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Chapter 11: A Wonderful Life

Korra's room had become our room, and Tenzin hadn't said a word against us sleeping in the same room yet. So, while Korra continued her air bending training, I had my own work to do. I sat on her bed and formed every tier 1 spell I knew one after the other dissipating them each time. The book I held in my other hand had been covered in stars and pretentiously droned on about the importance of cosmic awareness. It mentioned powerful and cancerous entities in seemingly benign universes held back by the world's natural cycle. But, even when I tried to give the book my undivided attention, my focus veered off into my present worries.

Three weeks after the incident, the City had yet to calm down. Food had become ever more expensive, and fishing had been heavily restricted. Bread prices had doubled twice in the last two days despite the increase in imports. Some industries began to sell to questionable markets, and the amount of money and jobs in Republic City had increased. Talks of factories opening farther from the City had been openly discussed, along with the opening of several nearby mines. Cheaper foods were imported to hold off the hungry maw of Republic City, where cannibalism happened frequently. Nonbenders struggled to get their hands on the serum, even sectioning off parts of the City and throwing trash at police who entered.

As it happened, the nonbenders weren't the only ones who purchased King's cocktail. Instead, they were the only ones desperate to try it first with little preparation. Some people had changed so subtly that I wouldn't have noticed without my preternatural senses. I could smell the scent of hallucinating pollen in their sweat, feel their lack of a qi signature, and see the slithering roots pass through their veins.

They weren't cultivators, far from it. A learned cultivator would have studied the serum before injecting it into their bodies. They would know that undetectable qi shouldn't be trusted. Its nature made it anathema to a cultivator.

King was similar; he could take advantage of my cultivation style that I can't counter without my glasses.

So, while Korra struggled with Air bending and being cooped up on Air Bending Island, I hit the books, invested in food commodities, and practiced from sunup to sundown. There was nothing else to do while the City ate itself. I still hadn't managed to reach the second tier, but I trained my tier 1 spells. Lust Touch formed with thought; the pattern was easier to recall. Next, I added Fireball, Call Lightning, Telekinetic Push, Corpse Bomb, Charmed Eyes, Lubricate, Pleasure Massage, Grease, Enhance ATK, Enhance DEF, Enhance SPD, Enhance MAG, and other tier 1 spells.

While I had plenty of books and the Enhance spells could give me a percentage edge in combat, I suffered without a teacher. I didn't know how to safely push myself or what I should focus on, so I went from one book to another, picking up anything that interested me. Some of the spells I learned could fall under necromancy, evocation, transfiguration, or alchemy. Still, I never focused on one thing for long. My goal had been to get acquainted with tier 1 spells, and I felt like I had barely scratched the surface.

The author bragged about how the spells he knew could bind and weaken even the most potent cosmic big bad. Unfortunately, half of every spell in the book was 4th tier and above. The guy who wrote it was obviously a powerful mage, and this probably wasn't a book for beginners. I couldn't dream of trying a 4th tier spell at my current skill level. Despite that, I still read the book, wondering if maybe there was some secret written in the book to stop a cosmic event from happening.

Korra practically ran into the room. "I took a bathroom break ten minutes before lunch. Tenzin said, "See you at lunch, so he doesn't expect me back."

I put my book down, and Korra shut the door behind her. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. I grabbed her tight booty as she glomped me on the mouth. Our lips pressed into each other, and I felt like a teenager again. I pulled her to the bed and tossed the dry text on cosmic entities, and pushed her on the bed. Korra continued to kiss me as my hand traveled under her shirt to feel up my girl's abs. Honestly, at this point, I was ready to yank off her clothes and pound her virgin water tribe cunny, but I didn't think she was ready for that yet.

My hand brushed against her breast, and she bucked her hips against mine. Dry humping was such a teenager thing, but it was sweet to do that with her. Korra closed her eyes and moaned before moving to my neck to suck on it. I grabbed a handful of her booty and pulled her closer to let her feel my hard-clothed dick against her dripping wet, clothed vagina.

This was one of the few times I could practice my spellcraft. I used Lust Touch and Pleasure Massage repeatedly as we made out and dry humped each other. My spells were almost perfect, hitting her with much more powerful effects than ever before. My mocha-skinned beauty only grew more aggressive while under their effects. I slipped my hand into her pants, and she didn't mind. My hand traveled down to find her thighs excitingly slick.

