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Chapter 20: World-wide Coverage

The car stopped at the main Khan building. Even in the elevator Luna had Dimitri by her side, but when they were already at Lorenzo's office he stayed at the door.

Inside his office Lorenzo was busy reading the monthly report. His forehead had formed creases with all his thinking, but even though he looked so serious he still was very handsome. An eye candy for Luna. Sharp features with bright green orbs, Luna could stare all day at.

Feeling a hard stare on him by his wife, Lorenzo couldn't stop his urge to tease her, "If you want to ogle about my facial features, you could just take a picture."

"Cocky bastard," Luna murmured.(^-^)

"But I'm your bastard," he smirked making Luna frown deepen.

"Why did you call for me? Did you know that I was still going to chat with Kevin but your bodyguard dragged me to the car?!"

"Thanks for the feedback, I'll remember to increase his salary,"

"That's not the point! I'm trying to tell you that I don't need a bodyguard and that you could take him—"

"—not possible Luna. He's there to protect you. If I say you can't meet with any man closer than 5-feet then that goes!" He butts in.

"You're impossible!" she crosses her arms and turns her head to the left making herself look like a grumbling kid, urging Lorenzo to pinch her small button nose.

"You need to understand that I am doing this for your own good!"

Luna was about to rebuttal but her stomach suddenly made a grumbling sound making her blush with embarrassment. Hearing the sound made Lorenzo chuckle a bit. His wife was feisty because her stomach was empty. ( ̄∀ ̄)

Hearing her silence, Lorenzo called for food to be delivered to his office.

Just a few minutes later Dimitri opened the door with a tray of food making Luna's mouth water. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

As the tray was placed before her, she immediately started eating. Her mouth chewing ferociously making Lorenzo smile while continuing his reading. When Luna was finished she was so full that she felt sleepy.

Sleep suddenly beginnings to engulf her. Noticing this, he carries her to the couch just in front of his desk so that she could sleep comfortably. He places her head on one of the throw pillows and takes of her shoes. After appreciating her beauty for some time, he returns to his reports and proposals.

When one of the employees came in to submit a new proposal she was shock to see the same lady from before sleeping soundly in the Boss's office. So after exiting Lorenzo's office she immediately told her officemate which told his other officemate and so on and so forth until the news was fully spread around the whole building. Everyone was very curious on who the mystery lady was but no one had the guts to take a picture because if the lady in question was really their boss's love interest they would be in hot waters for even staring at her. All the male employees who found her beautiful the first time she came felt fear in their hearts. Their boss was iron fist man and they had just lusted over his most precious possession.

m(_ _)m

As no one had control of itchy tongues, even though Lorenzo knew that specific female employee was very nosey, he didn't warm her anymore. If the news spreads then it spreads! It finally gives him the right to shoo away pests like Kevin Kelly from ever coming near his wife again. If he was free to do anything he wants, he would have made Dimitri beat anyone who looks at his wife. His wife is to pretty to be seen by any other male species! His wife is only his to stare at!

Unable to resist the urge, he walks closer to Luna and snaps a picture of her sleeping face. He then sets it as his wallpaper so that when he misses his wife, he could just turn on his cellular device and he would already be able to at least see her angelic sleeping face. ^ - ^


The interview was finally aired a few hours after the actual interview. After the editing and trimming of the footage, each and every channel aired their clips at around 2:00 P.M. To her new garnered fans, Luna was watched with adoration and love but not everyone was happy.

In her secret apartment, Lilian signed in to her dummy account to yet again create trouble. She wouldn't be an A-list model if she didn't have any tricks up her sleeve. Posing as 'KittyKat' she types, 'Kevin Kelly shouldn't be associated to the likes of Luna Walter! She obviously has a big backer! Modeling should be done fair and square! I wouldn't continue to support K.M.A. if you let such injustice slide! I repeat Luna Walter has a big, old, and ugly backer!'. Hitting post Lilian smiles and laughs hysterically knowing that netizens are very sensitive when their idol's name is brought up.

The post had garnered tens to thousands of views in a matter of minutes. It sparked the controversy of Luna being a social climber. Kevin Kelly's fans blasting Luna's official account with hate comments. While Luna's fans tried to defend their idol, they were too small to fight the Kevin and 'KittyKat' fans.

The fight was going on for about an hour when a certain verified account named 'GD' came along and posted a short post defending Luna. The post reads, 'My darling Luna would never do such a thing! K.M.A. has a very strict policy. Can't one just have visible talent to earn a spot with the well renowned Kevin Kelly?'. Adding more support to the post Kevin Kelly reposted it on his official page causing some of his fans to cool down and to eventually delete their earlier hate comments from Luna's page, but some are just too darn hard headed. Though it dialed down, the scandal had just began to be picked up by trolls and other cyberbullies on the internet.

Good thing Luna was still sound asleep while all of it was happening. 😪😴

alter_ego_princess alter_ego_princess

Thank you for reading! ( ´ ▽ ` )

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