time for one of us to become king? For 20 years you were gone and we finally found you in a middle of a forest, you idiot!" Kalid says and Akane pulls his arm back, runs away seeing that Kalid was about to smack him in the head. Kalid being the older brother from the two, he was really worried about his younger brother who suddenly disappeared. "Come on, Kalid. I didn't want to become the king so I left it with you by disappearing. I'm sorry, okay? I was going to come back after a year but I found the love of my life. We married, built our home and had Akalea." Akane explains and stopped running at the mention of his love.

His expression grew grim and everyone could see it. "I was wondering why I didn't see a female with you when you arrived here." Kalid says and Akane looks at him. "She died a few days after giving birth to Akalea. She was killed by a demon." Akane says and Kalid puts his hand to his mouth in shock as everyone else but Akalea look at Akane with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry." Kalid, Luke and Liliana were sad for Akane and Akalea hearing the news. "She might not be?" Akalea says out loud as Akane looks at her. "What do you mean, my baby?" Akane asks and Akalea was hesitating whether to say it or not.

"Well..." Akalea explains that she stumbled upon Zeke, Zoey then Colton, telling them what happened that Colton said what he said to Akalea before that her mother is still alive and she's hiding due to someone attacking their kingdom. Akane looks at Akalea with a shocked face. "So, you mean, Lea is still alive?" Akane asks and Akalea nods her head. "I thought she died. I saw it with my eyes. I even buried her with my own hands." Akane says as he looks at his hands. "I don't know how mother's alive after all that but there must be a reason why it ended that way." Akalea says and Akane nods his head, understanding. "There must be. Since I'm needed here in the palace, I have a mission for you, my Akalea." Akane says and Akalea stood up, nodding her head.

"When the time comes and you are needed to find your mother, find her at all cost and bring her home." Akane says and Akalea nods her head, determined. "You can bring the survivors here, too. Our kingdom can house them until their kingdom is alright." Kalid, the king, says and Akalea nods her head. "So for now, I would like everyone to take their seats first. I have an announcement." Kalid says as he walks over to his chair as they all sit back down.

"In two months, there will be a tournament held by each of the Kingdom here in the Middle Realm. Each Kingdom will bring 15 candidates to represent their kingdoms. They also have to be in the age ranging of 17-21. As to why 15 candidates, the first round is an elimination round. They want as much as 15 candidates in each kingdom to pose as a fair judgement and for the kingdoms to have higher chances of having their own candidates winning. Right now, I'm still looking for 4 candidates who can be candidates and I'm asking if you two can become 2 of the 4 candidates I'm looking for." Kalid explains and asks Akalea and Corey, who were perplexed.

"I'm asking you Akalea because I know I can trust my brother's daughter, my niece, who he has trained for practically your whole life. I'm asking you Corey because I want you to improve and explore new experiences since you just got here. Also because I want you to have fun as my son." Kalid says which Akalea and Corey smile at him. "We'll accept." Akalea and Corey say at the same time and Kalid nods his head. "You two should go train right away after this meeting." Akane says and the mention of training made Akalea's eyes twinkle, this made Akane laugh at his own training-holic of a daughter.

"I bid you good luck and have fun when the tournament comes." Kalid says which Akalea and Corey nod their heads with smiles on their faces. "Luke, I would like you to gather the top 11 Rankers in your seniors and tell them about the tournament coming up in two months so they can prepare." Kalid says and Luke nods his head. "I'm sorry my son but I don't think we'll have that much time to hang out as father and son since you'll be preparing for the tournament." Kalid says, looking at Corey apologetically. "It's okay, father. After the tournament, I'll be visiting you a lot so be prepared for that!" Corey says, for the first time in his life, saying those words with a smile.

