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Chapter 11: Principal Pressure

Archie's forehead had a small head of sweet on it as he grabbed his school bag from beside his desk. Being called to the principal's office was never, ever a good sign. There have been tales of people who've done nothing going to that room and coming out with suspensions. Archie couldn't verify if those rumours were true, but it certainly was a good way to make students behave. Well, for the most part.

Archie left his classroom and began walking to the principal's office, his more from his mother in his bag alongside his notebook and pen. He stood outside the door for a good five seconds, gathering his bearings before he knocked. When he went to knock on the door, before he could even get the first knock in, a booming voice was heard from the inside. "Come in." The voice told Archie, who followed it's instructions. He opened the door, nodding his head he placed his bag down beside the infamous "Chair Of Death".

Before the principal, this large, bald heavy-set man in a black suit with a white shirt, could speak, Archie reached into his bag and pulled his mother's note out. He handed it to the principal, who opened it and read it, slightly frowning. "You? Losing your voice? I don't believe it in the slightest, but I can't prove otherwise, so I just have to accept it." The principal sighed while handing the note back, staring Archie in the eyes. It was as if he was staring into his soul.

"You know we don't accept violence in this school, Archie." The principal said to Archie, who rolled his eyes while pointing to his face, specifically the bandage that was on his cheek. "Don't give me that look. I know all about your scuffles with your classmates. We made a deal that you'd use your knife to intimidate them, but we never mentioned anything about violence." The principal countered, which prompted Archie to pull out his notebook and pen so that he could write down a rebuttal.

"He started it, and threw fire at me. Would my actions not be considered self-defence?" The principal read off of Archie's notebook. "Yes, they are, but you don't understand. We don't accept any kind of violence in our school. We have cameras in all of the classrooms to make sure that nothing like this happens." The principal responded, and just as Archie was about to write something, the principal cut him off.

"I know exactly what you're about to say. You're about to ask why they get to hit you, but you don't get to hit back." The principal spoke for him, which shocked Archie. "If you've ever read a book about the laws of our society, they're all extremely focused on making sure that people without systems don't get represented. People with systems get to bully those without, and that's just how our society is built. I hate it, because I have to watch as people who can't help themselves get beaten down even further." The principal explained. "I don't want to have to watch those who are unfortunate in fate get beaten down so hard that they can't get up, so I'll make you a new deal. I shouldn't do this, as it's actually considered illegal, but I also dislike those people in your class, so it works for both of us."

Archie leaned forward when he heard about this new deal. It may help him finally get some level of respect. "You have to take part in system-based activities, even though you don't have one, which includes physical education as well. In return, I will let you resort to physical combat as long as you can prove to me that it was actually in self-defence." The principal offered, and Archie started smiling while writing something down. A single word.


"Well then, I guess we have an agreement. Now, head back to your class. This deal stays between me and you, alright? If you tell anyone, I'll know, and our deal will be off." The principal responded while leaning back in his chair. Archie simply nodded, grabbed his bag, and left with his notebook and pen in his hands.

Archie left with a silent sigh. He thought that he was going to be suspended for his actions, but now he has a get-out-of jail free card for school in his agreement with the principal. Archie went back to his classroom, and everyone was surprised that he had returned so soon. Nobody asked him any questions, as even Michael, who had recovered slightly from his injury, and Johann were shocked to see him. Archie went over to his chair and sat down, a small smile on his face. Nothing strange happened for the rest of the day, except for the fact that Michael was giving him extra evil glares that day, but it wasn't anything serious. Classes went by as usual, Archie having to show his note to each new teacher so that they wouldn't call on him.

Break came and went, lunch went by in a breeze. Archie sat with Jess while they ate their home-packed lunches outside on a bench. They talked, if you could call reading and writing "talking", in quiet about Archie's system and the new ability he learned. He admitted that he hadn't used it yet, but his system had told him that he had a new skill. "I can't wait to see that when we go home, honestly. Your system is so weird, giving you these insane boosts for such a small amount of work!" Jess commented. Archie looked at the ring on his finger, and just smiled. 'It wasn't a small amount of work to get this, that's for sure.'

Soon enough, it was time for the final class, which was one of the optionals. Archie had taken System Studies Class since he thought that he'd never have to do anything like it in the future since he didn't have a system. Well, he had to attend the class regardless, but he might be able to pick up on some of the stuff since he now has a system. He headed to classroom 4, which was where this class took place. He sat down in his seat at the back and got ready to finally pay attention in a class that he had ignored for the last few months.

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