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Chapter 2: CHAPTER TWO: unexpected fate

Time skip < 16 years later>.

Dream world

I guess am back here to this place call hell also known as my dream, where crazy shit plays out. I can't stop it, I can't change it, I just can't avoid it. Well might as well live with it.

'Damn, the void really suck, hmmm let me try to find a way out of this abyss, oh no, it's a void it's supposed to be endless. whoa what a genius I am, well might as well see what happens in this dream... I just hope it won't go bad... like the rest of them.'

And on queue, the once void had changed to a familiar sight, one that I wish to forget, <sob> <sob>.....

The day I had lost her' the day I had lost my....mother.

: "YOUR DEAD TO ME DEMON". Shouted the dark figure. I guess that is my dad <sob>... I just can't take this anymore. As he was about to kill her ..... Again.

: "my s-son..... Am so sor-".no no NO! Not again don't leave me again. As I tried to reach for her hand, she started to fade away into the abyss

: "no no no NOOOO!!!!" I shouted at the sky of the abyss, I wanted to safe her but I was too weak to do so and now she's gone, SHE'S GONE! As I punched the ground, it started to break but I didn't care, I didn't care.

: "I NEED MORE POWER!!!!!!! ". I shouted again, but this time I had a response from the void.

: "then you need to survive, for you cannot die, you need to get strong..., you need to become a reaper..." I heard a grim voice.

: "OR YOU SHALL SUFFER". It said to me as it was now in a mist form, with blood flowing eyes that said true power, but then I couldn't hold back my fear as I started to run for my dear life but I felt myself beginning to decay, as I could smell my own rotting flesh, and felt my very bone began to decay themselves, as it was very painful, I couldn't scream from agony, as I felt my entire being turn into a rotting corpse, as I couldn't even talk right now, damn it.

: "AND ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU CANNOT DIE, AND WILL NEVER DIE!". It shouted at me, as everything had begun to fade and turn blurry, as I fell into the dark abyss.

End of dream

I woke up from what seem to be the worst dream, I have ever had.... Well I guess that just means am alive ...-_-.

: "damn my head really hurts, at least it's all ove- oh no". I was shocked to see that my tattoo had started to grow from my back to my elbow.

: "not again! Aaaaa-_- now I have to go find big sis trinity for help. At least she knows how to stop i-".

: "STOP IT!". I heard sister rin voice and it seems like she was in trouble.

As I look through the window and I saw what was going on and was I not surprised as usual those thugs always come and start to mess with the nuns and hell was it annoying and am not going to stand for this.

As I jumped off the window from the 6th floor of the church and had land between the thugs and sister rin... and it hurt like hell but it is for a worthy course.

: "Dante what were you thinking jumping off the window, are you nuts" . She said. As I knew she was pissed, as I could feel her aura. as all I could do was just to grin at her with my fangs, which I think had scared some of the thugs.

: "who invited superman here. Scram kid, so come on baby, let skip this dump they call a chu-aakk". He was cut off by a small stone to the head, which had pushed him back away from sister, rin and had a bloody fore head.

: "aaaaahhh my f*****g fore head shit, why you". He shouted as he grabs a bottle nearby but I didn't notice by this.

: "sigh, come on dante you know that was a little bit too much huh" . Rin said as I was about to answer, until.

: "I don't know what you're talking about sis ri-aaacckk!!" I was hit by a bottle to the head by the thug leader, in which the bottle had broken upon impact and hell did it hurt.

: "DANTE!!!" as she wanted to meet me but was then stopped by the thug who wanted to touch her.

: "well now that the kid is done for, how about we have some fu-aaahhhhhh!!!!" the thug screamed as he found out something very grueling and horrible that he had being castrated on that spot and was on the floor bleeding to death, as the rest of the thugs had all ran away for their lives as their generation was on the line.

: "dante .....<Gasp>!"As rin was in utter shock to see what had happen but she fully knew that the tattoo had started to affect him. As she heard a creepy laughter from behind her.

: "hehehehehehehehe you can just say that he does not longer have the balls to stand up to me anymore hehehehehehehehe" I laughed. As my tattoo had already reached my wrist. And Like that, i had already passed out from exhaustion.

