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Chapter 1: R0 Abduction!

Sitting on his bed, entrusting his back to the wall while reading an ancient book he bought a few months ago.

Ever since then he had been teased relentlessly by his friends and enemies alike, despite it all he still keeps reading it out of interest.

It was a so-called Magic Grimoire titled, Requip Magic. That's right, the infamous Requip magic of Fairy Tail.

With his common sense, he could tell the book was fake but the information the author wrote on it was too detailed, enough to convince him if it was not for the "mana" that did not exist in the atmosphere.

He was your average 15-year-old high school student, full of energy and interest in the world. With his appearance, he was rank in the top 5 most handsome boys in his school, despite all of that he never had a girlfriend.

Or more like he could have one if it was not for his clingy childhood friend, because of this most females only ended up friend-zoning him for some mysterious reasons which he never delved on and only blamed his bad luck.

In the end, instead of seeking actively for relationships, he got hooked in the animation industry and became a fan of various drawn comic books.

"You are really calm, huh?"


A voice. But it was clearly a high volume, yet there was nothing but him in this room.

"Could it be I have been enlightened? No, never heard of the main character getting enlightened like this... perhaps"

The boy swallowed his saliva at a stressful idea that popped up in his thoughts. Looking at his surroundings, he searched for the source of the voice he heard.

"You're not losing your mind"

"This really is a sign I'm going crazy!!!"

The boy clutched his head in fear until he was shocked to a standstill when the room he once was at had disappeared. In its place was a starry black space, almost like he was standing in outer space.

"The heck!?"

The boy took a step back out of a habit while looking at his surroundings, right below his feet was a golden cloud which served as a platform of some sort. While keeping a fearful expression, he managed to find another living being.

Right in front of him was a handsome young man standing there watching him patiently.

Seeing the man's calm demeanour, the boy did not move his sight away while shivering.


The young man felt quite intrigued how the boy in front of him was conducting himself, for some, it may appear disrespectful but he did not mind it. In fact, this made him reaffirm that the selection he made was the correct one.

"I used a high voice just once, not only you kept acting like a timid weak boy in order to lower the guard of the one you expected to fight against, but also to get as much information you can from the surroundings before you act huh?"

The boy did not reveal his perplexed mood, but this was a first for him to be exposed like this.

'How did he read me? Not even my parents could... unless...'

"Who are you?" the boy asked,

The first thing that bothered the boy was the fact he could understand the man in front of him despite the fact he knew the words he heard, was a language he never learned.

'If he can read me, then it is better to face him head-on and understand what is going on by asking directly.'

"God would be the most common term I could use. But it will be more accurate to say I'm an Imaginary Being who transcended the mortal shackles and entered the Imagination World where all the historical figures like me ascended to. Would you believe me?"

"More like I have to believe it, considering my location... Unless you developed technology beyond Earth's capability"

"That is fortunate. Now then, I will now have you go to a different but good another world. By the way, it's a one-way trip so you won't be able to return to your original world."

'If I was a normal child, then I probably would have lost my mind by now from excitement' the boy thought

Despite feeling a bit anticipation and excitement, the thought of leaving behind his parents and… her. Was something he could not entirely accept.

"About what you have to do, you should ask the one in charge of that place when you go. Or should I say the hidden manager of that place since it's a place where the original God died after all. And with that, I am sorry but I would need a sign of your approval to this." the handsome man said with a smile while pulling out a piece of paper, appearing to be a contract.

"I have not agreed to any of this"

Feeling that it was proceeding too fast, the boy took a chance to see if he could negotiate terms favourable to him. He firmly believed, there is no such thing as free lunch, even with a God. And the first step would be to oppose and then start from there.

"Oh, you don't want to? It is weird because I was told that you would be going."

The boy could hear the troubled feeling the handsome man was feeling from the tone of his voice, however, the boy did not back down in order to get more information.

"Who said I would go?"

"Goddess of Death, from this world. Your family came from the world you would be sent to..."

