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Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Drum Island and A Fallen King!

It was currently nightfall and almost everyone was currently sleeping in the same room as Nami. The only people who were up keeping watch were Sanji, Gem, and Yosaku. The crew had dropped anchor for the night because Luffy did not want to risk navigating the seas at night without Nami. Even though he himself was good at navigating, he was not as good as Nami. She seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to predicting the weather and small changes in the wind. As for Luffy, he was currently laying on a lawn chair made out of his thundercloud peacefully sleeping. After Vivi had told him about the Drum Kingdom he felt slightly at ease knowing that he could save his navigator. He had not told the rest of the crew about their next course of action just yet, he was waiting until the morning to tell them.


Luffy was woken from his sleep by the sound of someone hitting something coming from the outside. He groggily got up to the sitting position on his cloud and rubbed his eyes before looking out and window and saw that the sun wasn't up yet.

'Who the hell is up this early?' he asked himself as he placed his feet up on the cloud before it started to float up from the ground. When the cloud was good distance off the ground Luffy willed it to head towards the door, he didn't want to walk towards the door at the risk of waking anyone else up and he was feeling a bit lazy. When the cloud got to the door Luffy reached out and quietly opened the door before he and the cloud made their way outside. As soon as they floated onto the deck he was hit the cold morning air of a winter climate. He immediately shivered and for the first time placed his hand into the sleeves of his captain's coat before buttoning it up all the way.

"Who the fuck turned down the temperature?" he said to himself. He then heard someone hammering once again off to his right causing him to look over. When he looked over he saw Usopp with nails in his mouth and a hammer in his hand fixing the ship that Wapol bit off.

"You're up early," Luffy said as he got off his cloud and stretched his muscles.

"Can't just sit around doing nothing," Usopp replied while nailing wood to the side of the ship. "We got to find a way out of this jam as quickly as possible, captain," he added causing Luffy to nod.

"We already came up with a course of action. As soon as everyone gets up Vivi and I will explain it all of you," he said causing Usopp to brighten up a bit. Luffy then heard movement coming from the left him causing him to turn to see who or what it was. When he looked over he saw Yosaku and Gem walking towards him looking really tired. He then looked straight ahead and saw Sanji climbing down from the crows nest wearing a poncho.

"Morning captain," Yosaku said he stood next to Luffy.

"You three look tired," Luffy noted while looking at them. "I'm up now so you three can go get some rest before we head off," he said causing the three of them to Look at him with a grateful expression on their face.

"Do you want me to fix you anything captain?" Sanji asked while Gem and Yosaku headed inside to get some sleep.

"No that's fine," Luffy replied with a smile. "I can handle it go get some rest," he said causing Sanji to smile and head inside. Luffy then made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee for himself., before he went into the kitchen he turned to Usopp and spoke. "Do you want something, Usopp?" he asked while looking over his shoulder.

"Some coffee would be nice" Usopp replied causing Luffy to nod before heading into the kitchen. Just before he walked through the door he gave a mental command to his thundercloud to go up into the sky for now. As Luffy entered the kitchen he placed the kettle of water onto the stove and turned it on. He then grabbed two coffee cups and placed coffee in both of them before he sat them down on the counter and folded his arms as he waited for the water to boil. After waiting for about five minutes the kettle finally whistled causing Luffy to turn off the stove and pour the water into the cups. After he finished pouring he stirred both before he picked up one and took a sip of the hot coffee.

"Mmmm, that's good," Luffy said as he savored the taste of the black coffee. He then picked up and other cup and headed outside to Usopp. "here you go, Usopp," Luffy said has handed the cup to him.

"Thank you," Usopp said as he placed the hammer down and took the cup from Luffy. Luffy then left Usopp and went to the front of the ship, he hopped up onto the figurehead of the Going Merry while careful enough not to spill his coffee. He then sat down on the figurehead and looking out into the ocean with a smile on his face enjoying the view of the morning air. His enjoyment was interrupted however by the sound of his transponder snail ringing.

*purupurupuru* *purupurupuru* the snail in Luffy's coat rang causing him to place his coffee down and reach into his coat and pulled out a baby Den-Den Mushi with three familiar scars over its left eye. Luffy smiled before he pressed the button on top of the snail's shell and spoke.

"Hello," he said into the snail.

"LUFFY!" came the joyous and drunk voice of Shanks.

"Well, its either you're up early and hungover from drinking all night, or you're still partying from last night," Luffy said as he shook his head.

"Hmm, Sleep is overrated! Booze is more fun, Hahahaha!" Shanks said causing Luffy to chuckle.

"So what is the occasion?" Luffy asked before he took a sip of his coffee. "Seeing as how you called on a secured line I take it this isn't exactly you calling to check up on your dear apprentice," Luffy said causing Sanks to chuckle a bit. before Luffy could sense Shanks got serious.

"Ace is in Paradise..." he said causing Luffy to take on a serious look on his face.

**Three hours Later**

It has been three hours since Luffy spoke to Shanks. Currently, he was standing on the upper deck looking down at his crew. They were getting ready to raise anchor and start sailing again. Nami's condition hadn't changed one bit since yesterday and was slowly getting worse and Luffy was starting to get more worried. Usopp was still fixing the sides of the ship that Wapol bit off, Johnny was up in the crows nest looking out, Nojiko and Vivi were with Nami, Mikita and Marianne were on the main deck securing the ropes, Zoro was standing behind Luffy watching everything, While Sanji, Yosaku, and Gem were stilling sleeping after being up all night keeping watch.

"Captain," came the voice of Zoro from behind Luffy causing him to turn around. "Where are we going now?" he asked Luffy as he walked and stood beside him. Luffy leaned back on the rails of the upper deck and folded his arms before he replied.

"Is everyone ready to continue sailing?" he asked while looking over at Zoro.

"Yeah, everyone is up and ready go," Zoro replied causing Luffy to nod before he turned and looked down at his crew before he spoke.

"Guess I should let everyone know our next course of action," he said to Zoro. "Alright, Listen up!" Luffy said getting everyone's attention and causing Vivi and Nojiko to come outside to see what Luffy wanted to say. "Vivi told me something really interesting about that Island Wapol was looking for," he said causing everyone except Vivi and Nojiko look at him with a confused look on their face.

"Wapol?" Usopp asked while holding on to his hammer.

"Wasn't he looking for someplace called Drum kingdom?" Marianne asked causing Luffy to nod his head before he replied.

"Yeah, apparently this Drum Kingdom is a winter island famous of having the best doctors in the Grand Line," he said causing all of them to look at him with a surprised look on their face.

"Wait, what's a winter island?" asked Johnny from up in the crows nest.

