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Chapter 6: Night

The evening passed unnoticed by reading books. I read the books carefully but quickly. The ability to remember something quickly I developed over the years with the help of special techniques. So when I read books with my peripheral vision, I didn't just read them, but also memorized every word.

The school books were mostly interesting, but the feeling was that they were just instructions.

Wave it like that, say it, it will happen. You are all ready - go to work in the big world.

Finally, when I got to the book from the bank I read about their schedule and rules. The test for inheritance did not exist, they were bankers under an ancient contract that disappeared somewhere and the goblins shrug their shoulders, by saying, what a disaster. And many rules from this contract have been forgotten. They themselves wrote in passing only about a couple. I am sure that if a contract is found, they will be the end of the little bastards. Same prices. I was cheated on the price of the book. For as much as 20 knuts!

Fortunately, under the contract, the one who knows the rules cannot be deceived, they themselves wrote it briefly. But since I did not know then, they will not receive anything as punishment by deceiving me. The other wizards are stupid. Out of contempt, they will not read anything from them that is in the hands of these goblins. Finally, when I reached the page with the course, I was surprised. The whole book was like a book, but the course numbers changed every second as if by magic. Oh right…

Having understood the approximate price, I calculated how many galleons I can get. I closed the book and threw it in the trash. Now I know everything and I do not need an extra load. Taking out the money, I put it in my sport bag. Having dressed in new clothes unusual for me, I looked out the window. The sun had long since set and the full moon was rising. Going out into the street without being caught by anyone, I stand up.

Imagining the feeling when I first teleported, I stepped forward immediately. The cotton appeared from the rupture of something and then the connection. No matter how I tried to remove it, it did not work. And with a soft pop, I disappeared and appeared right in front of the bar. Putting on the hood, I walked past the crowd. Tom glanced at me briefly and closed his eyes. Entering the alley through the wall, I immediately went to the bank. They work only during the day. But you don't need goblins to exchange currency. There are magic boxes for this. You just put money in one and all the real money is replaced by galleons knuts and sickles.

Approaching the bank, I caught a lot of suspicious glances from the goblins. It's strange that there are too many guards. I was immediately stopped by four of them with sticks in their hands.

"What is your goal to visit the bank," the goblin asked me, looking at me as if he had caught a thief.

Taking off my hood I showed my face

"I am here to exchange the currency of the Muggle world for the currency of magic world. I read the book and I know how to do it myself. " - I answered, looking at him indifferently.

The goblin grimaced at the rules and nodded, letting me go to the detectors and other goblins. Having checked me as if looking for a terrorist, they let me pass. I went into the correct corridor. Despite the long corridors, goblins ran everywhere as if there was a fire. Approaching one of the security guards, I started a conversation politely.

"Good afternoon, I'm here to exchange currency for galleons, can you tell me where it is?"

"Further right." - he waved his hand and stood up again without blinking looking at me as if expecting that I would attack him.

"What's going on? It's like having a party today. " - I asked as if I was talking about the weather.

"someone tried to rob us, the bastard did not take anything, but you should already know thanks to your little newspapers." The goblin spat.

With a nod, I went on, deciding not to waste time. How could I forget that the Dude-Who-Was -Crazy wanted to rob a bank today.

Approaching the desired wall, I hit it with a wand and a window opened. The screen of currencies of the whole world appeared, with numbers jumping like madmen.

Having found the right one, I checked so that I would not be deceived and put all the money at once in the box.

The box closed and disappeared. After a couple of seconds, the box reappeared and opened. Having loaded a bunch of galleons from the bottomless box, without leaving the knut, I took my back and went to the exit. Goblin grinning disdainfully when he saw me dragging a mountain of gold on me. Even in spite of the bags that I had, gold threatened to spill out and swollen sports bags. Approaching the only goblin behind the cash register, I put my bags on the floor and gasped while looking at the goblin. The goblin looked at me with interest. He was clearly wondering where the kid got so much gold.

"I want to open my bank account at the C level. I know about percents and I am ready for it. I will not invest or trade gold in any way - an account for my personal purchases. By the way doesn't have a magical guardianship and I know it's not necessary. Here's the Preliminary Price. " I dumped a bunch of words at the goblin and put 20 Galleons on the counter.

The goblin immediately nodded, accepting 18 galleons for the safe and 2 for himself. As long as the client has money, the goblins will be kind to you. Real bankers, however. After writing down all the information, he asked for the name and date of closing the safe. Having set a date for 10 years, I paid in advance and gave all the money, sealing the contract with blood and a seal. Having signed at last with my real name, I received a key, and a wallet leading directly to the safe and paper.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and left the bank. Spent as much as 200 Galleons for a safe safe! The inside hamster was indignant, but I knew it was necessary. The Ministry, if desired, will not find out about money and it's owner. And I don't have to worry that someone decides to appropriate all my wealth. And this is 40,713 galleons for a second! The goblin hinted that I should say where the gold came from, but unlike the bank of the world of people here, it doesn't matter where it comes from and he let it go. Yes, even if you destroy half of the world and bring them money for safekeeping, they will accept you as their own son.

