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Chapter 4: Weakness

One by one I kill these creatures, and which each stab of my blade my confidence spikes. I use my blade as a fork to shove these creatures in the bag without touching them. There are dozens of these little fuckers everywhere.

I'm going to be here all night just killing them. Worst of all, some of the have little legs that they are able to walk on. They aren't fast enough to escape, but their little legs creep the fuck out of me.

I kept killing them off one by one until the guard finally returned, my bag was already full of blubber corpses, and to be honest I know I said earlier that I wanted to get out of the house well now I want to return to it.

"Here, the advisor gave me a bunch of bags, but he said that you'll have to wash them when you're done" he says while handing me a bunch of cloth bags. "Great" I say. "The advisor also said that you should just dump the dead bodies into the hole" The guard continues.

"What hole" I ask. "You don't know? There is a massive pit where all the towns' people throw their trash in, you're going to throw the dead monster bodies there" He says. That doesn't sound safe, like at all, what if the pile of trash is radioactive and the dead fish become zombies. Well, I don't care I just want to finish this.

It's getting dark out and I already killed like 75% of them, I'm currently standing in the river just stabbing at them like a caveman stabbing at fish he's going to eat later. I'm tired, hungry and I need to piss and shit, and I'm fucking done with this shit.

"How are you going to carry these bags?" I ask the guard. "We have a wagon on the bridge" He answers. "The bag are already full so can you carry them up to the wagon" I say while pointing at the wagon. He grabs one of the bags, ties it with a rope and carries it up to the bridge.

That's how we worked I killed and packed the dead creatures while he carried them, after two hours doing this, we were completely finished. It was already dark out. I was covered in blood, mud and water and I smelled like shit.

I walk up to the bridge and he's sitting on the wagon with two horses in front of him. "Get on, I want to eat dinner before a new day rises" The guard says. I walk up to the wagon and sit next to him. "Not next to" he says stopping mid-sentence. "Nothing" He continues.

"Hiya!" He says while whipping the horses on their backs. The horses walk through the streets of the city. As we are carried through the city, I look at the beautiful houses that are lighten up by heavenly glowing torches. The city's architecture was rather simple, but even in simplicity there is beauty.

The streets were dead, not a living soul in one hundred meters. These dirt roads which wiggle through the city like a passage through maze are still as dirty and grainy as I remember.

I laid my back againts the wooded fence of the wagon. The stars tonight are really beautiful, maybe it's because this world hasn't had an industrial revolution yet to destroy the Van Gogh like night sky. They illuminate this simple yet so complex world. Like the children of god, they breathe life into the night.

As I close my eyes the gallop of the horses hitting their feet in a rhythmic beat ooze me into sleep. Then, suddenly, like a lightning bolt hit me, wake up. "Kid. Kid!" The guard says. "We're here" He exclaims. I look around me to see that we're at the front gates of the house.

"What about the blubber bags" I ask, half asleep. "Blubber? I already threw them in the pit hole" he says. "Alone?" I ask. "Yeah kid, it's not like you could carry them" he says sarcastically.

"You did a great job kid, go clean yourself you smell like shit." He says while opening the gate of the house. I ,still half-asleep, jump off the wagon and walk into the house. I immediately gun for the bath, for servants obviously, which is at the outside of the servant sector of the house.

It takes a me a couple of minutes, but I finally reach the bath house. I enter it, it looks like I'm the only one who's stupid enough to wash this late at night. I take off my clothes and throw them outside the bath, onto the grass, it's not like they I'm going to be wearing them. There are some towels like cloths that hang in the bath house, I'll grab one when I finish bathing.

The bath house Is not much, it's basically one large well of water with buckets and soaps that surround it which everybody shares. It's made of the granite which is rather cheap in this world, and wood. There are holes in the ground through which the water is drained.

I fill one buckets with water and pour it over my head, I grab one the soaps made out I don't what, but it looks disgusting, however I don't care as long as it does its job. I rub it all over myself and into my hair. I forgot to mention but when washing hair this soap is absolute dog shit. You just can't wash your hair correctly with this stuff. Then out of nowhere I hear "Leonard" from what sounds to be the Mistress.

I'm too tired for this shit. "I'm showering" I yell back. Fuck I forgot to add mistress. I drop the soap on the ground and run out of the bath house, fully naked, with soap all over me.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I was half asleep I didn't mean to offend you. What can I help you with" I say, fully naked. "It's alright Leonard, I just wanted to congratulate you on your first mission going so well." She says. "The guard reported that you worked really hard" She continues.

"Of course," I respond. "Anything for you Mistress" I quickly add. God I'm so tired, I could fall over right now. "Are you alright Leonard" She asks. "I'm just tired Mistress, plus the soap that I'm using isn't good for cleaning my hair" I answer.

