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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Act 1

Trey was still kneeling on the ground of the alleyway, holding Rose in a tight grip.

The purple light surrounding them faded as the flames did also.

Looking over at the other end of the alleyway, Trey saw a woman with dark black long hair in a red jacket but the darkness didn't allow him to make out any other features.

"Be careful, he's a Pokemon thief!" Trey shouted.

"Your concern is noted," the woman said evenly, her eyes flashing purple.

The man wasn't about to stop his attempt now that someone was intervening though as he shouted another command.

"Houndour! Turn it up! Fire Spin! Raticate get around her, Hyperfang!"

The woman seemed unperturbed and the Pokemon in front of her was just as calm, its two spoons in its hands raised.

Her eyes flashed again with a violet luminescence. A sound like crackling wood began to rise up from the Houndour's throat as licks of flames spewed from the cracks in its teeth.

The man's Raticate moved swiftly through the alley, rushing forward ahead of them. But it was a mistake.

Trey watched the battle with both anxiety and interest, holding Rose in his arms tightly as he waited for the end with bated breath.

The Raticate froze halfway from the man and the woman, its body outlined in a purple sheen, the Alakazam's arms humming with power as his left spoon bent forwards.

Raticate rose from the ground just as the Houndour's flames left its mouth, a wheel of intense heat lighting up the entire dark alley.

The fight was over just as quickly as it had begun, the woman clearly outclassing the man as a trainer, her Alakazam showing its battle prowess.

Raticate flew upwards colliding with the flames as it exploded and dispersed against the Pokemon and the walls of the nearby buildings.

"What?! That can't be! H-Houndour! Fire Spin!"

But apparently, the man's Pokemon was spent. Houndour was shakily standing on all fours, barely able to hold itself up as it breathed heavily, small bursts of flames leaving its mouth.

It overheated? Trey thought, watching the fight.

The flames in the air cleared, revealing a severely burnt Pokemon.

"Alakazam," the woman said evenly, the only words she had spoken since the fight had started.

Alakazam's eyes flashed purple once more, the other spoon in its right hand bending forward. The Pokemon disappeared for a moment, leaving both Trey and the man confused.

In a flash of purple-tinted light it reappeared behind the man.

Raising its arms, Alakazam lifted the man like it had the Raticate, then slammed him into his Houndour and the building. The pitiful pair hit with a loud crunch as bricks were broken beneath the impact and slid down with a thump to the alley.

Alakazam then lifted the still semi-conscious man into the air once more.

The woman walked forward, the tapping of her heels resounding through the alley.

"Are you hurt," she asked.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you," Trey said bowing his head slightly, then looking down to Rose, "You ok sweetie?"

"Ral…..Ralts…." she answered wearily.

"You should get to the Center just in case," the woman offered.

"What about him," Trey asked, nodding to the man still struggling in the air.

"He will not be going anywhere fun. Alakazam."

Alakazam nodded, his spoons bending again in the opposite direction, as the man suddenly froze and screamed, until he went silent, his face going blank as a line of drool began dripping from his mouth.

"What did you do to him…?" Trey asked somewhat frightened.

"Alakazam gave him a psychic lobotomy of sorts. He's trapped in a very realistic nightmare, and will not be waking up anytime soon," she said smiling slightly.

Trey shuddered from her phrasing but noted that it was possible to do such things with a psychic Pokemon. Charles' face flashed in his mind. But he soon focused on the woman again.

She had come close enough that he could make out her features. She had striking sharp eyes, fair skin, and face. Her purple eyes gave a piercing expression.

"S-sabrina..?!" Trey blurted out.

"Hmm? Yes?" she answered.

"Why are you here…?" Trey asked, Rose, cooing softly in agreement.

She motioned to the man who was now still in the air, "This trash has been causing trouble all day. I thought I got rid of Team Rocket's influence in this city, but it seems that they are resurfacing…. They are like Weedle in the forest, you can never stop running into them," she sneered, "It is no matter though, I will crush them like the insects they are as many times as they wish."

