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Chapter 36: Chapter Four : Missionaries - City Of Dogma (2)

"We shall enforce our commandments." The angel transient brought down their spears on us. I felt a burning feeling pass through my body again, it felt like I was getting burned from the inside whenever they hit me with their spears.

"Ugh, that hurt like hell! What's with these guys? Their attacks are weirdly on point…" Kengo was rubbing at his neck as he got up from the ground he was sent flying through. It seems like Kengo was getting hurt the most in this fight.

"Kengo, are you okay? You really went flying…" Shiro called out from the rear, looking concerned at Kengo as he got back into the fight with me.

"Don't take your eyes off of them! They must have some trick up their sleeves!" Kengo attacked one of the angel transients that were closest to him. He did manage to get a hit in but he let out a pained grunt as soon as their spear made contact with his body.

"Hear me, heretics! Violators of the commandments! Our Stigma shall reveal your sins! All crimes will be punished. All actions have consequences. We are the enforcers of the commandments. We shall hunt down heretics and make them atone for their sins! We shall bring pain to wipe away your sins. That alone is your path to salvation." The two angel transients spoke in sync as they stared us down with their spear pointed at us.

I was going to attack them again but stopped when I noticed from the corner of my eye that Ryota was getting involved in the fight as well.

"Stand behind us, Ryota! It's too dangerous!" Shiro called out to Ryota with a concerned voice and Kengo looked at Ryota with an annoyed expression on his face. "Don't be an idiot, Ryota! Stay out of this! There's nothing you can do!"

"I don't know why, but I was able to summon a Sacred Artifact, too! Heheheh. The hero always shows up when he's most needed! Eat this! Super Ryota Attaaaaaccck!" Ryota shouts and raises his radiant goblet into the air. The angels brace for an attack, but nothing happens.

"Curses!" The brown-haired angel glare at Ryota, not liking the fact that he was tricked into thinking that something was going to happen to him

"Please don't tell me you don't actually know what you're doing!" Shiro's expression was shocked as he looked at Ryota who was still holding his goblet in the air.

"Nope. But you never know what you can do until you try, y' know?" Ryota just gave a careful smile as he rubs behind his neck. I had to acknowledge that he was pretty brave for just rushing in when he has no idea how his Sacred Artifact even works.

"This really isn't the time for that!" Kengo shouts that from over his shoulder as he continues to fight one of the angel transients. One of the angels transients went to charge at Ryota with a yell and I quickly tried to stop him but he was quicker than me.

"Aaah! He's coming right this way! Did I piss him off?!" Ryota quickly went to avoid the charging angel transient with a scared expression on his face and tears appearing in his eyes. I was impressed with him managing to dodge the attack, he may have some skill with fighting.

"No, you did good, Ryota! You finally shook up their stupid blank expressions!" Kengo smirks at the now angry-looking angel transients. It made them seem more human-like with their pissed off expression instead of their blank ones.

"What are you planning, Kengo?! Don't tell me... " Kengo didn't reply to Shiro, his mouth curls into a confident smirk. He assumes a battle stance to confront our opponents head-on. I didn't know what he was planning but I was just going to be off to his side, readying myself to jump in when I was needed.

"I still owe you for that hit earlier! Time to pay my debts! Role of the Barbarian! Rule of Infinitude! Engrave mine name of Takabushi Kengo unto thee…" Kengo's arm started to glow as he spun it around into circles. The angel transients were giving Kengo cautious looks as they gripped their spears tightly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Why are you spinning your arm around… Wait, are you glowing?!" Ryota was surprised as Kengo Sacred Artifact started to glow even brighter. I was getting worried that Kengo may go all out and blow all of us away along with the angels.

"Kengo, stop! You're going to blow everyone around you away…!" Shiro was shouting at Kengo to stop and when it looked like Kengo was about to use his Sacred Artifact, someone quickly got between us.

"That is quite enough." A gust of wind whooshes between the combatants, and out of it emerges a man. He halts the attacks of both sides with ease. Kengo let out a grunt as he was pushed back by the gust of wind. Kengo is taken completely by surprise, awestruck by the newcomer's movement.

I was too charmed by him to even question if he was someone I had to worry about. He had a really nice body. I don't know if I should be thinking like this because he does seem like some type of religious person but, damn, those clothes are tight on his body. I can see the muscles on his legs. Oh no, I can feel a nosebleed coming…!

"Damn… He's good!" Kengo's reckless anger has all but vanished. It seems to have been replaced with a respectful interest in the man's power.

"This is no place for violence. I will allow no fighting before the chapel." Moments later, a woman appears and directs a powerful gaze toward the angels. This woman was also really beautiful! Her long green hair came out of her nun outfit. I was having a hard time just looking at her with pure eyes. Are all people in the church really attractive?!

