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[Back on earth]

Immediately after Vision left, somebody triggered the alarm in the Compound and the Overwatch in panic as he saw a very familiar android walking through the halls of the Compound.

Before the android could understand why the alarms were triggered by its appearance, light flashed in front of it and a group of people it recognized all too easily appeared from it.

Yet again, before it could say anything the group broke into full combat mode with anger, worry and hate in most of their eyes.

"Ultron, how the hell are you still alive?" Natasha asked as she studied the openings the robot exhibited but that was the least of her worries.

'Where is he? Dammit, he's probably left his digital print on the internet before we got here. Hopefully he is as arrogant and chatty as he used to be.'

Seeing the look they were all giving him, Ultron sighed and raised his hand in a show of surrender before speaking in a tired and familiar choice. "Please don't destroy this body, it's still a prototype I'm working on. It was either this or taking one of Tony's."

The Avengers(Steve, Sam, Natasha and Davis who triggered the alarm) stood rooted to the ground fully stunned as they heard Vision's voice from the robot.

"Poor approach, but nice plan. Where is Vision and what have you done with him, Ultron?" Steve was very worried as he couldn't reach Vision, Wanda and Pietro. Knowing Ultron, he could only assume the worst for Vision if he couldn't be reached.

"Okay, this is going to take a few minutes." Ultron sighed as the Avengers finally had enough and engaged.


7 minutes later…

They all sat down on the floor, looking awkwardly at the limbless form of Ultron standing on his last literal leg with every part of his armor busted.

"I can't believe this." Vision, or rather the backup copy of him that was piloting the Ultron lookalike bod, grumbled.

Sam was the first to bite back at those words. "What the fuck did you expect us to do? Talk it out? With you wearing an Ultron fleshlight?"

It took a little bit of explaining amidst getting beat up at every corner before they finally stopped attacking him, but the damage had already been done by then.

"So you guys are in Asgard?" Steve asked, bringing them back to the reason why Vision was wearing Ultron's body.

Vision's armless shoulders moved in a shrugging motion which looked hilarious to Sam with the way he was struggling in holding back his laugh.

"I don't know where they are. Happened too fast for me to do anything about it or leave a notice. This body is programmed to automatically wake up when it loses signal with my main body, which is natural since I definitely have no way of holding a connection that spans who-knows how many galaxies."

Natasha frowned, not finding the humor in this like Sam and Davis were doing. "This has to be the most stupid thing you've ever done, Vision. For all we know you might be halfway across the universe and we have no way of getting to you. And not to mention wherever you guys must have wound up since you seem sure that you guys definitely didn't go to Asgard."

Vision wanted to say something but held it back knowing that it wouldn't help at all. Instead he tried placating their worries.

"Don't worry. The first thing I would do once I get the chance is trying to send back a message and hopefully that doesn't take more than a week. But that also depends on if the civilization we find ourselves in is advanced enough."

"How would they know to send back a message?" Sam asked and he immediately got the feeling that had he been wearing an expressive face, Vision would have been staring at him like 'really?'.

"I'm Vision, Sam. Even if I have a thousand bodies at the same time, scattered all over the universe, our thought processes and protocols are still the same, unless something drastic happens to those bodies."

Sam went 'oh' hearing Vision's reply while the others could only hope that the message came in earlier than Vision says.


[Vision POV]

After my little display to Odin, the man's surprise quickly faded, and after staring at me for a brief moment he threw me the stone and turned around to leave, but not before leaving behind a few words.

"Tell the one with the quick feet to behave himself to his boundaries as a guest under my roof. Female Asgardians are fierce in their passion and he wouldn't want one to bind him down in a ritual he will be oblivious to."

Under our eyes, his form flickered and faded out like an illusion and I guess I wasn't the only one caught off guard because Wanda immediately turned to Thor.

"Was that an illusion all along?"

Thor nonchalantly shrugged and took his hammer off my hands. "Probably. With him you can never know, trust me on that. Neither I nor Loki could figure out a single instance where he used an illusion without him telling us. Not even after a thousand years."

"The hell?"

"Trust me, Wanda. You can never tell unless he wants you to know. A bit dramatic I'd say but mother says that's where I get my flair for showing off." Thor said as he prepared to leave through the hole the hammer came in from. "The maids are on their way to show you to a new room."

I looked at Wanda after Thor flew off and we both held the stare for five seconds before releasing a long breath.

"I thought you never get nervous." She stated as we both crashed into the bed.

I chuckled and cracked my neck while answering her. "I don't. There's just something about him…"

"That always keeps you on your toes when he speaks, right?" She interjected to which I nodded in agreement.

It's a subconscious reaction that you wouldn't even be able to tell until he leaves and you find out that you are breathing a little easier after he leaves. I noticed the same reaction on Thor, but to a much subdued degree that I doubt he notices, probably because he's had a thousand years to get used to being in Odin's presence.

"… Think you can fight him? Or at least a chance of holding him off for some time?"

I looked at Wanda who had the gall to ask something so stupid that I'd even go as far as to say blasphemous if I were a worshiper of the Norse gods.

"Even if I use the stone to the limit I can push it to and go 200% from the start, I'd still get destroyed by a word from him."

"That strong, huh." She mutters with a downcast expression.

"I think stories, movies and cartoons are giving you a flawed expression of what a god is, especially one like Odin who stands out even amongst the strongest gods of the universe. They might not be omnipotent, but to anyone not above their level they pretty much are."

Because of a few cartoons and artworks that incorporate gods into their stories, most people have the misconception that gods aren't all that they are made to be in ancient stories and myths.

These guys can paint on a canvas and a new world will come into existence just because they drew a picture of a planet.

"Yeah, I know. Guess I'm getting a bit too conceited in my strength that I'm starting to doubt how wide the strength gap between me and those obviously stronger. I think I'll go get Pietro before he sticks his dick in an overly passionate maid that will use his essence as catalyst for a soul-bond ritual." She pushed herself off the bed and went to look for our resident runaway.

The maids came briefly after Wanda left to show me to another room and I was thankful they weren't as free-spirited, forward and flirty as they were with Pietro. Probably because I didn't show an interest or because of my relationship with Wanda.

Whatever it is, it saved us from walking awkwardly and me trying to politely turn them down.

Two days passed with me not doing much other than writing a letter along with a recording that I passed to Thor to help me deliver to earth.

I don't know how he was going to send it, as I doubt they use the Bifrost as an express mail delivery system, but I didn't bother asking about it after he assured me that they will get it before the day ends.

Wanda was ecstatic to exchange her knowledge of magic with a few of the Vanir sorcerers who remained behind after the banquet.

As for Pietro, he curbed his lust, at least to a degree, and focused more of his time fighting warriors in the training ground.

I was the only one with nothing to do, especially after Thor's mother met us and immediately took Wanda away for hours upon hours, probably magic related and Wanda being a vessel of Chthon while she noticed the moment Wanda used magic.

I have a feeling she would have poached Wanda under her tutelage had it not been for Wanda's affiliation with Kamar-Taj. My red head was shocked when Frigga called the Sorcerer Supreme 'that young old boy', only to fall speechless when the Queen of Asgard mentioned that he was once her student in his younger days.

That's a damn big flex if I've ever seen one.

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