Sabrina gave an eerie smile looking at the incapacitated man.

A shiver ran down Trey's spine as he finally got to his feet.

"Well… Thank you for helping me, it was quite amazing to see such a skilled psychic user battle," Trey said in thanks.

"I am Saffron's Gym leader. It is only natural," she answered looking down at Rose in Trey's arms, "Oh? A Ralts, you do not see many around Kanto."

Rose cooed uncomfortably under Sabrina's gaze, but Sabrina didn't seem to care as she reached out her hand to pat Rose on the head gently.

"I see you have been through a lot, little one," she then looked up to Trey, "You have a long way to go to reach your goal, Trey."

Trey flinched at the mention of his name, his mouth gaping slightly.

I didn't tell her my name… Did she…?

"No," Sabrina snickered, pulling out her phone, a photo of Trey on it, "My assistant spoke with you. I did not expect to meet you until later this week."

"O-oh…" Trey muttered, his breath coming out in a sigh of relief, his privacy remaining intact.

"I never said I couldn't," she smiled, her eyes flashing violet, "I just haven't."

The hair on the back of Trey's head stood on end as he began to sweat.

"Don't worry, I refrain from doing so. It wouldn't be fun. But to the point, Trey," she began, her eyes moving to the man suspended in the air, "I must be going, so please come by the gym this week. I want to discuss what happened and organize a proper send-off for the Orphanage."

Drake grimaced, his hold on Rose tightening slightly subconsciously in an attempt to ground himself. Their connection strained slightly at the mention of such a strong memory. But he pushed through, nodding in silence.

"I am not very good at conveying human emotion," Sabrina said in a whisper, "But I am sorry for your loss. I feel your anger and sorrow… It hurts me if only a fraction of how it hurts you. It is my fault that it happened within the city, and it will not happen again," she said with a firm look as she sneered at the man, "Alakazam, let us take this trash away."

Sabrina left just as quickly as she came, Alakazam turning to look at Trey for a moment.

"Take care, young boy. Your charge is yet fragile, but she will grow."

Trey gasped unsure where the voice came from, his eyes landing on Alakazam. The Pokemon winking before turning and following Sabrina.

"W-what was that…." Trey muttered, looking down to Rose.

Rose only stared at the back of Alakazam before giving a coo.

"Is everything alright Rose?" Trey asked.

Broken from her trance she looked up and nodded back, but quickly tugged on Trey's sleeve, or tattered remains of a sleeve.

"Ah!" Trey exclaimed, ".... I hope Donnie won't charge me for these… Speaking of Donnie, where is he? How did that guy manage to enter the bar?"

Trey sighed and looked at the damage that had been done to the alley and buildings walls.

"She really went on a rampage didn't she, sweetie," Trey whistled, then looked at the open employee entrance to the bar, "I'll need to clean up the mess that guy made won't I… Alright, first let's get you to Kristine's. I think you've had enough excitement for tonight, young lady."


Trey smiled, embracing Ralts slightly tighter before he went to the employee door and closed it.

"Now to Kristine's before I come back… Good thing she wasn't here when this happened."

Try moved to the street and walked down a few buildings, finding Kristine's studio quickly, ignoring the gazes coming to him because of his clothes."

Knocking on the door, he was quickly greeted by a cheery blond woman, who quickly turned to a concerned mother.

"Trey! Oh my! What happened! What did you do to your suit?!" Kristine gasped.

"Hahaha….I didn't do anything. It's a long story…" Trey sighed, "Do you know where Donnie is?"

"Donnie? He should still be at the bar? I'll give him a call, come inside, and get changed! Tell me what happened."

Trey walked in languidly, dragging his feet slightly as he came through the open studio floor. The studio had poles coming from the ceiling to the wooden floors, on one side a wall length mirror showed the reflection of the poles.

"I didn't notice before, but this is huh…. Actually, now that I remember what she said the studio was. I don't want to know," Trey chuckled wryly.

The sound of tapping came from the stairs on the other end of a door at the end of the studio, the door swinging open as a bird shot forward through the gap.