"Lady Maria… Lord Zabaniyya." Upon recognizing the two who have emerged from the chapel, the angels stand to attention, spears at their sides. Seeing that they were no longer hostile towards us, I unsummoned my sword and looked at the new attractive people with warm cheeks.

"Oh hey, Maria! What a relief! I thought I'd never find a friendly face!" Ryota waves at the nun, whose name seems to be Maria, and smiles at her. I look at Ryota with interest, wondering how Ryota knows this beautiful woman.

"Hello, Ryota. I didn't realize you were here. I apologize. It appears they did not receive my message… Hear me, brethren. These people are my honored guests. I ask you all to kindly lower your weapons and explain what transpired here." Maria's calm voice washed over everyone and the angels who were still giving us stink eyes looked away from us with a scoff.

We end up explaining to her what led to us fighting the angel transients. Maria's expression didn't grow upset as she listened to both of us with a calm smile on her face. I couldn't help but grow to like her even more as she handled the situation with an open mind.

"Very well. I understand the situation. Thank you for the explanation. Now, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Maria. I have been left in charge of this guild." Maria gave us a polite bow as she smiled gently at us.

"Would I be correct to assume you are the Guild Master of the Aoyama Guild, then?" I was glad that Shiro was here because I was not thinking about anything as I just looked at Maria. At Shiro's question, Maria calmly shakes her head in response.

"I am not. I am merely standing in during the Guild Master's absence. I'm still learning my way around this role, but I hope I will live up to the task." I couldn't hold back what I was feeling anymore as Maria smiled at us with a slight blush on her face.

"So cute! I never saw someone this cute before. Maria, you are so cute~" I didn't care what anyone else thought as I gushed over Maria. I am someone who can't hold back what I am feeling, no matter what.

"...Ah, yes… Thank you." Maria looked away from me with a brighter blush on her face that only made me want to hug her even more but I held myself back. We are not close enough to hug each other, unfortunately.

"Now…" Maria looks to the man at her side, who bows deeply and begins to speak.

"My name is Zabaniyya. I have been entrusted with the Daikanyama Academy Chapel. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Zabaniyya coolly introduced himself to us and it just made me like him even more. He is so cool as he introduces himself to us so politely.

"So handsome! Has anyone told you that? I mean obviously, people tell you how handsome you are. I am so glad to make your acquaintance." I got closer to Zabaniyya but not close enough to be in his personal space. I can smell him… He smells like heaven and I love that…

"...One such as myself, sullied by an impure profession, does not deserve such words of praise." Zabaniyya looked briefly shocked when I complimented him but his expression grew hard as he looked away from me. I don't know why but he kind of seems like a sad person…..

"I am the administrator of the academy's chapel and abbey." I felt my head go empty for a second at what Zabaniyya said. I have no idea what that is. I think I was probably not that religious before I lost my memory or maybe I just don't remember a lot of religious stuff anymore.

"Chapel and abbey? What's he talking about, Maria?" Ryota also had a confused expression on his face, also not understanding what Zabaniyya was saying.

"Allow me to explain. Please take a look at the building standing before you." Maria motioned to the building that was behind her. I looked at it again, wondering what I needed to look at. It was a church, I mean I think it is a church. But it is also a school. I don't get what I need to see.

"You mean that building straight ahead? I see some sort of emblem on it…" Shiro also looked back at the building with a confused expression on his face. I could see that he was thinking hard as he looked at the building.

"Yes. That building is a chapel where the students of the academy gather to pray. It is also used as an abbey. As an abbey, it is a place where the devoted may live and worship alongside one another. Many folks, including Transients, live in unity here at the abbey. Zabaniyya and I live here, as well." I nod my head in understanding at Maria's explanation, finally understanding what a chapel and abbey were.

"So you're kind of like dorm heads? Like how Mr. Mononobe acts as a father-figure for our dorm?" Ryota hit his hand in his palm, finally getting it as well.

"Yes, I believe that would be an apt comparison. Our school is what you would call a missionary school. As such, it tends to have some differences from other schools." Maria smiled at us when she saw that we finally understood what Zabaniyya was talking about. She kind of does remind me of Mr. Mononobe, so gentle and caring.

"Thank you for the introductions. My name is Motoori Shiro. I'm Ryota's classmate at Shinjuku Academy." Shiro introduces himself to Maria and Zabaniyya with a polite nod of his head. He then gives Kengo a look that I thought only a teacher could pull off.

"...The name's Kengo. Takabushi Kengo." Kengo still looked a bit pissed that the fight we were having got cut short and Shiro increased the look he was giving to Kengo.

