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97.85% The Vision


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[With Wanda and Pietro, Xandar]

Compared to Vision and Sif who were fighting against an entire planetary force inside their own gargantuan-sized ship, the situation on Wanda and Pietro's side of the mission had been going swimmingly well so far.

After ensnaring the group that gave them a warning to behave, they started draining all the important information from them until they had nothing else to offer, and so Wanda moved from them to their commander.

The bad thing about Xandar was that most of their forces, especially those inside the planet, were androids which made Wanda's flexibility in finding targets to ensnare very rigid and taut, but she managed and came across something.

The Skrull and the Kree.

Both alien species had already invaded Xandar with the goal being the Infinity Stone.

"Things just got more complicated, right?" Pietro asked Wanda who only groaned and remained silent.

"Worst part is that we have no idea which of them is with the Time Stone. We can rule out the Skrull since they are a divided power, but that leaves the Kree, Nova, and Thanos unaccounted for."

"I've already updated Vis on the new development. As for what we need to do now… up for a little breaking and entering?" They both grinned at that, finally having space to be a little more exertive with their abilities.


[Vision POV]

Thanos regarded me with a cautious gaze not knowing I was just seconds away from taking over his entire fleet. A nice addition to my collection if I might say.

I've been scanning him since the moment he came into my range but the feedback registered no object with the same wavelength as that of an Infinity Stone.

"Where's the Infinity Stone?" I asked.

[Assimilation and Override of foreign system mainnet:… 98.73% completed]

'Anytime now.'

"Of course, that's why you would come here. Brave. A foolish endeavor, but nonetheless brave." He readied his blade at me and got in a low stance.

Now you might ask: how quickly can I defeat someone stronger than the current Hulk?

[Task completed]

[Assimilation and Override of foreign system mainnet completed]

Compiled data that spanned every nook and cranny of the Sanctuary II appeared in my mind, and with it was the chamber where the Time Stone was kept.

In the same moment, Thanos lunged at me with a speed that betrayed his humongous size only to freeze to a halt after his third step.

And this was the answer to the above question.

"Quite easily."

Yellow laser beams left my eyes and bored into Thanos' eyes, melting his brain to a boiling goo.

Honestly, Wanda was a harder opponent to deal with than a gauntletless Thanos.

Seeing the way I easily killed Thanos reminded me why I always use my abilities with restraints. I could solo the ship on my own but I carried Sif along just cause, even going as far as using Thanos' army as some sort of training simulation for her.

With the spatial points of every part of the ship in my head, I teleported the box containing the Time Stone to my palms and stored it inside one of my pocket spaces.

"So Thanos couldn't use the Time Stone because he couldn't control the energy from the stone. That makes sense."

He wasn't versed in energy manipulation like master sorcerers nor did he have the gauntlet to serve as a crutch, or the Space Stone to act as a limiter for the Time Stone.

Time is a fickle thing after all.

"Now, time to clear house. Might as well exert myself a little bit."

My telepathic wave covered every corner of the ship and tagged every single living thing inside the ship, excluding Sif.

Every movement on the ship seized as they all fell under my hold before collapsing one after the other like puppets on loose strings.

I had increased the processing speed of their brains by a large magnitude that the electricity it produced fried their brains and exploded it to mush.

"Any remark on that?"

≪Conclusion: Overkill≫

"Yeah, thought so."

I spied Sif through the surveillance systems and saw how shaken she looked after watching everything around her drop to their death in a split second.

"Definitely overkill, but why stop there?"

Taking control of all the bodies once more, I opened all the doors on the ship and started gathering them in one place.

I quantum-shifted to the gathering ground and started shrinking the growing giant ball of bodies which took a few minutes as I gathered every corpse on the ship to this spot and shrunk them down to the size of a basketball before throwing it into the Quantum Realm.

A snap of my finger and Sif appeared in front of me with her sword drawn to my throat in a sharp reflex.

"Simons. By the gods, what in Odin's name was that!?" She half screamed with a shaken voice as she took back her sword. "Did you… did you kill everything on the ship?"

I nodded. "That I did. And with it, this mission is over. We're going back to Xandar."

She could only mumble dumbly, trying to contemplate what the hell it was that she just witnessed.

She said nothing even when I teleported us to one of the smaller space pods and spent a few seconds shrinking Thanos' ginormous space cruiser before going back to Xandar.

With the recent update I received from Wanda, it looked like things would have been a lot more bloody had the stone not being with Thanos.

Probably a war would have ensued on Xandar just because of the stone.


"So that's it?" Pietro whined at how quick the mission came to an end in a very anticlimactic way.

"This was a retrieval mission, what else did you expect?" I asked rhetorically.

We just picked up the siblings and are currently just cruising through space, heading to an uninhabited planet where the Bifrost would kick us up.

"You can't blame me for expecting a free-for-all planetary brawl/invasion for the Time Stone. A man can dream, you know." He remarked lazily.

"Hey Sif, what's up? You've been awfully quiet since you came back." Wanda called out to Sif.

I don't think it was the display of strength that shocked her, no way it could be. Rather I think it's the ease at which I killed all of them that had her in her thoughts.

With what I know of her, my bet says she's thinking of how to defend against something like that.

"Sif?" Wanda called out again and hit her focus this time. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. It's… it's just the stunning display of might from Simons back on Thanos' ship that has had me in awe ever since." She said.

They fell into their little conversation while I tabulated my gains from this little mission even as we landed and were beamed up back to Asgard.

"Welcome back to Asgard." Heimdall said upon our arrival at the dome. "The Prince has been informed of your arrival."

Thor met us halfway with his usual boisterous cheer and then a banquet followed till the next day before we could retire to our rooms.

"Are you sure you want to hold onto the stone? Doing so would make Midgard a target you know."

"Except no one knows that I have the Time Stone. Hell, as far as the universe is concerned, the Time is either with Thanos or the Nova Empire. And besides, it is not as if earth is any safe considering that we currently hold two of the Infinity Stones."

Thor and I were having a discussion about if it was wise for me to wield the Time Stone along with the Mind Stone.

If it was anybody else, even the other Avengers, I doubt Thor would just leave them with an Infinity Stone. The reason he was hearing me out and considering my words were because of two things; first being that he was the one who made my, Vision's, inception possible, and the other being I could lift his hammer.

"I guess your words do hold truth, just as long as you keep it away from Stark and Banner's hands." He said half-jokingly.

"You don't have to worry about that." He really didn't because the last thing I want is Tony figuring out how the concept of time works and harnessing the energy into his suit.

It would be a Kang scenario all over again.

But these were the least of my worries.

With Surtur reemerging, telling the coming of Ragnarok, it also meant that Hela was coming. Not the movie version, but quite possibly an established goddess of death.

"Thor, as a trusted comrade-in-arms of mine, while I do not wish for it and if truly Ragnarok is coming, I hope you'll call on us to help you fight, just like you helped us."

Thor laughed and thumped his chest. "Have no fear, Vision, for if truly Ragnarok comes, I'll beat it back with my hammer."

His every word was laced with utmost confidence but I however shook my head. "No man can win a war on his own, Thor. Not that I doubt the might of Asgard and its people, I just want you to know that there are people willing to go to war for you despite not being Asgardian."

We exchanged a look after which he slowly nodded and extended his hand for a warrior's shake.

"I'll try to keep in touch."

With that, we were ready to go back to earth.

"This almost felt like a vacation. Almost."

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