"Krow! Murkrow!"

Kuro flew forward landing right on top of Trey's head, a familiar little black-haired and red-headed girl poking their heads through the crack.

"Trey-bro!" Sasha shouted.

"What happened to your clothes?" Yuki asked, raising a brow.

Trey recoiled slightly from Kuro shooting forward at his head but smiled as he heard the twins.

"I couldn't keep the girls at the bar off me," he laughed, putting Rose down on the floor.

Rose ran over to the twins her arms raised high in the air.

"Welcome back Rose!" Sasha smiled, "Did you work hard?" he asked.

"Ralts!" Rose chirped, jumping up slightly.

Yuki looked at Trey her eyes showing how much she believed him.

"You look like a mess, what really happened?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. I do need to go back and clean up though," Trey admitted, "How are you guys settling in?"

Yuki shifted on her feet slightly, "It's nice. Kristine is a bit…. Touchy… but she got us some clothes and nice beds," Yuki said, showing off her different clothes.

Trey got the hint and smiled, "They suit you Yuks. Very pretty."

Yuki blushed slightly but nodded and went to Rose instead.

"Are you tired Rosie?" she asked.

Rose nodded and yawned adorably, rubbing her eyes.

Trey scoffed, "Alright you all get to bed it's way past your bedtime. I'll be back as soon as I can."

The twins and Rose disgruntledly went back through the door, the sound of tapping on the stairs ringing through the door.

Trey turned around, Kuro on his head looking around vigilantly.

"I'm fine…" Trey hummed, only to receive a peck on his head, "Fine. You can come… Thanks for watching the kids for me."


Trey, unfortunately, didn't have a change of clothes at Kristine's. So he would have to walk back to the bar regardless if he had not had to clean up.

He sighed briefly before he saw Kristine turn to him, her face concerned as she held her phone.

He raised a brow and waited for her to be done on the phone.

"Ok… Yes… Yes… I understand… I'll be there soon. No Donnie, I'm coming, right now just wait, I'll bring the car."

Kristine let out a long breath, closing her phone, looking more exhausted than Trey had seen her in quite some time.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Donnie was jumped outside of the bar somehow. Him, Mimie, and the doorman are at Central right now. Those ruffians are getting out of hand!" she shouted, raising a fist.

Trey's face twisted in surprise.

Makes sense now why that guy was able to get inside so easily then… I should go clean up, or maybe it's better if I just wait… What if those goons have other people coming? But I guess Sabrina did clean up around the place. Speaking of which.

"Hey, Kristine? Did you hear anything from the alley earlier?" he asked, concerned if she heard the battle.

"Not really? We were watching 00Serviper on Poke'Flix, couldn't hear a thing."

"How did you know I was at the door then?" Trey asked.

Kristine waved her phone in the air, "I have Rom'Bell, let's me know when someone is at the door on my phone. I'm going to the hospital to check up on Donnie. What about you sweetie?" she asked.

Trey shook his head, "I have to clean up the bar after a maniac ran through it," Trey sighed, pointing to his clothes now that Rose and the twins were upstairs, "That's partly why I look like a mess again…. The guy ran amuck through the bar chasing me, thankfully someone helped and stopped him…"

Kristine gasped and grabbed Trey by the shoulders, "Oh no sweetie! You're okay? Ain't nothing hurt right?" she asked again, scouring over him for injuries.

Trey chuckled wryly, "I'm a little bruised but nothing a good night's sleep won't do me good. Tell Donnie I'm looking over the bar, maybe he won't charge me for the suit then hahaha…."

Kristine gave him a playful slap to the arm, "Even Donnie wouldn't do- ok he might, but he won't this time I promise."

Trey gave her an unconvinced look then let her go get ready as he went out of the door to return to the bar.

A few minutes later, Trey and Kuro were at the employee's entrance once more, Trey staring at the entrance's door knob.

He let out a breath as a small bead of sweat formed on his brow.