"Kengo! I apologize for his rudeness. And this is…" Shiro looks at me and I give a big smile as I went to introduce myself to Maria and Zabaniyya.

"It's nice to meet you! I am Masato. I hope that we get along well." I give a polite bow after I am done with my introduction.

"It's nice to meet you, Shiro, Kengo, and Masato. Ryota has told me many wonderful stories about you all, his dear friends." Maria had her hands clasped together as she looked at us with gentle eyes. She is suited to be a nun, she just gives off such kind vibes.

"Just so you know, those guys are the ones that came at us." Kengo glared at the two angel transients who were off to the side. He was still mad at them. I kind of got over it once I saw how attractive Maria and Zabaniyya were.

"Kengo! I'm so sorry. We…" Shiro went to apologize again but was cut off by one of the angels transient we were fighting before.

"On the contrary. You are the ones who made the first move." The blonde-haired angel and the brown-haired angel makes no efforts to hide their hostility, and I could see Kengo growing more and more irritated.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play this, huh? Good. I'm ready to settle the score!" Kengo started to move towards the angels and I quickly put an arm in front of him. I really had to hold him back because he really wanted to attack those angels.

"Please don't do anything rash, Kengo. I sincerely apologize for the rudeness of our people. I beg your forgiveness." Maria bows deeply, with an air of dignity. I could feel Kengo stop pushing against my arm and I slowly lowered it.

"Uh...Well, if you put it that way…" Kengo aimlessly drops his fists, awkwardly diverting to scratch his head. Maria is just so powerful! She can stop Kengo from wanting to fight just by apologizing.

"Lady Maria. These two were only acting in accordance of the commandments and protecting the chapel. I understand they are your guests, but there can be no exceptions to divine law." Zabaniyya took the side of the angels and I understood that. They were doing their jobs but they didn't have to be quick to raise their weapons at us.

"I am deeply sorry, my friends. I know it is much to ask, but please allow us to check you for weapons. I humbly request your cooperation." Maria asked us this with such a sincere look on her face that everyone just nodded their head in agreement.

As I was being patted down by the angel transient I couldn't help but let out small giggles as their hands touched me all over my body. I guess I have a rather sensitive body. When they were done patting me, I ignore the hard stares they were giving me. I can't help that I am rather ticklish.

"Lady Maria, Lord Zabaniyya. We've completed the pat-downs. We found no poison, firearms, bladed weapons, or other dangerous objects aside from their phones with the App installed." The angel transients bow towards Maria and Zabaniyya as they tell them this. I still kind of felt a bit violated when they checked my phone. I have some… stuff on there that really shouldn't be seen by anyone unless they are really open-minded.

"Why the hell would we be carrying any of that?! Ugh, I can still feel their slimy hands all over me." Kengo shivered as he glared hard at the two blank-faced angels. I feel like Kengo may never see eye to eye with them. He is really keeping that grudge firm.

"Kengo, please do not hold it against them. You must understand, we are all subject to this protocol without exception. Even myself." Zabaniyya had his hand to his chest as he spoke to Kengo with a sincere look on his face.

"Huh? You, too? Why would you go that far?" Kengo had a confused look on his face as he couldn't understand why someone who was a part of the guild had to get searched before they were allowed in as well.

"An outsider once smuggled in a weapon while disguised as one of our own." I could feel my eyes widen as I heard Maria say this. That seems a bit extreme! People take this game seriously. I am kind of concerned about how my missing memories are involved in this game as well.

"This really isn't just a game, is it?" I kind of mumble this to myself. I was feeling a lot of emotions that I haven't dealt with at the moment. I don't know if I am still held up about Oniwaka and the name he called me. Or if I am just really taking not having memories hard.

"It's pretty clear this isn't just some game. It's all far too fishy, Masato." Shiro had a serious look on his face as he said this. I was just involved with this game because I need to find my memories and maybe go back home if it is not a bad place…

"Could it be the reason everyone but Maria is dressed like this…" Ryota looks between Maria and everyone else. They did look different from each other. She was dressed as the nun while the other three were dressed ready to fight at any moment.

"Is it to make it easier to conduct daily pat-downs? It would be much easier to determine whether or not someone is hiding a weapon when they're dressed like that." Shiro looked seriously at the people in front of him as he said this, putting a bunch of stuff together in his head.

"You are quite observant. That is precisely so." Zabaniyya nodded his head in agreement with what Shiro just said.

"Maria, I'm surprised you were willing to meet us with everyone so on edge." Shiro looks at Maria with suspicious eyes but stops once I lightly tap him in the stomach with my elbow and give him a frown.