"I'll be looking forward to that, my son. Now, off you guys go. The meeting is done." Kalid says and the rest stood up from their seats and bow to the king and his brother. "Bye father!" Akalea and Corey bid farewell to their fathers before leaving, trailing behind Luke, Liliana and the butler who was leading them back to the portal. "I would like to thank you, Mr. Corey and Ms. Akalea." The butler says, carefully saying their name as he doesn't want anyone to hear him say princess and prince, as they arrive in front of the portal and the two were confused. "It's been a long time since I saw a genuine and happy smile on the face of my king. Like my king, I don't care where you were from or what or who you are cause you are now reborn." The butler says and looks at Corey at the end, both Akalea and Corey smile at him.

"Please call me, Butler Balinsky or just Bali cause that's what my king calls me. I, we, will await for your return." The butler says as he bows then Luke, Liliana bid their goodbyes before walking into the portal. Akalea and Corey did the same, bidding their goodbyes and entering the portal. Once the four of them were back in the chambers of portals, they head out of the chamber, Luke and Liliana leading the way out towards the hallways and the four of them part ways, bidding each other goodbyes. Akalea and Corey to Clara's room while Luke and Liliana to Luke's office. "Akalea?" A voice was heard in Akalea's mind which made her jump a little, frightened.

"This is Liliana. I'm sorry for suddenly talking to you telepathically but I forgot to tell you that I'll be teaching you about being a Protector and we'll be training right after. We'll start tonight at 7pm at the Arena Luke showed you before." When Liliana introduced herself, Akalea calms down as she walks while reassuring Corey, who jumped as well cause Akalea suddenly jumped while they were walking, that she was fine. "Okay. See you!" Akalea says telepathically, thinking the words. Akalea and Corey arrived in front of Clara's room and knocked twice. They could hear shuffling and a thud before the door opens, a disheveled Clara.

"What happened?" Akalea asks and Clara laughs. "I was practicing my wind power and it.... didn't go well." Clara says pointing at her hair and her clothes. "Well, we'll wait for you to get ready then we'll go somewhere for the training." Akalea says and Clara nods her head, she then notices Corey who was looking at Clara as if he feeling the 'love at first sight' phrase. "Hi?" Clara greets and Corey snaps out of his dazed stare, nervously smiling at Clara. "H-Hi! I'm Corey!" Corey says a bit too loud and awkward which Clara couldn't help but giggle at Corey. Corey blushed and was flustered that he saw her giggle even though her hair and clothes were disheveled. "I'm Clara. Nice to meet you. I'll be right back out." Clara says and looks at Akalea at the end before closing the door to get ready.

After 5 minutes, Clara got out, wearing a short sleeved shirt, leather leggings and shoes. Akalea nods at her attire and they head towards the arena. Clara was just blindly following Akalea until she saw a big double door leading to a big building. "Woah." Clara says and she hears something opening, then looks at the big doors. "Welcome back, master." A voice calls out which freaked Clara out as the three of them enter the arena. Akalea was stunned to see the Rankers, the three instructors and Akalea's companions training in areas that they divided themselves. The Rankers pairing up in duels, the instructors and Dawn pairing up in duels as well while Zeke and Zoey were being trained by Colton. ---Wow there's a lot of names that starts with C XD.---

"Hey guys, we're back!" Akalea yells her words as she, Corey and Clara were walking towards them, her waving at them. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see Akalea, Corey and Clara walk towards them. Clara was confused and shocked to see the Rankers, the instructors and three new faces in the arena where duels and challenges were being held at. Once Akalea, Corey and Clara arrived near everyone else, Akalea clears her throat. "Guys, this is Clara." Akalea says pointing at Clara who was shyly waving at everyone. "I'm sure you know the Rankers and the instructors here except those three." Akalea says as she pointing at Zeke, Zoey and Colton as Clara nods her head.