"Ok, let's just hope there isn't another one of those crazy Team Rocket Members in there waiting for us…" Trey muttered looking up to Kuro, "You aren't a rare pokemon in disguise right?" he asked.

Kuro raised his beak, not bothering to answer the question. Showing how obvious he thought it was that he was one of a kind.

Trey gave a chuckle and turned the knob entering the bar. He immediately saw some of the damage done to the hallway by the chasing Raticate, claw marks on the floor and walls. Further inside on the floor the bar was a mess.

Tables and chairs flipped and broken, the bar itself torn to pieces.

Trey scratched the back of his head and gave a sigh, "Thankfully no one is here, but Arceus… This is going to take a long time to clean up. I better go check the front and get to work."

Kuro cawed and found a perch on one of the intact tables as he watched Trey move to the front.

Trey found the door closed surprisingly, but opened it to make sure it worked and was undamaged. Once he did he checked the front from the outside seeing that thankfully, nothing was broken.

Going back inside and locking the front, his shoulders slumped as he fell to the floor, the adrenaline finally wearing off as his body shook.

Trey's arms wrapped around himself as he gave a weary smile to no one in particular.

"Arceus please… I was so close to being killed…"

Trey's jaw clenched as he gripped his sides.

"I have a lot of work to do so that doesn't happen again."


Morning came in a very unusual way for Trey. He would usually groan and await his alarm, waking up several minutes before it as he tried to sneak in those last few sweet winks of sleep before it sounded.

But today, he was given the pleasure of a more energetic alarm.

"Trey Bro!!!!!!!!!"

"Ooof!!!" Trey grunted as he curled up from Sasha jumping on his unguarded stomach, Kuro flying off the couch to disgruntledly perch elsewhere as he curled up under his wing again.

"It's time to wake up! Don't you have work today?" Sasha asked, smiling like he had done nothing wrong.

Trey cracked one eye open and groaned as he reached for his phone on the table next to him, seeing the flashing numbers of 7:09.

"I have…. A few more minutes…." Trey almost whimpered, but sat up moving Sasha to the other side of the couch.

The sound of a low coo came from behind Trey forcing him to turn around and move the covers. The green top of an adorable Pokemon poking through.

Rose popped out of the mess of blankets like a tree sprouting with a 'pwah' as she puffed her cheeks and looked at Trey.

"Good morning sweety, how did you sleep?" he asked with a tired grin.

"Alts…." she yawned, only to be interrupted by Sasha picking her up and hugging her.

"Good morning Rose!!!" he chirped, with a laugh.

"Quiet down Sasha…. It's still very early," another voice from the other end of the studio said.

Trey looked over to see the redheaded Yuki with a hand on her hip as she sighed, "Are you ready to get up? Kristine is still out, but she said we can make breakfast."

Trey flinched hearing the words a shaky smile forming on his face, "Are you cooking again Yuks….?" he asked.

Yuki scoffed, "No. I don't know how to cook…." she said, shifting embarrassedly.

Trey turned his head and gave a discreet breath of relief before getting up.

"Ok I'll cook you two some eggs and toast then, then I need to get going. I'm going to leave Kuro with you two, so no getting into trouble ok? I'll come back during lunch and we can go get you two some phones and new clothes," Trey smiled, "Sorry but you'll have to wait a bit longer on the laptop Yuki."

"It's alright, Kristine is letting me use hers, and we have TV here so I can wait," she said with a huff.

When did she get such an attitude… Trey sighed internally.

Rose turned her head in Sasha's arms feeling Trey's confusion.

"Alright, let's get to cooking!" Trey smiled, hopping out of bed.

Trey moved past the majority of the studio, cleaning up his sheets before he did. Once that was done they all went back upstairs to the living space.

It wasn't nearly as large as the studio downstairs but still relatively spacious. There were several rooms including the one Kristine had lent to the twins, an open living room and kitchen.

"Damn, Kristine's place is actually really nice…" Trey murmured as he stepped to the kitchen, pulling pans, bacon, and eggs from the fridge.

"It's nice!" Sasha chirped, sitting on a stool near the island table.

