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Chapter 22: Distraction

(A/N: Two chapters at once, yeah, I did that. And! You're welcome. Check out for more content.)

Jeremy stepped into the house. His mind racing through thoughts on just what and how he can take the proper steps to no longer be running around like a blind wolf with its head cut off, and noting the fact that no one ever thought to put up surveillance around town, and deciding that he would rectify that.

"Hey, Jer, where have you been?" Aunt Jenna asks him, as he's stepping away from the door and towards the stairs.

'Looks like Elena is out.' He notes as he scans the room and the lack of any lights on upstairs to make his conclusion. The faint smell of weed in the air also made the deduction all the easier.

"Had some stuff to do around town. Decided to go to dad's clinic and check it out just for old time's sake and consider if I want to study medicine or not." Total bullshit...but it's a possibility.

"Oh," she perks up, like he has her complete interest and allowing him to notice that the bags that were decorating the underside of her eyes were fading.

'Hmm, smoking and getting a little more rest. Little by little, slowly by slowly, Jenna is returning. Soon, unless either me or Elena seem even a little dependent on her, she'll probably revert back to her fun-loving with a side of reckless self that she's always been. Instead of the woman who lacked confidence in her parenting ability and no doubt felt trapped by the responsibility that she became in the show. It's a fine line to tread. On the one hand, if I give her no sense of being needed, she will more than likely go too far one way, and if I give her too much, I will no doubt have someone questioning me on a lot of what I do. A fine line, indeed.'

"I didn't know you had an interest in medicine. Since when and how was the office, I haven't been?" She asked. Her smile expectant and interest apparent.

"Well," He begins, as he takes the few steps to lean against the back of the couch. His plan to head straight upstairs thwarted by her sociable personality and his desire to know if she knew anything about who had been at the clinic. Clearly she did not. "I wouldn't call it an interest. I would say more of a curiosity. Since it was good enough for my dad, I figured I should check it out to see if I had a knack. You know?"

"That makes sense." She say while nodding her head, like it truly makes sense, which he supposes it does. Though, it is definitely not a very good reason to make the trip, seeing as how any learning materials would be at the house. Nonetheless, she buys it. "So, what are you gonna do now? Wanna join me for some couch time?" She asked him, smiling as patting the sofa in invitation.

He would admit he was tempted. Cuddling up and getting his snuggles on with someone as warm as her was always a welcome distraction....

But that's all it was, at the moment.

A distraction.

One of many that he had allowed himself to indulge in, despite the lack of a secure base of operations or foundation.

Which is why he answered her invitation with a kiss on the forehead and a maybe next time.

And there definitely would be a next time.

A world without cuddles is a dark timeline that he would not allow. Not if he had anything to say and do about it.

After saying his "laters" and throwing out a pair of finger guns as a cool gesture that earned a laugh, he made his way to his room, dropping his bag as soon as he entered.

Checking the windows to make certain everything was as he left it and scanning the room for any hidden anything, since you never know until you know. He was finally ready to get underway.

The first thing he did was remove the weapon from his waistband, give it a quick disassemble that would take around 15 seconds to reassemble, and set the pieces in places within arms reach of where he slept, just in case. His mind not allowing him to keep a ready and able gun in his room since he didn't live alone. The chances were slim to none that Elena, Jenna, or some guest would come snooping. But slim to none is still not zero.

Then, it was time to get to business.

He started by taking out the grimoire and crystal. Hoping that maybe just maybe something would happen and he would not have to sneak into Bonnie's and place it on her neck while she slept like some kind of creep, in order to talk to the hot ghost that was her ancestor and also avoid the possibility of having to interact with Sheila. That would just be one more person aware of his awareness. An annoying connected person, aware.

He unwrapped the book, carefully. Treating it like the priceless artifact that it was, and sat it down on the floor, still using the fabric.

Then, he did the same for the crystal. Placing it flat on the fabric with the book and tossing the glove in the bag, and then scooted them both out of the way, as he marveled at what he acquired and the usefulness of the two.

