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Chapter 23: Police then Doctor

I was sitting on the police car with my legs crossed and head against the window with my arm resting on the arm rest and the other one casually hanging across my legs. I was hiding my burn with this casual position.

I was continuously looking out the window but I could feel the policeman's glances.

I saw the police station through the window as the car came to a stop in front of it.

Bothe the policeman in the car opened the door and I let myself out afterwards.

My palm was still in immense pain and I knew if I didn't get it treated soon the burn would stay there and get infected. I already knew a scar was going to be left behind.

I needed to get out of this situation quick. It was already way past dark outside.

We all got off the car and the policeman came to me wanting to say something.

"It's already past dark so you better go home, we'll be coming to get you in the morning and we will drive you home. Dont give us the wrong location because that's the location we will be coming tomorrow. If your not there then you'll be enlisted as a criminal."

He gave me a questioning look.

"Ok" I said back simply.

Of course, the scheme going through my head had a completely different idea.

Thank you policeman for delivering my escape route to me on a plate.

I will eat it with delight and an air of elegance.

I went away with a straight face and immediately a slight smile landed upon my face when I was facing away from the policeman.

Now where to go next? I wondered to myself.

I walked further from the police station, it was the local one the next suburb from the mansion.

When I was further enough and in a relatively remote place I took out my phone and called my chauffeur. The chauffeur I promised to give a better job too, or give him a more suitable job, I can contact one of the higher ranking CEO's and ask them if he can work there.

First I would need to check his degrees.

A black limousine cane driving and was visible when it topped the hill the roads formed. My chauffeur arrived and unlocked to doors for me.

"Good afternoon master," he said.

He doesn't call me young master because he was employed under my name. When the jobs came in and I was reading through the profiles to find a suitable person I stumbled upon Mark, my now chauffeur.

I felt sorry for him so I gave him the job. As I got to know him on the job I had the goal to get him a better job, such a genuine person that has excellent work ethic can't be a chauffeur.

"Good afternoon Mark." I said back with a smile.

As I thought about whether to ask him now or not.

"Mark, would you prefer an office job to this one?" I asked.

"NO, master please don't question my loyalty. I love this job, I've got good pay and a nice master plus still free time to spend with my family. Sorry for my outburst." He said back hastily.

Through the mirror I could detect the lie, his eyes showed the longing for a normal office job.

"Ok," I said back.

Willing to lie, I could also tell that the parts he said other then no were all true. This warmed my ice cold heart a little.

I pulled out my phone and went to notes, his birthday is on... it's exactly one month away.

I apologised to Mark in my head as I went onto the internet to hack some information of him about his university degrees. Masters in economics and business!!

With top marks too!

My mind blew, I didn't know he was so talented. He must of wanted to do an office job but got caught up wit family issues and got this job instead.

"How are things going at home?" I asked curiously

"All the problems are solved actually. Money isn't a problem anymore and the beautiful baby came out healthy.

Angela is overexcited and Giselle was crying in the delivery room when the baby boy came out." Mark sniffed as he said that.

He must of cried too.

I smiled at the thought.

Angela was Mark's first child, she's currently 5 and last time I heard Mark put her in a school and she's doing well. Might become like Mark someday.

Giselle is Mark's wife, they married about 10 years ago and currently she is 33.

There a happy family but we're living in poverty because of bankruptcy. Framed for stealing money and forced to pay back money for the 'borrowed money' which they never did.

Forced to sell their house and belongings they became a family if the lower class.

We arrived at the mansion and it was about 3 in the morning. I went straight to my room to flop on my bed. Loosing all the guards I had up before I relaxed and forgot completely about the burn. The pain of the burn was now numbing and caused me to forget about it.

I woke up at 7 per schedule and felt the stinging pain in my hand which was starting to become very uncomfortable. I looked at it and all the events from yesterday night flooded into my head. It's not safe for Yuuta to go look for Natalia, even if I hate her I must be the one to find her and deliver her safety to Yuuta.

I looked at my burned hand, the black edges and the lava like patterns, some of the blisters popped and left behind large amounts of yellow pus.

I needed to go and get it looked at. Not by the family doctor but by a friend. A business friend.

I called my chauffeur and this time I told him that we were going to take the Porsche, the brand new car had lookers but I didn't care.