"It's definitely a step up from hospital beds, that's for sure," Yuki admitted.

Trey gave a nod, the statement pulling a bit at his heart strings.

They should have never gone through that type of thing… He thought, but continued to ready the food.

"So no going out while I'm away alright? If Kristine comes back early don't pester her too much, we are guests here remember?" Trey explained.

"Yes, mom…" Yuki scoffed.

"Yep! Kristine is cool!" Sasha added.

"Can one of you grab the pokefood from my bag? Rose and Kuro should be hungry as well right?" Trey asked, looking over at Rose.

Rose lifted a white sleeve and chirped in agreement.

After a few minutes and Sasha running back up the stairs with a bag of Pokefood in his hands Trey set the plates and looked at his phone's clock.


"Ok, eat quick Rose, got to get going soon," Trey told her.

She nodded as she stuffed her cheeks with the last morsels of food, pushing them out each side.

"You didn't have to shovel it down like Spoink, but that works. Ready?"

Rose nodded, raising her hands to be picked up. Trey scooped her up as he went to the door for the stairs.

"I'll be back at noon on the dot alright. Be ready!" he shouted behind him.

He received some grunts of acknowledgment in return.

"Oh and clean the dishes! You both know how!"

Before they could complain, Trey ran down the stairs and out the door, remembering to place Kuro's food next to him.


A few minutes later he was at Mr. Tennerson's store just a minute before opening.

"Alright sweety into the ball for now alright?" Trey asked, raising Rose's Pokeball to her.

Rose cooed a grumble, looking at Trey.

"I know, it's only for a little though. Once my shift is over we can go play with the twins while we shop alright?"

Rose still wasn't the happiest about it, but nodded and touched the ball, disappearing in a flash of red light.

Trey fastened the ball to his hip next to Kuro's empty one and opened up the store's door, ready to work.

Looking around he didn't see Mr. Tennerson just yet, so he quickly went about opening the store and sweeping.

The day went by slowly but without incident for once, as the usual customers came in and out, purchasing candy and the odd drink. Until Mr. Tennerson finally came through the employee entrance giving Trey a wave.

"How are you feeling boy?" Mr. Tennerson asked.

Trey smiled and bowed his head slightly, "I'm managing. Thank you for your kindness from before. It helped me quite a lot."

"Bah," Mr. Tennerson grunted, "Don't you worry about that. But keep your wits about you today, I hear those ruffians from before are still about. The police force just isn't what it use to be I tell ya! Back in my day, they didn't have all the fancy gadgets your generation had and we got more done."

Trey laughed wryly, nodding to his rant until Mr. Tennerson ran out of steam eventually and exited the shop.

"I'll be back at noon."

Trey nodded and waved Mr. Tennerson off.

After he left, he sighed, looking at his phone, "Just a few more hours. Guess I should look at the shelves if anything needs to be restocked."

Going down the aisle Trey was reminded of how much the store didn't compare to the main Mart in Saffron. This little store could never compete with something so large as the Mart, it didn't even carry a third of what the Mart did.

The aisle held the same stuff he had always seen, but he noticed some of the Pokemon food more than before.

"Snacks for Pokemon..? Poke'Cake, a wonderfully soft organically made cake. Sourced from local regional ingredients for a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals for your Pokemon all wrapped in one delicious yellow snack," Trey read off.

He felt his side hum slightly and looked down to see Rose's ball shake just a bit.

"Oh? Want one Rose?"

The ball continued to shake.

"Alright, I'll grab one as a sorry for making you stay in the ball for so long. I should really ask Mr. Tennerson if he minds you being out in the store. I'll grab one for Kuro as well, I'm sure he'll be mad if I leave him out."

Trey rang himself out for two cakes, at a surprisingly low 3 credits for each. Then returned to his monotonous task of watching the store.

Eventually, noon came and Mr. Tennerson relieved Trey of his duties. Trey gave the old man a bow and wave as he left to go pick up the twins.

Sprinting down the roads and back allies he was used to he made it to Kristine's in record time.