"Scattered within the Grand Line there are four basic types of islands made distinct by their varying climates," Luffy asked causing al them to pay attention. "You've got summer islands, spring island, autumn islands, and winter islands," he said causing those who were from the east blue to be surprised and awed by the type of islands that existed in the Grand Line.

"Wow!" came the astonished voice of Usopp.

"Each one these island has their own four independent seasons," came the voice of Vivi causing everyone to look at her. "When traveling the Grand Line there are at least 16 different types of weather patterns you must be prepared to endure, ranging from summer island's summer to winter island's winter, and everything in between," she causing their eyes to widen. Even the former Baroque Works agents were slightly surprised by that information. They had all know that the Grand Line had strange weather patterns but they never knew why.

"There can always be an exception to this and you can encounter unknown climates at any given moment," Luffy added to what Vivi said.

"I think I get it," said Usopp causing Luffy to look at him with an amused look on his face. "The Grand Line has these different Islands one after the other, and that's the reason why the seas between them have such crazy weather patterns," he said.

"Correct, and the closer you get to an island the calmer the seas are around you," Luffy added before he leaned against the rails. "However Usopp, that still doesn't explain for half the ship that happens in this place," he said causing Usopp to look at Luffy with an astonished look on his face.

"Amazing," Usopp replied causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Raise the anchor we can talk as we sail," Luffy said to Zoro causing him to nod before he made his way to the front of the ship and pulled up the anchor. "Johnny keep an eye out of any islands, this water is a bit too calm," Luffy said causing Johnny to salute his captain before he started looking out to the horizon. Everyone onboard the ship felt the Going Merry give a jerk forward as the anchor came undone allowing it to move.

"Luffy," came the voice of Nojiko as she walked up to Luffy.

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked while looking over to Nojiko.

"Are we going to make it in time to save Nami?" she asked in a soft voice while tears start to build up in her eyes.

"Listen," Luffy said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "She is going to okay. If I have to I'll fly her all the way to Mary Geoise myself and make the World Government heal her," Luffy said causing Nojiko to slightly nod her head.

"Thanks, Luffy," she said.

"Don't thank me, I haven't done anything yet," he replied. Nojiko was about to reply but Zoro's voice came from Luffy's right interrupting them.

"Captain, where is that shitty cook?" Zoro asked as he walked towards them. "I'm starving," he said causing Luffy to sigh.

"Sanji, Yosaku, and Gem are sleeping. They were up all night keeping watch so let them get their rest," Luffy replied causing Zoro to fold his arms and speak.

"Pshh! A real man can do without a little sleep," he said causing Nojiko to Luffy to look at him with a huge sweat drop.

'This is coming from the man who sleeps every chance he gets,' Luffy and Nojiko thought.

"Why don't I make you something, Mr. Bushido," came the voice of Vivi from their left.

"You know how to cook, Princess?" Luffy asked in a surprised voice.

"Of course I know how to cook!" Vivi yelled as he folded her arms and pouted.

"A princess who is a spy and can cook, the Grand Line sure is a strange place," Zoro said causing Vivi to see red. Nojiko and Luffy safely took a step away from the angry princess allowing her to make her way towards the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and proceed to beat the crap out of him.

"You women can be scary sometimes," Luffy whispered to Nojiko causing her to chuckle. After Vivvi was done with Zoro she huffed and began making her way towards the kitchen leaving Zoro lying on the floor with two rather large bumps on his head.

"I'll be in the kitchen for those who are hungry," the princess said as she walked by Luffy and Nojiko. Luffy and nojiko looked at Zoro then looked at each other before they shrugged their shoulders and headed to the kitchen. When they enter the kitchen they sat down on the table and looked at Vivi who was standing behind the stove looking at them. "So, what do you guys want to eat?" she asked while tying the apron around her waist.

"Whatever you make will be fine, princess," Luffy said while Nojiko nodded in agreement. "You should make something for Nami as well," he added causing her to nod. Vivi then began moving around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and chopping up meat and vegetables causing Luffy to be surprised at the fact that she ACTUALLY knows how to cook. It was then Zoro walked into the kitchen holding his head in pain. Vivi paused what she was doing and took one look at Zoro before she huffed and went back to work. As Zoro sat down Luffy passed him a glass and poured some whiskey for him.

"Here, this will help with the pain," Luffy said as he poured the drink.

"Thanks, captain," Zoro replied before he picked up the drink and down it. "By the way cap," he said getting Luffy's attention. "What were you and those new guys talking about?" Zoro asked causing Nojiko to look at Luffy with interest.

"I am creating an organization so the speak," Luffy said surprising them. "It will be an entire fleet of ships buying and selling stuff on the black market," he said as he poured himself a drink. Everyone including Vivi looking at Luffy with a surprised look on their face.

"Black market?" Zoro asked causing Luffy to nod. "What's that?" he asked again causing everyone to look at him like he was stupid.

"You've never heard of the black market?" Nojiko asked in a surprised voice. The fact that he never heard about the black market was just as surprising as Luffy being involved with the black market.

"The black market or better know as the Underworld is a whole system of connections, smuggling, and shady dealings," Luffy said before he took a sip of his drink. "It is mainly set in the New World, I plan to take control here in Paradise before I go into the New World and topple Joker's empire," Luffy said causing Zoro to nod his head not really caring. Nojiko took a few seconds to think things through before she too nodded her head. Vivi, on the other hand, looked absolutely furious.

"Luffy how could you think about doing something like that!?" she screamed/asked causing Luffy to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Luffy asked not seeing why she was so angry.

"You are talking about smuggling weapons and drugs! How is that okay!?" she yelled causing Luffy to sigh.

"Princess, I think you keep on forgetting that we are pirates, not saints," Luffy said before he took another sip of his drink. "We rob, pillage, and plunder to get our treasure. Sure we may not be the most ruthless bunch of pirates that go around and kill random innocent people, but that by no means mean that we are saints in this world," he said calmly while Zoro and Nojiko nodded their heads in agreement.

"Are you two okay with this?" Vivi asked while looking at Zoro and Nojiko.

"Well at first it sounded a bit scary, you know dealing with the whole underworld and all," Nojiko said as she leaned back in her chair. "but I know Luffy and he would never do anything that would put his crew in danger and he never does anything without a reason. So if this underworld this is his idea the payoff that comes with it must be sweet," she said causing Luffy to nod. Vivi then looked at Zoro hoping that he would say something that made sense to her no matter how slim the possibility of that happening.