Apparently, the boy's parents were residents of another world which kind of answered some questions he once shoved in the back of his head. And the idea they managed to scam… no, persuade the Goddess of Death to allow them to travel to another world was truly a final fantasy.

And as the boy suspected this came at the price, and the price was the thing they loved the most would be sent back to the world they came from in their stead.

"To think something like that happened, no wonder my parents were never disturbed by my hobbies. They were oddballs as well!" The boy unconsciously screamed at the sudden realization, however, his mind did not forget to process his current situation 'But if entities like Gods are involved then the chances of me being able to reject is non-existent, I should place my hope in getting a power that can bring me back instead'

"Well I have to say the grimoire you read was real though..."

"The heck!?" this was the first time the boy was truly shocked out of his mind, the one thing he firmly believed was a scam which he bought out of interest turned out to be real.

"And the world you will go to, you have a good chance of being able to use it eventually"

"Where's the contract" the boy replied almost instantly, a chance to use magic? Especially the most sought for magic the boy wanted? Change Dress? He will risk it!

Although he could not get direct confirmation, just the idea he could use magic from what he understood, he could more or less guess that chances to head back home are a possibility. It will only be a matter of time, the other thing was the fact he felt that regardless of what he desires, he will still end up going to this new world.

"You accepted quite faster than I anticipated, but you are correct in your conjectures. Regardless of your will, it has already been done. But since this was a hasty process. I will imprint that grimoire's magic into your mind, that way you will have something to use for your own survival"

"Survival?" The boy tilted his head until he suddenly understood what this God meant, with a furious gaze he yelled at the top of his lungs

"You Basta---!"

The boy dispersed into particles before fading away, teleporting him to his destination.

"Good grief, despite me granting him a power he still disrespects me" The handsome man pouted, but a sly grin formed on his face when he saw the expression of the boy whom he tricked.

"Ufufu, I'm certain that I told you all not to lay a hands-on him" a cold voice spoke from behind the handsome man.

The handsome man stood still before shivering as he turned to face a beautiful woman whose beauty could not be described with words appearing behind him.

Cold sweat began to run down his face and back feeling a dread sending a child down his spine, he forgot about this mad woman.

"T-There's nothing I can do! It was all according to the contract his parents signed" The handsome man said in his defence, despite the fact he understood what answer she was looking for.

"That is not the correct answer, Marduk. What I meant was harming him in any manner, I am sure you remember what happened to the original King of the underworld. Yama" The female said nonchalantly

But the handsome man, Marduk. He could not help but shiver, it became even more intense when he was reminded of an event that went down in history, the first true death of a God.

All of them knew that they could not truly die, or perhaps there has never been an instance that they could die in any manner. Until this mad woman killed Yama who tried to drain the boy's fate for his self-interest.

"I- I can explain! I -- I -- I g-gave him p-power!" Marduk stuttered as he spoke, if he did not resolve this issue then this woman would kill him, even if she lost her divinity. He knew for the sake of the boy this woman would discard everything for his sake, and he just happened to be one to do something stupid.

"You can die happy with the thought you gave something to him," The woman said with a voice colder than the winds of the North Pole before waving her hand, sending a wave of mystical energy that corroded Marduk to the point his body began to tear apart.

"NO! You can't kill me! You will be hunted by the enforcement squad!"

"Who cares, you should know my temper by now don't you?"

Marduk fell silent as he wallowed in his despair, in the last moment of his life he let out a dreadful curse.

"I curse you! Ragnar Bon Jovi! I curse you to be tainted and never to ascend godhood!"

The woman's eye narrowed before she slapped the man with her bare hand, Marduk's head explode upon impact but the curse was still completed.

"You bastard" The woman grit her teeth in rage, she did not expect that Marduk would curse the boy to prevent her plan on living Happily FOREVER after.

Yes, she intended to make the boy a God and it was stopped by a single curse. And it was not something she could resolve, with no way around the woman turned and left to meet the Goddess of Death.