"He is Zeke, she's Zoey and this guy is Colton." Akalea introduces the three to Clara. "Nice to meet you." Everyone says to Clara who shyly nods her head. "Is she going to train with us?" Colton asks and Akalea nods her head. "As to why she is....." Akalea tells everyone what happened and why Akalea will be training her. "You gotta beat her ass. We'll be cheering you on!" Zeke says, angry at what Clara experienced and encourage her at the same time. Clara just giggles seeing everyone were nodding their heads, agreeing with Zeke. "Okay, now that we're back. Why don't we do some warm ups?" Akalea says as she motions them to make a circle around her as she'll lead the stretching. As they were stretching, the double doors creaked open, everyone looked to see people coming inside with appliances while Liliana and Luke were behind them.

"Sorry for interrupting your warm ups. I forgot to tell them to do the kitchen before we went to the portal." Liliana says, apologizing to everyone and to Akalea, who just told her that it was okay. After the warm ups, the people with the appliances placed the appliances to where Akalea said the kitchen should be. The people begin to move their arms, the appliances being connected to each other, the frigde working alright, the stove, the plugs, the pans, plates, utensils going to their places and with that, the kitchen was done in no time. Akalea and everyone were amazed by how fast they set up the kitchen. ---Gotta love powers.---

When the people were done, they left with Liliana and Luke trailing behind them. Everyone in the arena were watching them leave and when the double doors closed, everyone looks at Akalea. "Okay, now everyone should make 7 lines with 2 people in each line except for 1 since you are all 15." Akalea says as she walks in front of everyone who were going to their lines, two in each plus another line that has only 1. "Give some space between yourselves from the people in front, behind, on your right and left side of you." Akalea says so as to let them have enough space to move while not hitting the person and everyone does so.

"Perfect." Akalea says with a smile and claps her hands. "Hm... Since we have 30 minutes till lunch. Woah." Akalea says as she looks at the clock above the kitchen, realizing that they have 30 minutes before lunch. "For now, lets try to hold out one of the powers you have or want to use. I mean like go all out, push it all out and hold it. I will see the potential of everyone here and help you out with what you need to be helped with." Akalea says as they all nod their heads. Dawn using wind, Shawn using fire, Troy using speed, Marcus using shapeshifting, Bach using invisibility, Dean using stealth, Amy using telekinesis, Eve phasing to and from a wall, Alice holding out the green aura for healing, Kint doing the same with Alice but with blue aura, Josh using telekinesis, Newt using forcefield that surrounds him, Zeke using invisibility, Zoey using flying, Colton using lightning on his palms, Clara using wind, and lastly, Corey using heat ray vision where his eyes just go red trying to not let the lasers out as to hold it.

Akalea was looking at everyone's powers and nods her head at everyone. Akalea could see a lot of potential with everyone as they all have their own unique potentials, especially Dawn, Shawn, Colton, Clara, Corey and Newt. Akalea could see huge aura surrounding the 6 of them which shocked her as everyone else were having good amount of aura which is potential for Akalea. "Hold it until Lunch time." Akalea says and right off the bat, Akalea and everyone else hear a little boom, looks to where the boom was at. Everyone sees Clara with a disheveled hair and a disappointed look. "Everyone concentrate." Akalea says and everyone went back to what they were doing as she walks over to Clara, wondering what had happened.

Akalea stood in front of Clara to check and since she concealed her powers, aura, scent plus her eyes, only a little power of hers are out. Akalea looks at Clara, who looked sad. "I don't know why but whenever I try to practice my powers, it always ends up with a boom." Clara says and Akalea went behind Clara, placing her palms on the center of her back. Akalea closes her eyes while Clara was confused at what she was doing. Akalea felt as if something was holding Clara's powers back and Akalea opens her yes, her brows furrowed.

"Did your family ever mention anything to you about your powers or anything related to that?" Akalea says as Clara shakes her head, no. "Do you mind if I lift up your shirt a little?" Akalea asks, taking a glance at Clara, who hesitated to answer but nonetheless nods her head. "T-There's something there a-actually. I have a-" Clara didn't finish her sentence when she felt the wind hit her skin as her shirt was being lifted. Akalea sees some kind of circle in the middle of her back. Akalea traced the circle and Akalea's eyes widen when she saw the circle brightens a bit in bluish-white hue. "What were you saying? You have a what?" Akalea asks and Clara hesitates again, gulping down her saliva nervously.

