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Chapter 25: Chapter 25


Bad and not very well done. You dragged out the reveal with Sirius in an overdone and not believable manner. All Sirius had to do was shout to Harry that it was Pettigrew who did it and he was a rat. Would have stopped the duel right there.

In canon there was no big fight like that and no pressure on him to immediately reveal things. As soon as Lupin appeared in canon when there would have been a fight, Sirius immediately revealed the issue just as I said. This fight and the really forced cliffhanger at the end was all overhyped way too much.

Saying that I dragged out the reveal with Sirius shows a pretty basic lack of canon knowledge, seeing as most of Sirius' lines were straight from the book. All Sirius had to do was shout out that it was Pettigrew in the books too and yet he was still attacked, disarmed, and taken down by Harry in canon, with his wand pointed at Black's chest. Sounds to me like there would have been plenty of pressure in that moment for him to reveal things, yet all he did was laugh and ask if Harry was going to kill him. Even after Lupin arrived, Sirius still did NOT immediately reveal the issue to Harry, regardless of what the above guest said, instead leading Harry to believe that Lupin was also a traitor helping Black.

Finally, as for the end being "overhyped" perhaps your opinion will change when you read this chapter...So thank you for allowing me to rant a tiny bit, and enjoy!

(Third Person)

Daphne was pacing anxiously back and forth outside of the hospital wing doors. She had called for her family house elf as soon as she had been able to think straight again and was hoping her father would hurry and arrive. Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey had locked them and ushered everyone outside as soon as they had gotten Harry through the doorway. That had been an hour ago.

"What the hell is taking them so long!?" Daphne growled out frustratedly, worry etched on her tear-streaked face.

"Are you talking to me, or yourself again Miss Greengrass?" Professor Snape drawled, doing his best to hide his worry. He may have hated James Potter, and even passed that hate down to his son on occasion, but even he had to admit that he held respect for the boy who was brighter than most in the school.

Daphne glared at him, but didn't respond.

"If Potter is anything like his father, then he is too thickheaded to die." he continued, trying to give her hope...In his own special way of course. "Besides, the headmaster and Madam Pomfrey are more than capable of healing nearly anything."

"Then why haven't they finished yet!?" he nearly shouted, fresh tears making their way down her face. "You can't leave me now, Harry!" she said quietly to herself.

Snape had heard her last comment but chose to ignore it and instead answer her question. "I...don't know. There isn't much to be done other than wait, unfortunately." The girl had a point, it was taking a bit longer than usual. Normally, Pomfrey would have injuries healed in minutes, and major ones under control in twenty.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that the duo heard the sound of rushing footsteps coming towards them.

"Daphne!" her father shouted in relief as his weeping daughter jumped into his arms. Her message hadn't been more than a few words saying it was an emergency and that he needed to get to Hogwarts as fast as possible. He had feared the worst and immediately set off. "Daphne, what's wrong? Where is Harry?"

"Black showed up and he and Harry dueled. He was stabbed in the back by a huge piece of wood and they rushed him in there over and hour ago and we still don't know whats happening in there! Nobody will tell me what the hell is going on!" she rushed out, nearing on hysteria.

Cyrus looked pissed as his brain processed what his daughter had said. He turned his anger towards the only other person available to him at the moment. "How the hell can you all allow that maniac into this school again!" he shouted. "Is everyone in this school so incompetent that collectively they cannot keep out someone who hasn't even held a wand in over ten years!"

"We had no idea that Black was an illegal Animagus." Snape tried to placate. "I am willing to bet that one of his previous...friends, however, did know. I will personally make sure to do all I can to see that he is no longer employed if that is the case."

"Employed!" Cyrus raged. "I'll make sure he bloody well isn't breathing again if that is the case!"

Their argument ceased instantly the moment the sound of the hospital wing doors unlocking reached their ears. They all waited with bated breath as a tired and distraught looking Albus Dumbledore slowly walked out. Daphne watched in horror as he looked at Professor Snape and sadly shook his head.

"NOOO!" Daphne screamed as she shook loose from her fathers grip and ran inside the hospital wing and to Harry's bed. "HARRY! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" she wailed, fresh tears freely flowing down her face.

Cyrus ran after his distraught daughter and tried to pull her away from the bed. She had pulled back the sheet and he could clearly see the pale, unmoving, and lifeless body of Harry Potter.

