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Chapter 6: Bats & Revelations

Returning to the sanctuary of my penthouse suite, the opulence surrounding me offered no solace for the tempest within. The echoes of the night's revelry lingered, but they were drowned out by the memories of the alley, the unleashed fury that left two thugs broken and bloodied. My steps were contemplative, sinking into the plushness of the couch as I grappled with the aftermath.

The encounter with those thugs lingered in my thoughts, a tempest of emotions swirling within. The rage that had overwhelmed me was a storm, a raw surge of power unleashed in a moment of peril. Yet, the thrill was overshadowed by a seed of fear, the loss of control a haunting reminder that the line between savior and destroyer was a fragile one. 

As I contemplated the weight of my actions, I thought about improving my abilities. However, I soon come to the conclusion – training, as mortals understood it, didn't have any use for my divine self. My abilities as a goddess were instinctive, my domains bending to my whims effortlessly. The divine power to do limited miracles unfolded with a mere thought, a wish, that my divinity answered obediently.

With a sigh, I turned my gaze to the empty bottle, I knew what i needed to temporarily mute the echoes of my past. The craving for a drink to soothe my tumultuous thoughts led me to the well-stocked bar. The clinking of glasses and the aroma of aged spirits surrounded me as I selected the finest ingredients for my desired mixture. I always loved a good gin and tonic.

Crystal clear ice cubes tinkled against the glass, the rhythmic dance of mixing echoing the ebb and flow of my contemplation. In this solitude, the city's heartbeat seemed distant, replaced by the gentle hum of my inner thoughts.

As I was about to take a sip and let the warmth of the concoction soothe my troubled soul, an imperceptible shift in the air sent a shiver down my spine. A presence, stealthy and palpable, lingered behind me. Divine instincts whispered Batman's name.

Turning around slowly, I met the enigmatic figure of the Dark Knight. The cape, a silhouette of shadows, billowed around him in stoic vigilance. The dim glow of the city outside played upon the stern lines of his cowl, and the gleam of his gaze penetrated the darkness.

"Zeri Fall," Batman's voice, low and gravelly, cut through the air, leaving an invisible imprint."What brings you to Gotham, and who are you really?"

The weight of Batman's scrutiny pressed upon me. Caught between trying to hide my divine nature and the need to process my feelings. Alone. But this choice was taken from me, instead I faced another: reveal my secrets or try to keep my divine origins veiled. "Batman," I acknowledged, my voice a careful blend of confidence and mystery. "I'm here for my concerts. I didn't even want to come, but management wanted it to be part of the tour. Several big investors are in Gotham, you know. And my capabilities... well, I like to think I'm a pretty good singer."

"Let's talk about Zeri Fall," Batman's tone, as stoic as ever, cut through the air. "Your civilian identity. What's the story there?" I leaned back, feigning nonchalance, "Zeri Fall? That's just me. Just a musician. Nothing extraordinary, just like anyone else."

Batman's scrutiny didn't waver. "I find it hard to believe that someone with your... abilities is just an ordinary musician. Who are you really?" A wry smile played on my lips, my eyes dancing with enigma. "Batman, people often see what they want to see. Maybe I'm just good at my job."

The tension in the room escalated, each question met with an elusive response. Batman pressed on, determined to unravel the mystery. "What brings you to Gotham, Zeri?" My gaze flickered. "As I said my record label. And today was my last concert anyway. I'll leave tomorrow."

"Just your concert, or something more?" Batman's persistence bordered on relentless. As the game continued, Batman dropped the bombshell, his revelation crafted for maximum impact. "I saw what you did in that alley, Zeri. Two men, brutalized in self-defense. You might be powerful, but you have no right to judge them. You're not some higher power."

A look of anger crossed my face, my pride wounded by the unending questions and his mistrusting behaviour. "Maybe I am," I sneered, a daring challenge in my tone.

My response left my mouth before i could think. 

Batman's silence spoke volumes, the trap laid bare. The acknowledgment hung in the air, an admission that I wasn't just an ordinary musician. The cat-and-mouse game reached its climax, revealing a truth that would reshape the dynamics between the Dark Knight and me.

Humbled I exhaled a quiet sigh. "What do you want, Batman?"

"The truth," Batman's voice resonated with unwavering determination.

I downed my drink, a bitter concoction mirroring the taste of my realization. My fingers seem to tremble as I weighed my words. "I'm not from here. I am a goddess, escaping my vengeful father, nothing more."

Batman's gaze remained steady, probing. The confession hung in the air accompanied by silence. The truth had been laid bare, but the consequences of such revelation were yet to unfold.

Bruce Wayne's piercing gaze held no hint of falter as he continued to scrutinize me. "What kind of goddess?"

I appeared unfazed, replying, "I come from Mt. Olympus. I mean no harm. I've been here for a year, and in this time, all I've done is music."

Batman's skepticism lingered as he remarked, "A teenage goddess throwing a tantrum doesn't brutalize two men. Why are you really here?"