"My parents say that I was an unlucky child. They said 1 in a million children will be born with a circle at their back but I never listened to them. They said the circle meant the child was unlucky and many of them died early because of it. They also told me not to reveal the circle and not to use my powers often. I didn't think much of the circle and what they said but I have been feeling burning sensations on where the circle was at whenever I practice my powers. That's why I don't practice that often anymore." Clara whispers to Akalea's ear after she calms down, thinking over in saying it to Akalea or not. Akalea nods her head after listening to Clara's explanation. Akalea was perplexed as it was her first time hearing this. Well, a lot of things became a first to me when I arrived here. Akalea thinks to herself.

"Clara, can you close your eyes for me? I want you to try something." Akalea asks and Clara closes her eyes. "Calm your breathing and I want you to imagine the circle on your back." Akalea says and Clara does what she said. Clara imagining the circle on her back which slowly forms into shape in the dark void of her imagination which stunned Clara as to why it was so dark. Akalea puts her palms on the middle of the circle and just like before, the bluish-white hue that surrounded the circle became brighter than before.

"Breathe slowly while imagining a bluish-white hue surrounding that circle." Akalea instructs and Clara does so. Clara begins to see the bluish-white hue surrounding the circle slowly, the hue brightens up the dark void and Clara was stunned again. Clara sees a ball with bluish-white hue surrounding it like a shield in the center of the circle. Akalea closes her eyes and releases a bit more of her power to see into what Clara was seeing. Akalea felt like she was sucked into the circle, finding herself looking at what Clara was looking at. Akalea also sees the shielded ball. "Continue to breathe slowly and put your hand out to reach for that ball." Akalea instructed as Clara was confused on how Akalea knew what she was seeing but she'll ask that later as she did as what she was told. Clara puts out her hand and to her surprise, a hand reached out to the shielded ball.

Once the hand was near the ball, the bluish-white hue of the circle surges outward towards Clara's hand. Clara felt pain shot up her hand then to her whole arm which Akalea also felt the pain, biting her lip to not yelp out. "Withstand the pain. Reach out to the ball until you can feel and hold the ball unto your palm." Clara bites her lips, bullets of sweat falling down her face as the pain slowly increased and the pain went to Clara's upper body. Clara pushed her hand through the pain and reached for the ball as the pain was almost felt all around her body. Akalea was also feeling the pain all over her body as she was within Clara.

Clara could only touch the ball with the tip of her middle finger before Clara was sucked out of her imagination with a swoosh, bringing her back to reality and opens her eyes, breathing heavily. Akalea pulls her hand out when she was pushed out of Clara, falling on her butt, breathing heavily. I have never seen, felt nor experienced anything like that before. Akalea thinks to herself, trying to calm her breathing and her heart from beating so fast. Clara felt a little woozy so she slowly kneeled then sat on the ground, holding her head. "How are you feeling?" Akalea asks Clara who just laughs nervously. "Awful but that was cool. That was the first time I saw that ball." Clara says and Akalea looks over to the others who were sweating from holding out their powers.

"You'll take a break first after going through that." Akalea instructs and stood up, Clara nods her head as she tries to calm herself down. Akalea walks to the front and looks at the clock, 10 minutes more till lunch time. As Akalea was about to say something, the double doors made a noise and opens up. Akalea turns her head to see Liliana and Luke walking towards them with bags in their hands. "We brought ingredients for lunch though we don't know what you'll make so we brought a variety of them." Liliana says, bringing the bags up to her face to show Akalea with a smile as she and Luke head over to the kitchen. Akalea smiles and looks at everyone who were growing tired.