"Come on, Daph." her father tried to sooth her. "You don't need to see him like this."

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" she screamed.

Daphne shook her father loose and continued to try and wake Harry up.

"Wake up, damn you!" she yelled at his dead body, pounding him in the chest before her anger finally turned to heartbreaking sobs. "Harry, please don't leave me! I need you! Our baby is going to need her daddy! Please wake up!" she broke down, throwing herself on top of his lifeless body. Her wracking sobs the only sound filling the room.

"Baby?" Cyrus whispered barely able to say the words in his shock.

Daphne still must have heard him as she nodded her head into Harry's chest. "Yes! It was a-after the Dementors s-showed up at the Quidditch g-same! Harry finally t-told me that he l-loved me! We didn't even s-stop to think ab-about protection!" her sobs only continued harder as she remembered that special night they had shared together.

Cyrus was stunned. He didn't know what to do...what to even say. All he could do was gently rub his daughters back softly as she slowly cried herself to sleep in the lifeless arms of the father of her unborn child.

(First Person)

I opened my eyes. It took me a few minutes to gather myself as I had woken up in a weird room. As more and more of the confusion started to wear off, I started to recognize the room as the one I had spent countless hours and days studying and practicing in, only it was all wrong. All of the color had been completely voided and the place was blanketed in white, with a cloudy hue around the edges. The only thing that seemed to be out of place, other than the fact I was without a stitch of clothing, was an obvious copy of the Mirror of Erised.

The metallic outline of the mirror was glowing slightly, but other than that, nothing was happening. "Hello, baby." came a sad voice from behind me, causing me to whirl around quickly. My attempts at locating my absent wand were abandoned when I caught a glimpse of who the voice belonged too.

"Mum?" I asked, unable to obtain any strength in my voice.

She nodded, slowly walking towards me. She stopped a mere foot in front of me before she slowly brought her dainty hands to my shoulders, squeezing them. It took me only a moment to overcome my shock and to throw my arms around her. It was an action I had dreamed about doing as a child, but had been forced to give up as I grew older.

"I had hoped to not see you here for quite a few years yet." she smiled at me, tears flowing from her eyes. "But it is so nice to finally hold my little boy again."

I assumed that I had died and that this was the afterlife. I couldn't help but feel saddened as I thought about never seeing Daphne again in the living world. I couldn't stop the few tears that started to fall down my face as I also thought about the child we had created together that would never get to meet her father, that I would never have the chance to help raise.

"I was going to be a dad." I mumbled into my mum's shoulder, my tears falling harder.

"Shhh...It's okay baby." I heard my mum sooth me, rubbing my back in tiny circles. "I know how it feels to leave behind a child that you love more than anything in the world. I know how much it hurts to even think about not being there for them, but I promise you it does get better. You may not be able to be there for them in person, but you will always be in their heart; always watching over them from above."

"So, I really am dead then?" I asked, trying to hold out any hope at all. "I can't go back to them?"

My mother shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid not baby, I'm here to guide you to the 'next great adventure' as Albus always used to say." I couldn't help but snort at her, remembering all the times the old coot had said those words.

"What about Voldemort and Black?" I asked, worrying about the girl and unborn child I had left behind in the land of the living. "Will he still be able to be killed? Did they capture Black again?"

"Your father felt it would be funny, even if I don't agree, but he wanted me to tell you that you at least win the bet with Dumbledore." I could see where dad would have found that fun with what I had heard about his humor, and I had to agree it was quite humorous as some of my earlier melancholy started to clear. "The prophecy was fulfilled the night we died, and the only 'power he knows not' was the ritual I used on you to protect you."

"So he can still be killed?" I asked, hoping he could as Daphne was still trapped in the world with him, and I wanted her to have a happy and perfect life, even if I couldn't be there for it. "What about Black?"

"Of course, and I would say it was only a matter of time as well. Albus hasn't taken well to your death and has been planning a recovery of Helga's chalice non stop. Thankfully, he was able to hide a clause in a new pro-pureblood bill that will allow him to gain access to her vault."

I nodded, knowing that Voldemort was going to die soon and that was all that mattered. I knew Albus would make sure of it.

"So you still haven't answered me about that traitor Black?" I asked, wondering why she had yet to answer my query about him

Her smile was sad, with a hint of regret behind it. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry, but Sirius was innocent. Peter was our secret keeper, Sirius would have rather died than to betray James. He was kissed and sent through the veil not an hour after you died. Dumbledore didn't even have a chance to question him before the Minister had shown up and done the deed. You father is with him now to help him pass over."