"Oh, I'll get you the soap which I use for my hair" she says and walks off. "Alright" I respond and enter back into the bath house. I grab the soap and continue cleaning myself with it. Fuck, I just realized this soap doesn't have a smell.

I'll have to find a way to get rid of this nasty smell. What did the Mistress say earlier, fuck I hope it's nothing important. I can't remember? Something about soap? Well, it doesn't matter.

What even day is it? Oh yeah, under the collar, I forgot under the collar. "Leonard" a female voice says behind me. I turn around to see the Mistress in a beautiful dress, bare foot standing behind me with her gorgeous dark brown eyes looking down at me.

"Here, the soap" she says while holding a purple and white soap in her hand. "Oh, thank you" I say while extending my hand. She doesn't give me the soap, quite the opposite she grabs a stool and puts it in front of me.

"Um, Mistress, if you don't mind me asking what are you doing" I ask reluctantly. She puts her hands in the water and then rubs soap on them. "Move closer" she says. I move my stool closer to her and then she puts her hands on my head and starts soaping in my hair.

She rubs my hair as I look directly in her face. She doesn't even look at me, she's too focused on cleaning in my hair. She has the face of a modern-day model; I swear If she was born in my time she would have been an celebrity by now. Her clean skin, her predator eyes, her medium sized lips. She also has lipstick on, a dark blue. I'm assuming they don't have real lipstick, but they use some kind of dye or something else. Her nails are also painted, it might be the same dye she used for her lips. Who knows?

I feel her long nails scratch my scalp. God, and she smells amazing, like a field full of flowers. The way she ruffles with my hair and from time to time scratches my scalp feels like pure bliss. "You like that don't you, but that's about it" she says as she moves her hands away from my hair. "I just didn't want your stinky hands touching my soap" She continues.

She stands up, moves the stool back in place and walks towards the exit. "Anyway, I have to get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow Leonard" she says while walking out of the bath house with her soap. Talk about blue balls, Jesus Christ. Well, it's not like something was going to happen. I am still a pre-teen after all.

And why the hell was she treating me like a dog the entire time. "You like that?" What does that mean? I grab the nasty soap and finish rubbing myself down. Then I grab a bucket of water and finish this prolonged and weirdly sexual shower.

I grab one of the cloths that are like towels and head back to my room. Tomorrows a new day, I'll try to develop my relationship with her more. But first some well-deserved sleep.

Today the Mistress completely ignored me, well not ignored me, I mean this is how she usually treats me. Yesterday was obviously the exception. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and practicing magic.

In passing I saw the Mikhail and asked him about whether or not I'll have any more mission to go on. He said "No". I don't get why I mean I did an amazing job.

After that mission a year passed and nothing important or significant happened, I spent my days doing my daily routine, studying and practicing. There were no significant changes until a couple of days after my 13th birthday.

I was in the garden chopping wood that would be used in the winter. I have learned a significant amount of magic and my ability to wield a sword has become so much better, even Mikhail the asshole has praised me multiple times.

He said that If I wasn't a commoner, I would be considered a top talent in the noble world. I have learned a lot of Inner and Outer magic like mana replenishment, water spells, fire spells, lightning spells and other basic elemental spells, spells that strengthen my sword and armor, a little bit of healing magic and I have developed an aura, which is basically mana that leaks from strong people to show that their powerful and shouldn't be fucked with, but of course it's weak compared to Mikhail's and Mistresses.

My muscles have also developed quite a bit, I mean it's nothing much, but my abs, biceps and chest are clearly defined, and my shoulders are pretty big If I do say myself. Hell, I'm shirtless right now to flex a little bit. Maybe the Mistress will walk by and see my extremely sexy physique. Ugh, I can't believe that I just thought something cringe like that.

Anyway I must finish cutting these logs I don't want to draw this out I have to practice later. I put the axe over me and slam it down on the log cutting it in half in one swing. The log splits into two big pieces and they both fall off on two different sides.

I grab another log from the massive pile of logs and put it on the cutting log. I would use strengthening magic, but I need to build my muscles and the best way to do that is to do it raw i.e. without magic.

I put the axe over me and slam it down on the log. This time it doesn't split complete, the axe is lodged into the log. I bring the axe up over me with the log still attached and I then slam it down onto the cutting log.

The log breaks up into the two pieces on the cutting log, I grab the pieces of logs and throw them onto the cut pile. From my right I hear somebody say "Leonard". I turn around to see Mikhail the Asshole Advisor. "Yes. How can I help you?" I ask. "The Mistress wishes to talk to you" he says.

"Don't make her wait for you" He exclaims as he walks off. I drop the axe near the pile of cut logs and walk into the house. Should I wear a shirt? Well, he did say that I shouldn't make her wait. Fuck it I won't wear a shirt.

