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Chapter 26: One big change

Hawks: POV

I kissed y/n's forehead then whispered I love you. I walked out of the room, knowing it was gonna be a hard next few months...

A week skip.

"Hey Keigo, what do you want from dinner?"  Y/n yelled from the kitchen... I have to figure out a way to get rid of her, but anyway I do, it'll hurt both of us. "Don't care" I coldly replied. I've been cold to her since she got out of the hospital, but it seems like she hasn't noticed, damn why did I fall for a stubborn girl. "Bebe-" "don't call me that!" I snapped back at her. Her eyes widened and pain fell on her face. "Look, I don't know why you've been so cold, and distant lately, but if it was something I did, just tell me and I can fix it".

She was on the break of tears, and it pained me to see it. "You want to know huh, well yea the thing is I'm tired of you." She's broke, I broke her.  'You're too damn clingy, you're a slob, you can't even cook right, and you're always getting hurt. Y/n I'm not a babysitter you're a damn child still, and I think-" She cut me off. "You think what you're just gonna break up with me as Bakugo did. You're gonna leave me too??" Tears were streaming down her face, and my heart was breaking. "Y/n get out." Was all I said then left the house. Hoping she would be gone when I got back...

Your pov 

Those words, the words were so cold. They hurt me, but it not the first time someone important is leaving. I'm used to being alone, I've done it since my family died. "Mom dad I miss you guys, I wonder how you would have reacted to me dating Keigo'' I looked up and tears rushed down my face... I went to Keigo and my room, well not ours anymore. I pulled out my bags and shoved all my clothes in them, then went to the bathroom and got that stuff. I called someone to pick me up who wouldn't question why I'm here so I called Todoroki and Midoriya. " Hey Shoto, any chance you could come to get me? I asked but I'm pretty sure he could tell I was crying. "Uhm, sure y/n where are you and, are you ok you sound like you're upset..." he calmly asked me.  And the address is [random address] I'm fine, nothing I can't handle, I just want to go back to school and my everyday life." I smiled. "Alright then, Midoriya and I will be there in about 10 minutes."

Around 15 minutes they arrived and they noticed my eyes were bloodshot red and puffy."Alright lets go." I gave them a fake smile and we left. "Y/n are you ok?" Midoriya turned to me and asked all sweetly. "Im just peachy deku." he smiled and faced forward again. I had forgotten the feather i had around my neck was there until it floated up.. I grabbed hold of it, and froze it. "Y/n, what's that you froze?" Shoto asked me. "Oh it's nothing anymore, just a pain i'm parting with." I smiled at him and tossed it out the window.

We reached UA, and I was flooded with questions. Momo on standby in case anything went wrong, i gave her the look of 'help me'. She knew what I meant and told everyone to leave me alone, and that I needed to go get situated in my dorm and talk to Mr.Aizawa. She was right about going to my dorm. But wrong about me leaving it again.. I texted Ayaka to come to my room so i could talk to her and cry on her shoulder, since she's the only one i can tell. She said she'll be over in a bit since she's having back and leg pain. "Hahaha pregnancy must suck" I snickered when she texted back. Half an hour went by and I began to grow hungry, like real hungry. '

'Maybe i should go get some food' I contemplated in my head. Just then I heard a knock at the door "Hey y/n?" oh it sounds like Eri. "I'm coming, my little princess. I opened the door and saw the adorable little girl smiling at me with her red eyes. "Y/nnnn, your back!!" if there could be there would be sparkles in this little girls eyes right now. I smiled at her and picked her up. "Hey Eri, I missed you." How have you been, how's school going". (She's about 9-10 now) "Oh hmm, it's going good" she blushed. "Ohh Eri is there something I should know." I teased her. Already knowing she's got herself a little boyfriend. She shoot her arms frantically and blushed even harder. "What's his name" I walked over to the bed and sat her down. Time to have a little girl talk with my sister.

"She smiled  and fidgeted with her hands. "Kota" her check grew even more red . "Aww you mean the little boy who helped Deku, when we went to camp the first year?" She shook her head. I gave her a tight squeeze and tears escaped my eyes. "Eri, promise not to let a guy influence you, be independent. Don't think you always need a guy to be happy. But if you find the right guy you think is the right one, keep him close and make sure you love him." I smiled through tears and she gave me a big hug.