"But...but he went to Azkaban over it? Surely they would have used Veritaserum or something to find out the truth at his trial!?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had spent almost a year hating the wrong person and had even ignored Black when he tried to explain himself. I had no idea how to apologize to your godfather when it was your own fault he had died.

"He never had a trial." she squeezed me into a hug tighter as she sensed my guilt. "He loves you, you know? He will forgive you, I'd bet my, well not my life, but my afterlife on it."

Deciding not to dwell on it at the moment with everything else going on, I decided to move on to the most important question now that all of the earthly questions had been taken care of. "Mum, where is Violet? Why isn't she here with me, is she okay?" I asked worriedly.

It had been too long. I had missed the presence of Violet in my mind. I felt I was missing an important part of myself. Not being able to talk with her made me feel more lonely than I cared to admit.

Speaking of barren... "And why am I naked and where do I find cloths?"

My mother just laughed, her face shining with mirth at my predicament. "I was wondering when you would ask. Took your father an entire two days before he figured it out. As for Violet, she is waiting for you, Harry." she nodded her head in the direction of the Mirror of Erised clone at the last part.

"So what do I do? And is everyone naked when they die? How do I get in the mirror and to Violet?" I asked, kind of embarrassed that it was my mother greeting me and not my dad.

"Of course. You can't take anything with you from the real world when you die...not even your cloths. It's quite simple however, you just need to imagine them appearing and they will. As for the mirror...when you are ready, all you have to do is cross through it to the other side."

I thought about what I wanted, and quickly dressed. I wanted to hurry and be reunited with Violet. "Do you think I can have a few minutes alone with Violet when I cross over?"

"Tired of your old mum, already Harry?" she asked with a grin.

"Of course not!" I shot back at her. "It's just that I know Violet. She will have been in such a big panic over me not being there that cloths will have been the last thing on her mind, and I don't want my parents to get a free look at my girl."

"Don't be a prude, Harry!" she joked. "In the afterlife families share, didn't you know that?"

"Eww, mum! You do know that is gross right?" I asked, slightly nauseated by the thought.

"Aww, come on! I wasn't expecting you for like another hundred years. I haven't had a chance to work on my jokes! It's your fathers fault anyhow. You try listening to his jokes nonstop for the rest of eternity and not be effected by it." she tried to explain with a fake pout. "Fine, fine. Let's get you through to the other side so you can stop brooding. Just be quick, I want to meet her too you know."

"What do I do?" I deadpanned. "Isn't it your job to explain that. I'm not too well versed on walking through mirrors or the whole afterlife thing."

She just laughed again before steering me over towards the Mirror of Erised. "Once the picture forms, just walk right through like it's an open doorway."

Facing the mirror I could feel the breath hitch in my throat. A cloudy outline was starting to take shape within the glass, slowly becoming more and more colorful as the seconds rolled past. It was like an out of focus camera shot that was slowly being put back in focus, little by little. All throughout this, I just wanted to scream at the mirror to hurry up. It was agonizing.

It could have been hours or days but in reality it was probably only a few seconds before I could a bright room staring back at me, a beautiful place that I recognized as one of the rooms from Violet's dream home. She had planned out as kids what she had wanted it to look like, and it was right before my eyes. It was still a little out of focus but enough for me to see the details.

Unconsciously I took a step forward as the picture finally solidified, reaching out towards the glass as if to grab a non-existent door handle.

And then it shattered.

Hundreds of shards of glass blew out of the mirror in an explosion of shrapnel. The walls, ceiling, floor...everything started to do the same. Instinctively I covered my face and eyes from the pain that never came. When I looked back up I saw a sight that made my heart stop dead in my chest.

Just a few feet behind where the mirror used to be was a familiar young girl standing there still looking over her body. Long black hair covered her face, the spots reflecting the sun from the window glowing a dark violet color. I watched as she took deep breaths, as if the action was a foreign one for her, which I reminded myself it was. For a time she just stayed there, taking deep, measured breaths.

Slowly she started to straighten herself upright and for the first time I could see those eyes that for so long I had wanted to see, a deep amethyst so warm that it brought tears into my eyes just looking at them.

