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Chapter 17: Solid Marketing Plan

~That was a lot of information. It is nice to know these things though. When I expand into this city, I will have to hire from the Labor Guild. But I should go visit the Scholars Guild before the market is set up.

Van waked over to the wagon with his trunks in it and grabbed a few handfuls of his pencils. He took the time to carve some details into the wood. Mainly where his stall was going to be set up. He had asked Mrs. Cartwright if it was okay to go to the different guilds today. She agreed if he had an escort. She appointed a small woman named Cera to escort him around town, because she had more things to discuss with Ms. Etta.

On the way to the Scholars Guild, Van was robbed of his coin purse 8 separate times. But Cera had been walking beside him and recovered the coin purse all 8 times, by robbing the robber.

"Welcome to Drosa City Scholars Guild. If you wish to enter, please take one of these seals and place your weapons, footwear, and armor in the corresponding wall trunks, and take a pair of slippers. If you have an appointment, please check in on this list and I will contact the appropriate person. Please follow these rules while inside the guild hall." The receptionist said with a large smile. While pointing to a sign on the wall.

Van and Cera did as they were told and placed their weapons armor and boots in a single wall trunk and took a pair of slippers. The slippers were soft leather soles with a fur lining. They were soft and when one walked, they were silent. Van then walked over to the sign and read the rules.

1. Please be quiet.

2. Please be courteous to other patrons.

3. Please be kind to the knowledge.

4. Only the main floor is open to the public.

5. Please do not steal.

6. If you have questions, please find a staff member. (Yellow robe with white sleeves)

Any violations of these rules will result in expulsion form the Guild Hall and will be put under investigation. If you are found to be innocent you will be permitted to re-enter. Multiple violations will result in a permanent ban. You may appeal this decision with the Scholars Court which convene the first day of every 4 months.

~This is just like the libraries back on earth except the Scholars Court.

"Um, sir? My friend and I may need to discuss some things while we are in the hall, is there anywhere we can go to talk privately?" Van asked the receptionist.

"This must be your first time here. Yes, every table with a power crystal has a Silence Enchantment on it. You are your partner only need to touch the power crystal at the same time to create a private environment where only you two will be able to hear each other. There may be other people at the table also so please be polite and keep physical gestures to a minimum. If you have a need to pass sensitive information you may utilize any open room. Once you are inside just place the seal you got earlier on the door. It will lock and another Silence Enchantment will take effect."

"Thank you"

"Let's go find ourselves a room." Van said to Cera.

"I am following you."

The moment entered the main hall he was stunned by the number of scrolls and bound books there were. The hall reminded him of the grand libraries back on earth. There were people walking around holding scrolls, tomes, and other documents. There were also people of all the races wearing the staff uniform walking around tidying up tables, and restoking shelves. Van saw a room that had its door open, so he made a direct line to it. once inside the room and placing his seal on the door, he sat down at a table.

"Thank you for escorting me through the city Cera. If you weren't with me I for one would've gotten lost, but for two I would've been robbed blind or worse."

"You were robbed blind… 8 times. I got you your money back."

"True, and for that I want to pay you. Here is a silver for keeping me safe."

"Don't worry about it." She said as she took out 10 coin purses. "I got paid just fine." Cera then dumped out the coins and started to count. "Not bad, just under 5 silvers."

Van decided that he didn't want to know where she got the coin purses, he also saw a great opportunity to use her "skills" so he presented her with an idea and his plan. "The reason I came here was to hand out my pencils without anyone knowing. I want to place a pencil in each of the guildmembers possession without their knowledge. This way when they find it and try them out, they will hopefully come to the market to buy some. If I have any left after the members, I wanted to put them in the pockets of the patrons. I have noticed a few people doing a lot of writing, these should be targeted first."

"How did you plan on doing this if you can't even tell when you get robbed?"

"I don't know, I hadn't thought about it. " I figured I would just drop a couple around and see what happens."

Cera facepalmed herself, "Woooow..."

"Hey, I know that this plan was not thought out very well, but it should bring these people to the market tomorrow."

"Very well? Try not at all. But with, that being said, I will work with you, for that silver you offered before."

"Deal." Van said as he slid the silver over to Cera.

"How many pencils do you have?"

"I brought a couple handfuls, so maybe 20 or so."

"Give me most of them and I will do what I can. I will take care of the staff; you go around and just drop them wherever."

Van slid over about 2/3rds of the pencils. Cera then put the pencils away. They got up and left the room making sure to take their seals with them as they went. For the next hour Van and Cera walked around the main hall distributing pencils to the unknowing patrons and staff. Van would find someone who wasn't paying attention and he would drop a pencil next to them or slid the pencil onto the desk or table. Cera went around and slid the pencils into the staffs robes and even put them into the stacks of books, papers, and scrolls they were carrying.

Unknown to the reverse pickpockets they were being watched by the Guild Master who was on the second floor, examining a pencil that had been put into his pocket. He had noticed a young lady walking by all the staff and putting something into their pockets. He also noticed a young man walking by other patrons and dropping something next to them of placing something next to them. He then made a point to walk by the young lady to make sure he got whatever it was they were distributing. When she had expertly put the object into his robe, he was quite impressed. She was good, he didn't feel her give him the object, but as soon as she had he walked up to the second floor and pulled it out.

At first, he was confused because it was just a stick with a point on one end. He examined it and found information carved on to it. "Drosa Market, Young Man-Van, Red Booth." He then noticed that the sharpened end was charcoal, so he held it like a pen and drew a line on some parchment. To his surprise the line was sharp, neat, and his hands didn't get dirty writing with it.

"The boy must be this Van mentioned on the side. He must be trying to get people interested in his product. Well, he sure chose the right people do advertise to. I will have to speak to them." he mumbled to himself. He then sent his fairy down to the receptionist to have him hold those two and not allow them to leave. He had to talk to them.

As Van and Cera walked by the receptionist to get their belongings, they were stopped.

"Excuse me Sir and Madam, but I cannot permit you to leave as of yet, there is someone who wishes to speak to you two. Please come with me." He said as he motioned to two guards who immediate flanked Van and Cera. He then motioned them all to follow, and he led them into a side conference room. "Please take a seat, you will be joined shortly."

With that he left, the two guards stayed by the detainees to ensure they didn't try to run. Van looked at the guards and they both had a danger rating of 10. He then looked at his mini map to see that they weren't red.

~So, they don't mean us any harm. I wonder if we were seen, we must have been this is too much of a coincidence.

"Let me do the talking, just sit there and stay silent." Cera instructed him

"Yes ma'am"

With what seemed like an hour the door opened once again and in walked a tall man and two women that neither of them recognized. The trio walked around the table and sat on the opposite side with the women flanking the man.

"I am truly sorry you had to wait so long Mr. Van. I am Sir. Arcturus Von Helsing I am the Guild Master of the Scholars guild of Drosa. Now Mrs. Cera Howardson, you may go. We would like to speak to Mr. Van Augustus in private." He said motioning to the guards to take Cera back out into the lobby.

Cera had no choice to get up and leave. Arguing with a Guild Master in his own guild hall was not only, not possible but the guards had a firm grip on each of her arms. Cera was politely but firmly escorted from the room as she looked at Van trying to say that she was sorry. Van looked at her with a "I got this" look.

With Cera and the guards out of the room Van turned back to the three with a smile of confidence on his face. "Now, what can I help you fine ladies and good sir with?" Van asked as he placed his hands on the table interlocking his fingers and sitting with a straight back. The posture of confidence he had taken countless times before as John in board meetings and project presentation meetings.

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