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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Much to Wren's dismay, Johnathan hurried home. So much so that they arrived five minutes earlier than expected. Wren sighed as she watched the gate to her home open. She knew she was lucky in many ways, Wren lived a comfortable life in a large house with just about anything she could want. Her parents also had their pick of noble suitors to take her hand. Wren's family was one of the last pureblood vampire families, and she was one of the only pure-blooded women to have been born in her generation. Despite these things being in her favor, Wren's parents had refused to give their daughter a choice or meet any of the possible suitors. Leaving her with Andrew.

Andrew was alright, she supposed, he had elegant features, lovely black hair, and was quite handsome but he also had cold eyes. He made her nervous, her body never seemed to quite like being around him, but it was something she would have to get over.

The limo pulled up the long driveway to the mansion and parked. A man came and opened the door for her while another began to herd her inside and upstairs, where her mother was waiting. Once Wren was pushed inside, and the door firmly shut behind her, she realized what was going on.

In the room, a few men and women were holding measuring tapes, fabrics, and pins. In the middle of it, all was her mother. Wren's mother, Angela, was quite stunning herself. Much like the rest of her species, her features were elegant, which her lack of aging helped. She had dark brown hair that was usually tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head and, also like her species, she had a pair of lovely crimson eyes.

"Child what took you so long?" She demanded, crossing her arms and tapping her long skinner fingers impatiently, "these people have been waiting for ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. Do you understand? Should I expect you to be ten minutes late to your wedding as well" she grumbled.

"My apologies, mother, it won't happen again," Wren said quickly, earning her a huff from Angela.

"Whatever, Just strip so we can get this over with," Angela sighed, waving her hand. Wren expected this and quickly complied, stripping down to her underwear. Angela frowned, "no, all the way."

"I'm.. I'm sorry?" Wren said confusedly, "mother, I really don't feel comfortable-"

"Oh don't be such a prude," Angela snapped, cutting her daughter off. "You can do it by choice, or I'll call Andrew in here to do it for you," Wren nodded and once again quickly complied. Feeling exposed as the men and women in the room stared.

Once Angela gave them permission, the dressmakers swarmed on her. Poking and prodding and touching every inch of Wren while she uncomfortably waited for them to get what they needed and be done.

After half an hour of having strangers touch her naked body, Wren was free. "Hurry up and get dressed, there's no need for you to make a slut of yourself" Angela said, waving her hand dismissively as Wren quickly put her clothes back on and scurried out of the room.

Now that she had escaped, Wren let out a sigh of relief. She could finally go hide in her room until dinner. Unfortunately, as Wren collided with a man's chest and arms wrapped around her, she realized her plan was over.

"Wren, my wife to be~" a man's smooth voice rang out, "are you trying to hide from me?"

"No, Andrew, I was just with my mother," Wren said softly, her eyes looking down on her feet; this man's very aura made her want to hide.

He moved his fingers along her jaw until they were under her chin, lifting her head, so she was looking at him. "Good, I would hate to have to tell your mother you were misbehaving. She seemed to punish you harshly last time" he smirked, speaking softly into her ear. Though his words were soft they were threatening. "It was such a shame, watching her whip that beautiful back of yours. You're lucky we heal so well, I would be disappointed if you were damaged." He hummed lowly.

"I see," she said softly, not really sure what to do. Andrew had her tight in his grasp, "I can assure you I have been good."

"Good, that's what I like to hear" Andrew smirked, pulling away to stare down at her face, "my men have started work on the nursery at my home," he said.

"Nursery!?" Wren said, looking up at him in surprise, "at your home?"

"Well you didn't think we'd live here, did you?" Andrew chuckled, "I promised my staff you'd already be expecting by the time we got home. It is your duty to me, after all. Since you have some free time, perhaps we can go ahead and get started..." he snickered, the hand around her waist began to move downward.

"Actually, I think I'd like to wait until after the wedding," she said quickly. Squirming in Andrew's grasp and trying to stop his wandering hand, which was currently groping her ass.

"Do you believe in those silly human myths?" Andrew asked a hint of rage in his voice.

"N-no," Wren said, still squirming as his grip tightened, "I just know my mother would be livid if I couldn't fit in my dress perfectly."

"Good," he growled, loosening his grip on her. "Very well, your purity is safe for today," he huffed, letting her go completely and walking away as if nothing had happened.

With her renewed safety for the day, Wren decided to wander the mansion a little more. She had grown up in the large home, and she had done so mostly alone. Her parents had never permitted her to go to school, so she never made friends, and her parents never had children after her either. She was allowed to go out into the city but not without an escort, one who scared away any potential friends. She was successful with tutors none the less and even nearly had a nursing degree before her parents had stopped her. Wren had hoped her husband would be her escape. If she had her choice, she would've chosen a more modern man to marry, but alas, she was not given the option.

Wren was brought back to reality when she heard some maid pass by whispering about how handsome Andrew was. She secretly hoped one of them would seduce him, but she doubted it very much. The man was insistent on a pure-blooded wife. As far as she knew, he was pure-blooded as well.

Before she knew it, Wren was back in her room. It was a large room, but for the most part, it remained empty. Just a lovely king-sized bed, some dressers, and a closet. She hadn't really ever decorated it, so it stood reasonably bare.

"Miss," a maid tapped on wrens shoulder, bringing her back to reality. "You're mother asked me to get you dressed for dinner," she explained.

"But dinner isn't for another two hours?" Wren said confusedly, the maid gave her a sheepish smile and pulled her further into the room, letting the door shut behind them.

The rest of getting ready and dinner was a blur. Wren's family and future husband mostly sat around and discussed the wedding, her opinion in which mattered very little. She mostly sat quietly as they ate. Before she knew it, Wren was whisked off to bed and changed once again.

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