"I don't really care, to be honest, he is my captain and if that's what he says we are doing that's what we are doing," he said causing Luffy to smile and pour him another drink. "Plus there has to be some good booze on this black market," Zoro said with a grin causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"You can relax princess," Luffy said trying to calm her down. "I can promise you we won't be involved with nothing too bad like slave trading. Just going to be selling weapons to those in need of weapons, drugs to the rich and the wealthy, and other high-end goods to those looking for them," Luffy said as he poured himself another drink. "By the way you are about to burn the food," he added causing her eyes to widen before she quickly turned off the stove. Luckily Luffy warned her or else all the food would have been badly burnt. She then took out some plates and small bowls before she placed the food in them and served it to the three of them.

"Eat up," she said as she set everything down in front of everyone before walking back into the kitchen and picked up another set of food and began walking towards the door. "I'll take this to Nami...on second thought why don't we all go eat with her in there," she said while looking at the four of them. Luffy looked around to see if anyone protest the idea before shrugging his shoulder. They all then got up with their plates and made their way towards Nami's room. When they got there they saw Vivi's duck Karoo sleeping in Nami's room. Luffy then called his thunder cloud and had it transformed into a small table on the floor for them to eat on. Luffy and Zoro sat down in front of the cloud with their food in front of them while Nojiko and Vivi were helping Nami get up to eat. Once they finish helping her sit up next to the cloud they all sat down and got ready to eat.

"This looks delicious," Luffy commented as he stared at the steamed rice with grilled dinosaur meat with hungry eyes. The five of them didn't wait another second before they all dug into their food. The five of them spent a half hour eating and chatting after Vivi finally let the black market think go. Luffy just finished his food and was about to pour himself another glass of whiskey but the voice of Johnny yelling stopped him.

"CAPTAIN!" Johnny yelled getting him and everyone else's attention. "ISLAND DEAD AHEAD!" he yelled from the crows nest. Luffy got up with his plates and spoke.

"Zoro come with me, you two help Nami back into bed," Luffy said before leaving the room with Zoro right behind him. The two of them made their way to the kitchen before they went out to the main deck. When they got there they saw that the Going Merry was slowly approaching an island in the distant. "Zoro, go wake those three up," Luffy said causing Zoo to nod his head before he headed below deck to wake Sanji, Gem, and Yosaku up. Luffy then walked up the front of the ship and folded his arms and stared at the island they were slowly approaching.

"Captain are we sure this is a good idea?" Asked Usopp as he walked up behind Luffy. "I mean there could be snow monsters," said a worried Usopp causing Luffy to sweatdrop.

"Come now Usopp, no snow monster could stand up to the might of a brave warrior of the sea," Luffy said with a smirk as he played on Usopp's dream. "I'm sure Kaya would think anyone who could defeat a snow monster to save their crew mate's life is a noble warrior," Luffy added causing Usopp to put on a brave face before he pointed to the sky and yelled.

"Yes, no snow monster can stand up to the might of Captain Usopp!" he yelled causing Luffy to chuckle before turning his attention back to the island. As the ship sailed closer and closer to the island they all noticed a waterway leading into the island so they decided to sail up through there in order to inland. Vivi head left Nami and Nojiko inside and came outside with her duck Karoo to see if they had arrived yet.

"Wow, its all covered in snow," she said in an astonished voice as she looked around.

"Look at those mountains, I've never seen anything like them before," Sanji said while looking up at the series of drum-shaped mountains.

"I guess that's why they call it Drum Island," said Yosaku from beside Sanji with his bisento in hand. After sailing for up the waterway for another five minutes the ship stopped at the end of the stream.

"It is a stream of melted snow, this should be a good place to disembark," Luffy said before turning to his crew. "Okay doctor search, who wants to go?" Luffy asked.

"I'll stay with the ship," Zoro said causing Luffy to nod.

"We will stay with Big Bro Zoro," said Johnny while Yosaku nodded. Seeing no one else was saying that they wanted to stay on aboard Luffy spoke again.

"So I take it the rest of you are going ashore?" he asked causing all of them to nod. Luffy was about to speak again but just as he was to open his mouth to speak shouts from both sides of the water interrupted him.

"That's as far as you go, pirates!" a man yelled from the right side of the waterway getting all of their attention. When they all looked up they saw that they were surrounded by people on both sides of the waterway armed with guns all aimed at them. Luffy narrowed his eyes and stared at the group of people.

"Guess we found the people," Sanji said as he lit a new cigarette.

"Yeah that's nice, but they don't seem too friendly," Usopp said causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Well we are pirates," he replied. while keeping an eye on the people. Then a man dressed in a green coat stepped forward and spoke.

"I'll only say this once, your kind is not welcomed here," he said in a commanding voice causing Luffy to look at him with an indifferent look on his face.

"Listen," Luffy said getting the man's attention. "We only came here to find a doctor," he said.

"We have someone who is sick," Vivi shouted trying to help Luffy convince the people.

"You will have to do better than that. We won't fall for that old trick!" a man holding a rifle shouted.

"This is our island! we won't let any filthy pirates land here!" another man shouted.

"Raise anchor and leave now! Or we will blow you and your ship out of the water" another random man yelled causing Luffy to narrow his eyes further.

"That's great we barely said hello and they already hate us," Sanji said.

"Get out of here!" a man yelled before he fired his pistol at Sanji barely missing his food.

"Big mistake," an angry Sanji said getting ready to attack.

"No Sanji stop!" Vivi yelled as she held on Sanji. Just as she held onto Sanji the same man who shot before fired his gun again. Luffy realizing where the bullet was going to hit turned his body into lightning and teleported into in front of Vivi and caught the bullet between his index finger and his thumb.

"You know, even the buddha losses his patience when provoked a third time," Luffy said in a deadly tone causing all of their eyes to widen when they saw him hold up the bullet between his fingers. All of the people then began aiming their guns at Luffy.

"Luffy please stop!" Vivi begged as she let go of Sanji and held onto Luffy. "Fighting will not solve anything!" she yelled. She then let go of Luffy and got down on her hands and knees and bowed her head causing everyone's eyes to widen in shock. "Please! we won't come ashore but at least get a doctor here for us. Our friend is dying from a serious illness! Please, I am begging you!" Vivi begged.

"Princess," Luffy whispered in surprise.

"You are not fit to be the captain of this ship Luffy," Vivi said causing Luffy's crew's eyes to widen in shock. Luffy clenched his fist and gritted his teeth while using every fiber of his being to stop himself from delivering a lightning speed kick to the princess's head. "Not everything can be solved by fighting," Vivi added not noticing Luffy or the thunderclouds that are forming in the sky. "We cannot fight here. What about Nami? Think about her," Vivi said causing Luffy to take a deep deep deep...deep breath and exhaled out before he spoke.