After patting my robes, I immediately turned towards the shops. Many were closed. But what about shops in one interesting alley? After passing through the empty streets, I entered the desired lane. All the dregs of society, vampires, werewolves, witches and sorcerers gathered here. Walking through the streets in a hood in a flowing black robe, I attracted attention with my age. But seeing my confident gait and sharp eyes looking ahead they did not risk touching me.

The first store I visited was an unnamed store. On the counter were sticks, collars, a necklace, and someone's head.

Having entered, I immediately found a seller. She looks like a sweet old woman, but when she opened her eyes, I saw this crazy look of a psycho.

"Hee-hee-hee, with what you came here." She giggled suddenly.

Without changing my face, I calmly answered.

"Knowledge. Books that were banned. Books that were forced to give or destroy. The books you have now. " - looking at the old woman with sharp eyes, I knew the model of behavior with such people. They always test your character. They are predators looking for the weak and feeding on them. But if you show that you are a predator, they will be careful with you and will not try to bite off your throat.

"Something specific?" - the old woman narrowed her eyes and spoke in a calm voice.

"Legilimenthy, Enchantment, basically. But I would like to know first what you have. " - I answered coldly and arrogantly. Act like a noble family. Not knowing who I am, they will be careful.

"Wait here." - She said and took out some boxes from the closet. With a wave of her wand, books flew out at my requests and flew to the table. None of them had a normal cover. One was even made of human skin.

Noticing that I was looking at the book with skin, the witch giggled madly.

"An old book, then the witches knew that they could write with anything and on anything, but they often had human material, so they made a binding out of what was at hand. Nevertheless, the book is written by an old witch and experienced in black magic. She wrote book for her daughter, whom she later killed. Only 1 copy in the world - 200 galleons. And this ... "- she took out as a brand new book and began to beat it against the wall. The book cracked and suddenly spun into another, tearing itself apart. Finally, the book underwent changes and became an old book with a old quail. On the cover were the words "Road to Hell or How to Make Dumplings on Fire."

"A terrible book, the author wrote a lot about legitimation in it, but no one can use it. We have to knock out all the nonsense against the wall. Everyone returns her. The book constantly pretends to be other books and sometimes even gets lost. 20 galleons. "

Pulling out one by one, she explained. Some were the diaries of old sorcerers, some books known in the world by her words. Looking at the content of some, I was surprised. For example, a sentence from one of the diaries in English.

"I caught a leprecon today. Their magic is unique and by destroying his mind, I created a new personality. In an attempt to find the existence of the soul, I conducted an experiment on his brain. Suddenly, with a perfect operation with my knife, he died. Nicolas refuses to help me, saying that I am an unscrupulous bastard. Although he himself used the French war to conduct his stupid experiment and killed thousands. There is a village nearby and after testing my ideas on the inhabitants, I will prove that Nicolas is just a coward and an idiot who does not see the future in front of him as my researchers. "

I also threw this book into the pile of books that I buy. Finally, having finished choosing, I still took the one that was hiding. The book has again turned. In some kind of guidebook. For some reason, it seems that this book is more than just a werewolf book.

Having paid 4 thousand Galleons, I left the store. Everything went into the bag to the safe.

On the street, I found a man who seemed to be hinting everyone with his look that he had a special product. After talking with him heart to heart, I learned that he sells magic sticks. Not as good as Ollivander's. These sticks he collected in the graves of the wizards. Having bought two 40 galleons each and testing them, I left this man's society. A pare of stick will always come in handy to do the dirty business.

Having visited other stores in search of knowledge and resources, having bought more books, cursed things, and rare seeds of poisonous plants for ingredients, I noticed that I was being followed. Two. Dressed as workers alone in a visor with a cigarette in his mouth. The eyes, however, were inhuman. Immediately realizing that these were werewolves, I thought. I have already walked here for two whole hours and spent money left and right. Probably they will want to rob or kidnap. I stopped and turned around and saw them walking towards me at a leisurely pace. With a grin, I decided not to get my hands dirty and just leave.

Taking a step forward towards them, I transgressed directly into my room. Quickly taking off my clothes and changing new clothes, I tied a pouch to my belt and went to bed. The nanny opened the room and looked around in search of noise with narrowed eyes, and not finding one left.

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