Anger reared in my chest as divine sparks crackled in my eyes. "A century of torture and abuse!" I hissed, my voice tinted with untold anguish and tempered hate.

The room fell silent for a moment, the air thick with unspoken tension. Batman, his mistrust still evident, finally broke the quiet. "I'll look into your story, but I'll be watching. You can't just go around acting like a vigilante goddess without consequences."

With that, Batman turned and left, leaving me alone to grapple with the echoes of my past and the uncertain gaze of the Dark Knight, who now observed me from the shadows.

With a cry of anger i threw my glass at the floor where the caped Crusader stood. The shards of glass scattered across the floor, reflecting the fractured emotions that reverberated within me. Wrath, frustration, and a lingering sense of vulnerability intertwined, leaving me emotionally drained. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I retreated to my bedroom, seeking solace from the tumultuous events that unfolded. My problems could wait until tomorrow.

Scene break.

In the vast expanse of the Watchtower, the Justice League convened, their presence a collective beacon of Earth's defenders against otherworldly threats. As Batman outlined the encounter with the mysterious goddess Zeri, Wonder Woman took the opportunity to provide more insight into the dynamics between the Greek gods.

"In Olympus, the politics of the gods are complex, entangled webs of alliances and rivalries," Diana explained. "Right now they seem to discuss one accident nearly a year now. Zeri, as I've heard, is a daughter of Zeus, a born goddess with domains over Electricity and Conquest. Her story is shrouded in mystery. It is said that her father, punished her severely, though the exact nature of her transgression remains a matter of the current godly debates and is not openly discussed. What is known is that she vanished for a century."

Wonder Womaneyes conveyed a mix of empathy and gravity as she continued. "She appeared recently again, getting chased by Zeus himself. They raced through Mt Olympus until she managed to flee to the mortal realm. Before her disappearance, Zeri killed Hercules, the god of strength. The circumstances surrounding his death remain a point of contention. However, most of the gods seem to be on Zeri's side. Despite the hushed discussions and veiled details, it paints a certain picture.

After hearing she was a Goddess Superman couldn't helpt but let out a laugh. "Zeri Fall. Godfall. very clever." he said, a grin forming on his face. "That's a play on words." He explained. " She's literally a god, and Godfall it's a great song and album too." 

The other members exchanged curious glances, some raising their eyebrows at Superman's revelation. Superman, feeling the need to justify his knowledge of Zeri's music, quickly added, "Hey, I'm a fan of rock and metal. I've listened to her stuff sometimes. It's pretty good!"

The slight tension in the room eased as the Justice League members processed Superman's unexpected connection to Zeri's music. They continued their deliberations, now with a touch of amusement at Superman's unexpected musical taste.

Each member shared their thoughts on Zeri's integration into the superhero community. Superman, visibly disturbed by the revelation of Zeri's violent encounter, expressed his fears of losing control over his own strength.

"I've always been concerned about the potential consequences of my powers," Superman admitted, his gaze focused on the table. "Seeing what she did... it's what I've always feared could happen by mistake."

Wonder Woman, with her characteristic grace, offered a nuanced perspective. "We must consider the circumstances. It was self-defense," she pointed out, her tone calm but resolute. "Imagine being a god, mugged or worse. Her reaction was expected."

Hawkwoman, concerned by the implications of Zeri's past, emphasized the need for assistance. "If she's been abused for such a long time, she'll need support," she argued, her wings rustling with a hint of tension.

While sharing Hawkwoman's concern, Wonder Woman cautioned about the complexities of dealing with a goddess. "Approaching her requires a measured approach. We must be careful, considering a god's involved," she advised, her eyes reflecting the wisdom of an immortal.

Green Arrow, ever ready with solutions, proposed that Zeri join the Teen Titans, a team more attuned to addressing the struggles of younger heroes. "They deal with unique challenges. She might find understanding and support there," he suggested, a quiver at his side.

Superman agreed, recognizing the potential benefits of human contact and the camaraderie offered by a team dynamic. "Being part of a team can be beneficial. It might help her adjust to our world," he added, a note of hope in his voice.

Batman, always cautious and analytical, saw merit in the idea. "Integration into a team like the Teen Titans could provide us with an opportunity for observation. We need to ensure the stability of her mind," he stated, his voice steady and resolute.

The Flash, ever the skeptic, injected a note of caution. "But seriously, a centuries-old goddess interacting with a group of younger heroes? Is that practical?" he questioned, his speedster wit adding a touch of humor to the discussion.

Green Lantern, with a mischievous grin, suggested she could be their babysitter. "Who wouldn't want a goddess as their babysitter?" he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

Wonder Woman, finding the idea appealing, acknowledged the potential for Zeri to connect with the Teen Titans on a more relatable level. "It might be beneficial for her to have peers closer to her age, at least in spirit," she concluded, a sense of diplomacy in her tone.

The League decided to put it to a vote, and the consensus was positive. Plans were set in motion to approach Zeri with an offer to join the Teen Titans, a decision that would not only provide her with support but also forge connections with heroes closer to her age, at least in spirit. 

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