'Stay safe… Ragnar' She thought before she too disappeared from this space.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (In another world)

"--stard!" Ragnar yelled glaring but was shocked silly when he realized that he was no longer facing the handsome young man but instead he was facing a beautiful lady.

The goddess of death was a bit surprised at the vulgar word this boy used, after reading his mind without him realizing it, she knew that Marduk toyed with him at the end.

"So you are Ragnar Bon Jovi?" a beautiful mature lady dressed in a black robe, but the clothes could not hide her voluptuous body from Ragnar's view.

"Are you perhaps the Goddess of death?" Ragnar asked, unlike the haughty aura he felt from the previous person. This woman felt incredibly cold aura with a speck of warmth almost completely hidden, or perhaps she allowed him to sense it to calm his nerves.

Instead of answering, the lady glanced at Ragnar intently before her body shivered. If it was not for her black robe, then this would have been noticed by Ragnar.

'Why is the chosen one of that madwoman here!?..' The lady look at the file one more time before closing it, similar to Marduk, she too dreads the woman who did not follow rules when it came to this specific boy.

'I best not use him for what I intended, but I can't just let him go or she will deal with me' the goddess of death, who looked down upon numerous Gods and Goddesses did not dare ignore this peculiar woman.

'But to think Marduk cursed him as well, this means he was either cornered or he died' She was more inclined to believe the latter as even she herself would not dare touch this boy to provoke her, after thinking for a while she opened her drawer taking out a stack of cards.

"I will not demand anything from you, you are free to live as you see fit," The lady said before she could continue to introduce the stack of cards she was interrupted.

"I don't believe you, there is no such things as free lunch in this world," Ragnar said while squinting his eyes, although he felt oppressed from the woman's natural aura, he still managed to keep standing albeit barely.

'It's not like I don't have any plans but it can't include you!!' the lady complained internally while showing a bright smile almost as if she did not hear his question,

"This is a divine gear, in the world you will restart your life have what they call sacred gear but this is a tier above them. It's called Arcana Divination, and this will aid you in your new life" The lady explained shortly before sending the stack of cards flying towards him.

The cards blinked like flashing lights before magically penetrated his skull without leaving a single trace, at first Ragnar felt a shiver of fear for the unknown but it slowly began to diminish when he felt a faint connection between him and the stack of cards.

"You have not---"

"Hope you live a pleasant life!" The lady interrupted Ragnar before sending him off into the reincarnation cycle, she still ensured to seal his memories as to prevent errors happening during his rebirth.

"At least you had more candid than Marduk"

The Goddess of death did not shiver openly like Marduk, although her heart was beating incredibly fast. If it was not for the fact she did more than she was allowed to, then she believed she too would have died just now.

"I was only doing what was according to the contract" The lady of death answered the woman without turning around, she did not dare to.

"That's good, keep it that way." The woman said while pondering for a moment,

With a wave of her finger, a bright orb shining brighter than a full moonlight in the desert materialized before it was sent flying inserting itself into Ragnar's soul.

"You...." The Goddess of Death knew what curse Marduk inflicted upon Ragnar but once again she confirmed just how madly obsessed this woman was about Ragnar. 'To think she gave up her godhood to become an Immortal Demon instead with him, just what makes this boy so special to her?'

"You best keep your interest to yourself, if you ever touch him then you should understand the consequences," The lady said before her body transformed into a sphere which represented her soul following after Ragnar's soul to reincarnate in the other world as well.

The lady of death did not flinch at this as she expected the madwoman to do this, despite the alarms going off she was working with a happy smile on her face feeling relieved. 'I survived the ordeal, for now, I will select three other pawns to make up for this. I am sure those geezers would not mind it'

"Although I will not touch him... for now. But don't think you can use the divine gear, bwahahahaha! For not even I, the Goddess of Death could activate it!"

Enigma_Strife Enigma_Strife


This is my book I will present for you all, although the updates will be slow!

I would like to take the time to answer some possible questions:

Harem? No idea, wait and see

OP? No idea, wait and see

Future Questions? No idea, wait and see

That is all!

Stay safe

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