She hadn't noticed me yet, seemingly lost in her own world. She began to stretch her fingers experimentally, bringing them in front of her and almost counting them as she made slow movements, testing her new body. Her smile was so big that it threatens to break her face in half in its intensity. I could feel a few tears of joy threaten to overflow but I pushed them down. Seeing her like this...there were no words...

She started walking a few steps, bringing one foot in front of the other. The way she was moving was like she couldn't believe what she was doing. It was then she spotted me and gasped.

We just stared at each other, our mouth's opened slightly in silent amazement. Where I was able to stop the tears from coming moments earlier, she was having no such luck and I could see small streaks of tears start to snake their way down the side of her cheeks.

She looked perfect.

Her violet accented black hair came straight down to the middle of her back, her beautiful Amethyst eyes looking at me with so much love and devotion that if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't think it was possible. She took a hesitant step towards me, absentmindedly bringing one of her hands through her hair in a nervous gesture.

"Harry?" she said in a shocked whisper. It was so sweet. So the voice of an angel itself, and who knows...maybe she was; this was the afterlife. I just nodded, too stunned by the sound of her voice to move.

"I love you, Violet." I finally replied with a gentle smile. Wanting that to be the first words she would hear from me.

That was it. What little restraint she was holding on to at the start was now gone and she ran full pelt into my arms, nearly knocking me over with the force of her embrace.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she cried into my shoulder, her frame shaking against me. I could feel the tears I had been holding in starting to break through, my joy no longer able to be contained. I could feel my vision starting to blur as fresh tears started to fall down my face and I let my emotions run free for the first time in years. There was just me and her...and for the first time I could touch her.

I could feel the warmth of her skin underneath my fingertips, the moisture in her breath against my skin. I could feel her heartbeat, which even in death was more alive than it had ever been. I could smell the soft lavender fragrance of her hair. I breathed it into my lungs like a drug, almost high of the euphoria of her presence. It was a long time before we were in any state to say anything and we didn't need to. We had waited so long for this long. Words would somehow ruin its significance. What words could describe this feeling? was just too powerful.

I used one of my hands to wipe the tears from my eyes before placing it back on her body. It was almost like I had to reassure myself that she was still there. There was no way I was ever going to let her go. Not in a million years. I waited for her breathing to return to normal, signifying that she was no longer crying before I spoke again.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. To hold you in my arms." I said in a longing whisper.

"I have a pretty good idea. It's so be able to finally do this." she said back, her voice thick with emotion. "I love much" she said as she snuggled even closer into my body.

I grasped one of her hands, caressing it fondly, taking a small step back from her in the process. I didn't want to disentangle myself from her grip but I needed to see those eyes look at me, those wonderful amethyst orbs that shone with such life and vigor. She was more beautiful than I could even imagine, a body that could live up to the beauty of her heart as well, or at least as close as it could in the afterlife.

"I love you too." I said back, without a hesitation to which she gave a watery smile, raising her left hand and stroking my cheek gently. I couldn't help but lean against it, embracing the feeling of her soft skin against mine.

At the same time I brought my left hand to meet her face, and I reveled in its soft feeling and her delicate features. I could feel her silky hair graze the back of my hand as I caressed her skin lightly, making little circle shapes with the tip of my thumb. Neither of noticed how our faces started to get closer and closer, inch by inch, so lost we in each others eyes at that moment. We were merely centimeters apart now, and I could almost taste the sweetness of her breath, her eyes started to cloud in lust just before our lips connected.

It was like an explosion of feeling. In that split second I could feel every bit of love and devotion I had for her come to the surface and take control, as I returned her kiss with deep fervor. The sweetness of her lips acted like a drug, drawing me back in, all the while my hands were exploring her body.

As I kissed her, it felt like all my senses were enhanced. Her lips tasted that much sweeter...her body that much warmer. I could feel my own heart pulse in excitement, her hot breath against my skin as she came up for air a few moments before diving straight back in, as if our lives depending on our lips being locked together. It felt that way, since we had months...years to make up for the time we had spent so close to each other but so far apart at the same time. Her slender hands snaked around me, bringing me as close to her as I could possibly get, as much of our body touching as was possible. We were lost in the moment.

It could have been hours and I may not have noticed. Hell, I wouldn't have noticed if Voldemort himself walked into the room wearing a Tutu quoting the Soprano's in falsetto. My attention was solely on the beautiful creature in front of me. It was some time before we stopped, and when we did, we were panting heavily, looking at each other love and adoration.

