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Chapter 10: First Day of the Academy

The night passed by very quickly, and I found that today I was not the only one awake early. Almost all of the kids, even those who were not even applying to the academy today, were awake earlier than they should be and talking to each other. They spent the time they had left talking, and some conversations were heard by me,

"I can't wait to become a ninja! I'm going to be the strongest one ever!"

"No, I am!"

"You guys are lucky! I can't even go into the academy yet"

"Yeah! We still have to wait a whole year to become ninjas"

This one I found particularly entertaining to listen to,

"Do you have to go to the academy Kirio?"

"I'm going to be the strongest ninja Aimi! And then we can get married"

"But I don't want you to leave"

"Don't worry Aimi, you'll come to the academy in a year too"

"I know but still. I don't want to spend a year away from you"

"Don't worry Aimi, you're the only one in my heart"

You can't make this stuff up! These guys are like 6 years old and they're already thinking about love and marriage. Since when did kids grow up so fast??

Eventually, though, the Matron made it to the room and walked in. As she walked in, she was saying

"Allright kids time to wak--"

But as she witnessed the sight of all of us up and about, she gave a slight chuckle and said

"Look at you guys. This is the first time I haven't had to wake anyone up in a very long time. Since you're all up then it's time for breakfast"

All of us rushed to be the first to get to the bathroom. And with my superior strength and speed, I cinched the first place and laughed smugly as I opened the bathroom door. I heard the kids behind me complain, but I paid them no mind. I did my business and walked up to the mirror, looking at it, or specifically, the reflection.

What gazed back at me was very different from what I saw on my first day in this world. Back then, it was very strange to see another body staring back at you, and I couldn't really identify myself with, well, myself too well. I acknowledged that it was me, but I didn't truly think of it as my own body. But now, when I gaze in the mirror, I see my eyes staring back at me. They look sharper than before and burn with a light I've only seen Lee have. I've adapted to this world much better than I expected, and the way of the ninja is the only path I consider taking now. Today, was the day I start this path officially, and today was also the day I can interact with more of the main characters.

As I finished analyzing myself, I exited the bathroom and headed toward the dining area. By the time everyone was done using the bathroom, I had already finished my breakfast and now was just waiting for the Matron to gather us and head out. The Matron wore a different set of clothing today, one more official looking, and she had a solemn look on her face. I can understand a bit, after all even one kid becoming a ninja out of all of us would be a good result, and the rest will head back to the orphanage with shattered dreams. Some would apply for an apartment, but I can't imagine the Hokage accepting the request of a civilian since there was no guarantee of a return on the investment. I mean, ninjas were obligated to serve the village, but a civilian?

The others quickly stuffed their faces with the food, too excited to take their time. It took only 5 minutes for everyone to finish their food, and by then the Matron announced

"Alright kids. I can see that you're all ready. I want to remind you before we go out that whatever happens today, I want you all to give your best and keep working hard. No matter what, I am proud of you all for at least trying"

Her words fell on mostly deaf ears, everyone was only a child after all. What child didn't believe that they can accomplish their dreams when that's all they've been told their entire life? Seeing this, the Matron had a look of resignation and said

"Alright then, it's time to head out"

We quickly made our way out of the orphanage and into the village. Every time I walk by the forests, I can't help but feel a sense of serenity and admiration. The trees look so welcoming and sturdy, and it's hard to believe that it was all made by the hands of a single individual. It's no wonder why they call him a god amongst men, and I can only imagine how strong Hashirama is if he uses his powers for combat. Seeing it on a screen is different than feeling it in real life after all.

We strolled by the forest and quickly made our way to the center of the village, where the academy was located. There was a lot of bustle around us, and it seemed the entire village was in a somewhat festive mood. Parents, students, ninjas, and merchants, all were hurrying toward the academy to take a look at the next batch of ninja students.

By the time we got there, there were hundreds of kids mingling outside the academy, and there were a few that I recognized. I could see Shikamaru and Choji both standing next to their parents, with Ino and her parents walking toward them. Sasuke was being walked by his brother, Itachi, and his mother. The Hyuga family was present as well, with Hinata being walked by as far as I can tell, one of the branch members. It was truly a sight to see.

I could identify most of the main characters of the story standing in front of me, all of them living and breathing, interacting with each other. They didn't seem very nervous or excited, and I can imagine because all of them have the talent to become a ninja. Those born in a Clan usually all become a ninja after all, and I have never heard of a case where the heir or heiress lacked the talent to at least become a genin.

The Hokage made his way to a podium up front, and the entirety of the conversations seemed to have hit a pause. No one spoke. I felt like the silence was deafening, and there was a solemnity in the air that I haven't felt before in my life. This was the 3rd Hokage. Although everyone could see the years getting to him, multiple wrinkles and old skin covering him, no one dared to offend him. The silence continued for another couple of seconds, at which time he gave a warm smile to all of us and the crowds consisting of civilians and ninjas behind us cheered.

This was their Hokage after all, the longest one serving and to some the only one they have ever seen serve. He has led the Leaf Village through 2 great ninja wars and came out as a winner in both. His achievements were enough for all ninjas to admire, and his strength has earned him the monikers "God of Shinobi" and "Professor" for his extensive knowledge of all ninjutsu.

He began speaking with a simple greeting to us all. He then began addressing us, the students, more directly while ignoring everyone else. The speech he gave was long, sometimes he would emphasize a couple of phrases, sometimes he would speak slower in certain parts of his speech, and sometimes he would speak faster. No one was put off by such diversity though and throughout the speech he kept everyone enamored in his words.