At that moment, I wanted to rip her clothes off and have my way with her. I wanted to pound Korra's dripping cunny and damn all the consequences. But this wasn't the right time. Our lips locked, and I slipped my tongue against hers tasting Korra's sticky lust-filled saliva. I found Korra's cunny through her panties and slowly rubbed at the damp cloth while my spell drove her body to spasm. Spells, as it turned out, were the ultimate sex toys.

"I think I need to change now. Could you wait outside?" I reluctantly got up, and Korra wasted no time finding a fresh pair of panties as I closed the door. Unfortunately, the boner in my pants hadn't gone away, so I flipped it up and tied it into my waistband. Hopefully, my shirt would keep it hidden until it finally went down for good.

As I walked my situation off, I heard the voice of the annoying Northern Water tribe councilman. Tarrlok was someone on my list of possible enemies, whether politically or otherwise. Unlike Tenzin, I couldn't trust the guy to have the best intentions for the citizens of this City. But, really, I couldn't trust anyone in power except Tenzin. Republic City needed to become a real republic and not the pure democracy it became in the original timeline.

I shivered at the thought of unleashing a pure democracy on any timeline. Those societies were some of the most corrupt. Canada and frozen bank accounts came to mind as one example. Who could trust such a government? How could a situation be fixed when most of the population was the problem? Killing a dictator was much easier than wiping out over half the population. On the flip side, any system I establish would be corrupted in a single generation or less. In my timeline, the United States was in its third Republic and nearly a full democracy. The Civil war stripped the states of power and started the second Republic. Woodrow Wilson allowed everyone to vote, including people without skin in the game, creating the third Republic. People became corrupted with welfare and handouts from the government until buying votes took over all government spending. Afterward, we had the super great stagflation depression II electric boogaloo. Then everything reset. The united states lasted for well over 2 centuries.

So, no, we need a republic and not a democracy. Voting should be restricted to people with skin in the game, and powers must be separated. But that would only matter if I decided to make this world one of my home bases. Doing so would change everything. It would even give me grounds to reprimand King.

Back to Tarrlok, what was he scheming? I walked into the room where some white lotus guards watched the news.

"Together, we can take back our city," Tarrlok shouted at the end of what must have been a fantastic speech. Unfortunately, I was too busy dry humping Korra at the time to catch it.

"The bill to draft the young men of Republic City has been passed with 3/5ths approval. Letters of summoning will soon be issued to all Republic citizens from the City to the countryside." My dick had finally calmed down just as Tenzin walked in.

"I told them this would only make the situation worse."

I bit into my cheek at the thought of ordinary people invading the dark tunnels of an injected nest. "What does he plan to do? Normal people can't compete with the injected, especially if they have fully acclimatized to the serum." I said.

The half-baked fragile things I killed back at the arena were nothing compared to someone who successfully assimilated the tree. Time would only make them stronger, and the seeds produced by them would be even more inclined towards symbiosis. Even food requirements would decrease with each generation. The people themselves would appear ever less human as they branch off into a different creature altogether. While originally those creatures were sterile, that might not be the case in a few generations on this world. That would also benefit King even more.

"He wants to use nonbenders to take care of the equalists and solve a problem by taking care of another problem. In his own words, enough bender blood has been spilled." Tenzin pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it off to me. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Tenzin had just handed me my draft papers. Apparently, the man noticed how close I was to Korra and wanted to fix that. She was the ultimate bender, and I was a nonbender. Or that's how I saw it.

"Is there a way to buy our way out of it?" I asked.

"No, he ensured that the sons of wealthy captains of industry couldn't escape. The draft enforcement force is already on the island. Please go with them and end this madness. This is your fault after all."

"What if I killed them all instead and dumped their bodies in the ocean?"

"Then you would make yourself an enemy of the world, and the full might of the United Force would come down on you. Then, even if you killed them all, you would lose what you want most."

I understood where Tenzin was coming from. He was under a lot of stress, and I could end this in a day, but I didn't think it would be that simple. Anything that could potentially break the level cap would have to be capable of reaching it, to begin with. So going down into their territory sounded like one hell of a bad idea.

The possibility of Hao Meng being there both gave me comfort and worried me. I would like to watch out for the guy. Unfortunately, there was another fly in the ointment.

Korra would be furious about this whole situation and demand to come too. I debated about not telling her about the situation. Amon would be one hell of a problem; at the same time, it would be nice to try out my tier 1 spells on live targets.

"Don't let the draft enforcers in yet; I need to break this to Korra. Or would you rather she come with me."

"My beliefs aside, I don't want Korra to be in danger. If you were a normal person, I wouldn't have allowed them on my island. But, unfortunately, that isn't the case, and this is your mess, not Korra's. You are a citizen Red, and sometimes a citizen must serve the state."

