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Chapter 36: Full moom feast 1

Daryn sat next to the pond staring into the water. His legs playing in it. He had come to take a quick bath but he could not control it. His mind raced looking for a way to prevent him from leaving. Leaving Darla.

He searched for anything_anything at all but still he found none.

I can't leave her. Not now...

Frustrated and angry, he threw himself in the pond of water and swam. Pushing himself faster than his speed usually was when swimming.

After swimming for a long while. Trying to drown away the pain, he stopped and washed himself before going back to the house.

He met his friends already awake. Darla at the kitchen section starting a fire for cooking while Eric folded his furs and was looking through his blueprint for his house. How long will they be gone before he comes back to settle in it he asked himself.

But his friend was still eager to build his home saying he would need somewhere to settle in once the battles were over.

After hearing that, he let him continue. Trying not to think of ways that may not happen.

He waltz to his mate and hugged her from behind and layed a kiss on her neck.

"Good morning" he cooed at her neck.

"Good morning. You woke up early today."

"Yes. I was a little tense so i went to the pond for a bath." Daryn said trailling kissing on her neck. She sighed turning to face him.

"Why were you tense? Is it because of the feast"

"Mhmm." He pulled her closer until there was no gap between them. "I just a little anxious that's all"

"I know. Me too. But we will to our best. Selene would know we tried atleast" she added dryly.

Daryn chuckled then kissed her. "I'll be hunting today. To get some more meat for our little feast"

"The one here would do...but we do need extra,"

Eric had gotten up from the chair and was about to leave. His face saddened even though he tried to hide it. "Hey guys I'm off. I'll come back early for lunch today my place is already ready. I just want to do the finishes"

"That is wonderful Eric." Darla said. "I will be finishing our lunch soon before i focus on the feast... do you happen to know how to play any musical instrument for the night?"

Daryn snorted. "Are you kidding, this guy plays all the instruments i know. Even those i have never seen"

"Really" Darla turned to Eric wide eyed.

"Yes i can Darla. Its one of my gifts"

"That is wonderful. Maybe you can teach me some"

"Sure whenever you want. I'll be going now." Then Eric left.

"Hey do you play any instrument Daryn?" She asked

"Well i can play the flute" Daryn said releasing her so he could shut the door. "Does that count?"

"Meh. I think it does" she said with a squeezed face. Daryn laughed as he walked to her and embraced her. He kissed her lightly on the lips. It was a chaste kiss. So light it tingled but Darla kissed him back deepening the kiss and soon after, they were battling with their lips.

They had two rounds before Darla insisted that she had to prepare their lunch and Daryn took his equipments and went to hunt.


Daryn hopped among the tree for what felt like an hour searching the jungle floors for prey_ and he had not found one.

He had not lost hope though because not long ago his ears had picked up an animals heartbeat. He tried getting its scent but the wind wasn't in his favour and the sound of the heartbeat was getting farther. So, he pursued in the direction he believed the beating sounds was coming from. It had to be prey.

After chasing for thirty minutes he reached an area with lesser number of the trees and the further he went i that direction the trees got less and grasses covered the floors.

When he got to the clearing he finally pin-pointed the sound of the beating heart this time along with heavy thudding hooves and occasional grunts.

Daryn jumped down from the tree to the jungle floors. The clearing was vast another place Daryn had not seen before in the jungle if not for the prey he was hunting.

Since there wasn't any great trees in the area he continued the rest of his tracking on the ground. Walking silently as he stalked the animal he had not yet seen but did not want to alert.

He moved stealthily. Moving fast on intervals and crawling trying not to make any sudden sound but also not wanting to waste precious time incase the prey began to move.

For five minutes he had been tracking at this pace and still not found the source of the heartbeat but he knew he was close. The sound was getting louder.

The wind brought the scent of his prey and he inhaled trying to detect the animal it was. From the scent he knew it was a herd animal and it was wounded though not severely to prevent its locomotion.

But the musk was thick promising a big male. Then he heard it grunt. Daryn stilled in his place afraid the animal caught his scent. But he did not hear the sounds of hooves move.

He crawled closer to the source moving among the tall grasses and then he found it. A great bison. Thick furs enough to chase the winter's chill and big steady hooves that could walk the thick snow easily. Not forgeting wickedly looking four sharp horns that look like they have been crafted for killing.