If the speech was given by anyone else, I would say the crowd would have dispersed long ago. Some would remain to listen to the content, but overall who would listen to a stranger on the street talking about comradery and such? However, as the speech was given by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the current Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, when he mentioned unity, everyone felt closer together. When he mentioned comradery, everyone felt an affinity with each other.

Even I found myself affected by his words, even if I knew of his questionable choices and decisions. The part that stood out the most, to everyone, was the Will of Fire. He declared,

"When the tree leaves dance,

One shall find flames.

The fire's shadow will illuminate the village,

And once again, tree leaves shall bud anew."

Essentially, he wanted to convey that in times of war and struggle, the will of fire will be present throughout the village. And when the soldiers find that their lives have been cut short, they shall rest in peace with their shadow illuminating the village, knowing that the next generation will take up their mantle and continue their duties.

It gave everyone the feeling that even if they were to sacrifice themselves for the village, they shall do so in peace knowing that they died for the will of fire, and for the next generation.

While all the adults outside gazed at the Hokage with differing emotions, some showed a solemn look, some showed a heavy one, some showed admiration, and some showed complicated gazes. I couldn't interpret these intricate emotions, but the emotions of the new students were much more easily understood.

All of them, from the lazy Shikamaru to the proud Sasuke, show looks of confusion and admiration. They couldn't exactly understand the profoundness of what has just been saying, after all, none of them, myself included, have witnessed war or even a battle, but the overall meaning was conveyed well enough.

The Hokage ended his speech by announcing that the Academy officially opens, and the aptitude tests may begin. When he was done, my ears were suddenly bombarded with a cacophony of cheers and applause coming from all directions, and the emotion behind everyone made me cheer and applaud as well. It was a great speech after all.

The Hokage gave a warm smile and disappeared from the podium, and the leading instructor quickly began the tests to determine one's placement in the Academy.

"Everybody, please line up next to each other and we will begin our tests."

After everyone did so, 5 instructors appeared before us with the head instructor leading them.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions, please raise your hand if you fit the qualifications, and one of my fellow instructors will verify your answers. Answer to the best of your ability, that means truthfully as well. Anyone found lying... well let's say they don't have a good end at the Academy" giving a cold look at the end.

That sufficiently terrified most of the kids, and they nodded their heads like a chicken pecking at their food. The instructor then smiled and began his first line of question, one which asked if any of us had undergone any form of physical training.

Almost 70% of all the students raised their hands, and I could tell the other 30% were greatly discouraged. They would have no one to blame, however, as a strong body is one of the requirements of being a good ninja. After the instructors wrote down all our names, the head began his second line of questioning.

"Has anyone undergone any mental training, anything from bloodline techniques to simple meditation?"

At this point, all the Clan kids raised their hands, and about 20% of the civilian kids raised their hands, me included. Wow. It seems that mental training is rarer than I thought, but after some reflection it made sense. If you didn't know that chakra consisted of physical and mental energies combined, what 6-year-old would willingly meditate every day?

The head instructor looked like he expected this, and after all our names were written down, began his third and final question.

"Who here amongst you has been able to sense their chakra?"

The number of raised hands decreased even more. Again, all of the Clan kids raised their hands, but the number of civilian kids was abysmal. Only about 5% raised their hand, and I couldn't help but feel relief that I managed to be one of those people. Everyone expects the Clan kids to be able to accomplish all these prerequisites, after all, they had the necessary instructors and resources to know what they were doing, but the civilian kids were a different matter. Of course, most of these kids had parents who were shinobi and went through the same process and this had someone to consult, however it was still impressive.

The instructors all noted our names down, and the one who noted me down spoke my name as he passed,

"Aizen huh".

I didn't think much of it but instead treated it as a good sign, after all someone took notice of me. The head returned to an indifferent look from his previous looks of expectation as he surveyed us. He spoke with a tone of finality and announced that the instructors would consult and return with the class arrangements. The atmosphere became bustling again when they left, and the students began talking amongst themselves.

"Damn it, what does training your mind even mean??"

"Who meditates? I bet those guys were all lying!"

Although I doubt anyone had the courage to lie in front of real ninjas trained to detect deceit, I also doubt anyone had done as much meditation as me. Maybe Shikamaru, after all, he does play a good amount of Shogi as I know, but I question everybody else. I guess everyone who had even gone through a bit of mental training would raise their hand to up their status.

The instructors quickly came back with a list and posted it on a board. They also began announcing their classes. The first class was all civilians and those who have not undergone any training at all. The second was those who had done either. The third was one that had done both but only consisted of civilians. The final class was made up of Clan kids, and I couldn't help but question why.

Classes 3 and 4 answered the same exact way, yet we were completely separated based on our status. I couldn't wrap my head around a definite reason, especially knowing how Sakura had eventually made it into the Clan class, and Naruto as well, who was supposed to be an orphan.

The only reason I could think of why the arrangements would be set up like this was to allow the Clan kids to form a connection with themselves first. By the time the civilians joined their class, the bonds the Clan kids had all made would be stronger and would allow for a stronger union between all the Clans. After all, the Clans wouldn't want their heirs to interact too much with those that don't show as much potential, whether that be talent-wise or status-wise.

Even in the world of Naruto, I can see some political undercurrents and injustices occurring all the time. I didn't think I'd have to worry about either as long as I was talented or strong enough, but it seems that that is not the case. While unfortunate, there is really nothing I could do about it at the moment. Maybe in the future, but not now...

After all the kids separated into their respective classes, the head instructor officially announced the end of the first day of the academy.

Bob_Kizmet_5542 Bob_Kizmet_5542

We got a longer chapter here. Enjoy! I will skip around a bit as only after 3 years will the Mc join the main characters, but I'll still make some introductions and events.

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