I walk through the house without a shirt and reach the two massive doors. I knock on the door "Who is it" She asks through the door. "It's me Mistress" I answer. "Come in" she says. I open the doors and walk into her office.

She's standing near a bookshelf reading a piece of paper. "Mistress you wanted to see me?" I ask her. "Yeah" she says not stopping her reading. I stand there for a couple of seconds while she reads that piece of paper.

She finishes reading it and folds it up. She then turns to me, clearly not caring about the fact that I had my shirt off. Oh, and also, I hit a growth spurt, I'm slowing coming up on her height wise.

"Listen, I need you to do a mission for me" she says while she walks over towards me. I notice that she's walking with a kind of a limp. As I'm about to say something her right heel slips, and she stumbles.

I run up to her and catch. "Are you alright Mistress?" I say while holding her by her stomach. I stare into her eyes as I check to make sure she's okay. "Yeah, I'm okay" she say. "Let me carry you to your chair." I say. I put her arm over my shoulder and walk her over to her desk.

She sits in her chair. "Is there something wrong with your foot" I ask her. "Yeah, the heels have been causing me some pain, but it's nothing to serious. You don't have to worry about it" she says. "No, you're clearly not alright. Can I see the damage? Please?" I plead with her. She doesn't answer. "I can give you a foot massage if you'd like" I continue.

"It's alright Leonard, I don't need it" she says. I kneel in front of her and grab the leg that's hurting. "You clearly do Mistress" I argue with her. "Fine, if you insist although your wasting your time since I don't need it" She argues back with me.

I don't answer. I grab her foot and move it towards me, then I grab the bottom of her heel and lift the heel off her foot and I find out why she was limping. She had a blister on her little toe. "It's alright you don't need to do anything, I'm alright" she says while being clearly embarrassed.

"It's alright Mistress, this normally happens when the shoe you're wearing is too small" I say. "Yeah, it was a little bit too small." She says. "Do your feet hurt in any other places?" I ask her. "I've been on my feet all day, so yeah" She answers.

I immediately start massaging her foot. "No, you don't have to" she says. "No, I do, I'm not doing anything embarrassing this is completely normal I'm just serving my Mistress as servants do." I try to make her less embarrassed about this situation.

"Just relax while I do my thing" I say. With one hand I hold her foot and with the other I hover it over her blister and I use some low-level healing magic. After I finish healing her foot I start massaging it.

Firstly, I slowly rub her toes and between her toes and then I move into the souls of her foot. Where I, with my knuckle, start removing the knots in her muscles on her foot. She lays her head back on her chair and closes her eyes as I service her. My knuckle moves up and down her foot.

"I wanted to talk to you about, a mission, that I wanted to send you on" she says while her head is still laying on the chair. "What is the mission?" I ask her while I continue massaging her foot.

Then I move onto her other foot. "A couple of wild boars have been spotted outside of the town and I wanted you to kill them, because Mikhail suggested that you are ready for this type of mission " she says. I kept massaging her toes and between her toes. Her nails were painted in a shade of black.

"I wanted the guards to do it, but Mikhail wanted you to do it" She sighs in a relaxed tone through her voice. Even though she denied my service earlier she's clearly enjoying it now.

"Another thing, in about two weeks my family will be visiting, and I wanted you to entertain my little sister who is about your age" she says. "Entertain her?" I ask suspiciously. "Yes, well you see she a true noble in nature, due to my parents terrible parenting skills. Meaning that she is a spoiled little brat that treats everybody around her like her slave, especially her servants" she says. "And, since you're her age I thought that you would be the only one who would be able to stop her from throwing a temper tantrum" She continues.

I don't say anything, and I just let her talk. "To be honest I don't know how you will do it, but since you're a boy her age I thought you could, I don't know what, but do something" She continues. "Like making her fall in love with me" I says suspiciously.

"If you could do that I would be in your debt." She says. "Just find a way to calm her down, I don't want her causing a problem for the servants" She continues. "I don't know If I could make her fall in love with me, but I could defiantly try to calm her down" I say.

She lifts her hands, scratches her scalp, and moves her hair onto her chest. She opens her eyes and brings her head forward "Thank you Leo that's enough, I need to get to work, and you need to do your mission" she says.

"I actually wanted to ask you something." I say. "Could you allow me to enter the house library on my own, without anyone's permission?" I ask her.

As I'm kneeling in front of her, I make eye contact with her. She stares down at me with her breath-taking eyes. She thinks for some time and then she says "Sure, you're doing me a favor and I'll do you a favor" she says.

"Now, go and do you mission and put on a shirt Leo" She exclaims, and she moves her feet away from my hands. I stand up, thank her, and leave her office. As I close the doors behind me, I get mentally ready to hunt wild boars.

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