Standing at eight feet the beast wasn't Daryns pair. He knew if it heard him or happened to get his scent the beast would go on rampage and since it had lost its herd it would definitely be on edge.

What was surprising at least was this animal was not of this parts of Azra. The great bisons natural habitats wasn't Azra's jungles, they were not seen in this parts. So obviously this bison lost its herd when they must have been migrating from the top north to areas with more vegetation but to reach as far as the east being the jungle, that was impossible. This bull bison wandered far_far away from its herd and habitat.

'How far you've come great one'

Daryn retreated from the tall grasses. Crawling away from the great bison to a safe distance he was sure the bison wouldn't be able to see him even though it could smell him.

Sure he was far enough he slowly stood up to watch the bison from his point and measure the distance.

"You certainly won't find this beast on earth. Those horns would scare hunters that they would wipe out the entire specie before they can grow in number"

"Human fear what they do not understand and those horns are fucking intimidating"

Daryn took out an arrow and joined it with its bow then aimed at the bison. Seeing how thick the fur was he aimed the head. The point between its two dot black eyes.

Pouring the adequate amount of chi needed, he waited for the bull to be still and focused on the grass it was eating. He pulled the arrow back pouring extra chi for the distance it would cover and released the arrow.

The arrow found the bison's head impaling its skull. The bull bellowed his pain but did not fall. Daryn waited for the big bull to fall but it didn't. It was staggering, that Daryn could see...but it refused to fall. Its legs stood firm on the ground.

Then he checked the point were the arrow had pierced and found out it didn't go deep enough. Surely the arrow must have made way in his skull but it didn't reach the bison's brain. The big bull was still standing.

Maybe it would bleed out eventually or the bleeding will stop, he was not certain. The bull started sniffing the air and not long after locked eyes in Daryn's direction.

The bull huffed and charged his way bring his head low so his four sharp horn pointed forward to its target.

"Shit!. I should have added more chi to the arrow" not wasting a second Daryn hung his bow and took off leaving the spot he stood. Where the bison was charging to and ran for the trees.

The bull charged its bulk to where Daryn was formally and halted. Sniffed the ground and the air and charged again following the trail Daryn followed towards the great trees. Daryn watched it charge from the top branch of a great tree.

Not long after the bison was walking in the midst of the trees sniffing, looking for creature that dares to hunt it.

It grunted and bellowed its rage because it could not find it's offender. Eventually it stopped rampaging and continued grazing.

Daryn watched the animal for a while his arrow still stuck in its head. The bleeding had stopped.

"How thick your head is" he mused. "But you have been marked so i have to make sure i finish what i started"

He hopped to another tree. Making sure to not make a sound then found the trees in front of the bison and jumped there.

This time he was directly over the bison's bent head. He unhanged his bow and took an arrow from his quiver and aimed for the back of the skull.

Properly positioned, he charged his arrow with chi. This time channelling extra to the arrow that it vibrated with energy in his hand then shot it.

The arrow went like an over charged star flying with astonishing speed till it found it's target. It passed through the back of the bisons head and exited from the front. The left eye of the bison. The big bison fell with a heavy thud to the ground.

Daryn hopped down the tree eyeing his kill. Another task ahead "Now how do i carry it back?" He asked himself.



The preparations for the little feast was in full gear. Darla set the foods and wine in place. Daryn and Eric set the chairs and made a bonfire. They planned to celebrate it outdoors under the moonlight and make their dedications. A certain goddess silently watched.

Everything was set and the three of them sat around the bonfire laughing and eating merrily. Then Darla dedicated the feast in Selene's honour and their little party continued. The men drank like sailors and for once Eric let himself drink till he couldn't carry his hands anymore.

Then Daryn felt it. Once the moon reached its apex. His head throbbed as though it would split. Darla had gone to get them more meat. He felt his blood rush in his veins and suddenly everything became clear as though it was day. His senses heightened to there peak.

"Whats happening," he asked astonished. On reflex he called for his mother and she answered. Appearing by his side.

"Mother what's....ha.. happening," he managed to ask through clenched teeth. He felt a sudden pain as his body cells began to grow at foreign command.

"You are evolving my boy" she said combing her hand in his hair.

"Evolving, why" he yelled as his bones began to adjust in his body. By now Darla had dashed outside and watched as his body glowed and began to expand in size.

"Daryn, what's happening"

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