"Princess, you are speaking under the assumption that these people would have lived long enough to defend themselves," Luffy said in a cold tone causing her eye to shoot up at him and stare at him in surprise. "Plus I had no intention of really fighting here so..." he said before he turned to the people holding guns at them and did the unthinkable. He bowed his head. His entire crew was beyond surprise, they never thought they would see Luffy do something like this. "Please help us, our friend needs you," he said with his head bowed. The man dressed in the green coat looked at him for a few seconds before he spoke.

"I will show you the way to our village," he said as he turned and started to leave. "Follow me," he said as he walked away. Luffy picked his head up and turned to Sanji.

"Get Nami," he said causing him to nod his head before he headed inside.

"See that wasn't so..." Vivi said to Luffy but trailed off when she notices Luffy walking away from her with a pissed off look his face.

"You are lucky to be alive, Vivi," said Usopp while looking down at her.

"What do you mean?" she asked in confusion.

"You insulted the captain of the ship in front of his crew and then made him bow his head to someone weaker than him, Ms. Wednesday," said Gem as he walked up to Vivi.

"I've seen Luffy kill people for doing far less than that," Usopp added.


The sound of a loud thunderclap was heard throughout the island and the vibration was felt all the way in the mountains.

"Yeap, she is really lucky," Zoro said while looking at the lightning flashing in the sky.

'A pacifist just insulted me and made me bow my head to someone far weaker than me!' Luffy screamed in his head as he jumped off of the ship and landed in the snow. When Luffy landed her heard someone land right beside him causing him to look over to see who it was. When he looked over he saw Sanji carrying Nami on his back piggyback style.

"Hang on a minute," he said before he took off his coat and threw it around Nami. "Okay, let's go," he said as they began following the man while the rest of his crew except for Zoro and the bounty hunting duo followed behind. After walking for about ten minutes through a snow-covered forest the man who was leading them looked over and Luffy and spoke.

"There is one thing I feel I should warn you about," he said while looking at Luffy. "The only doctor we have here is actually a witch," he said causing Luffy to stumble a bit before looking at the man in surprise.

"A witch?" Luffy asked. " You've got to be kidding me, I thought the Drum Kingdom was famous for its doctors," he said surprising the man and the people who were following him.

"That used to be the name of this place how not it is just an island without any name," he said confusing Luffy.

"AHHH! A BEAR!" Usopp screamed while pointing forward causing all of them to turn their attention away from the man but to the bear walking towards them on two feet while holding a pickaxe.

"A hiking bear," the man said calmly. "He poses no threat," he said as they walked by each other. "Don't forget to bow, its proper manners," he said causing everyone to bow slightly while the bear bowed back. They continued walking for another ten minutes before the group came upon a village. "This is the village we live in. Its name is Bighorn," the man said. Luffy and the crew looked around the small village and couldn't help but be impressed at its beauty. The snow that covered everything truly adds a beautiful look in the eyes of people who are from a place where it only snows every so often.

"This place is amazing," Usopp said as he admires the sights. Luffy then noticed the man go over the group of men who he was with earlier and thanked them for their help. It was then Luffy realized that all those people were ordinary people that live in this village.

"My house is over here you can bring the girl there," the man said to Luffy causing him to nod and signaling Sanji to follow. As they walked to the man's house random people kept coming up to him and thanking him or talking to him as though he was their leader or something.

"You can use that bed over there," he said as they entered the house. "I am going to warm this place up," he said as he walked over to the fireplace and sat down his shield that he was carrying on his back. "I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Dalton, I am the captain of the island security squad," he said causing Luffy to raise his eyebrow. "Please forgive out rude welcome earlier," he added.

"Water under the bridge," Luffy replied as he walked over the bed where Nami was laying and spoke again. "Can you tell us more about this doctor or witch or whatever she is," he said as he took the thermometer out of her mouth and look at it. "he fever is now up to 107," he said causing Dalton's eyes to widen.

"How long has she had it?" he asked in surprise.

"It's been several days and it just keeps getting higher," Vivi replied.

"We need a doctor, any doctor will do. Where is this witch of yours?" Sanji asked.

"The witch, you see those mountains out there?" Dalton asked with a serious look on his face. "Those mountains out there are known as the Drum Rockies. Look closely, do you see the castle up there on the tallest one, the one in the middle?" Dalton asked causing Luffy to look out the window up at the mountains. "That castle has lost its king," Dalton added.

"Yeah I see it," Luffy replied as he stared at the castle on the tallest mountain. "What's so important about that castle?" he asked.

"That castle is where our land's only doctor lives," Dalton said. "Dr. Kureha, she is the one the people here call the witch," he added.

" Of all places why does she have to live all the way up there!?" Sanji screamed/asked. "We need to call her here now, Nami needs her help," he said.

"I am sorry but there is no way to contact her," Dalton said surprising everyone.

"You can't be serious," Luffy said as he leaned against the wall. "Just what kind of a doctor is she," he added.

"Her skills as a doctor is quite impressive actually, however, she is an eccentric old woman. She is nearly 140 years old," he said causing all of their eyes to widen.

"So what happens when people here get sick and injured doesn't she help them?" Vivi asked while looking at Dalton.

"She comes down from the mountains every once in a while and looks for patients and treats them. Before she leaves she takes whatever she wants from their houses as payment," Dalton said causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Sounds more like a pirate," he said to himself.

"Dr. Kureha is the only doctor we have but she is a woman I would stay away from," Dalton added as he looks at the crew with sympathetic eyes before he continued. "all we can do is wait until she decides to come down the mountain," he said.

"That's not going to cut it," Sanji said as he bit down on his cigarette. "Nami is getting sicker by the minute, we can not afford to wait that long," he said in frustration. Luffy then pushed off the wall and walked towards Nami's bed. When e got there he started poking her cheek as he tried to wake her up.

"Hey Nami, wake up," he said as he poked her. "Nami, Time to get up,"

"Luffy what are you doing!" Vivi, Sanji, and Usopp screamed. Just then Nami started to stir and eyes slowly started to open.

"She's up," Luffy said before he looked at her with a serious look on his face. "Listen we cannot wait here for a doctor to come down the mountain so we are going to have to climb the mountain," Luffy said causing a of the crew member's eyes to widen.

"What!? are you crazy!?" Vivi screamed. "Look at that mountain, it is too high and far too steep for anyone to climb!" she yelled trying to get Luffy to listen to reason. "And nami cannon move handles something like that in her condition," she added causing Luffy's eyebrow to twitch slightly before he took a deep breath.

"You know princess you keep on doubting my abilities and it is really starting to get on my nerves," Luffy said as he looked over his shoulder at Vivi. "Plus we cannot afford to wait here any longer, it would be a bit to go look for a new navigator," Luffy said with a smile like looking at Nami causing her to smile.