: "sigh, sister trinity is gonna kill me for this" rin said in sorrow and annoyance. As she picked up dante in a piggy back style but remember one more thing

: "oh, yeah got to get rid of the trash. May your soul rest in peace?"

: "holy chronicle; erase" she said. As the thug dead body was erased to avoid any complications from the public. And with that done, had made her way into the church in search of sister trinity.

As she was on her way to find sister trinity, with dante on her back, she said.

: "you know you can awake up now, Shakespeare. Hmm nice acting" as she knew very well that he wanted a free ride from her.

: "hehehehehehe, I guess there is no point in fooling an old relic, they are just too wis-"he was cut off by being dropped to the ground and might had broken his butt, as he held it in pain.

: "hey, why did you do that for, gran-"oh no, what have I done, what was I thinking. He thought as he looked up and saw a very pissed nun with eyes of fiery.

"YOU.BETTER.HOPE.YOUR.BUTT.IS.IN. GOOD.CONDITION.CAUSE.YOU.BETTER.START.RUNNING"She said. With a smile on her face which definitely meant two things.1. A sign of a bad omen or I am about to get burnt alive. As I felt the aura of destruction radiating from her and I am the poor soul who was going to suffer it, but maybe I can try something.

: "come on rin you know that I was just joki-"I stopped talking as a fire blast just flew past my head toward out the window to a nearby forest.


DID SHE JUST DESTROY THE FOREST? THOSE POOR TREES, SOON TO BE MY FATE. Thank god there is a barrier creating a illusion around the church. If not we will be getting a visit from the authorities.

: "OOPS, my hand must had slipped, such a joker I am. Now meet your fate" she said. As she started to chase after me. I don't know why i just keep forgetting how strong rin is. As we ran all over the whole church with fireballs being thrown at me. I knew I was done for. Oh please God answer my prayer.

: "huh, is that you dante, and why is sister rin chasing you" father Alfred said.

As both me and rin had both stopped As I used this chance and hide behind father Alfred ha now am safe.

: "rin is trying to kill me because I called her old" I said with fake tear.

: "is that true rin" said father Alfred who was now scolding rin.

: "yes father, but he started it father Alfred, he said am ugly" she said now pouting. As father Alfred forgave her and let her go. As she smirked at me.

: "you liar" I said.

: "you fool" she said.

As we both we're about to have a rumble.

: "enough you two. Rin I need to talk to dante for a while, can you mind giving us some privacy please" said father Alfred.

: "yeah old lady, don't let the door hit you on your way –ackkk" I was cut off by father Alfred give me a punch to the head.

: "shut up dante, be nice" said father Alfred who scolded me and rin who was laughing her butt off but finally left us alone.

: "oh it's seems like your tattoos are acting up again, let me guess, another bad dream?"

: "worst one" I said with an annoyed tone.

: "okay. Ha-ha let me help you remove them" he said as he used his holy magic to get rid of it, for now.

: "so father Alfred you said you had something for me" I said to get his attention, as he had already removed the tattoo on my arm. As he looked very serious, well that's a first.

: "yes I did dante. I wanted to give you this till you were older but I don't have enough time. so here" he said. As he gave me a rosary with a skull as the cross.

: "wow, this thing looks cool father but what is it for" I said. As I feel somehow familiar with the relic in my hand. So I started to grow more curious, as to what this relic was.

: "just have patience okay dante, and always remember to get stronger and to always protect okay. For everything might change in a flash. Hahaha fate is so unpredictable you know. Goodnight dante" he said. As he was gone and I already felt sleepy but I just didn't get what he meant by fate being unpredictable.

As I had already reached my dorm and is now ready for sleep. I put on my rosary, and had prayed and finally went to sleep.


: "let the church get burnt to the ground now go and make sure to bring his dead body intact and make sure that his chronicle doesn't get damaged" said a mysterious figure that was close to the church.

As he sent demons to destroy the church.

: "all live the blood stones... good show".

chro_nicle chro_nicle

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