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The Supreme Hunter The Supreme Hunter original

The Supreme Hunter

Author: borqueh_

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reincarnated in a new life

Winter in northern Europe is usually quite cold. Temperatures range from zero degrees to below zero. When the temperature is this low, trees lose all their leaves, rivers, like the Danube, freeze, and birds fly south during winter.

A snowstorm falls slowly over the city, covering every corner of it. Blizzards cause extreme cold on everyone. The night seems endless.

The temperatures are below zero degrees. Families huddle together in their homes to shelter from the cold winter while they entertain each other for the night. The premises of the city are completely closed.

No silhouette can be seen walking the streets except for the homeless. The citizens had long since gone home.

Workers who were cursed with night shifts at their jobs where they are frequently haunted by ghosts were suddenly blessed by their bosses to go home.

No thief would expose himself to these winter temperatures to die of hypothermia from a few technological gadgets. Unless he is crazy and has no desire to live any longer. And this is in case he is lucky enough not to get lost in the middle of the storm.

The homeless ran from one place to another looking for a refuge to survive this winter that is dozens of times more difficult than the previous years.

Sadly, regardless of their efforts, their fatigued bodies and confused minds could not withstand the extreme temperatures and many ended up dying of hypothermia.

Entering the most desolate places in the city, in a dirty alley located in the slums, whose place is nothing more than a jungle without rules, a small figure could be seen hidden among the debris trying to prevent his body from succumbing to the call of death.

Wrapped in a thin blanket, an average-looking young black-haired man of no more than 16 years tried to survive at all costs.

The low winter temperatures had made this young man's skin too pale and cold. His body trembled constantly as confusion and drowsiness invaded his mind.

"No ... I don't want to die ..." the young man muttered weakly as his bloody mouth prevented the words from forming correctly.

His limbs had lost their warm, vivid color a few minutes ago when the force of the storm increased in gravity, and were instead replaced by a purple hue.

The young man could no longer feel his lower body. He could only stare imposingly at his immobile legs, since he didn't have the strength to look away.

Until now, he had only managed to survive thanks to his incredible willpower and his determination to live one more day.

Knowing that if his eyes were ever closed, they would never open again, the young man prevented this from happening at all costs.

His breathing began to slow down. His lungs burned like hell from the cold air he breathed.

This burning in his lungs was a thousand times worse than the time a policeman accidentally shot him in the leg, mistaking him for a thief.

The numbness was spreading to his upper body which was being covered by the thin blanket.

The chills grew stronger and stronger as the drowsiness and confusion caused his consciousness to fade.

Injuring himself to stay awake no longer worked, as he didn't feel the slightest bit of pain no matter how much blood his body released from him.

On the contrary, the more blood he released, the more tired and sleepy he felt.

"No… I'm not going to die here! I have a promise to keep! " The young man screamed in his mind with no intention of giving up.

He could tolerate whatever pain this world gave him. His dead parents risked his lives in a car accident for him to live. He wouldn't let them down.

He had made them a promise before he died. He would become a doctor no matter how long it took.

Regardless of the conditions he was in. He was going to make his parents proud who rested in heaven.

Unfortunately, the consciousness of the young man with big dreams was darkening by every second that passed.

It was only a matter of time before the flame of his life was quenched for winter.

Steps. Steps. Steps.

Suddenly, sudden footsteps were heard coming from the entrance of the alley.

Then the young man heard a hoarse voice. "Oh? There are many things here ... maybe I will find something that works. "

The voice coming from a person began to search through the garbage collected on the walls of the alley.

The young man couldn't move his neck to see this figure, but he knew that he was a man by how deep his voice was.

"Nothing around here ... nothing ... seriously isn't there something useful around here?" said the hoarse voice with an annoyed tone and disappointed to find nothing among so much rubbish. But still she continued searching.

After hearing this voice near him, a slight hope appeared within the young man. "A person ..." he thought in his mind that he was about to fall unconscious.

With what little energy his body still had, he tried to produce a few words of help. However, his body did not respond to his calls.

His body did not respond to his thoughts, but he continued to transmit pain and suffering. It was complete hell.

The hope of him that had appeared a few seconds ago, was completely extinguished.

Steps. Steps. Steps.

"Let's see what we can find among all this garbage ..." said the hoarse-voiced man as he searched through a small mountain of garbage.

The dying young man heard the man's hoarse voice followed by many noises of garbage being pushed to his side.

Suddenly, in front of his eyes, the young man could see the feet of the hoarse-voiced man who had pushed the mountain of garbage that he had created.

"What the fuck? It's a boy. Wow, how is a brat around these places? " the man's hoarse voice said in a tone of surprise.

Knowing that the man knew of his existence, the young man tried to transmit some signal to the man in front of him so that he would know that he was alive.

But before he could try anything, his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed that the vision of him had run into the snow that covered the ground.

Then, he felt someone remove the thin blanket that covered his cold body. "This brat had something useful for the cold! I just took it from him, he's already the fifth person! haha!"

After falling straight to the cold ground, the young man heard the loud hoarse voice of the man that sounded like he had won the lottery.

"Let's go find more people, maybe we can survive the winter, hahaha." The man said that he really was a homeless man before leaving the alley.

Hearing these words with what little consciousness he had left, the young man felt an endless fury emerge from his chest.

As his face remained attached to the ground, he could see faintly as the homeless man who stole from him was walking away with his blanket in his hands.

From outside the alley, he saw a small group of homeless people with various shopping carts in their hands.

In which they kept different clothes, cardboard boxes and warm objects to withstand the cold.

Tramps from different directions would gather at this point to fill the shopping carts of this peculiar group with more cardboard, clothing, etc.

The young man just watched imposingly as the homeless man who stole from him went with his companions to gather more resources.

His consciousness faded as he slowly fell into endless darkness. The fatigue that his body felt every day had disappeared once and for all and tranquility came to his mind.

For the first time in six years after the death of his parents, he felt relaxed.

It was no longer necessary to steal. He no longer had to fight for his life. He no longer had to defend your own food from hungry homeless people to survive. His fighting days were over.

He just wanted peace and quiet… forever.

After the death of his parents, he had felt completely alone in the world. He would finally meet them in heaven once and for all.

Unfortunately, his wish to reunite with his parents in heaven could not be fulfilled. Fate had other plans for him after all.

The consciousness of him resting in the abyss was interrupted when he felt a mysterious pressure grab his body and drag him out of the darkness in an instant.

The darkness turned to light, and with it, a familiar sensation came to his body.

borqueh_ borqueh_

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