Her hair was a mess but to me she was the most beautiful thing on the planet, the slight blush on her cheeks accentuating her brilliant smile as she leaned away from me, though her arms stayed snaked around my neck. For a few seconds we just stood there staring into each others eyes, totally content with each other.

It was in those few moments that I realized I had indeed been correct earlier. She was naked...not a single piece of clothing on her body. For some reason this made me look away slightly in embarrassment, even knowing how stupid that it was. To this, she gave a musical laugh and out of my peripherals I noticed she looked down in admiration at her form, taking one of her hands away from my neck, using it to trace lightly down her cleavage, which only made me more excited. I could tell she was doing it on purpose.

"Like what you see, Harry?" She asked in a playful mocking tone. "I've seen you in all kind of states of dress it's only fair you get some of the same benefits as well" she giggled playfully and moved seductively against me again. My words caught in my throat at that moment.

"So you like?" she asked, biting her lip slightly.

'You bet!' I said mentally, and it was only after she didn't reply for a couple of seconds I realized that speaking using my mind wasn't going to work any more. This was going to take some getting used to, not that it was a bad thing at all.

"Of course, you are my hearts desire, remember?" I said playfully and she punched my arm in jest. "On a serious note though mum and dad will be wanting to see us again soon, perhaps you should get dressed?"

"I think we can make them wait for a little while." she smiled coyly.

"You're just intent on torturing me."

"I know" she said before smiling at me again.

Just looking at her made my breath hitch, the incredible urge to kiss her again raking at my brain. I knew I shouldn't though, as if I gave in to my urges I don't think I would know when to stop. Not that she would complain. That didn't stop me from holding her close though. It was almost like I needed reassurance that she was there, her body warmth acting like a comforting blanket to me.

"I think it's time you put some cloths on. Don't want dad coming back and seeing you like this do we? It would be one hell of a first impression, don't know if he could handle it." I said with a small laugh, watching her smile in amusement.

"Besides" I continued, edging my face close to hers "Only I should be allowed to see you in this state of undress." I said with a wink before pulling away, dodging as she playfully aimed a punch at my arm.

I thought about what I wanted, and only a moment later it appeared. I picked up the elegant dress and handed it too her.

" shouldn't have." She grinned playfully, even as she ran her fingers through the fibers of the dress. She stood there with an awed look on her face, her eyes misty with tears. I gave her body a slight squeeze as she took it off its hanger and held it in front of her, no doubt imagining what it would look like on her.

"I know it doesn't mean as much since you can have whatever you want in the afterlife, but I wanted to get you something nice to wear." I said before planting a kiss in her hair. She replied by giving me a kiss on my cheek and running to the nearest mirror in excitement. When she got there she held out the dress in front of her. She looked at it from multiple angles before putting it down and launching herself in my arms again. She was feeling very emotional today.

"Thank you so much. I love it!" she muffled into my shoulder as she gave me a bone crushing hug. She kissed me before running over the where I had asked for the underclothes and put them on as quickly as she could, desperate to see what she looked like her new dress.

'Girls.' I thought. I rolled my eyes, to which she stuck her tongue out at me.

For a second I wondered if she could still hear what I was thinking but then I realized that was just silly. We had been in each others minds so many times knowing what each other was thinking was second nature to us by now. I could see just from her facial expression what was going on in her mind at that moment. We had a connection that nobody could possibly match.

It may have not been the ending we had planned, for I had never expected to die, but in the end, we were together finally and had all of eternity to spend with each other. I would miss Daphne, and the chance to raise our baby together, terribly; but just as my parents did for me, and their parents did for them...I will be here to wait for her. After all, what is a hundred or so years, when compared to eternity. I had stopped believing in a higher power that sat high in the cosmos, watching over and taking care of the world, by my fifth year with the Dursley's. I sent out a silent prayer for Daphne, hoping there was at the very least a messenger up there instead.

I reach for your hand in the cold of winter,

I reach for your hand in the dawn of spring,

I am no longer there for the joyous summer.

So, in Heaven, I will reach you with my wings.

Masked_0869 Masked_0869

This is where the original author left the novel. He has not updated it since 2016, under the name TheFlowerOfTheCourt. If he had done under another, I'm not sure. I guess the rest is up to your imagination.

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