"I'," she said as he stuck her hand out from under the covers causing Luffy to smile before he slapped his hand against hers. He then turned back to his crew and spoke in a commanding tone with a serious look on his face.

"Okay, Sanji and Nojiko come with me," he said causing the two of them to nod their heads. "The rest of you stay here in the village," he said before he reached into his coat and pulled out a small bag of money and tossed it to Usopp. "And get yourselves something to eat," he said causing all of them to nod. Sanji then walked over to Nami and picked her up before he and everyone else headed outside. When they were all outside Luffy looked up to the sky and summoned a big thundercloud to come down from the sky. Everyone in the village was startled at the sight of a cloud coming down from the sky and quickly rushed over to Dalton to see what was happening. When the cloud came down Luffy hopped on and signaled Sanji to hand Nami to him.

Sanji walked over to the cloud while carrying Nami bridal style and handed her to Luffy who carefully picked her up and laid her on the cloud. As he laid her down on the cloud her body started to sink in the cloud slightly before it stopped. Luffy then willed the cloud to cover over Nami's body slightly leaving only her to hear uncovered, that way she won't be cold.

"Okay, hop on," Luffy said to Sanji and Nojiko who hopped onto the cloud and sat in the chairs made out of clouds Luff had crafted. Luffy then walked over the rear of the cloud and turned facing forward and the next thing everyone saw was the rear of the cloud started to raise up and form into a throne for Luffy to sit down and on the back of his throne had his jolly roger made out of glowing electric blue lightning for all to see. Luffy then sat down and turned to his crew who were remaining in the village and spoke.

"Okay even though these people and us didn't have a warm greeting at first I don't want any of you to cause any trouble," he said in a commanding tone causing all of them to nod their heads. "And if someone comes here and tries to cause trouble while I am away, protect the people and take care of the threat," he said causing all of them nod their heads once again while the villagers looked on in surprise at the fact that a priate was going to protect them if they need it.

'With any hope that speech would be enough to help me convince them to make this one of my territories,' Luffy thought as he watched the reactions of the villagers. He then turned to Vivi and spoke with a smirk on his face.

"See princess," he said getting her attention and causing Dalton to look at Vivi with a surprised look when he heard Luffy call her princess. "I can make it up that mountain just fine," he said causing Vivi to look slightly ashamed. Luffy then took on a serious look on his face before he looked straight ahead. He then placed his left leg over right and his elbows on the armrest before interlacing his fingers in front of his face. Two seconds later the thunder cloud began to rise higher and higher away from the ground until it was about 20 ft above the ground and cleared all of the houses. The cloud then sped forward in the direction of the Drum Rockies at about 40 mph.

"He has devil fruit powers doesn't he?" Dalton asked while looking at Luffy's crew.

"Yeah, he ate the rumble-rumble fruit and became a lightning man," Usopp replied proudly as he spoke about his captain. "By the way is there a place around here were we can get something to eat?" he asked while looking Dalton and holding the bag of money Luffy gave him.

"I own a restaurant right down this road," a man from the crowd shouted causing everyone to look over and saw a short man that looked to be in his mid 40's wearing an apron stepping out of the crowd with a smile on his face. "I make the best food in all of Bighorn!" he said proudly while everyone one of the villagers around nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well then, lead the way," Usopp said before he looked back at Dalton. "Care to join us?" he said to Dalton.

"I don't want to intrude," Dalton replied causing Usopp to wave his hand dismissively.

"Nonsense, come on," he said before he started following the restaurant's owner with the rest of the crew and Dalton behind him.

**With Luffy**

As the cloud shot off in the direction of the Drum Rockies it kept on getting higher and higher as they got closer and closer to the mountain until it was just a few feet higher than the mountain that the castle was on. It was hard for Luffy to see where they were going due to the heavy snow that was falling and the fact that they were going at about 40 mph wasn't helping with visibility or the cold. After flying four about thirty minutes the group could finally see the castle on top of the mountain clearly and Luffy had to admit it was beautiful. When they were about 100 ft away from the castle Luffy had the cloud slow down as they approach allowing them to admire the snow-covered castle for all its glory. The thundercloud then flew right up to the doorstep of the castle before coming to a stop. Luffy was the first to hop off and dusted off the snow from his body and his straw hat before he turned to the side of the cloud and spoke.

"Hand me Nami," he said causing Sanji to get up and gently pick Nami up from the cloud bridal style before handing her over to Luffy. When Nami was safely in Luffy's hands Sanji and Nojiko hopped off the cloud and stood beside Luffy. As they got off the cloud then began to rise up into the sky where it waits for Luffy to summon it again.

"Where is this Doctor/Witch?" Nojiko said as she looked around.

"Well the front door is open, maybe we should check inside," Sanji said causing the two of them to look at the front door of the castle and see that it was open. The three of them with Nami then began walking towards the door to see if they can find the doctor inside of the castle. As soon as the entered the castle however they had their eyes widen in shock. The entire first floor was covered in snow, all the ledges and stairs had snow on them. It was like that door was open for days not just today.

"Who the hell leaves the door open if this is what is going to happen," Sanji said before he walked towards the door to close it only to be stopped by Luffy.

"No wait don't close it!" Luffy yelled in haste stopping Sanji in his track. "Look up there," he his said nodding his head in the direction at the top of the door. When the Sanji and Nojiko looked up they saw a nest with small birds on top of the door.

"they probably keep to door open so the birds can live there," Nojiko said causing Luffy to nod his head before turning his attention back inside the castle.

"HEEELLOOOO!" Luffy yelled out trying to call someone. "IS ANYONE IN HERE!?" he yelled out again and waited for a reply. He waited for about a minute for a reply to come but sadly none came.

"I thought Dalton said the doctor lived in the castle," Sanji said as he walked around the first floor.

"Did we get the wrong castle?" Nojiko asked.

"No this is the only castle. Let's have a look around," Luffy said before he began walking up the stairs while carrying nami bridal style. As the walked past room after room it was clear that someone was living in the castle because some of the rooms looked like they were used often while some doors were locked. Eventually, the group found a room with an empty bed and multiple shelves with books inside. "Let's put Nami down here for now and then figure out where we go from here," Luffy said causing his two crewmates to nod their heads. Luffy walked over to the bed and Nojiko pulled the purple covers of the bed back before Luffy said Nami down on the bed while Nojiko covered up.

"Where is this doctor," Sanji said with a frustrated voice as he punched the ball.

"Calm down," Luffy said as he walked over to the fireplace that was in the room. "Dalton said that the doctor often goes down to the town to treat patients. So it is possible that she is down there right now," Luffy said calmly before he pointed at the fireplace with his index finger causing a small bolt of lighting to shoot out of his finger and ignite the wood in there starting a fire.