Someone knocked at my door again and i'm guessing it's Ayaka. "Come in," I yelled. It wasn't her... "Oh Kirishima?? What are you doing here?" i was totally confused. Him and i weren't close close but i supposed you could call us friends since i dated bakugou and he was is best friend. "Oh hey Eri, mind giving me and your sister a minute to talk" he smiled at her and she jumped off the bed. "If he says something mean y/n just call me and i'll beat him" she flexed her little arms and whispered in my ear. I laughed at the adorable little girl exeting my room. "So Kiri why y'a here?"

I got up to go to my bathroom to brush my hair back into a ponytail. "So you know you've been gone for almost three - four months right? A lot has happened, people have changed, new relationships have happened and Tamaki even ended up in the hospital." Oh Suneater was in the hospital... Never would have known. "Spill Kirishima. What specifically happened that made you come here. "Me and Bakugo, we're dating now and he told me not to tell you but i thought it would be a good idea and so i came and well i told you but maybe i shouldn't have cause know he'll be-" he rambled on. "Kiri it's ok. I'm happy for you guys. As long as the boob is over me, plus i always knew you had a thing for him.

I smiled at him and walked over to sit on the bed. "Well yea i have- wait you knew?!?!" he looked at me in complete shock. I laughed "Kirishima Ejiro, you're not exactly good at hiding your feelings for someone." I winked at him and he stiffened up. "Oh- well- uhh. So it's ok?" He looked at me. "Of course it is Mr.Rock! But.... i do expect a wedding invitation" I winked at him then playfully punched his shoulder. He got super red, more red then his hair. "I- uhh" he got up and quickly left the room. I laughed and fell on my bed, then heard another knock on the door. "Unless it's Ayaka go away". Just then the door opens. I stiffen up to who it is.

"Oh-oh Mr-Mr Aizawa. What brings you here... How did you know i was back" i whispered the last part. "Eri came and told me you guys talked for a while." Bless that little child but curse you little child. "Oh. Uhhi was gonna come talk to you when i was done unpacking. About what happened the last time I was here. I apologize. I was frustrated that you knew where she was but no one would do anything. I'm sorry I took my frustration out on you and Principle Nezu. Oh and I was kidding about leaving the school. I rubbed the back of my neck. He looked at me with his tired eyes and scooted across the floor.

"Y/n, I came here to apologize as well. It was unprofessional for us Pros to not have done anything." my eyes widened at his response. "But Hawks said you would continue to be his sidekick until you decided to go to a different agency... Why are you back suddenly.?" He asked me. I had to think of a lie and think fast. "Oh. I told Ayaka I would help with the baby, plus I missed my friends." I lied threw my teeth. He raised an eyebrow at me and huffed. "Very well." I must return to the teacher lounge, my hus- ahem I mean President Mic, and I are going grading paper. You have quite some work to catch up on if you want to graduate at the end of the month. I suggest you talk to IIda and Yayurozu, for extra help." he waved off and shut my door.

I fell backwards onto my bed and my heart beated faster. 'Sighs' "Damnit Ayaka, where are you?" "RIGHT HERE" Hse came bursting into my room with a chip bag and blanket. "Hey girly" my smile i had broke into a frown and my once clear eyes turned into an ocean. "Hey hey" she rushed over to me. "What happened? Why are you back so early? I thought you were supposed to live together for... who knows how long." she rubbed my back as I cried onto her shoulder. He-he left me. He left me so easily. Ayaka it hurts so badly. All I did was ask what he wanted for dinner and he snapped at me. He had been acting cold towards me since we left the hospital. But he snapped today. He yelled at me, called me a child and said that he doesn't want to date a kid anymore." "Shhh shhh it's ok beautiful. You don't know do you?" I lifted my head and stared at her in confusion. "Honey, hes-

Hawks POV

She's gone...Shs really gone. Not coming back. I mean why would she. I got back to the house around 7:46. She's not here. All her stuff is gone. But it's for the best... Right? I couldn't put her in danger anymore. "Dammit" I Punched the metal front door. "I shouldn't have left her go. But if i didn't it would have been selfish. She's better off gone. She's safe now. As long as she's safe, that's what matters. I walk over to the kitchen and search for the whiskey I kept hidden away.

