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Chapter 6: The Emperor

"Your majesty are you ready." Genz says as he heads Apollyon her helmet.

"Unfortunately. I hate this part of being an Emperor." Apollyon sighs putting on her helmet.

Apollyon walks down to the palace throne room with Genz behind her and makes her way to her throne.

"The emperor will now take the first person." Genz shouts.

"I should really get a speaker girl. Your voice just makes people not want to come. Just look at the girl she's looking at you with disgust." Apollyon motions to the girl walking up and Genz grunts.

The girl was pale with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She was extremely beautiful even with her dirty commoner clothes.

"Your majesty I have come to find out that you are missing a proper assistant. Someone that can help you finance and manage the empire I would like to be that person." The girl said.

"What qualifications do you have beside your pretty face."

"I was the owner of the Mantarys city bank which was on a steady rise for the last 5 years and when I was in Westeros I learned under many great Maesters before I was kidnapped and brought to Essos." The girl said.

"I thought women couldn't be maesters."

"My father was very influential." She said

"How old are you?" Apollyon asked

"25." The girl answered.

"Young yet so successful." Apollyon nodded but Genz rolled his eyes as Apollyon was 17 yet overthrown a city and became an Emperor.

"And what happened to the bank." Apollyon asked.

"During the revolt it was destroyed and most of the gold was stolen." The girl balled up her fist.

"You feel angry about your years of her work crumbling to dust in a day." Apollyon smiled.


"And you blame me." Apollyon tilted her head

"Partially but my bank was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." The girl sighed.

"What about the men that stole from you."

"I used some of the remaining gold I had left and had them tracked down a slaughter." The girl smiled at the heads being brought to her.

"What is your name." Apollyon asked intrigued.

"Mariela." She said

"And your last name." Apollyon emphasized

"Lannister." She said gritting her teeth at the murmurs started.

"Well Mariela Lannister…Genz is already my advisor but you can be my assistant for 1 year. If you do a good job I'll keep you. Genz have someone clean her up and take her to the palace rooms. Genz nodded and relayed the order.

"Thank you your majesty I will not disappoint you." Mariela bowed before getting lead out.

"Next person." Genz shouted.

-2 hours later-

Apollyon looked down at a 10 year old boy that was beaten up and in chains next to a kneeling fat man.

"And you wanted to have him executed." Apollyon said resting her head on her fist.

"Yes your majesty he has stolen from me 6 times and we finally caught him today." He asked the armored emperor.

"So he successfully stole from you 6 times before getting caught….Impressive. Kid you will be punished by joining the Blackstone legion." Apollyon waved her hand and the guards took the kid away.

"But your majesty." The merchant said baffled.

"Shut up you allowed a child you steal from you multiple times I should behead you but I'll settle with having you never appear before my eyes again." Apollyon waved her hand and members of the stone guard dragged him away.

When the next person came up they were shoved out of the way by a large brutish man. The man was dressed in swordsman division armor.He was 6'7 and bulky with a massive sword and a large beard.

"Hey Genz he looks like you." Apollyon turned her head towards him.

"He looks like me if I had greyscale." Genz huffed and Apollyon chuckled.

"I am Zeahs and I challenge you Apollyon step down from your comfy throne and fight a real warrior." He shouted and received a bunch of gasps from the crowd.

"You bastard you dare call the emperor by their name and you don't kneel." Genz started walking down the steps.

"Hold on Genz. Zeahs was it….why do you feel you can challenge me." Apollyon smirked.

"I read the new laws and it states here that in order to become emperor you have to defeat the currently emperor in battle to the death. As long as the Emperor is healthy, over 20, and hasn't been challenged that month." Zeahs said.

"Have you gone crazy the emperor has no time to fight fools like-." Genz stopped as Apollyon raised her hand.

"So you wish to challenge me in a battle." Apollyon asked raising from her throne.

"Yes and when I win I'll be emperor of the Blackstone Empire." Zeahs smiled.

