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Chapter 7: Shadows of the Past Part 1

A/N: Before you complain, let me make something clear. As I said earlier in the clarification chapter, she is weak right now, and WILL NOT go super OP in 2-3 chapters. There's a reason she's so weak right now, and it's part of the story. If you don't have the patience to wait and already want to see her obliterate everyone with her little finger, I'm sorry, but it won't happen. Another thing, the world of HP in the books and movies seems pretty easy mode for someone with Rosalie's powers, but let's not forget that the World and Magic were very little explored in the series. I plan on expanding the scope of magic and magical animals and supernatural creatures because I don't want this book to just be Rosalie doing what she wants and how she wants. I want her to have fights and struggles as she tries to regain her original power, and become even stronger.

~Kiss on your mouth~


[Try to hold on a little longer! Focus on making the blood thicker! He's breaking free from the blood ties!]

It's been a few days since my hunt, and I feel much better. I don't feel hungry anymore, and with that, my will to kill is also gone. At least for a while.


[He escaped! I said to make the blood thicker, you idiot!]

There were twenty-four humans, I consumed twelve and left the other half for Baskerville. It may seem like a waste, but Baskerville is my familiar - my partner that appeared out of nowhere and that I already consider my family. If he and I get strong together, it's better than just me getting strong alone.

[He's coming your way! Power up your body with your aura!]

And man, as addicted as I am to the taste of blood, I can't help but hate the voices of the souls I consumed in my head. You know when you're trying to sleep, and there's a mosquito buzzing non-stop in your ear out of nowhere? It's the same thing, only it's still pretty low and doesn't bother me as much.

But I'm sure the more souls I consume, the bigger and more annoying it will get.

[Are you even listening to me?!]

Maybe I really need to pay a visit to an Occlu-


Something as heavy and fast as a train collides with my body, sending me flying and crashing into a tree.

[You didn't listen to anything I said! How pathetic can you be?!]

"Can you shut up for a moment?!" I yelled to my second personality inside my head. "I'm trying to have a monologue here! Have a little more respect and wait!"

My body was torn apart and almost every bone in my body was all twisted in ways that shouldn't be twisted. But I didn't mind too much. It doesn't really hurt. My bones begin to fall back into place and my body immediately begins to regenerate.

After a second, I was on my feet, brand new.

[Save your monologue for later, we're in the middle of training!]

I roll my eyes. "Seriously, why do I need to train? I'm immortal, and I'll only get stronger with time!"

[We may be immortal, but we're not invincible! Be cocky when we're at the top, but right now, we're just a frog at the bottom. You're so weak you can barely hold a creature as lowly as that!]

I turn around and see the creature that ran me over running towards me again. It had the size of an elephant and the body of a dragon with a long tail, a head full of spikes with two main golden large horns, and appendices that looked like tentacles in its mouth.

I have no idea what kind of magical beast it is, but it has great strength and also great agility despite its size. Suddenly, in the middle of his stampede, his body started to glow with sparks. He's not going to let out something like a breath of fire, is he? Because that would be ridiculous for a creature that looks like a cross between a dragon and a squid.

[This is a magical creature called a Graphom. She does not originate from these lands, at least not was in the past.]

I don't know where you got that information from, second personality of mine, but thanks, I guess.

With a roar, his speed increased, and when he came into contact with the big trees that stood in his way, they were destroyed as if they were made of paper.

Okay, he's not breathing fire, but that's still ridiculous.

[Forget about using blood to physically stop him! Your blood isn't strong enough for that yet. Instead, try to stop him with a mental attack.]

A mental attack? Now that you said it, Alucard and especially Raizel had quite strong mental powers, more specifically in the mind control part. I completely forgot about it, maybe because I was having so much fun playing hunter and watching the humans shit themselves at the sight of a little carnage.

God, since when I became such a psychopath? Well, I guess it doesn't matter since I'm not human anymore.

Not caring about the gigantic creature that at every step made a small earthquake coming towards me, I close my eyes and concentrate.

This is my first time using my mental powers, I can't help but feel a little anxious.

I focus my mind, and then I immediately feel a connection to the creature's mind.

I open my eyes. "Stop," I command him, my will overriding his.

The creature immediately stops running and starts to skid, stopping just a few feet in front of me. I smiled. It worked out! I could still feel the creature's will fighting to break free, but my will is much stronger.

"Sit down," I ordered, and he sat down like an obedient puppy.

Heck, maybe I should try the animal trainer profession? Who knows, maybe I could steal Hagrid's position as Professor of Magical Creatures in the future? That would be funny!

Unfortunately, this will still take time, because I'm still almost sixty years before canon. I wonder what I should do in the meantime. I don't want to be bored.

[I don't know what you're talking about but don't feel proud just because you managed to control a wild creature's mind. And I can still feel his will fighting, it just shows how weak you still are.]

You know, I really don't know why this insistence of yours about getting stronger fast. It's not like the world is going to end or like I have enemies to fight.

[You really have no idea of ​​anything. Such ignorance...]

I could feel disgust and disappointment inside me, but it wasn't mine, but directed at me.