He heaved in and out as he tried to catch his breath, his hands on his knees. And as before his hand could go from his knee to the handle, the door swung open an annoyed-looking Yuki staring at him cross-armed.

"You're late," she said coldly.

"B-by… a few minutes…!" Trey gasped.

"Late is late!"

"Yeah Trey bro, late is late!" Sasha said poking his head out behind her, smiling.

"R-right… Well, are you two ready?" Trey asked, finally getting his breath.

"We've been ready," Yuki scoffed.

Where did she get this attitude from… Trey thought.

"Yuks, let's be a bit more polite ok?" Trey chuckled, "Where's Kuro and Kristine?"

On cue, Kuro flew out of the studio and landed right on Trey's head with a kaw-like grumble.

"They give you any trouble Kuro?" Trey asked.

"Mur! Murkrow, krow!"

Trey nodded along as if understanding him, "I see. Make sure you clean that up Yuks, I know you want to learn how to cook. But you're using Kristine's food."

Yuki's mouth fell open in disbelief, "H-how could you understand him…?"

"Pretty easy," Trey smirked nodding to the studio, "Even I can smell the burnt food from here. So Kristine's at the hospital still?"

"She said she would be back after dinner once that man Donnie was released," Yuki replied, her face turning sour.

"Ah… that means I'm still working then, she mention when?"

"Noooooope," Yuki said, popping her lips on the word.

Trey sighed ushering them both outside, "Alright let's get going then, to the Mart!"

"Yay, the Mart!" Sasha parroted, then looked around, "Where's Rose?"

"She's right here," Trey said, pulling her ball from his belt, and releasing her.

Rose appeared in a flash of white light, shaking her head slightly.

She looked up at Trey, puffing out her cheeks before she reached out a white sleeve.

"What? O-oh…" Trey muttered before he shuffled through the bag from the store, handing her a small wrapper.

Yuki and Sasha looked over in wonder, "What's that?" Sasha asked, clearly wanting his own.

Trey laughed, "It isn't for people. They're poke'cakes. Something to tide them over before lunch," Trey explained handing opening and handing the other over to Kuro.

Kuro gobbled it up right away in one bite, leaving small crumbs on Trey's head. Rose struggled with opening the bag for a moment before she stomped on the ground in frustration.

Yuki smiled and reached down to open it for her as she chirped in joy, taking small bites, each one showing just how much she enjoyed it by cooing happily.

"Alright come on, I don't have all the time in the world before work," Trey sighed.

After Kuro picked out the crumbs from his hair and some hair. And Rose finishing her's as well. The group moved through the streets to the Mart a few minutes away.

"Can I get some snacks?" Sasha asked.

"Maybe a few," Trey said.

"Can I get some ice cream?"

"I thought you wanted snacks?"

"Ice cream is a snack. Can I get some chips?"

"Which is it…?"

"I want snacks!" Sasha said, throwing up his hands.

"W-we'll see…" Trey chuckled wryly.

"How about some family pack snacks?" Yuki offered.

"Maybe… It's going to be a bit tight for now so only meals," Trey said softly.

I have to look over that contract again. I think if we start beating gyms we can get a stipend. Which reminds me I have to figure out something about those battles…

Trey looked up to Kuro, the blackbird tilting his head back at Trey.

"We're ganna have to figure something out, buddy. Training soon?" Trey asked.

Kuro tilted his head back and kawed a laugh forcing a wry laugh from Trey.

I'm doomed.

Dipping his head a bit, he felt Rose reach up and pat him on the cheek, feeling his slight despair through their connection.

"Thanks sweetie…. Oh that reminds me."

Once they got inside Trey walked through the aisles with the twins as they picked out some change of clothes, and a few snacks. Only because Sasha wouldn't stop grabbing them and putting them into the cart.

After that was finished, Trey grabbed another bag of Pokemon food for the next few days bringing their total in the cart to around 120 credits before the phones.

Going to their last stop he showed the twins to the phones and told them to take a few minutes picking out a phone from the ones they could afford, namely the same generation he had that came in several colors.