She told me i couldn't drink anymore since it was bad for me but i kept this just in case, well honestly i don't know why i kept it. The feather she once had turned cold then shattered after about an hour after she left. I saïd such cruel words to her. All for what? I MISSION?!? I pulled out the whiskey and chugged it. chugged it gone, i pulled out another one. Gone, less than 10 minutes. "Dammit it's empty." I threw it at the wall, shattering it. "Tch" I got up and walked to my bathroom to shower. I stared at myself in the mirror. Hair all messed up. Bags under my eyes. The honey eyes I once had were no longer. Then saw a small photo of me and y/n we took when we went on a small date. I took it off and smiled at it. I went back to the room and plopped down onto the bed still starting at it.

✨ Flash back ✨

"Keigoooo" I hear Y/n call from the bedroom. I walked into the room to see her all dressed up. In a cute off the shoulder sunflower dress a cute little sun hat, with some yellow flats. "Keigo why don't we go on a date" She smiled at me. "Sure songbird haven't done that in a while have we?" I get dressed in some denim pants and a plain loose red shirt. Then picked out some black shoes. "So where are we going Kid?" I asked her as we left the house. "It's a surprise." she smiled at me. "But it's a flit to get there, mind flying us?" she asked as if i wouldn't do so. "But of course beautiful, this is our date. Just tell me where to fly." I picked  her up bridal style and flew up into the sky.  It was around 6:30 so the sun was setting and the sky was mixed colors between yellow reds, blues purples and oranges.

We flew in the direction she pointed for about 10 minutes until she pointed to the ground telling me to land. "There land there then we'll walk the rest of the way." she buried her head into my neck as me landed. She jumped down and intertwined our hands as she pulled into the direction of the mystery date. We walked for some time but where we went you couldn't reach with flying. Walking was the way to go. She pulled me into this meadow that was hidden. A small stream with a tiny brown bridge that went over it and lights all around. A flower swing sat in the corner with twinkle lights, while an older looking fountain somewhat covered it. It was a beautiful little place she took me too. I saw a picnic basket near the swing, and she led me to it. Inside was chicken and f/f for her. (Favorite food).

"Do you like it? Since we can't go public with our relationship, i figured i would bring you here and we could have a picnic. I found this place with my siblings once and we would always come back and feel the fix swimming inside the pond." she had a sad but happy smile when she talked about her family to me. "Y/n it's perfect" I told her. Her eyes lit up with joy and she handed me the chicken. "Hope you like it, it's from your favorite chicken place". she smiled at me. If this were a dream I would never want to wake up. After we finished eating, the sun set fully and the stars were out along with the moon. The moon and stars lit up the night sky in such a beautiful way.

"Hey Keigo? Do you think when people die they become stars? I always have a feeling of my family looking down at me from the sky. And mom always said that when she passed, her dad and my sibling would become a star to watch over the one they care about." she looked up and smiled. "I do love. I do think they are watching you. But if they were still around, do you think they would have supported us?" she looked back at me then smiled again. "I don't know. I didn't know them well enough. But if i were to guess, i would say that as long as i were happy they would be too." I pulled her into a tight embrace then pulled her chin to look me in the eyes. "They would be so proud of who you are becoming y/n." She looked surprised by my words then leaned in to kiss me. "Thank you Keigo." We finished the talk and decided it was late and that it was time to go. "Oh wait babe. Before we leave can we take a picture, to remember this day?" she asked me. I threw my arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek, she snapped the photo and said "when we get home i'm going to print this. One for you and one for me.

End of flashback.

Tears filled my eyes as I set the photo down and looked at the clock on the call. 2:52. "Shit i have work tomorrow." I cursed myself. I must have been lost in thought for a while. I took the shower I had decided on before I got distracted and lost in thought. Now it was almost 3:20. So i decided to go to sleep. Tossing and turning all night. Not getting much sleep. Only guilt filled my mind. And... My heart

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