"So you're saying we came all this way for nothing!" Sanji yelled out causing Luffy to sigh before he spoke.

"Just calm down, she is going to have to come here after all she lives here," Luffy said trying to calm his cook down. "We will wait here for a while if anything I'll just go down there and bring her up to treat Nami," Luffy said causing Sanji to calm down a bit. "I'll go wait outside and wait for her," Luffy said before he walked out of the room and headed back down to the first floor. when he got outside he leaned against one of the pillars and folded his arm and waited there for the doctor to return while his captain's coat flutter in the wind.

It has been two hours since Luffy, Sanji, and Nojiko arrived at the top of the Drum Rockies with a sick Nami to find a doctor to hear her. They had been waiting for two hours for the doctor to show up but she has yet to show. Luffy was still standing outside in the snow with his eyes closed waiting for the doctor to return to her castle. He was using his observation haki to try and sense if anyone was approaching the castle for the past two hours. He hadn't been able to sense anyone coming to the castle, only the multiple artic creatures that lived in the forest below the mountain.

"Finally," Luffy said as he opens his eyes and looked off to his left with narrowed eyes. Luffy stared off to the left of him for about five minutes before two figures could be seen walking through the snow towards him. One of the figures looked human while the other was some sort of creature walking on all fours. As they got closer Luffy could see the figures more clearly, one was a woman with a bottle of wine in her hand, and the other was a reindeer with a blue nose and red top hat.

"Oh my Chopper, it would seem we have a guest," the woman said. The reindeer looked at Luffy with narrowed eyes and growled at him causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow at him before he ignores it and turned his attention to the woman.

"Are you Dr. Kureha?" Luffy asked as he pushed off the pillar and dusted the snow off of himself.

"That I am but you can call me Doctorine, have you come here for the secret to my youth?" she asked with a smile.

"No, I brought my friend who is suffering for a terrible illness," Luffy said as he stood in front of the duo.

"That so," she said as she walked forward. "I don't come cheap you know," she said with a smirk.

"Money is no issue," Luffy replied in his normal monotone voice. "Just save my friend," he said causing her smile slightly.

"Well then lead the way young man," she said with her arm stretched out. Luffy nodded before turning around and leading them inside the castle. "judging by that jolly roger on your coat I take it that you are a pirate?" she asked as she stared at the scary looking jolly roger on Luffy's coat.

"That's right," Luffy replied as they climbed up the stairs. When they reached the room that Nami was n Luffy open the door and lead them inside. when they got in there they saw Sanji leaned against a wall smoking a cigarette while Nojiko was reapplying a wet rag to her sister's forehead. "Got the doctor," Luffy said as he stepped aside allowing the doctor to head towards Nami's bed.

"Now what do we have here?" she asked as he pressed her index against Nami's forehead for a few seconds before she spoke again. "A temperature of 107, my this is serious," she said causing the three pirate's eyes to widen in shock at what they just saw.

"She just..." Sanji whispered out in shock.

"Touched her forehead..."Luffy said equally shocked.

"And got her temperature..." Nojiko finished.

"Amazing," the three of them said at the same time.

"She has a rash on her tummy as well," Luffy said causing the doctor to pull and sheets back and lift up Nami's shirt to see the rash that Luffy was talking about.

"My, now this is something I haven't see in a while," she said before she turned to the crew and spoke. "Where the hell were you on a prehistoric island?" she asked sarcastically not really expecting an answer but was left utterly surprised when she saw the three pirates chuckling nervously.

" see there is this island called Little Garden...and it is kinda stuck in the dinosaur age," Luffy said with a chuckle. "Do you know what she has?" he then asked in a more serious voice.

"Yes I do, she was bitten by a bug called The Kestia. It is a poisonous tick that thrives in jungles with high heat and humidity," she said surprisingly all of them. "When it bites you it injects a type of bacteria into your body. These bacteria lay dormant for five days causing severe pain, a high fever, mild carditis, and arthritis," she said causing Luffy's eyes to widen in shock. "Given the infection's progression and the spot of the infection I would say she has been infected for three days now," she said surprising the crew once more.

"You got all that just by looking at it!?" Sanji and Nojiko screamed/asked while Luffy had his jaw hanging.

"The pain she has been going through would have all been gone in about two days," Dr. Kureha said surprising them once more.

"You mean she would have been pain-free in two days?" Luffy asked in shock.

"That's right because in two days she would have been dead," Kureha said causing all of their eyes to widen.

"You can treat her can't you?" Sanji asked hoping that the doctor would say yes.

"Even though I had heard that Kestia had died out about 100 years ago I kept the antibiotics just in case. So yes I can treat her," she said causing the three crew member to smile. " Now get out and let us get to work," the doctor said causing Luffy to raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"Us?" he asked with a confused look on his face. Dr. Kureha turned towards him before she spoke.

"Yes us, Chopper and I," he said while pointing to the reindeer causing the three of them to look over at the reindeer only to have their eyes widen. Standing there was no longer the reindeer that Luffy first saw that was walking on all fours instead, there was a small toddler-sized human/reindeer hybrid, wearing a red top hat with a sideways medical symbol on it.

"Interesting, he is either a member of the Mink tribe or he ate a devil fruit," Luffy commented as he stooped down to the level of the reindeer and began studying it. "So, which are you?" Luffy asked causing the poor reindeer to jump back in terror and began hiding behind the door frame, or at least trying to. He had his entire body in view of everyone while only half of his face was hidden causing Luffy to chuckle. "I guess we are going to talk about that later then," Luffy said as he stood back up.

"Is he a doctor?" Nojiko asked Dr. Kureha in curiosity.

"He is my apprentice, I thought him everything I know about the field of medicine," she said proudly with a smile. "Now get out so we can work!" she yelled as he punched Sanji in the face sending him flying into Luffy and sending the two of them out of the door. Nojiko hurried out of the door in hope of avoiding being kicked out.

"Old hag," Luffy said as he picked himself up from the ground and sat down on the stairs before he pulled out a glass and poured himself a drink. "Man, what a day," he said before he took a sip of his whiskey.

"At least we got Nami the help she needed," Sanji said as he walked and sat down two steps below Luffy while Nojiko took the seat next to Luffy.

"Yeah, I was starting to think that I was going to lose my baby sister," Nojiko said sadly causing Luffy to place his hand on her shoulder before he gave her a reassuring smile.

"By the way, captain," Sanji said getting Luffy's attention. "While we were in there you mentioned something called the Mink tribe, what's that?" Sanji asked causing Nojiko to look at Luffy with interest.