We arrived at a fairly isolated part of the suburb. The greenery was well looked after and hills and grass covered nearby areas. The air was fresh and in the middle of it all was a white house. It was a two storey miniature mansion that had an aesthetic and regal look.

I went up to the gates of the house and opened them. There was a sign with the words 'Medical Centre' in calligraphy, the name wasn't fancy or easy to identify but the person who ran it was of one to behold. Walking up the steps to the front door I pressed on the doorbell. The house was surround with a high fence that had embellished bits on the tip and the doorbell was nothing fancy. Though this gave the house an air of elegance.

The stereotypical 'ding dong' sounded as I pressed the clean door bell. Security cameras turned and there was machinery coming our of the veranda and door inspecting me. It was a bit like the schools security system but less extravagant. A butler of the house opened the door and let me in.

"I will take you to the young masters room," he said. Dressed in black the butler looked out of place with the pristine white halls of the house.

Inside it was elegantly decorated. Spacious area, flowers on tables with the occasional picture on the wall. Enough to seem like enough and not overpowering the light aura at all.

We immediately turned left after entering and then after 2 metres turned right to see a room with a silver sign on it. The black words read, Dr Anastasia Hu. She is the genius doctor of the Hu family and youngest child of the main family.

She runs the Medical Centre and is the leading doctor of the world.

She is one of my friends, we know each other but our relationship is built upon benefits and business connections.

We both know that our relationship is shallow and we both respect the other.

"What can I do for you today Mr Coltus." She asked, brown eyes looking through the lenses of her glasses. With a small face and a raven black hair she was the beauty of the family. I held no interest for her though.

Our parents also did not know that we knew each other, they can't force us into marriage anyways. A secret noble rule was that you could not marry with another noble family.

"Just treat the burn," I said back indifferently while showing my hand.

She took it, looked at me, sighed then continued to inspect the burn. She rolled back to her desk and started writing.

"You have a severe third degree burn, lucky you came to me. Any other doctor would have just amputated it. Ask for these powders at the from desk after. Apply then wrap your hand with bandages and repeat the next day. Shower with it off so that it washes off.

As for the result, your hand might not function properly after this but you will have a scar on your hand." She explained whole still writing.

"Any other option that's quicker?" I said, impatient to get back my hand.

"Surgery. You still need the powders though." She said.

She wasn't only a doctor but also an accomplished surgeon, the youngest one of the area by far. She skipped so many grades that she was able to do University when she was 10. All nobles are homeschool except for me which is how they don't as the curriculum tells them to.

"Ok fine, surgery it is." I said with my other hand running through me hair.

"I'll do the first application of medicine for you" she said as she stood up and went to the cabinet at the opposite side of the room.

Opening it, I would guess that those medicine mixes were all hand made from scratch by her, she never trusted the supermarket ones.she got out 4 bottles and some paper towels. She then went to another part of the rooms and prepared bandages and the poured the powders into seperate piles on the paper towel. She motioned first me to come over.

I took out my lava like hand and and dared to look as she put on plastic gloves then started pouring the powder. Cruel woman didn't even use the anaesthetic to numb the area. It hurt as must as the actual burning. Pain ran through my arm but I was forced to keep my hand still if I wanted it treated. She then did something worse and used her hand to spread it out. It hurt twice as much as pushing the handle of the burning building! She finally let me have some relief when she put the anaesthetic on last and started wrapping the wet bandages around my hand in an expert manner.

"Would you like to stay the night here or go home. Surgery has to start tomorrow, no earlier." She said back.

"Sure thing and I'll go home," I said while leaving.

"Thank you," I said before closing the door.

"Get out!" She said still writing.

Short tempered lady. I smiled, the same since childhood.

I went to the front desk to ask for the prescribed medicine. The person grabbed the list and diligently went into a different room to grab the medicine for me.

"Here you go, anything else you need sir?" The admin asked with a polite smile.

"No." I said as I grabbed the medicine and walked out of the Medical Centre.

My hand had a weird pressure on it which was probably just the suppressed pain from the burn. My hand was bandages in a light layer of bandage that didn't restrict movement and only covered the skin.

I got into the Porsche, Mark was giving me a worried look and kept glancing at the bandages in my hand.

"It's only a minor injury, drive back to the mansion," I said with a dismissive tone, I didn't want him to worry. He turned around slowly to face the front, the worried expression never leaving his face as he started the car and drove off.

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