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Chapter 20: Stronger

John has begun conditioning his body, becoming able to handle more and more of Doren's power. As the demon power began strengthening, his angelic power began weakening. Throwing off the balance of the powers within, making him have demonic thoughts. "Ampol?" John asked. "I'm here, John." Ampol responded weakly. "What's going on? Why is our connection weakening?" John questioned worried. "As demon's require a strong body, we require a strong mind. You used to meditate every night, you've became too focused on strengthening your body and not your mind." Ampol responded again weakly. "It requires harmony, all 3 must be in balance if you don't want one side to overtake the others." Doren responded as a booming voice inside John. As John began understanding, he began preparing a schedule that would allow him to condition his body and meditate.

As time passed, John realized his connections were far stronger and more durable. It was no longer as if they were connected by threads but instead as if a circle with three different energies. Not colliding but flowing with harmony. He could feel more of Ampol and Doren then he imagined. Not only their thoughts but their emotions and souls. It wasn't just eternally, he could feel the amount of angelic power the demonic power within his supporters. "This is AMAZING!" John yelled excitingly. "You have grown stronger and in turn can handle more of our strength." Ampol remarked.

As time went on, more and more of the angels and demons heard John's thoughts. Not all provided answer but none could provide a counter offer. After being accused of holding an army of the holy knights and damned warriors, John understood what each side is thinking. "They think I want war because of the supporters, they believe they defected to overthrow them. These thoughts are hard to combat as I'm offering an idea that would put me as a leader for both sides. How do I correct the misunderstanding?" John asked internally. "That is an answer you must find on your own. Neither side has even thought of coexisting peacefully. We thought peace would only happen if the other side was removed." Ampol responded.

John meditated on his own question, close to going mad and unable to find a suitable answer for both sides. Feeling himself slipping from his ideals, he heard something. Breaking his concentration, he looked around. No one in sight nor within detection range, he was baffled. "Did you guys hear that?" John asked. "I heard something but it was as if it was on the wind. I couldn't understand it." Ampol responded. "The words were spoken as if next to a loud drum. I could feel the words but not hear them." Doren responded. "The words came from inside, but not from either of you. I don't feel a different power source within either." John thought. Questions began piling in John's mind, most were now about this mysterious voice within.

"Hello? John, you in there? " John heard as he was forcibly taken from concentration. Snapping back into reality, he finally sees the distraction that brought him back. With a smile from ear to ear, he sees Samantha looking at him. "Samantha, when did you get here?" John asked quickly. "Around sun rise, I thought you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you." Samantha stated. "Sun rise? Last I knew it was high sun, middle of day." John blurted. "You really got lost in that head of yours, huh? It's already about to be sun down." Samantha laughed out. "Yeah, I guess so." John responded. "How long are you staying?" John asked. "I was going to stay awhile but it seems like you're in need of rest." Samantha responded. John quickly reached for her hand. As he grasped her hand, John let out, "Please stay!". Samantha nodded as John fell to his knees, finally feeling the countless time he spent in his head. Samantha quickly caught him and slowly lowered him to the ground. "What happened to you, John?" She questioned looking at John unconscious. Samantha lifted John's head and rested it on her legs. "Rest John, you may have amazing power but you're still human." Samantha whispered in his ear.

As John quickly stood to catch Samantha's hand, he blurted "Please stay!". Which she nodded in agreement. John was happy for a moment then he felt his exhaustion, followed by a booming voice from inside. This time too loud to hear. The voice was like standing in the clouds when the thunder came through. Forcing John to his knees and blackness quickly followed. Unable to hear himself think, he passed out. As John came to, he felt his head elevated, immediately followed by the warmth. He heard the sound of someone breathing. That when it hit him, Samantha was there. Unable to open his eyes, he tried to talk. Nothing came out, John couldn't open his eyes, move or even talk. At least I have my thoughts, he thought. It was unusually quiet, "Ampol? Doren?" he questioned. Silence followed, the silence worried him. They still exist otherwise I would be dead. John was confused and lost, only thing holding his sanity was the comfort that Samantha was with him.

"I apologize for bringing you here without warning." John heard. "Who's there?" John yelled. "My name isn't important, John. I tried reaching out to you earlier and you couldn't hear me. Then again but it was too loud for you to handle and caused you to pass out." the voice continued. "This place isn't permanent but it allows us to talk in peace." "I understand you have questions, however most questions you have won't solve the problem at hand so hold them for another time. To ease your curiosity, I will say that we are the same. We both seek a peaceful world, however we have taken different paths and I want you to see my path. There may not be any answers in there for you but it will give you the knowledge of a predecessor." the voice carried on. Images flashed through John's mind. It felt like minutes but the images showed a lifetime of the stranger. The hardships, the love, the wars and the peace. "This is what I can offer to you. I was one of the first humans and oddly enough, was also merged with a demon and a monster. According to both of the others, I should've been evil but I wanted nothing more than to be happy and peaceful. It drove my soul partners crazy and I had to shut out their voices. I never strengthened my connections and learned from them. This is where our paths split, you have made it further than me and became stronger. Our endings will be different." the stranger explained. John saw a man defending his home from a group of animals. Animals that John has never seen. John also never saw the person behind him lift the rock and smack him in the back of the head. Leaving the man to the animals, this woman ran with a newborn in her arms. "That is my child and my love. She sacrificed me to the animals so that she may escape. She betrayed me but I cannot blame her. Fighting them off could've failed so she did what she could to survive." the stranger said. "What are those?" John asked. They're aggressive animals, they hold no name either.

"With my life now portrayed, I shall take my leave. Learn what you can from me and follow your path." the stranger said. "Wait." John quickly said. "You said you had a demon and a monster inside you. What was the monster?" John asked. "I should've asked, but it had a tremendous killing intent. It was black and shadowy with scales." the stranger said as John began to come to. "JOHN!!!" Ampol and Doren was yelling. "I'm here." John replied. "What happened? It was as if there was a barrier between us?" They questioned. "I can't explain it." John responded. "I need to become stronger." John stated.

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