He sat there for a while.. Waiting...for anything to happen.

'Figured it wouldn't be that easy.'

Steeling himself, he reached for the book and placed his palm flushed against it.



He took his hand away from the book and placed his two front fingers, index and middle, onto the crystal, and waited.

And waited.

And then....waited for nothing.

Removing his hand, he couldn't help but look at the two objects like they owed him money and mentally threaten them for ruining his speed run through easy mode.

"Welp, some effort never hurt anybody. And it's good to stretch anyway."

As he leaned forward to open the book and place the crystal in his hand in his pocket, since it was no longer needed out, his senses flared the moment his skin came in contact with the book.

He kept moving through his motions, while keeping his body taut and primed as he saw the lights begin to flicker and an unsettling silence invade his space as they went out.

'Guess I needed to be touching both at the same time. Good to know.' He thought to himself, as he slowly and calmly turned his head to look in the direction at his back from where he felt the gaze.

"You are looking for me."

He couldn't help the genuine smile that crept onto his face.

Even blue, she was still a baddie.

"How could you tell?" He asked. He had his theories and speculations going through his mind, but if he could learn facts, that was always proffered.

"The talisman is a direct conduit to me. Your call was clear. The grimoire is supplying the energy to answer. Why have you called me, Jeremy Gilbert." She both asked and stated, somehow. Her every word concise and her posture rigid. None of it really fit on the face that I had seen play so many different parts, but the thought was quick to dismiss, since this was no actress. No, just a very very capable witch who had no problem throwing away rulebooks to give a "fuck you" to whoever.

Her face a mask of calm, bordering on indifferent, but her ghosty eyes held faint curiosity, meaning that she likely didn't see me get the grimoire.

"Well, let me start by saying, thank you for answering my call." He began, conversationally, trying to discern her every reaction to his...everything. "How long do I have with you, like this?" He asked her another question. Not answering her own, just to see if she reacts.

"Our time is short. Why have you collected these items and why have you called me." 'Okay, straight to business it is.'

"I've learned a lot, through reading the things left behind by my ancestors. I know it means little, but I am sorry for what they did to you and your people. It was not right." He told her. Not needing to fake the sincerity in his demeanor, since he did truly mean it. "After reading, watching, and studying, I discovered many things through my research. Things about a tomb full of vampires. Things about a pact made with a still living vampire. And things about the woman who likely betrayed you in the first place." He continued to speak, watching her carefully. "One of the most interesting things that I learned, was that Damon Salvatore was recently seen around town."

That got a reaction.

It would appear, she did not know.

This brought up many questions for him, such as is there a way to negate the sight of those on the other side? Does Damon have the capabilities? Are the witches on the other side a reason that Damon and Stefan moving in incognito mode? That one he immediately deemed unlikely. Those two have never shown much care for the dangers that they cannot see.

Nonetheless, he had thoughts running through his mind and a person before him who was clearly open to a conversation...though he was not yet ready to test just how deep the waters ran, as far as her willingness to cooperate went.

"How do you know?" Was all she asked.

The slight smirk that was definitely patented Gilbert that he gave as an answer was enough to make her frown deepen. He was truly gifted at frustrating people, without making them dislike him. It was both a gift and a honed skill that all fan favorites in his current universe needed to master.

"I told you already, Emily. I do my research. Now, the question is, why was Damon in town? A quick reunion with his nephew, perhaps? Maybe a visit to the town of his birth and a nod to nostalgia? Or could it have something to do with the tomb that I mentioned and his quest for a way to get it open?"

He let the silence pervade through the room for a bit. He needed to know her limits. And when he saw her face take on the slightest shift, he began speaking again.

"Who knows and who cares. His motives truthfully do not matter. What matters is that wherever that one goes, chaos and bloodshed usually follow and based on what I read, you have a certain love for your lineage, and he has a certain knack for ending them. There is only one question that needs to be asked and answered, you gorgeous ghost.

How would you like to get in bed with me?"

*Patented Gilbert Narrow-Eyed Look! With. No. Smirk!*

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