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Chapter 2: Lucky the three legged dog

It was months after my narrow escape from the witches mansion that I noticed something was off and it really wasn't much but suddenly a troupe of paladins showed up in town and they wore the gauntlets of the witch hunters so I knew they were here to slay the witches coven in the local forest mind you for my own piece of mind it was great but there was o nagging sensation that wouldn't let it go i knew that girl with the witches was now in danger and I needed to warn her or my heart would never let me forget. I made my way into the forest and quickly found myself back at the mansion and so I circled it looking for a way in or maybe just her on her own and found that I would just have to go in something that I dreaded and for good reason they were dangerous and my dumb self was about to go serve myself up on a platter to them not my greatest of moments to be sure. I managed to get inside and find my way up to the second floor and into a little library on the second floor and I spent extra time there mostly because I found an actual book of spells though I only took the time to write one down a spell called barrier that would create a wall of force anywhere and almost any size I wanted it could be handy.

After finding myself a new spell and roaming the building I managed to find my way to the bedrooms and I worked my way through them which turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be mostly because they were all occupied and I had to walk almost right up to the beds before I could tell who was in them. I must have spent several hours inside the mansion and with each minute ticking by I could feel my fears getting stronger the longer I sat so I took the plunge and approached her. I can only imagine what she thought when she awoke to a stranger standing in her room but she was certainly more collected than I would have been as I explained that there were paladins in town and that they were witch hunters which made her eyes widen unlike my own sudden appearance had. After telling her about the paladins I made my exit as quickly as possible which was just me running out the window and diving onto a lower portion of roof before rolling off of the roof itself and onto the ground with a thud yep that stung a wee little bit but I got back to my feet and ran as I had no wish for a round two with the elderly witches.

Once back in the village It was easy to forget about the witches when I was in the village as it was so quiet normally and thing had gone back to normal after the incident that a person might almost forget the fact that a coven of witches lived nearby and so naturally when I got back to town I relaxed some only to be corned by four beefy paladins and a priest. I admit things were looking a little grim in that moment but I couldn't give them what they were after not just yet though to be honest they might be after me though I knew I had to give her some time to escape or come up with a plan. It was a few minutes later and sporting a couple new bruises that I managed to escape the witch hunters clutches and finally return home which is exactly when my mother let me have it again and I had to explain that I'd met a girl and had a walkthrough the forest with her only partly a lie so it doesn't count right. My mother was pacified and the witch hunters were on the prowl I had to stop my daily practice or be caught casting magic not something that you want when witch hunters are nearby so I dug into my studies which were only possible due to the fact I had learned how to read from a young age and my continued interest in books and studying.

I'd probably spend an entire day reading only to spend the next week working and that had been my pattern for years and it had earned me notoriety for being bookish and aloof yet I didn't think I was either of those and that had lead me to being known as a know it all why I'd never understood but that is what I was called. In the last few years I'd lived a exciting life and while I knew I couldn't stay living with my mother I also knew I wasn't truly ready to travel and so my studies had consumed me more so when the witch hunters had come into the village and it was a week after they had arrived that I knew I would have to leave as I was bringing entirely too much focus onto my mother as being a herbalist with an odd son in a village of what amounts to narrow minded fools in my opinion. It was a little thing that made my mind up but a young boy of maybe seven yelled at me that I was a witch and I would burn mostly because I refused to just let him take my employers goods without paying for them. I knew that I had to leave before any more of that kind of sentiment could build as witch hunters had only one prerogative to prevent evil witches from casting evil magic on the populace and I also knew just how rough they were without even suspecting you of witchcraft and I was not ready for another sample of their hospitality. I packed my few belongings and left my home knowing that I was as likely to never see it again as not and so I traveled to the edge of the village quickly and then onto the trail that served as the main thoroughfare of the village. Two miles out of town I was met with a surprise out walked a three legged dog and then it spoke to me in common and and said "the mistress is appreciative" and then it vanished as quickly as it had come.

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