I understood the situation and didn't like it. Maybe I should hate Tenzin, but he was doing the best he could with the cards he was dealt. His daughters were fair game when they were older. I wouldn't cuck him, but that would be the next step.

"Distract them then, Tenzin; I need to talk to Korra. If I see them before we're done talking, I'll paint your walls with their blood."

I opened the door to Korra's room to see her propped up on the bed, one hand gently rubbing her clit with the other on her breast. Her crystal blue eyes widened, and the cutest look of surprise flashed across her face. "I was changing, and I suddenly had an urge; you weren't supposed to come in. I was changing." Korra said.

Her love juices' musky, sweet scent made me forget about the enforcers. My dick hardened again, and in my loose pants, Korra noticed. I grabbed Korra's dresser and placed it in front of the door. I fumbled with my clothes before ripping them off in frustration for a second. Korra stared at me in shock as I moved. Her legs were up over my shoulders before she could react. I tapped my dick against her dark labia and reveled in the feeling of her warm skin against mine. At that moment, Korra's met mine as she caught on to what I was doing.

If she had looked concerned and tried to get away, I'm not sure I would have been able to stop myself. She smelled so good, and even if I hadn't pierced her slick opening yet, I could feel the pounding of her heart. I wanted to push into her with every glorious beat. But instead, Korra raised her hands and took my glasses off.

"This might sound embarrassing, and it's not how I imagined my first time to be, but I want us to look into each other's eyes." I could almost see my monstrous glowing eyes in her very human blue. One day, her eyes might glow like mine, and I would regret that. However, Korra's eyes were her own shade of blue that I had grown to love.

Here I was, ready to fuck her and take what I wanted, and all I could think about was how much I loved looking into her eyes. My original intention had been to slowly use pleasure to make her my willing sex slave. But I wasn't supposed to fall in love; that could ruin me. This could only end in betrayal; that's how it always ends for guys like me.

I leaned in and kissed her as some of my aggression bled out of me. My dick rubbed against her slit as I used the Lubrication spell to ensure she wouldn't suffer any friction burns or violent tares. With a slight adjustment of my hips, the fat head of my dick pressed against Korra's virgin pussy. Her flower had yet to open in full when I pressed her. There was tightness as we kissed and looked into each other's eyes. I didn't have time for this, but I let this moment extend while it could.

Maybe after I wiped out the equalists, we could go out dancing again. So when Korra raised her hand, I let my mind drift back, and I copied her on the dance floor. The flutter of her blue dress and Korra's fierce blue eyes as she danced because she chose to be happy.

I let my toes grab ahold of the mattress to anchor me while my knees gave me all the humping leverage I could ask for. Korra sighed in relief when my cock slipped in. Our earlier session, Korra's masturbation, and the lubrication spell might have been overkill. Still, it hopefully made Korra's first penetration comfortable, if not pleasurable. I could feel her heart pounding and her cunny clenching around me as I let her adjust. Unfortunately, time wasn't with us, and any second from now, someone could try to barge in.

Korra's breasts were light brown with dark, slowly rising nipples. They were thick and poked out and perfect. It might have been what some people called the blissful honeymoon phase, but I liked them. While her breasts weren't massive, they filled my hands. I leaned in and slipped my lips around them, and she squeezed me tighter when I sucked. My girl had been playing with them when I caught her.

I pushed in a little deeper as her pussy started to spasm. Korra's legs shook, and I realized she was either having the worst cramp of all time or a powerful orgasm.

Korra's eyes shut then she opened them wide. "You didn't finish."

I raised an eyebrow. "Pull it out of me; I'm not safe right now."

Reluctantly, I dragged myself slowly out of her. "I'm going to try something I saw in a magazine. Stand up and tell me if I'm doing it wrong." Korra grabbed the base of my dick and licked her lips. "The girl in the magazine seemed to really enjoy it, but it's a little intimidating when it's this close."

Korra opened her mouth and closed it around my head. She sucked a few times and lucked my glands underneath before inviting more of it inside. Then she hit the back of her throat and nearly gagged. The Avatar retreated, coughing and spluttering. Tears ran down her eyes as she moved to put my dick back in her mouth. She was careful not to let it go too far back and started slurping again.

She built up a rhythm, and I started to get into it. I guided her until I was back on the bed, then laid down, and finally between her legs. Korra's clit was on full display, with her clenched lips and tiny star of a black cherry. I raised up and kissed her clit, and Korra shivered.