"The Mink tribe is a race or different kind of species that exist in the world, kinda like how the fishmen are a different species," Luffy said before he took a sip of his drink. "They are like humans with animal features where each individual takes after a specific animal," he said causing his two crew member to look at him in surprise.

"Wow, I never heard of them before," Sanji said in surprise.

"They are mostly an isolated tribe with only a few ever leaving their homeland," Luffy said causing the two of them to nod their heads.

"That explains a lot," Nojiko said. Luffy then got up and began walking down the stairs.

"I going to get some air, why don't you two find someplace warm," he said as he continued to descend the staircase. He walked out the front entrance and stood in the snow before he looked up to the sky and took a deep breath in. He then began looking around the exterior of the castle admiring the sheer scale and beauty of it when something caught his eyes. Flying on the top of one of the towers was a pirate flag. It was a skull and crossbones with pink cherry blossom petals around it, Luffy saw it and smiled to himself.

He then headed back inside to check and see if the doctor was done with Nami. As he was walking up the staircase he saw standing at the top of the staircase the small reindeer looking at him with a look a pure terror. As Luffy got closer the reindeer began to slowly back away in fear, which confused Luffy to no end. When he reached the top of the staircase he sat down with his back facing the reindeer.

'If he is too scared to take might be best not to try and force him,' Luffy thought as he sat there on the snow-covered steps by himself with a scared reindeer behind him. After sitting there in silence for about five minutes Chopper finally spoke.

"Are you really a pirate?" he asked in a cautious voice causing Luffy to look over at him with a smile before he replied.

"That I am," he replied with a warm smile. "Nothing is better than the life of a pirate. No rules, no care, just the open seas, and the never-ending adventure," Luffy said happily causing Chopper to step forward a bit with a look of pure awe on his face.

"Wow, pirates really go on adventures?" Chopper asked in an astonished tone.

"Yeah, you get to see the most amazing thing and meet the most amazing is truly the best life to live," Luffy replied with a smile as he looked up to the ceiling.

"Is that your flag?" he asked while pointing at the jolly roger on Luffy's coat.

"That it is," Luffy replied with a smile.

"It looks different from the rest," Chopper said while looking at the jolly roger.

"I know, I designed it myself," Luffy replied before he stretched his arm forward towards the little reindeer and spoke again. "Hi, I'm Luffy," he said as he waited for the reindeer to say something. Chopper looked at Luffy's hand for a few minutes before he inched closer and closer in the most cautious way possible and touched his hand before he quickly backed up in fear.

"I'm Chopper," he said shyly causing Luffy to chuckle.

"So, you're a doctor?" Luffy asked while looking at Chopper causing him to nod his head. "Can you tell me if my friend is going to be okay?" Luffy asked.

"The treatment was administered all she needs now is rest for it to work properly," he said from his position against the wall. "It will take at least three days for the bacteria to leave her body," he added causing Luffy to nod his head slowly knowing very well that they couldn't stay there for three days.

"So judging by the way you are scared of humans I take it you are not a Mink, but you ate a devil fruit," Luffy said while looking at the little reindeer.

"That's right I ate the human-human fruit," he said sadly confirming Luffy's hypothesis and confusing him as well.

"Why do you sound so sad about it?" Luffy asked in a curious voice. The little reindeer looked at Luffy for a while but didn't say anything causing Luffy to believe that it was a sensitive subject. Luffy then got up and leaned his elbows against the rails of the second floor before he spoke.

"I ate a devil fruit a well," Luffy said surprising Chopper

"Really?" Chopper asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I ate the Rumble-Rumble fruit," he said before he turned around and held his right arm out his all of his fingers pointing down. "I'm a lightning man," he said before small ropes of lighting came out of all five of his fingers and formed an exact copy of Chopper made completely out of lightning.

"Wowww," Chopper said as he stared at his copy in awe. "I wish I could do something like that," he said as he stared at his lightning clone.

"Sure it is flashy and all but this power isn't all that it seems to be," Luffy said as the lightning Chopper disappeared into blue sparks.

"What do you mean?" Chopper asked while he tilted his head to the side and looked up at Luffy.

"I mean there are good things about it and bad things about it," he said with a sigh. "I'm sure there are some things about your powers that are bad," he said as he saw a pained look flash across Chopper's face before he looked down and nodded.

"Don't let it get you down," Luffy said as he stood next to Chopper. "People tend to fear that which they don't understand," he said causing Chopper's head to shot up and look at him with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"H-how did you know?" Chopper asked shakily. Luffy sighed and took off his straw hat and ran his fingers through his hair before he replied.

"Let's just say we have more in common than you think," Luffy said as he closed his eyes took a deep breath in.


"Catch him!" a man yelled with a machete in his hand while running after a small boy wearing an all too familiar straw hat.

"He is a demon!" a woman yelled while chasing the boy with a stick.

"Kill him or else he will kill us!" another man yelled.



"Freak!" they yelled as they change the boy through the streets of the village. The small boy was running for his life with tears in his eyes screaming at the top of his lungs. He knew that all he need to do was get back to their camp and he would be safe but he was starting to believe he wouldn't make it. Looking straight ahead of him he saw his mentor and his crew racing towards him. Upon recognizing his mentor the little boy screamed out his name.

"SHANKS!" he yelled before he made one big leap into the arms on none other than Red-Haired Shanks.

"Luffy!" Shanks yelled out in panic as he caught his apprentice. Luffy then began crying into Shanks' chest as he held on for dear life. Shanks held him tightly before looking at the crowd that was chasing Luffy with a cold and emotionless glare stopping them cold in their tracks before he turned to his crew and spoke. "Take care of this," he said coldly before he turned and walked away.

"Aye, Captain," Ben Beckman replied before turning to the people that were chasing Luffy. The last thing Luffy heard before falling to sleep was the sounds of gunshots and screams hat filled the air.

**Flashback End**

Luffy then opened his eyes and poured himself a drink before he looked at Chopper and spoke.

"So, have you ever thought about being a pirate?" Luffy asked before he downed a full glass of whiskey.

"Did you slip and hit your head on the ice or something?" Chopper asked as he backed away from Luffy. "Look, I don't want to be a pirate," he said.

"Oh come on, you will be a great pirate. We can go on a lot of adventure and you get to see the world on the open sea," Luffy said trying to convince the little reindeer. "We will be great friends and my crew will love you," he said as he took a few steps forward towards Chopper causing him to take off running.

"Why would I want to be friends with you!?" Chopper screamed/asked as he ran away from Luffy causing him to smile before he took off chasing the poor reindeer.

"hahaha! Come back here! Let's be friends!" Luffy said while he chased the reindeer through the castle.

"AHHH! Doctorine save me for this lunatic!" Chopper yelled as he ran into the room where nami was resting Luffy right behind him chasing him around.

