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Chapter 22: Connections and Gratitude

To shift the conversation, he decided to address a topic that had been bothering him for some time.

Today, as Lucien stood atop the mountain, enjoying a short break and taking in the morning sky, his phone rang, breaking the tranquil silence of the moment. He answered the call, only to realize it was from Victor Sterling, and he couldn't help but recall that Victor's daughter, Isabella Sterling, was currently sitting in front of him. He had some questions that he wanted to ask her, and it was the perfect opportunity to do so. 


Earlier this morning, on the mountain.

Lucien heard his phone ringing and reached for it. As he answered, a sharp and slightly raspy voice emanated from the other end of the call. 

"Hey, is this Lucien Wilson? I'm Victor Sterling. You probably don't know who I am, or maybe you do, but I'm the grandfather of Alex, whom you saved yesterday. I would have called earlier, but I only heard from my wife late in the evening about what happened, and I didn't want to disturb you that late. So, I thought I should call you now."

"Naturally, I know who you are, Mr. Sterling," Lucien replied, a mix of surprise and reverence in his voice. "You are one of the richest people in Serelia and the CEO of Sterling Technologies, a revolutionary figure in the fields of aerospace, biotechnology, and renewable energy through your company. It's truly an honor to meet you."

"Who would have thought that you would know who I am; that's surprising," Victor Sterling admitted, his voice tinged with genuine surprise. "I heard that my grandson Alex was almost hit by a car, and you selflessly saved him. I really thank you for your quick thinking and heroism. He is the only grandson that I have, and I wouldn't even want to think about what might have happened to my wife if anything had gone wrong while she was supposed to be watching him," Victor Sterling confessed, his voice laced with genuine gratitude and concern.

Lucien felt a sense of relief that Alex was safe, and his curiosity prompted him to ask further, "I'm glad to hear Alex is okay. How is he holding up? I remember he was quite shaken up by the incident."

Victor reassured him, "He is fine, thankfully. He's developed a newfound respect for traffic safety, and we've been spending most of our time at home, allowing him to gradually readjust to the outside world. We want to make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed." 

As the conversation continued, Victor's tone shifted to a genuine concern for Lucien. "And how are you holding up? I heard from my wife that you had a pretty rough landing during that fall." His genuine concern and empathy for Lucien's well-being were evident in his words, and in that moment, Victor's caring disposition reminded Lucien of the grandfather he had never known, if he'd ever had one.

Lucien revealed to Victor that he had sustained some minor injuries earlier, which had worsened during his recent fall. However, he reassured Victor that they were not of major concern and would likely heal within several days.

Showing genuine concern for Lucien's well-being, Victor suggested that he should consider visiting the top doctor in the area for a check-up. Lucien, appreciating the concern, politely declined the offer, assuring Victor that he'd be fine and that medical attention was unnecessary. Lucien, aware of his own abilities, silently acknowledged that his temporary healing skill, known as Stealthy Healing, was still in effect. He knew that it wouldn't be much longer before he'd be fully healed, even though he didn't share this information with Victor.

Respecting Lucien's decision, Victor reluctantly dropped the matter and shifted the conversation to other topics. They discussed various subjects, ranging from their shared experiences to personal anecdotes. During this friendly exchange, Victor expressed his gratitude for Lucien's selflessness. He mentioned that he would extend the same offer to Lucien as he had to Lucien's wife. Victor had heard that Lucien had declined material rewards, but he was willing to help in any way possible, as long as it was ethical and right.

Deeply appreciative of Victor's generosity, Lucien thanked him from the bottom of his heart. He explained that he would have helped without expecting a reward but acknowledged that having such an offer might prove useful in the future.

Their conversation continued as they discussed shared memories, plans for the future, and exchanged stories. However, Lucien eventually excused himself, realizing that his aunt would likely be finishing breakfast preparations, and he still had to make his way down the mountain. Victor bid him farewell, wishing him a safe journey and looking forward to potential future encounters.

Lucien found himself pleasantly surprised by how down-to-earth and kind-hearted Victor was during their conversation. As they chatted, Lucien couldn't help but feel a sense of genuine warmth and friendship emanating from Victor, despite their first encounter. This positive interaction left Lucien with a desire to meet Victor in person someday, as he appreciated the connection they had forged through the conversation.

On Victor's part, he was equally surprised during their conversation. He hadn't expected Lucien to possess such a clear and focused mind, as well as high aspirations. Victor found Lucien to be remarkably mature for his age, and he detected a sense of purpose in the way Lucien spoke about his plans for the future. While Lucien may not have shared many details, Victor could sense that Lucien had a well-defined vision of what he wanted to achieve. This realization left Victor with a deep respect for Lucien's determination and ambition, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by the potential for a meaningful friendship with someone as forward-thinking as Lucien.