Dumbfounded and outraged, I yelled, "Why the hell do you feel disappointed?! You're just a second personality, not my soccer coach! Wants to know? If I want to train, I will train! If I don't want to, I won't train! And end of story!"

I don't know why I felt so uncomfortable about it, but I felt my pride hurt.

[...All right. Do you want to know why we need strength in such a hurry? Let's go back to our crypt. There will be answers to your questions.]

My second personality answered after a few seconds of silence. I could feel that she was talking to me like I was an immature child, but I ignored it. I was more curious about what she was talking about.

"What's in the crypt besides bones and cobwebs?" I asked curiously.

[Shut up and do what I say.]

Tch. Fucking petty second personality.

I look at the big Graphom that was still sitting and tell him to go graze. He immediately gets up, turns around, and starts walking away.

Now then. Let's go back to the crypt. Luckily I still remember where it is.

What is in there that I didn't see, I wonder.


With my speed, it doesn't take me long to get back to the bottom of the mountain, and soon I see the hole I came out of.

It's only been a few days, but I can't help but feel nostalgic as I remember waking up completely confused inside the crypt.

Ah, the good times.

I squeeze through the entrance of the hole, but soon realize that the ceiling has caved in even more. It was impossible for any human being to get in any further. Good thing I'm not human.

With just my will, my whole body turns into a black substance with red on the edges, and I easily manage to enter.

After a few more minutes, I arrive at the door to my crypt. Coming out of the rubble, my body takes shape again, and I enter.

My eyes sweep the place quickly. Broken pillars, rubble, skeletons, cobwebs, and my coffin. There is nothing beyond that.

"I'm here, but there's absolutely nothing. In the first place, why did I listen to my second personality? I'm so stupid," I muttered in disappointment.

[Keep your complaints to yourself, will you? Go to the wall that is directly behind our coffin.]

I was increasingly irritable and sour, but I remained silent. I'm curious about what will happen if I do what my second personality wants. If it's really nothing, I'll just rip my brains out again and again until her voice disappears.

As she asked, I went to the wall behind my coffin and stood in front of it.

"What now?"

[Look down.]

I look down and see a small circular compartment on the floor. I raise my eyebrow curiously. I really hadn't seen it before.

[Now place and spread your blood inside the circular compartment.]

I wanted to ask what would happen if I did that, but I knew she wouldn't answer me, so I slashed my palm with my fingernail and squeezed the blood out of the wound.

The blood fell, and quickly the compartment got full of blood.

"What I do now?"

Before my second personality can respond, the little circular compartment in the ground closes, and the wall begins to glow red. I take a step back feeling apprehensive about what is going to happen.

After a moment, the wall stops glowing and disappears like an illusion, revealing that it was a hidden hall entrance.

Oh damn, there really was something here!

What is inside that hall you ask? That's what I'm going to find out now! I can't help but feel like Indiana Jones right now!

[So, do you still think it's ridiculous to listen to me?]

"What are you talking about? I never doubted you!"


Entering the hall, I almost lost my breath.


The hall was completely intact and rich with beautiful crimson and golden decorations all over the place. In the middle of the hall, there was a huge stone tablet with various designs inlaid on it. The stone tablet is made of a different material than the floor and walls of this hall, and is not connected to the floor, which leads me to deduce that it was not part of the hall originally, and was placed here later.

"What are these drawings...?" Curious, I walk over and look closely at the drawings.

There were five different images on the stone tablet, one next to the other.

The first image was an image of a huge creature that looked like a mixture of a phoenix and a dragon destroying everything, with humans and several other creatures that I had never seen before dying and crying in despair below the great draconic phoenix.

The second image was the same dragon phoenix as in the first drawing, but in this one, it appeared to be fighting fiercely against two men - one hooded, which gave off a dark and ominous feeling, and another who had several wings, which gave off a sense of grandeur.

The third image is a woman sitting on a throne, with countless subjects of different races kneeling respectfully and fearfully before the woman. Including the hooded man and the winged man.

In the fourth image, the woman who was previously on the throne was now peacefully inside a coffin, and her subjects were beside her, crying with sadness.

In the fifth and final image, three people were surrounding the woman's coffin. The hooded man, the winged man, and the third seems to be a woman, and she was the subject who was loyally beside the woman who was in the coffin in the previous images.

The hooded man was securing the coffin with thick bone chains. The winged man placed one of his feathers under the coffin, making it glow like fire. The third person, the woman, cut her wrist and spilled her blood under the coffin while appearing to sing something.

I have no idea what these images mean, but as I look at the last image, I can feel anger bubbling up in my core, but that anger wasn't mine.

"You want to tell me something, second personality?" I inquired, but she remained silent.

Shrugging, I walk past the stone tablet and I walk onto the second interesting thing in the hall.

At the end of the hall, there was a strange structure. It was a circular structure with rune engravings at its base and a ruby ​​orb in the middle, and three gargoyles overlapping the entire thing forming a mini dome.

I smiled. I know what is that. This is a portal, a portal originating from V RIsing. The ruby ​​orb was glowing, which means it was working and was connected to another portal.

Now things are getting interesting!

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