"All the more reason for me to meet with you, I feel the Aoyama Guild is a gathering of those who believe in love above all else. That is the true mission of the Aoyama Guild… To increase awareness about our ways and to encourage cooperation with as many people as possible." Maria was shining in my eyes as she spoke with bright eyes about the purpose of her guild and if I wasn't trying to make a guild I probably would have joined this guild.

"Now, Ryota… You mentioned that you would like to learn more about how to use Sacred Artifacts." Maria turns to speak directly to Ryota with a gentle smile still on her face. Maria had a nice smile, it was rather calming as well.

"Yeah, that's right! I don't know anything about them except how to summon mine. You seemed to be pretty in the know the last time we talked, so I was hoping you could teach me." Ryota put his hands together in front of him as he asked Maria this with a smile on his face.

"Hehe. It would be my pleasure." Maria chuckles a bit as she watches Ryota's actions. I am curious how Maria and Ryota know each other. Well from what I know Ryota has a lot of people he is friends with so I guess they just probably met through someone.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but may I ask a favor too, Maria?" Shiro cuts in the conversation that Ryota and Maria were having, looking at her with curious and serious eyes. I guess he probably wants to ask her something regarding the App or something related to it.

"I will gladly hear your request, Shiro." Maria didn't hesitate in listening to what Shiro's favor was. She did seem to be someone who would help out anyone if they asked for it.

"If possible, I would like to take a look around your school to learn more about your guild activities. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but we have no one else to ask at the present." Wow, Shiro went and asked her that! He is suited to be the guild advisor. Always asking the questions I probably wouldn���t ask.

"Yes, of course. We would be honored to have you. In fact, we were just about to make our daily rounds. Would you care to join us? We can talk on the way." I got excited to be able to hang out with Maria even longer but I shouldn't just accept it unless Shiro gives the okay.

"We would love to." Shiro accepted Maria's request with a smile and I tried not to show how happy I was about being able to follow Maria along for a bit longer today. This day was getting better for us.

"Very well then. Let us-" Before Maria could finish what she was going to say, Kengo who was quiet during this exchange finally spoke up again with a fierce look in his eyes that I knew wouldn't lead to anything good. "Not so fast!"

"Kengo?" Shiro looked at Kengo with confused eyes but I could see that his eyes were also giving off warnings to Kengo not to do anything stupid but Kengo just ignores him.

"You there. Zabaniyya, right?" Kengo points at Zabaniyya, looking at him with serious eyes. I was getting a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

"Yes. And?" Zabaniyya didn't seem to mind how Kengo was looking at him with rather serious eyes and I couldn't help but find him even more attractive and cool.

"You've piqued my interest. Would you mind sparring with me a bit? We'll call it a token of apology for the pat-down, Whaddya say?" Kengo smirks at Zabaniyya as he said this and I couldn't help but let out a tiny sigh at how he was acting at the moment.

"Cut it out, Kengo! Why do you have to go stirring things up again?!" Shiro was glaring at Kengo, his expression filled with annoyance at how he was currently acting.

"Can it, Shiro. Aren't you curious, too? I wanna know what their strongest fighter's got!" Kengo didn't back down from what he said earlier, still looking eager to fight Zabaniyya.

"Why do you have to be like that? Obsessing over strength isn't going to solve anything." Shiro still had a disapproving look on his face as he kept on glaring at the smirking Kengo.

"Yeah! You're causing trouble for Maria! I don't like this!" Ryota was getting mad at Kengo as well and it wasn't looking good for Kengo at the moment. Everyone was against him fighting Zabaniyya. I was also against him fighting Zabaniyya as well.

"Gaaaah! Shut up! I can't help it. I need to know!" Kengo exploded at both Shiro and Ryota with an irritated look on his face.

"Will this truly serve as an apology for our earlier indiscretion? If it is strictly a sparring session and not about stemming from personal enmity… I would like to accept. May I, Lady Maria?" Zabaniyya looked at Maria, who hesitantly nodded her head at his question.

"If that is what you wish… Very well. I would ask you both to try to avoid any injuries." Maria went off to the side, giving space for Zabaniyya and Kengo to fight each other.

"There you go! Let's get it on! I'm gonna go all out! No holds barred!" Kengo looked excited as he and Zabaniyya stood in front of each other, getting ready to fight each other. I was also to the side with an annoyed Shiro and a worried Ryota.

I feel like this could have been avoided. But if this will satisfy Kengo I guess we have to let it happen even though I don't want Kengo to fight Zabaniyya. What if his perfect body gets hurt badly? That would be a tragedy.

iika iika

Here this chapter done and published! I am rather happy since I managed to summon a bunch of new characters in the game and I can't wait to get even more soon. My luck is really improving with the summon thing and I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon. Well that it for now. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~

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