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Chapter 14: Royal Birthday (3)

"Prince Arthur and Princess Louise are here!"

All eyes gravitated toward the enchanting twins, unequivocally the focal point of today's gathering. Both adorned in resplendent gold and white attire, Prince Arthur donned a sleek suit, while Princess Louise graced the occasion in an exquisite gown.

Their matching cascades of shining blond hair and captivating azure eyes rendered them utterly breathtaking, captivating the attention of every onlooker. Their remarkable features seemed to transcend the mundane, as if borrowed from a realm beyond.

A subtle, sly smile adorned Prince Arthur's face, while Princess Louise radiated kindness, nodding graciously to everyone in attendance.

As the applause subsided, they gracefully parted ways to individually greet the assembled nobility.

"It's been a while since I last saw Princess Louise, but they look absolutely stunning, don't you think so, Robin?" Irisdina remarked.

While Irisdina did not frequently encounter Louise, the opposite held true for Arthur, who often paid visits—particularly directed towards her. Although the frequent visits were orchestrated by her parents, who urged her to foster a closer connection with Arthur, Irisdina didn't mind. In fact, she held a genuine fondness for Arthur. Aware of the expectations placed upon her as a child of high nobility, she accepted her duty with a sense of responsibility. Fortunately, her admiration for Arthur made the task more agreeable; if she were to marry anyone, Arthur was her preferred choice among the eligible suitors.

"Indeed," Robin nodded with a measured agreement. While Robin's parents also encouraged her to cultivate a relationship with Arthur, her sentiments differed from Irisdina's. She wasn't as intimately connected with Arthur and harbored reservations about him, especially considering his apparent devotion to Irisdina.

Nevertheless, Robin found herself compelled to forge a bond with Arthur. Her parents emphasized the imperative of winning him over, even if she played a secondary role behind Irisdina. The notion of being a potential second wife was distasteful to Robin, yet she recognized the unavoidable obligations imposed by her noble lineage. Despite her reluctance, Robin understood that she had little choice but to fulfill her role in securing the legacy of her noble family.

"Wow..." On the opposite side, Melvin stood with his mouth agape, his attention wholly absorbed by the royal twins, particularly Louise. It marked his first encounter with the regal siblings, and their presence had an undeniable enchantment.

Amidst the crowd, Arthur, engaged in greetings, abruptly caught sight of Irisdina. Swiftly, he made his way towards her with purposeful strides.

"Irisdina, you look exceptionally beautiful, as always," Arthur declared, taking Irisdina's hand and gracefully placing a kiss upon it, his gaze charming.

A subtle blush graced Irisdina's cheeks in response at the sudden princely kiss. "You look quite handsome as well, Your Highness."

Arthur sighed, a hint of playful exasperation in his tone. "How many times must I remind you to call me Arthur?" His attention then shifted towards Robin.

"Oh, Robin! You look absolutely splendid in that dress. It's been a while, and you've blossomed into a beautiful young woman," Arthur expressed, genuine surprise evident in his words.

Previously indifferent to Robin's presence, the passing years and the elegance of her current attire had captivated Arthur's attention. She stood as a vision of beauty that rivaled even Irisdina.

Despite his earlier frustration with his father's persistent matchmaking attempts, Arthur found his perspective shifting. No longer averse to the idea, he entertained the thought of Robin as a potential second wife, especially given her undeniable allure.

He thought that while completely disregarding the fact that he was already engaged to Celastrina.

Arthur took a brisk step forward, surprising Robin, and delicately kissed her hand. Robin, caught off guard by this unexpected gesture from a prince who had previously ignored her, accepted it with a polite smile. "Thank you, Your Highness. I wish you a happy birthday."

Arthur grinned, his attention shifting to the last person in their group, much to his apparent displeasure. "And who might he be?"

"I-I am Melvin from House Balmon, Your Highness!" Melvin stammered nervously.

Upon hearing the name of the Baron House, any lingering wariness dissipated from Arthur's demeanor. He was assured that nothing of consequence could transpire between Irisdina, daughter of a rising Count, Robin, the daughter of a Duke, with a boy from a struggling Baron House.

"Don't be so shy. If you're here, you should take pride in it and show it," Arthur extended his hand in a gesture of camaraderie.

Melvin, utterly shocked that a prince would offer a handshake, accepted with gratitude. His preconceived notions about high-ranking nobles began to shift, influenced by positive interactions with Irisdina, Robin, and now, surprisingly, Arthur.

As the royal twins' arrival infused the gathering with heightened energy, an undercurrent of tension and unspoken doubts lingered among the attendees.

A powerful House was missing after all. 

Without them, the six most formidable Houses would lack completeness: the Royal Britannia House, the Lockward Duchy, the Greenmore Duchy, The Rainborn County, the Woodwell County, and, of course...

Finally, the doors to the banquet swung open. Although they were already half an hour behind schedule from the stipulated invitation time, their presence was felt—more accurately, her presence.

A hush fell over the gathering as a woman entered everyone's line of sight.

Men and women alike couldn't help but gulp in a mixture of admiration and trepidation at the stunning figure leading the way. She donned a magnificent gown that covered every inch of her skin, and a hat with a brim lowered enough to shroud even her eyes unless raised.

Vanessa Alasmira, the Marchioness of the Alasmira Marquesate.

As Vanessa lifted her chilling magenta gaze, all present succumbed to her charm, including the women. Even the King, who believed he had buried all his past emotions, found himself captivated. Over the span of fifteen years, Vanessa had barely aged, exuding a mature aura while retaining a remarkably youthful appearance.

Advancing into the birthday hall where they had all been summoned a half-hour ago, a deafening silence prevailed. No one dared to utter a word. Vanessa Alasmira, the most dangerous woman in attendance, led the way, followed closely by a towering giant radiating a menacing aura.

Cornelius Alasmira, Vanessa's father and the former Marquess, undoubtedly stood as the strongest man in the room.

Vanessa and Cornelius stood as the primary reasons why the King and Queen sought alliances with other Houses. The monarchs perceived them as potent threats, considering the potential consequences if these formidable figures decided to act against their interests. Although the likelihood seemed remote, given their son's engagement to Celastrina, the realm of politics remained unpredictable.

In tow behind Cornelius, a figure of striking beauty walked, bearing a resemblance to Vanessa but exuding a more youthful and charming demeanor. Her magenta hair, tied behind her in a childishly elegant manner, framed a breathtaking face that rivaled Louise's allure. No, she seemed to capture even more attention than the other young girls present, radiating a unique charm that defied simple description.

Bringing up the rear was a solitary young man clad in a jet-black suit and gloves. His hair matched the darkness of the night itself, and a kerchief partially obscured his lower face, leaving only his chilling, pitch-black gaze visible—threatening to devour light itself. Despite appearing no older than Celestrina, he moved with a perfect gait, exuding an air of quiet assurance.

Unbeknownst to the onlookers, these four individuals effortlessly overshadowed even the royal twins, who, by all accounts, should have been the undeniable stars of the day.

KarsX KarsX

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