"Come on, let's be friends and go on lots of adventure!" Luffy said as he chased hopper around the room. Nojiko and Sanji heard the commotion and came in the room with a plate of food to see what was up only to see their captain acting very childishly chasing a chibi reindeer around the room with a huge smile on his face.

"Umwhat'shats going on?" Nojiko asked with a confused look on her face.

"This little guy is going to join our crew and be our doctor," he said causing the two of them to look at the little reindeer.

"I didn't say that he is lying!" Chopper screamed.

"Yes you did," Luffy teased/lied causing the reindeer to run out of the room.

"You know I don't appreciate you trying to steal my apprentice," Dr. Kureha said causing Luffy to chuckled before he stood up straight and take off his captain's coat and placing it in front of the fireplace to warm.

"I didn't know I need your permission to recruit someone to join my crew," Luffy said as he sat down on the side of the Nami's bed.

"I guess you don't but it won't an easy thing to do," she said before he put the bottle of plum sake to her mouth and drank it.

"I know," Luffy said surprising her. "How is she doing?" he asked while looking at Nami.

"Her temperature went down several degrees and she out of any danger for now, but she still needs at least three days of rest before the bacteria leaves her body," she said causing Luffy and the others to smile and nod.

"That's great news," Sanji said before he walked up to Luffy and handed him a plate of food. "Here you go captain," he said causing Luffy to take the plate.

"Thanks," he said as he sat down and began eating.

"Why is that reindeer so scared of us?" Nojiko asked while looking at Dr. Kureha causing her to take a big gulp of her plum sake before he began to tell them all the story of Chopper. She told them about him being born with a blue nose and treated like an outcast and how him eating a devil fruit made him more of an outcast not only to his own kind but to humans as well. She then told them about Chopper's relationship with the only human that didn't see him as a monster, a man named Dr. Hiriluk. She told them about his dream to make cherry blossoms bloom on drum island in order to try and save the country and cure all medical illnesses. But unfortunately, the fairy tale story of two outcasts did not have a happy ending.

"I taught him everything I know, including medicine," she said in a sad voice while Luffy and Sanji looked on with a somber look on their faces and Nojiko wiped away a stray tear from her eye. Luffy hadn't realized it but they were sitting there listening to the doctor's story for about just three hours. He was about to say something but the voice of his a panicking Chopper and his Observation haki stopped him.

"Doctorine! Doctorine!" Chopper yelled as he ran into the room while Luffy jumped to his feet and looked out the window.

"So that bastard survived," he said as looked down at the three individuals standing in front of the castle.

"Doctorine, there is trouble!" Chopper said in his medium-sized reindeer form. "Wapol is back," he said with anger in his voice.

"Is her?" she replied as she stood up and walked out the door with Chopper behind her. Luffy took on a serious look on his face before he walked over to the fireplace and picked up his coat and threw it on before he began walking to the door.

"Sanji you come with me," he said causing Sanji to nod and follow Luffy. "Nojiko you stay here and protect Nami," he said causing her to nod and take out her three section staff. Sanji and Luffy then made their way downstairs with a serious look on their face. When they arrived outside they saw Chopper and Dr. Kureha talking to Wapol and his two goons. Luffy deciding not to waste time and beat around the bush interrupted the conversion.

"Now, I don't mean to interrupt but Wapol is mine," he said as he walked between Kureha and Chopper with an emotionless look on his face and his captain's coat billowing in the wind. "I owe him an ass kicking for hearing my ship," he said as thunder clouds began to form in the sky and electric blue sparks of lightning started to appear around his body.

"How dare you!" the man dressed like a jester yelled. "How dare you speak to Wapol like he is some lowly commoner, he is a king!" he yelled causing Luffy to chuckle before he walked towards them.

"My apologies," Luffy said critically. "in that case I will give him a king size ass whopping," Luffy said before he turned to Chopper and spoke. "Chopper," Luffy said getting his attention. "You're no monster...allow me to show you what a real monster looks like," he said in a cold voice as he looked at Wapol while Thunder boomed overhead. Luffy then turned his body into lighting and teleported himself right in front of Wapol with his right fist covered in Haki before he buried it into Wapol's gut sending him flying upward about fifty feet into the sky. Luffy then appeared to the right of Wapol while he was mid-air and delivered a haki and lightning-infused kick to his midsection sending barreling towards the ground at impressive speed. When Wapol hit the ground the impact created a crater at least twenty feet wide with a badly beaten and broken Wapol in the center.

"Wapol!" the two men yelled as they watched their leader get handled so easily.

"And this is for Dr. Hiriluk and the people of this country!" Luffy yelled before he began descending towards the crater at the speed of lightning with both his legs coated in Haki. Everyone watching only heard what Luffy said before faster than the blink of an eye he disappeared and reappeared in the crater driving both of his legs into Wapol like a spear causing the sickening crunch of his ribs breaking to be heard.

"He...he...just beat Wapol like it was nothing," Chopper said as he watched on in awe at Luffy's power.

"I don't know why he asked me to come here if he plans on having all the fun," Sanji said grumpily.

"Amazing!" Chopper said.

"You fool! Wapol is a member of the World Government! They will have you killed for this!" the jester yelled. Luffy looked over to the two of them with cold eyes before he pointed his index and middle finger at the two them causing two ropes of lighting to shoot out and wrap around their necks before Luffy grabbed onto the ropes and pulled as he increased the electricity causing their heads to fly clean off their bodies.

"I could care less," Luffy said coldly as their headless body fell to the ground. He then began walking back to Chopper and the group before he stopped and turned and looked at Wapol broken body. He then turned around and began running towards Wapol's body with his right leg covered in lightning before he delivered a lightning speed kick to the downed Wapol sending him flying out of the country. [He is not dead. I will explain why I didn't kill him in the Author's note]. Luffy then turned and walked towards Sanji again. As he walked pass Dr. Kureha he stopped and spoke.

"This country is now under my protection," he said before he continued walked into the castle.

**Chapter end**

****Author's note: I didn't kill Wapol because he still has some relevance to the story. When Luffy originally kicked Wapol off of Drum kingdom in the Anime and Manga, Wapol went on to create a rare and indestructible form of metal thanks to his devil fruit. That is important because it was that metal that Franky used during the two year time skip to build the GENERAL FRANKY and rebuild himself. Plus if you read the manga like me you will know that Wapol is at Reverie right now. Hope you understand.*****

AaronTaichou AaronTaichou

**Sorry for the late update this chapter took forever to write. It is over 12000 words and I had some other stuff going on. Sorry about that.**

**By the way, can you guys give the story a rating and a review, it would mean a lot thanks!**

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