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Chapter 2: First day of a new school - before class

Yes, I know, it's another one of those. First days of school are always so cliche but this is big for me so please be a bit supportive. I want to start well because I can do things on my own now, I don't have my parents' attendants following me around. This is by no surprise the most prestigious private high school that was meant for the rich and talented. Tick and tick.

If your wondering why I didn't take the scholarship test, I already did. A few years ago in advance because my parents thought I would go without question. They didn't really intend for the rebellion nor did they expect it. You see, I'm very childish in the inside but no one really knows. On the exterior I completely contradict myself by being a smart obedient young man who seems to be very well mannered and sophisticated. My parents just forgotten that you can change people physically but not mentally and also you can't control others but you can only control yourself. Quite the logical conclusion if I do say so myself. Also I totally realise that I'm an arrogant as*hole that doesn't appreciate his life, your welcome.

Back to the school, they know that I'm a certified genius but just this once I'm going to use my family name to keep them from opening their mouths and force them to treat me normally. I can already tell that this is going to be a blissful next 4 years.

Entering in year 8 is going to be difficult as most groups have already formed and people know their whole year by now. Usually at this time they don't accept strangers very easily. I'm still going to try, I'll still be a normal and happy loner even if I don't make friends so I'll be happy either way.


I have decided to go early today to get a good grip of my new school and also to take with the principle. I also want to avoid any awkward situations that will put a damper on making friends. Walking to school is so nice, you feel the light breeze that's natural and not from a car's air conditioner. You get to actually walk and not just sit and have people nagging you for anything you need. You also see the half natural environment at your own pace and not rushed by because your travelling over 60 km per hour.

The school should be just around this corner.


The school is twice as big as the mansion!!

I haven't seen a building that's as grand as the house or as big to add to that, it could fit a whole city!!!!!

White pristine walls, highest technology used to just about everything from the door to the window. There are even frickin animals in the gardens as well as first class statues and gardens.

I can't believe that I thought i would lead a normal high school life. I hit my head, cursed my parents, hoped for the best and walked into the main building with my normal demeanour. Indifferent and guarded but friendly and approachable.

First place I wanted to go to was the principles office and this was the most important trip that can determine how my life is going to unfold.

I've done this before for all my previous schools, might be a bit difficult because it's a high standing school but should be about the same.

Step 1:walk to the administration office

Step 2:ask if you could see the principle

Step 3:if they decline then walk away

Step 4:locate the principles office from outside

Step 5:climb up and in

Step 6:knock on his window and give him a smile

Step 7:tell him to be quiet and hold out some cash

Step 8:negotiate and bring the Coltus name in if needed.

See? 8 simple steps, bringing us to where we are now. Surrounded by security in the principle's office with my hands up. The plan failed but at least I'm in his office, can't believe they installed security robot arms into the walls. I cut half of them but ended up being electrocuted, they brought me to the principle's office and with me pulling my innocent but guilty as charged smile as we walked in. I definitely underestimated this school, I'm feel so dumb, sigh.

"Well mr Coltus I accept" the principle that I never bothered to remember the name of said to me. I grinned and said back,

"I see you've read though my documents,"

"Of course, you are the Coltus family heir, it's only suitable that I accustomed my services to your needs. And what strange needs you have" he answered back

In this time I analysed the guards that surrounded me and found their obvious weakness. I mentally slapped myself, seems I need to go back to the dojo I'm getting sloppy. I also noticed that they had a crest on them, it didn't look like any technology based brands that I know of. It wasn't the school emblem either. Enough of that, I need to take out the guards and then think.

I lashed out a punch at the robot beside me straight to the temple and then went straight down as they started shooting at the head that was their before i bent down, stupid robots. The guns took out the robots on the opposite sides while I did a sweep and floored the remaining robot. Hastily I then hit each one of them on the back of the head which destroyed the main circuit and then proceeded to walk out the room, of course leaving a sum of money.

"Pleasure doing business with you" I said and with a bow, I left the room.