Another lick, and Korra attempted to try her luck. She forced my dick in deeper until I hit the back of her throat. This time Korra didn't choke. I moved my nose in between her slit and breathed it in. Something about that scent belonging to Korra made it so much better. I could tell it apart from any other woman I've met since becoming superhuman.

Her clit ground against my tongue slowly as I made my enjoyment of what she had accomplished known. She grabbed my balls and messaged my base as she slowly slipped my head down her throat. The feeling of Korra's hot throat as she swallowed and tried to drag my sausage down deeper threw me over the edge. I fired the first explosion down her throat as my member swelled. Korra slowly pulled me out as I fired. Korra refused to cough or gag; she only wrapped her lips around my head as my orgasm subsided.

Korra let her legs collapse to shove her cunny in my face like she was marking her territory. Any chance that it could have been an accident ended when she shifted her hips to grind against my face.

"Next time, don't be gentle," Korra said and rolled over, grinning.

I thought about taking a wet wipe out of my inventory but decided against it. The smell might piss Tarrlok off.

"I came in to tell you I'm being drafted for a suicide mission Tarrlok plans to send a militia of mostly nonbenders against the equalists." Korra twisted and punched me in the face. Then grabbed her hand and yelled. "Spirits, what is your face made of?"

"I didn't feel any bones break."

"I'm not worried about your face."

"Neither am I."

Korra glared at me. "Are you going to be ok against those things?" I raised an eyebrow. "Don't give me that you might be strong, but numbers matter, and you're attacking them in their base."

"The symbiosis gets better every strain. The last batches were physically able to fight in the early triple digits. Few of them would have become accustomed to that power level in only 3 weeks. I had to gradually adjust to it over three years. I'm still not fully used to it. King has been there for over a decade, and he is very skilled, but I won't ask him for help. Some of them could damage me in the right situation, and if they're smart, they could kill me before my regeneration kicks in. But there is a reason why I focused on learning spells these past weeks." I said.

I formed a fireball in my hand in the blink of an eye. The little ball of contained explosive force looked almost benign.

"You're a fire bender now."

"Nope, I can't manipulate fire at all. However, I can conjure a fireball and launch it from myself at an enemy in a straight line."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like it was worth weeks of effort. What else do you have?" Lightning crackled in my palm, ready to be unleashed and Korra just crossed her arms.

"Still fire bending. Are you feeling alright? Maybe I wore you out more than I thought. I could tell the enforcers that you're my man, and they aren't taking you because I'm the Avatar, and they have to deal with it."

That brought a smile to my face. My strategy might need some work, but I could get rid of the equalists without playing my hand to Amon if I played my cards right. If I could convince him to get in close instead of using blood bending, I could rip him apart.

"Wait, you have regeneration; what does that mean?" Korra asked.

"I can heal from most wounds almost instantly. Injuries that should be fatal for other people aren't an issue for me. With a few exceptions." I wasn't sure if I had enough green pills to shake off brain injuries. Theoretically, they shouldn't be a problem. But I'm unwilling to test it out.

A heavy pounding on the door and the loud wiggling of the handle soured my mood. I knew it was inevitable, but my time with Korra was still precious. Every second with her mattered, and they soured what should have been a beautiful memory.

Korra quickly got dressed while I equipped some old workout clothes. "Open this door; we are from the draft enforcement team. By order of councilman Tarrlok, you are to come with us. If you don't comply, you can be tried for treason against the Republic of nations." I looked over to make sure Korra was dressed and tossed my shades. Then, after hiding my eyes, I moved the dresser and opened the door.

When I opened the door staring across from me with smoldering amber eyes was Mako. No matter what happened, it seemed he would find himself back in the plot. The boy looked around me to see Korra behind me. His eyes narrowed before they focused back on me.

"If you try to run, I will burn you."

I blinked, then looked at the people. Snapshots of memories from the pro-bending match linked some of their faces to people in the crowd. They were survivors of the event and most likely terrified enough to go along with whatever Tarrlok wanted.

Why should I bother with this farce when I could do this myself? Wouldn't my leadership be safer for the people of this City? I let time slow to a crawl as I contemplated splattering the walls with their blood. I turned my attention to Ikki and Jinora peaking out into the hallway. Tenzin was already moving to block their view of what could be a traumatic scene.

Really at this point, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed with Korra and take a nap, then fuck her some more. I had a taste of her, and I needed more. Maybe I would get to know Asami next, get them good and friendly with each other and fuck them both. Then I could have two wonderful girls. Adding Jinora to that would just be the ice cream on the brownie.

