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Author: Voider

© WebNovel



"This is the place, right?":???

"yeah, this is the coordinate,":???

This conversation happening right now is the precursor to a great catastrophe starting in the vastness of space in front of the two beings talking right now.

They both have ridiculous heights, something human mind cannot imagine, they're so big you can't see the start nor the end of their bodies, but you can tell they have humanoid figures, their eyes are like lanterns in the darkness illuminating the surroundings, nothing else can be noticed in their faces except the eyes, their body is reddish from head to toe with multiple tails in the back and double horns on each of their shoulders, instead of hands they have a sword and a shield in the right and left attached like limbs. The two beings are standing in the emptiness of space with a black fire as a plateau, the fire is darker than the space surrounding it, yet it can be seen so clearly.

Strange as they seem, they have great power, as in a flash "crack, crack" the first one slashes in front of him with the sword and shatters the space for millions of light years away, but to a being his size it's only a dozen steps away.

The second one conjures a drop of water from nothing, and throws it in the shattered space, in only a few seconds the drop of water split into multiple water droplets with the same size. The water kept on splitting until it became a lake and then an ocean of water; it kept on growing and growing, at some point that great space crack became filled with water until it spilled outside of it, to the dark space.

"And that's mission complete!":???

"hey Draden, it's not over yet we have to make sure it strikes right now,":???

"I knew, I knew, but can't we give them a chance…, I mean look at these puny lives, with one look from me they Die, how can they be a threat to ###$&##%, Summior you're always so serious, you need to let go sometimes, being hardworking won't make you any better than us lazy buns,": Draden.

"I don't want to be forced to sleep in that damned place for eons any sooner, so we have to make sure everything goes according to the plan.": Summior.

As the two beings, Draden and Summior keeps talking, they seem to be looking in front of them but there is only that great body of water in front, what could they possibly be seeing, and what mission are they doing, the bigger question is, who can make such great figures with almighty power to serve him and do his bidding??


The morning sun is shining its golden rays upon the earth, reflecting rainbow colors on the water's droplets hanging off the flowers and tree leaves. This is a rarely seen sight of pure greenery where nature is undisturbed by any unnatural intervention.

While it may look beautiful, danger is lurking in every inch of this jungle, you can hear the roars of different animals, predators and prey alike, the shaking of the earth from time to time and the buzzing of killer insects is like a ticking clock. In the depths of this forest, a great battle unlike any other is happening, a giant bear and a tiger king are shredding each other apart, fighting for a fallen prey.

With wide strides the bear charges forward, raising his right paw to the sky and then 'swoosh', the paw falls directly in the back of the tiger easily sinking in the flesh and tearing it apart, but the tiger is not to be trifled with. It withstood the pain with only a few growls and then lungs at the bear headfirst, biting its neck and tearing like mad, skin, hair, flesh and bones, nothing can stop those sharp fangs and claws of the tiger.

Like this, the two predators kept on fighting for two hours straight, until they both succumbed to injuries, dying and falling in front of their prey. ~Silence~

A few seconds passed, minutes, and then half an hour passed with nothing but quiet in the place, something quite eerie if you thought about it. But then like some kind of pass was given, a pack of hyenas come charging in hauling the falling tiger and scurrying off, judging by their speed and coordination, it's not their first time.

After the first pack of animals others came and started eating the flesh of the bear and the fallen prey which by the way is a big gazelle. It may look cruel but this is the law of the jungle, if the bear won none of these weaker animals will dare encroach upon it but it's dead now, so it's serving its new role, a great source of protein!

While animals are eating or taking with them what they can, a little further away from the scene, just behind some low bushes, if you look carefully, you will find there is someone there, different from the other animals this is a human being, dressed in animal fur covering only his private parts, a big sack of hide containing some tools like a wooden axe and a big black rock and other strange miscellaneous stuff.

The human looks young, about 15 years old but with a great physique, his naked upper body is sculpted with beautiful and symmetrical muscles. A lot of scars are covering his body showing the great struggle he went through in his life. With black short hair, black eyes and a little stubble.

The boy is the epitome of focus and quiet, laying in the earth between weeds, little insects keep on walking in and out of his ears, nose or even across his unflinching eyes. Looking in front at the scene of animals feasting on their meal, waiting for his chance to dine too, he's also an animal, searching for prey to eat. Hours went like this until all there is left is a couple black wolves in the scene, the boy stood up quietly at that moment zigzagging his way through the trees and bushes until he's only a few feet away from the nearest wolf.

Taking the wooden axe from his bag, the boy took a big jump all of a sudden and then with both hands on the handle and with great precision, a swift strike to the neck separates the head from the body of the wolf.

"THUD" the sound of something small hitting the ground was not loud but the sharp senses of the other wolves picked it up, they turned around to the sight of their brother beheaded and a two-legged hairless animal standing in front of it.

They were furious obviously, how dare this animal kill one of them when there are so many of them, doesn't he know what fear is? They run in his direction like the wind and automatically split up to surround him, the three of them. One from the front and the other two from the right and left side respectfully.

While the wolves are lunging with such ferocity, there is no change in the boy's expression, still that calmness on his face and, with some weird shift in his movement from left to right he magically breaks out from the encirclement evading the dangerous moment he was in like it's an easy thing to do.

Now having their back to him it's easy work, with only a few slices in the right and left directions. The three wolfs were cut in half each from the waist down. Wasting no time on rest, the boy grapes the carcasses of his prey, separates the hide and cut the bodies to several small pieces to fit in his bag.

With a big haul, it's time to return to his hiding place, and with great caution, return he did.

This sight may seem strange to a modern human being but it's all too normal in this backwards era, it's a time where people are rare and still struggle in the food chain, tribes and vagabonds form to survive the cruel world they live in, so the sight of a lone human is rare and shows the making of a great warrior.

The boy arrived to his temporary hiding place, putting down the haul of the day beside a bunch of tree bark, he sits down and relaxes his tense shoulders. Sitting on a rock covered in an animal hide in a dark and narrow crack between two hills, a perfect hiding space.

"Ahh, this was thrilling, after eating grass and insects for so long finally some meat, I have to thank those predators for this great opportunity, otherwise it would have been impossible to isolate four black wolves from their pack": BO said.

After some time, BO went to search for some weed to start a fire, and then cleaning the wolf meat in a nearby river he cooked the raw flesh until a brown crispy shape. While eating his meal BO feels a shiver running down his spine suddenly, something bad is happening, BO doesn't know what it is but his experience in the jungle is signaling that a great calamity is falling upon him and he can do nothing about it, the only time he felt like this is his encounter with the king of this region of the forest, a gigantic grey anaconda of 130 meters and the thickness of 5 meters, it's cold eyes where upon him, like it could see him, BO froze and begin to shiver at that time not knowing what to do, but be it his small size or because the snake just finished a hearty meal, it didn't think a piece of wood like BO is anything worthy of its effort and so he survived.

Now the same feeling but millions of times stronger is what BO is experiencing, heart thumping, blood freezing, his brain stopped working and the only thing he could do was lay on the ground and wait for his demise.

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