"Okay, everyone take a break and wait for a little while for the food." Akalea says as everyone stops holding their powers, some fell to the ground breathing heavily and some were standing trying to calm their breathing. Akalea walks to the kitchen and towards the couple in front who brought ingredients. "Thank you and sorry for making you do such trivial things 'cause of me." Akalea says as she helps organize the ingredients, also seeing sauces and spices which made her smile. "It's no problem. I told you that I'll come by to your trainings and eat your food, didn't I?" Liliana says and Akalea laughs while nodding her head. "Okay, lets start cooking, shall we?" Akalea asks herself as she organizes the things she'll need and use.

Akalea starts cooking some meat, some stir fried and some boiled, cooked soup with meat and vegetables, sees chicken and begins to fried it along with cooked rice. As Akalea was cooking, the aroma of the food filled the arena where everyone was smelling the deliciousness even if its simple. Akalea finishes cooking and begins to put them into bowls and plates, putting them to the side. By now, everyone was already huddling near the food. Akalea looks at them and released a little bit of power. The power to replenish, basically replenish/gaining back your strength and power after using them due to training or due to fighting by consuming the food and it even removes the fatigue of the body.

I used Reveal, the see into power where I see into what Clara sees, then this Replenish power. Three powers used, seven more to go. Akalea thinks to herself as she hovers her palms over the food and closes her eyes. Little green sparkles begin to fall from Akalea's palms to the food and everyone was watching this with wide eyes, shocked at what she's doing. "What are you doing?" Alice asks, along with the rest, curious at to what the green sparkles were. "You'll see." Akalea says softly with a smile and pulls her hands back. "It would be nice if there were tables where we can sit on." Akalea says as everyone were taking their portion of the food, realizing that now.

Then, out of nowhere, the ground begins to shake which left everyone panicking. "An earthquake?" That question got out of Bach's lips then everyone could begin to see the ground growing and begins to form into tables and chairs enough for everyone to sit on. Akalea and everyone else look at Dawn who had the power of earth, seeing his hand outstretched towards where the table and chairs were at. Dawn let out what little power he had left in him to make the tables and chairs for everyone. "Sometimes, man, I could just kiss you but want to stay away from you on the other times." Zachary playfully says as he takes a seat and everyone laughs, following suit and taking their seats.

"Thank you, Akalea and Dawn." Everyone thanks Akalea for the food and Dawn for the tables and chairs. "Don't mention it." Akalea says, shyly hiding her blushing face. First time cooking for someone else other than my father... But it somehow feels wholesome. Akalea thinks to herself, standing and watching over everyone who began to eat, waiting for their reactions. Everyone took a bite into their food and felt a surge of powerful waves from their mouths to their whole body, feeling replenished. Their strength and power slowly coming back while their fatigue also slowly disappeared. "Wow! Akalea, what did you do? I suddenly feel a surge of waves after taking a bite. I could feel my strength and power slowly coming back while the fatigue is slowly going away!"

Clara says after gulping down the bite and feeling the surge of waves, shocked and amazed. "Oh, those sparkles earlier? That was one of my powers, its called the power to replenish. This power is able to make your strength and power come back by consuming food sprinkled with the sparkles and it also erases fatigue in the body." Akalea says, her eyes twinkling and everyone was looking at her, half surprised and half not at all since it's Akalea but it was something to be amazed about as it isn't something that people with powers have or are born with. "That's awesome. I would gladly take your trainings everyday if I can eat your food right after." Zeke says, happily biting into his food as everyone nods their head, agreeing with Zeke.

"How many powers do you really have, Akalea? I mean who are you?" Shawn asks, bewildered but also in awe of Akalea. Everyone was looking at Akalea, waiting for her answer as they all simultaneously take bites on their food which scared Akalea. "I..... I can't answer that..... now. Is all I can say. There will be a time where I'll tell you guys everything. I'm sorry." Akalea says, her head lowering from feeling bad of not telling them but she felt a hand on her head. "It's okay. As long as you're showing us you, as yourself, then its fine." Akalea lifts her head up and sees it was Dawn's voice that she heard, sees his hand on her head as well. Akalea looks over his shoulder, everyone was looking at her with smiles and nodding their heads, telling her its fine then looks back at Dawn who was now stiff and cheeks blushing.