Those pleasant thoughts vanished as quickly as they came. I questioned whether I should allow some power-grabbing tyrant to dictate anything. But maybe it was for the show. Korra would be safe here, so I wanted to see where this was going.

"Fine, lead the way," I said, and the man's shoulders relaxed.

"At least you're not a coward." I closed my eyes and promised myself that his end would be excruciating if this guy didn't redeem himself in my eyes.

I looked back at Korra. "You should call Asami; we should go dancing again when I get back."

"Maybe I will take her when you're gone. The Avatar deserves better than a nonbender too scared to volunteer." Mako said and had the gall to smile at Korra.

A gasp from across the hall and a red-faced Ikki and a subdued Jinora didn't improve my opinion of Mako. "Not another word out of you, boy. Or you'll swim back to Republic City."

Mako bowed, "my apologizes, councilman Tenzin." Mako said.

I raised my opinion of Tenzin up a few notches while Mako continued to plummet. His brother was probably dead, which might be Mako's lowest point. Still talking about shacking up with another man's woman right before you send him into combat, I might drown the guy.

Two benders covered my back, one stood on either side of me, and three led the way in front. I didn't think they had enough manpower to do this with everyone, so this must have been a political move. We stepped out of Tenzin's home only for cameras to flash all around me. I could already see where this was going. If I wasn't safe in a councilman's home, no one was safe anywhere. Volunteering immediately was the best solution, and they would get to order guys like me around.

Ships from the unified forces filled the harbor, and the situation went from bad to worse. Tarrlok would use the military-trained benders to teach us the bare minimum before forcing us down into the tunnels. Every time I looked at this situation, it was a little worse.

Mako decided to rub salt in the wound. "What kind of flowers does Korra like. I thought fire lilies, but she seems to be the type of girl who likes things blue." I should bring her flowers when I return. Arctic Roses was probably the best way to go. A good mixture of blue and white seemed like the right way.

"I think Arctic roses," Mako said.

"Do you have a problem with me, or are you a dick to everyone you meet?" I asked.

Fire erupted in Mako's hand before he smiled and quenched it. "I bet you were happy when the equalists attacked the arena. The thought of the privileged benders finally getting what they deserve probably brightened your day." I interrupted him.

"Let me guess, someone you cared about died. So what, shout your problems to someone who wasn't there."

"I know you were there. I saw you on TV. You rode the coattails of the Avatar out of there and left my brother to die." Mako said.

"Your brother was a coward; he ran and left us for dead." Mako threw a punch with everything he had from a seated position. I felt one of his knuckles break against my face. So, to add insult to injury, I spat in his eye.

"Liar, my brother, did his best, and you abandoned him" I laughed at the broken young man. To me, he was the funniest thing in the world.

"When we land, you will be whipped for your disrespect." That only made me laugh at him harder.

He didn't understand a thing, and that was glorious. Tenzin hadn't told anyone about me, and once again, he went up a notch in my book. I wondered if Hao Meng would be drafted; maybe he would volunteer after seeing me dragged out of Tenzin's home.

"We're going to televise it. Then I'm going to give your girlfriend a call."

The coast was in sight, along with a company from the military. Reporters swarmed the docks, and this dog and pony show was about to begin. Honestly, I should just drown Mako to make a point and then beat down anyone else on my way to Tarrlok's office. The only thing holding me back was really an idealistic outcome. If I let this play out and allow Tarrlok to hurt the people of the United Republic, they would learn to hate dictators. Then, I could use Tarrlok to train the populous into a people who would voluntarily go along with my system.

Food prices rose every day, and people were dying in the streets.

Reporters had man-eating equalists on film, and the rest of the world wasn't happy. Tarrlok asked for emergency powers, and the other nations allowed them. Who suffered the most in this situation? They were the homeless children on the streets, people like Mako and Bolin had once been. The nonbenders who couldn't get into gangs would either die of hunger or be eaten by equalists to lower the food demand.

Soon the people would be tired of being ruled by foreign powers. They would demand representation, and I was in the thick of it. A smile stretched across my face. Maybe it was time to introduce guns to these people. I could do what the equalists couldn't, make every man and woman genuinely equal. Bending didn't matter if they never saw the supersonic bullet coming. Everything I needed to make repeating long-range rifles had already been invented. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this universe's creators, they hadn't been implemented. Somehow shock batons and mechanized robots came before shooting bits of metal through a tube. A small smile spread across my face as I waited for the right opportunity to fall into place.

Ultimatedaywriter Ultimatedaywriter

Check out my other work on this site Mega Ultra Divine Dragon Obliterating Sect

My ******* has the next chapter in the series titled as ch12.


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