"Alright we shall fight here. Create a circle around us if you don't mind." Apollyon walked into to Zeahs and the audience created a large circle around them.

Zeahs pulled his blade from the scabbard and pointed it at Apollyon. Apollyon unsheathed her sword as well and the crowd was in awe at its design and beauty.

The people watched as the two circled around each other. When Zeahs charged forward holding his sword above his head.

Apollyon turned her sword sideways and placed a hand on the hilt and the blade blocking Zeahs sword. She then forced his sword and momentum to the side.

Zeahs started to stumble and Apollyon kicked him to the ground. Apollyon raised her hand in the air and flipped it back and forth letting the people get a good look at the claws on her armor.

"Get up." She demanded.

Zeahs growls and jumps up moving towards Apollyon once again but this time is much more cautious.

Apollyon blocks two strikes then forces Zeahs back. Planting her right foot she swing her sword from the right with an insane amount of force.

Zeahs blocks this strike but stumbles back and falls on his back. Apollyon points her sword at him and walks around.

Apollyon clashes swords with him and moves the blades down to the ground and with a little wrist movement maneuvers her sword to the back of his knee and slices it.

Zeahs yells and tries to swing a heavy strike to his right but Apollyon dodges and quickly spins behind him she grabs the back on his head and slings him to the ground again.

Zeahs holds the back of his legs and bites down in pain. Using his sword as a pole to keep him up he gets back to his feet. Apollyon didn't give him a chance to rest and unleashed an onslaught of heavy strikes.

Zeahs tried to block them but ended up with multiple bloody slashes on his body. Angered Zeahs goes for a last ditch power strike.

Zeahs yells and swings down on Apollyon but she blocks it throwing him back then spins and impales Zeahs driving him all the way back into a pillar then uses her claws to slash his throat.

Zeahs drops to his knees and lets go of his sword trying to keep the blood from pouring down his throat. He looks up to see Apollyon staring down at him and tries to beg by raising his hand towards her but she kicks his hand back.

"You disgust me." Apollyon brings her sword up and cleaves his head off.

"Someone clean that up." Apollyon says walking back to her throne.

"Now where were we." Apollyon said plopping down in her throne.

"I-I was next your majesty." A trembling boy around 16

"You were the person that was pushed down."

"Yes your majesty."

"Make it quick."

"I was on the city walls last night and during my guard shift a man arrived and said that he was a messenger for the mother of dragons and breaker of chain Daenerys Stormborn."

Everyone in the room felt a overwhelming feeling the moment the messenger mentioned Daenerys.

Genz moved beside Apollyon and whispered i her ear eventually calming her down. Although Apollyon took over the body Vaehna anger towards Daenerys still slipped through from time to time.

"Breaker of chains that's a new title." Apollyon said.

"Yes the rider said that he left immediately after Daenerys freed all of the slaves of Astapor and killed the masters. She now has an army of 8,000 Unsullied at her calling that chose to stay with her." The boy said.

"Where is this man?" Apollyon asked

"He is currently outside waiting for permission to enter." The boy said.

"Let him in." Apollyon said.

"Thank you for having me your majesty." The man kneeled.

"Hurry up and tell me your Queens message." Apollyon snapped.

"My Queen would like to meet with you to discuss an alliance. She has heard of your slave revolt and was very happy. She was to meet you in person as a fellow breaker of chains."

"My Queen has freed the slaves of Astapor and is heading to Yunkai to do the same there as we speak." The man said.

"And your Queen wishes for me to travel from my city to Yunkai."

"Yes your majesty."

"So your Queen sends a messenger to tell me to come to her so I can give her my assistance."

"My Queen means no disrespect but she cannot afford to come to Pyres at the moment."

"Unfortunately I cannot go meet your Queen as I'm busy myself. She seems to be marching up Slavers bay and will most likely travel to Meereen next. Go tell your Queen that once she take Meereen I will come." Apollyon said.

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