Trey also eyed the price tag of the cheaper laptops to the side.

Arceus! It's 200?! For the cheapest laptop?!

Trey flinched slightly calculating his expenses.

If the phones and the plans cost under 100 he could squeeze it in with everything thanks to his tips from the other night, and still have enough for food as long as they didn't eat out.

"Alright wait here for a minute while you pick out your phones ok? Yuks's is in charge," Trey instructed.

"Eyyyy…." both the twins grumbled.

Trey waved them off as he stepped a few feet away but kept them in view as he pulled out his phone, and dialed one of the few numbers he had.


*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" a female voice said on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Lauren? Are you free right now?" Trey asked.

"T-Trey? I didn't expect you to call me so soon.. Y-yeah I'm free, what's up?"

"Sorry to bother you with this but I could only ask you. Have you ever had to see a pokemon Psychiatrist? Or Therapist?"

Trey heard something crash on the other end before Lauren answered. She coughed once, clearing her throat.

"A Psychiatrist or Therapist, huh… I've never had to see one personally, sorry Trey. I know the League has some recommendations you could try that offer discounts to trainers. You could try giving them a call and asking."

"Perfect, thanks for the help Lauren, you're amazing. Catch up and train soon? I could use an experienced trainer's touch as a new trainer."

"Y-yeah! That sounds great! Lady and I will be in Saffron for at least a week longer so just give me a call!"

"I will, thanks."


Trey hung up and made a mental note to call the League Center if he still had time.

He looked at his phone quickly seeing the time.

[12:22 PM]

"Who were you talking to? Your girlfriend?"

Trey looked up and saw Yuki giving him a grin.

"I don't have one. What do you know about boyfriends and girlfriends, you're too young for that kind of stuff Yuks," he smiled.

"Am not! And I know plenty…" she replied in a mumble.

Trey waved her off with a smirk, "Did you two pick out your phones?"

Yuki nodded and they both went back to the counter.

She had picked out a fire red color, and Sasha a sapphire blue.

Trey talked for a bit to the man at the counter, unfortunately it was not the same one he had purchased his phone from. But he was still very helpful.

After some back and forth Trey moved his phone over to a family plan with the phones, but unfortunately his benefits as a trainer didn't kick in yet, so he ended up paying the promotional price.

Able to check out everything at the counter, he pointed to the laptop on the side and asked for one in a similar fire red.

The total for the bill rang up to 465.37 credits.

Trey sweated as he saw the number.

"Just barely safe… I might have to work a bit harder at the bar to make it up in tips…." he murmured in pain as he handed over the bills.

"I thought you said no laptop yet?" Yuki said, her eyes tracking the new laptop.

"I'm going to make a deal with you. As long as you behave and look after Sasha. And that means no lip, only a polite little princess I know you are. You get to keep it," Trey said, giving her a pat on the head.

"Not fair, not fair!" Sasha shouted.

"You can get one too when you're older Sasha," Trey smiled.

"But we're the same age!" Sasha whined.

"T-true… Ok how about some extra ice cream?"


"Well that was easy… Go ahead and pick out whatever you want alright?"

"Okayyyyy!" Sasha chirped, running off with Rose in his arms.

Rose smiled and pointed forward as well, almost like sounding the charge as she cooed loudly.

Trey and Yuki wrapped the bags into the cart and went after Sasha. Yuki holding her new phone and laptop to her chest for dear life.

"T-thank you… Trey…" Yuki muttered embarrassedly.

Trey gave her head a pat again, "Don't mention it Yuks. I love you guys and want the best for you. This is just the start of the good times alright? Promise."

Yuki looked down, nodding, her hair covering her face. Trey ignoring the soft sound of sniffling.

She's a good kid. I promise… I'll make that bastard pay. And we are going to be happy. I'll make sure of it.

Arthur_Inverse Arthur_Inverse

Sorry for it being so long in between chapters, I've been very busy with Dual Class, and real life. This is very lightly edited so please excuse the mistakes. Hope you enjoy. Cheers!

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