The principle was smarter then I initially thought. He seemed to have picked out the most dangerous looking students and did a background check on there previous schools. I saw the individuals file's on his desk. This is going to be eventful life, still going to strive to make it as normal as possible.

Looks like the principle left something for me. There was a piece of paper in my bag that I left at the admin office and it had my locker number, schedule for the week,key card/ID card, as well as a signed contract saying he and the staff will treat me as a normal student of this school.

"Do you know where locker 1175 is ms?" I asked one of the admin ladies.

"It's on the 11th floor along the 7th hallway and the 5th room along. The elevators is just on the left through the door" she said, not looking up.

"Thank you ms" I said with a smile, I walked off in a happy mood, I got to vent me anger already so I was really relaxed and happy. I headed towards the elevator which was, of course, of the highest level of technology and probably custom made. It looked like a normal elevator to the naked eye but with a trained eye you could see the silver and platinum infuse in the stainless steel, these two metals can do wonders with technology, why do you think they put gold and sliver in your phone, it truly was a sight to behold. There was no buttons that signed up or down just a scanner, taking out the card I scanned it and then for more security it automatically did a body to scan. The level of security in this place... it's worse then my overprotective parents.

The elevator opened like a normal elevator thank goodness, but then a voice sounded through the walls which were apparently speakers.

"Good morning Michael Coltus, it's a pleasure to meet you. I will be your personal A.I please check your phone for the accept button so that I can personally attend to you and your needs. I hope we can have a good next 4 years together. For now I will take you to your locker room." It said

I was a bit surprised and started wondering how much this school cost to get into. It wasn't even a boarding school. Taking out my phone I pressed the accept button that popped up as soon as I unlocked, someone must of hacked my phone and I just made it easier by giving my phone number. I never bothered to read the terms and conditions when I first transferred, the information about this must of been in there, too late now I suppose. In the elevator there were no buttons, it was just a room that moved silently around and smoothly too. The walls were the same as the door, stainless steel infused with platinum and silver. The elevator stopped on the eleventh floor, I looked around to see the main space, tile floors with white walls and just ahead were opaque automatic glass doors. Through the glass doors there were 2 metal plates on the walls with arrows on each pointing away from each other, then with numbers written on them.

'1-10' on the other one '11-20.

Heading towards number 7 as each of the numbers were a corridor, he then turned right and looked for 1175, his room number. With another key card and body scan he went into his locker room, more white walls but a carpet floor the room was a medium size. It was about 10mx3m, there was a desk right in front of him and to the left was a half filled book shelf, to the right was an organisation desk which had a diary, his books, a laptop and a weekly planner stuck to the wall just behind it. Beside him was a 2 seater couch which looked like it was made out of leather.

I left my empty bag on the couch and had a look at my schedule, first class was a standard English class, followed by Geography then recess, that pretty normal, yay. I got my English and maths book and made a separate pile so i could pick up and go when it was time. Speaking of time i checked it, 7:30am and class starts at 8am. Ok, I still had time so i kept reading my schedule so i could prep for the rest of the day. After recess was language class, after that was history then it was lunch, then physical education which took up two periods and end up being the last class of the day. It's a pretty normal schedule, I don't know why i was so worried. Getting the books for the rest of the day i put them in order. I didn't know which classes i had to use the school supplied classes so i decided to take it to all classes.

I heard vibrating coming from my phone and went to check it, it was a message from the A.I.

'Sorry to disturb you Micheal, but could you please turn on your ringer because i don't have permission to contact you with your phone on silent.'

I flicked the ringer switch and he A.I's voice came up.

"Good morning again Micheal, just a reminder your first class starts in 15 minutes but i see you have all your things prepared" it said

Something then popped into my head, I've been calling it A.I this entire time, it should have a name like all A.I's do.

"What is your name?" I simply asked.

"My name is Lixer, " she said.

"If you want to get to class a bit early you might want to start leaving the locker room! i have read through your information if you want o know how i came to that conclusion." she then added

"Thanks Lixer, by the way where is my first class, it doesn't say on my schedule.

"Lets head to the elevator, I will lead you there."She directed

Well might as well trust her and start heading down...

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