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33.33% The Sibling

Chapter 2: Falling

Whoever named the Underneath had a serious lack of imagination, no interesting words to make you wonder what was there, for instance, Morics Gullet, or Heathens Hole. The name Underneath said it simply, and quickly. It was Deep, Down, and underneath everything imaginable. Down, down, down. I fell for hours, the Craven Judge's words ringing in my head. Why my subjects? They had done nothing wrong except follow me, advising me against what i knew was madness, foolish and cruel. Alvin, Gorain, Sam, all would die today, all because of me. They would fight, I knew that, for they were fighters, every one of them. But winning? That was impossible. The Judge's army would crush them like a bug.

It got progressively warmer the further down I went, an unwelcome reminder of where I was going. I had lived in the Underneath before, so I liked to think I had a rough map of some parts of the upper sectors in my mind, but none of that would be useful to me here, down in the lowest depths, where i had never had the opportunity to leave mothers constricting grip. I would have to explore to find a way out. I hated the very idea of it, being forced to journey through the Devin Caverns, the Kegness Wastes, Angelica's Cave. I shivered at the thought of In Coh Griar, my birthplace, the fury of my mother in seeing me back after all these years.

And at last, I saw the ground. A few miles away, perhaps, but that distance would pass quickly enough. I felt a small tear come to my eye at the thought of sweet, sweet, floor. I could kiss it, and at the rate I was travelling at, that kiss would result in more than a few broken teeth. Shit. I had to slow myself down, but there was just one teeny tiny problem with that. The Judge had left me with only my ability as a Giant- he probably would have taken them too if he had been able to sap away my species too- but it was utterly useless in this situation. What could I do, have a little telepathic chat with my soon to be grave? Tell it to go away? Take a hike? So then, what were my options? Well, I could only see one, the plan that always succeeded in making everything better. Time for the ol' reliable... Screaming.


Ah. My apologies, I got a bit angry there, I hope you'll understand my little predicament, and forgive me just this once. But anyway, I do believe that Mr. HighAndMighty up there did think of something to stop me from turning into a fairly gritty jam, as I am currently wrapped in chains, dangling about 30 feet in the air. Not the best thing ever, but better than dying I guess.

How I didn't get whiplash or die from the sudden stop I have no idea, but by now I think I'm just beyond caring for these stupid chains. Oh yes, I should probably mention what I think is keeping them in place. The walls have hundreds of eyes, all watching me. A dictators wet dream by all accounts. Oddly enough, my earlier suggestion of having a little mind talk with my surroundings doesn't sound so stupid anymore, given that this thing didn't have the intelligence to grow a mouth with which to converse and gain my knowledge.

"Nice weather today isn't it." The wall blinked back, perhaps surprised to have so handsome a tenant. Assuming it knew who I was, (and why wouldn't he? I am famed for my good looks, and if he had been appointed here to guard me, he should at least have the respect to read up on me a bit). I decided to tell him an Itty Bitty secret of mine, that not even old Mc Fuckface up there knew, I'd been feeling chatty since I started falling anyhow, one that would only do harm if it got out. "I want you to know i killed those people for a reason." And now, the wall spoke (The mind speeke of course). A deep voice that rumbled my brain.

"I do not care."


"You're really mean, you know that right?" I had just told this wall something that no one else in the world knew, and it shrugged it off like it meant nothing. This would not do. I knew what must be done.... I had to annoy the living shit out of this thing until it apologised, died, or let me go.

"So what's your name?"


"Got any kids, a wife maybe?"


"How would you actually have those kids?"


"Let me tell you about my cycling."


"Can you actually smell anything?"


"We've been trying to reach you regarding your cars extended warranty."


"Sorry, up until now I've been assuming your gender, so, what do you identify as? Male female, genderfluid, neither, or are you just a wall?"


"I want to know how to address you so that twitter doesn't cancel me."

Surfing_Duck Surfing_Duck

I'm not letting Twitter win this one

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