Akalea laughs and Dawn sits back down, clearing his throat before continuing to eat. Akalea gets her portion which was the last one and sits on the empty seat which was between Colton and Dawn. Akalea smiles again before beginning to take a bite into her food. After everyone ate their lunch, everyone begins to stand up and move a bit to help the digestion as Akalea takes each of their plates, bowls and utensils to the sink to wash them but was stopped by Liliana who held her hand gently. Akalea looks at the owner's hand and sees Liliana with Luke behind her. "We'll take it from here. You go rest with the others." Liliana says with a smile while Luke pushes Akalea away from the dishes which made Akalea chuckle.

Akalea and everyone else waited till after 30-45 minutes before they can start training again. Akalea was in the center of the arena, sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, eyes closed and her breathing slow and steady. Everyone was watching her, curious at what she's doing so they walk towards her, surrounding her in a circle and does what she's doing. Everyone does what Akalea was doing and close their eyes, breathing slow and steady. "Since everyone is here, I would like everyone to try something that I discovered myself from the years of training with and without my fa-master." Akalea says and coughs at the end to hide her mistake. Everyone was stunned that Akalea knew they were surrounding her since they were quiet and careful when they did it.

Everyone awaits to what Akalea will say next as Liliana and Luke look at the ones training in front of them, as if watching over their children to take charge if something happens. "I want everyone to close their eyes and breathe deeply and steadily." Akalea says and does what she just said to them. Everyone follows suit and waits for the next instruction. "I want everyone to start imagining of a dark void or an abyss where nothing is there." Akalea says and everyone tries to imagine what she said. "Once you see the dark void or the abyss, I want you to imagine a ball with a colored hue. The colored hue of the ball depends on your powers so try to concentrate and see what the color or colors are around or on the ball." Akalea says carefully and loud so everyone can hear. Everyone started to concentrate even more to try and imagine the colored hue ball.

As everyone was starting to see a ball forming in their imagination, Corey was having a hard time and was sweating. Each and everyone who was concentrating and trying, begins to see their own ball forming as they also begin to see little bits of colored hue around and on the ball while Corey was feeling so lost in the dark void. "Once you see the colored hue ball, try to reach out to it. It can be a light touch to the ball or if you could hold it with your palm then go ahead. Don't force yourself if it starts to become hard. If you feel pain, you can stop if you want and try again but if you can withstand it, the better." Akalea says as she reaches out to her colorful ball, holding it in her palm, feeling the strength and power inside the ball.

Some were doing good, withstanding the pain of reaching to their own ball while others stopped and tried again due to the pain. Akalea opens her eyes and looks at everyone who were trying hard and trying their best. Luke and Liliana were just silently watching, to see what Akalea's doing will be something that can help everyone improve. Corey tried and tried again, concentrating and calming down his breaths. After a few more tries, Corey finally sees a faint form of a ball in a distance. Corey concentrated some more and the ball continues to grow as it begins to form a better ball, now that he's closer. Corey patiently waits to see what the colored hue ball he has but all of a sudden...



Hey guys!! What's uppp! How's the chapter going? How ya'll doing? Comment down your thoughts about the book or a specific line in this chapter. I would love to read them. Spread love not hate guys!

I hope you guys like this chapter and the previous ones as well as my entire book huhu. I would like to recommend reading my other book which is My Wishing Star which can be found in my profile! Its a Kpop related book that's kind of a fanfiction and a fantasy where the mc has- okay not going to spoil itt so why not reading it yourselves!

Thank you for reading my book and hopefully my other book as well! Love you all and see you in the next chapterrr!


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