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Chapter 2: The Phoenix Rebirth!

"All hail the return of the Overlord Kaia (pronunciation- Kai, ya)!"

"Hail Overlord Kaia!!" the armed group of white knights shouted in unison.

"Is the Highlord in?"

"Yes, Overlord Kaia, please follow me."

'I wonder if she will be mad at the results? I could not have known that Hittan was so powerful that he would succeed in his plans to affect fate. I cannot help but wonder where is he? Maybe it was our fate to have parted like that so many years ago. But I hope you can see the bigger picture and change your outlook Hittan.'

"Kaia! You failed! Why?!"

The Knight that escorted Kaia bowed his head in worry and quickly exited the hall. Kaia did not prevent him and simply open the Alicorn engraved door herself and entered the great room. Where she saw Kaija (pronunciation- Kay, ya) sitting on the Highlord throne with a worried look on her face.

"Sister, I did all I could to prevent him from going through with his plans. But in the end, he vanished before the final blow."

"Vanished? Explain."

"He surprised me by taking three strikes from the Sword of Alexandrite and with each strike, something new was revealed."

"3 Strikes, new what? What would surprise you of all people in this day and age?"

"He had Ruby blood…"

"Dragon blood? Okay, a bit surprising. But only a bit, what next?"

"If you only let me finish speaking sister you'll have a better understanding of the events."

"... Sorry, continue."

"Okay, hehe. The second strike hit his ribcage revealing Sapphire bones and yes, he did use Dragon Reflection techniques. I suspected a Corundum Dragon practitioner but his name was never presented as one of theirs. However, the last strike was the most surprising as it pierced his heart, revealing it to be Emerald."

"3 different primary stones in one person? What would that make him?"

"Well, the old goat was even more surprising than that…"

"Kaia, you know you're his age too, right?"

"Yes! But you don't have to say it, geesh!"

"Okay, Okay, what happened next?"

"He refused to die… he wanted to see 'her' again…"

"... His actions forced our actions. It was a little too late for him to have regrets, don't you think so sister?"

"... Sadly, yes… But, it was then that a white Phoenix shadow appeared and with a flash, he was gone. I could not sense him on that plane or any world in the Gilead System."

"... We can only keep an eye out for him and pray his actions have not caused irreparable damage to our future and that of Gilead's people."

************************** [***- Represents a major time shift in the story.]

"Push! Push Onora you can do this!"

'What's happening here… where am I? … Onora? ...that's my mother's name... But she's been dead for many many years now!'

"Final push Onora, you can do it, I know you can!"

'That's my father too? Egil?'

WHOOSH! A Flash of white light!

"Look Onora! It's the symbol of the White Phoenix! … it looks a little like a Dragon too!"

"Let me see my baby!"

"Oh, sorry, here."

"Come here my darling, mommy's got you. Oh, look it's a boy, then I guess Hittan will be your name. Hahaha, looks like I got my protector and you'll have to wait for your daughter a bit longer Egil."

"I don't care, he looks like me! Hahaha!"

"But not too much, ha!"


'Well, I can't say I wasn't born from a loving family… I missed you guys.'

"Okay Onora, rest and let him rest too he looks sleepy."

"Okay honey."

'Dragon and Phoenix Village, my home town and the last known village of direct descendants to the ancient ones. The last time, my birth and existence were frowned upon from both sides within the village. It did not matter that my mother was the daughter of the Village Leader from the Phoenix clan and my Father the son of the High Dragon, the Dragon clan's leader.

All mix breeds were looked down upon as a subclass of people. My family had to live in a special residential district with other families of mixed relationships and offsprings. The Vermilion Bird family and the Land Dragon (Wingless Dragons) all lived in this residential area. I was the shame of my grandparents' life… or that was what others would say. My mother and father and grandparents never rejected me for being a Land Dragon then.

It was a shame I couldn't control my anger from the ridicule of others and the curse of having slower development stages of a Beast King compared to a Godbeast. I massacred a number of future hopefuls that day and if not for my family I would have been executed on the spot instead of banishment. It was only later that I heard my parents were imprisoned for my crimes and would later be killed in my place. My grandparents did all they could to prevent them from hunting me down.

No matter what, this time I will not be impatient and immature, time has taught me that already. I will strive to change this class prejudiced system myself! I'll save my parents and I'll lead a new village where all are equally treated, but to do that I need strength!

… I am now a baby again, but I have my memories of the past and my last moments. Should I thank the Overlord and whoever the Highlord is for aiding this opportunity of my rebirth? I could potentially find 'her' again and protect her properly this time around! I thank the Godbeast King for this miracle and I will not waste it.'


"Onora, are you awake?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"You have to eat so you can feed this little one. He seemed fixated on the ceiling as just before he fell asleep he would just stare at it."

Knock, Knock!

"Egil, Onora, let us in already."

"It's our fathers, I'll fetch them while you eat."


"Egil… which Beast sign did the baby born under?" Egil's father tried to be as politically correct as possible, not wanting to hurt Egil given the sensitivity of the situation.

"Hahaha, Father, it seems we are living in the days of the prophecy! He was born under the White Dragon Phoenix sign!"

"Are you sure?!" Onora's father chimed in at last.

"Yes, father-in-law!"

"That's great news! Quick, bring us to see them!"



"Onora, you did well my girl! He looks healthy and happy to be here. But what is his name?"

"Thanks, father. His name is Hittan."

"Bold, but befitting. I like it! Come Egil, pass the child to us!"

"Old Phoenix let me see my grandchild too!"

"Okay, okay, just give me a few more minutes! Hittan do you see that? That old Dragon is already fighting to take you from me. But don't you worry boy our family of 4 will always protect you!"

"Whaaaa, Whaaaa!!!"

"See, you frighten him! Pass him to me already."

'Damn this baby's body for being such a noisy cryer! My grandfathers must have been lonely without their wives. We are able to marry human females or males to ensure the continuation of the clan and species but sadly most human lives are not that long as Godbeast. The humans are a strange set, being nearly 100% compatible with all Godbeast and Beast King species is certainly the reason they are so widely distributed in all of Gilead.

They can give birth to Godbeast and Beast King with a reasonable chance for either. But cross beast relations of two Godbeast always results in a Beast King. Which isn't totally a bad thing, it just means slower development towards a Godbeast form and an element of the unknown. As only after birth will the sign be presented for which beast the child will inherit its form from.

I have to be more obedient this time around towards these two and learn from them.'

"Okay, it's time for his feeding. You all will have enough time with him after he's rested." Onora stretched her arms out to receive the child as his crying was misinterpreted as hunger.


"Do you see that Hittan? Your grandfathers love you very much. Be sure to be respectful and good towards them." Onora whispered as she fed Hittan his food.

'I promise, mother, this time will be different! Okay, I think it's to check what I retained from the previous life… What's this? White fire energy… Phoenix and Dragon energy. So that's what affected my last moments and the flash I saw when I was just born. But is this a good thing or just another Beast King form like my Land Dragon previously? The only way to tell is to train and see. But for now… crap, I need to take a crap! How shameful not being able to control your own bladder and bowels!'

"Whaaaaa, Whaaaa, Whaaaaaa!!!!!"


Being aware of your surroundings as a child, but not being able to control your own urges. That's rough!

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