Despite the significant age gap between them, Victor couldn't help but feel a unique and inexplicable connection with Lucien. He found himself thinking of Lucien almost like a son he had never had. This feeling wasn't something Victor could easily explain, but it was a deep and genuine sense of affection and care for Lucien. It left him wanting to know more about Lucien's life, experiences, and aspirations, and he had a strong desire to deepen their budding relationship.

If Lucien knew what was going on in Victor's mind, he'd be genuinely surprised. Despite feeling a similar connection, almost like fate had brought them together, he wouldn't be inclined to consider their relationship on a familiar basis already. 


Lucien turned his attention to Isabella and inquired, "You are the daughter of Victor Sterling, right?" Although he already knew the answer, he felt compelled to ask her.

Isabella responded with a hint of irony, "I'm the daughter of the all-so-famous Victor Sterling, that is true." She playfully poked fun at her father's fame before adopting a more serious tone. "I hope you don't want to ask me for his autograph or something like that."

Lucien brushed aside her earlier remark and continued, "Are you the mother of Alex?"

Isabella's eyes widened in surprise as she asked in a slightly apprehensive tone, "How do you know my son? I don't remember meeting you before, although you are my boss, this is getting a little uncomfortable right now."

Lucien quickly intervened to reassure her, "Don't worry, I don't harbor any ill intentions. I saved your son from a car accident yesterday, and I received a call from your father today. It didn't seem like they told you my name or anything, so I wanted to talk to you myself."

Isabella was even more taken aback, realizing that her new boss was, in fact, the savior of her son. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she rose from her seat and bowed, saying, "I'm really sorry for not thanking you before. I actually wasn't sure if it was really you who saved my son, but now that you've confirmed it, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my son." Tears welled up in her eyes, not from not recognizing Lucien earlier, but from the deep gratitude she felt. Her son meant everything to her, and upon hearing what had happened, she had been on the verge of a breakdown until her mother assured her that Alex was completely fine.

Lucien, witnessing her emotional response, quickly approached her and helped her stand upright. Not knowing exactly how to comfort her, he decided to give her a reassuring hug, which seemed to have a calming effect.

Once Isabella had composed herself, they took a step back from the hug, and Lucien sat nearby. During the next 15 minutes, Isabella repeatedly expressed her thanks. Lucien, although accustomed to calming his younger sister in her early years, found it a bit challenging, as he was now dealing with an employee. Nevertheless, he couldn't leave her in distress and had done his best to console her.

After she had calmed down, they spoke about Alex, and Isabella expressed a desire for Lucien to meet him again, as her son had been eager to meet his savior.

Lucien replied that this would have to wait until he returned to Ardenvale, but it was certainly a possibility. He then shifted the conversation back to business matters, providing Isabella with instructions and granting her the freedom to maintain the company's operations as they were.

Isabella suddenly recalled something and retrieved some documents from her desk. These documents detailed the monthly profits, including employee salaries, operational costs, and manufacturing and materials expenses. Lucien realized that it was the first of June, which meant he would likely receive other reports later as well.

Upon reviewing the expenses, he noticed that Isabella Sterling, the former CEO, was drawing a salary of only $50,000, while her immediate subordinate was earning $40,000. He suggested raising her salary to $100,000, given her continued role as CEO and the fact that she had founded the company.

Isabella inquired about where to transfer the monthly profit, and Lucien replied that it should be deposited into the specified account. He also instructed them to set aside $3 million and utilize it for the clothing, suits, and less formal attire he had ordered, while the rest should be allocated for expanding the business.

Isabella promptly called for her assistant and instructed her to initiate the transfer. They continued their discussion for a while, but as the day was advancing, Lucien realized he needed to leave. He had intended to visit the other company he had acquired, but due to the time spent at Isabella's office, he was now pressed for time. Lucien had to pick up Lizzie from school.

He excused himself, bid farewell to Isabella, and headed back to where he had parked his Maybach, which was only a short distance away. The drive to Ardenvale Central High School took a bit longer than expected due to heavy morning traffic. Nevertheless, he reached the front of the school to collect Lizzie, who was likely waiting for him.

Lucien glanced around, trying to spot Lizzie. After a moment, he saw her emerging from the school entrance, accompanied by her two best friends. When Lizzie spotted his parked car, she quickly made her way over to him. Lucien promptly opened the car door for her.

Lizzie then inquired if it was okay for her two friends to join them. Lucien readily agreed, knowing the girls were close and that it would likely be a fun ride, even if he ended up carrying most of the load. He didn't mind at all; it was Lizzie who had asked, and he wouldn't say no to her. 

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