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Chapter 2: I Have a Headache

Questions, of course I have questions who wouldn't if they were put in this situation but I don't have the guts to say that. She already sounds so annoyed I feel that if I were to ask more about what was happening I might be abandoned by this voice who claims to be my guide. "I'm ok for now, I mean I'm not to sure if I get everything but I think I just need some time to digest everything. For now you mentioned that you had some things prepared for me to help me adjust. May I know what those things are?" I ask with a slight uneasy tone to my voice.

"Yes we did, first off there is no concept of money at least not what your used to anyway. On this world it is a trade system for the most part. However there are crystals that are worth a lot to the people and creatures that live on Fridina. I guess you could call these crystals money. Anyway you can find these crystals in every living thing on Fridina and you can take them away from whoever or whatever has them. The easiest and most common way that this is done is through killing the owner of said crystal. Now there are ways of obtaining the crystals without killing however, you would be inflicting great pain on the one who you took it from. I mean you would be stealing a part of their soul after all." Shock was blatantly written all over my face I mean she just talked about murder like it was nothing but breathing that's just not normal. Or I guess it's normal on this world ugh... this is gonna be hard to get used to. "Wait a minute! So you are telling me that people just go around murdering and stealing other peoples souls." I said hastily "Well not exactly in the way you are thinking Soul Crystals are not your soul they are just the power that has condensed from your soul in the form of a crystal." The voice told me that with rather annoyed tone. I'm guessing that it had something to do with the fact that I had interrupted her once again. But I mean come on who wouldn't raise at least a few questions at that statement. Any sane person would question someone who up and told them murder and soul theft was normal right? right? "Didn't you say that I was only a half of my mates soul so what does that mean for me exactly?" I asked not really expecting an answer because it seems that every time I ask a question I get dropped down a peg in my guides mind. At least that's how I feel about the tone she takes with me. Man not being able to see the face of the one talking to you sure makes it hard to gauge what they are feeling. "Oh did I forget to mention that part? Hehehe" the laughter echoed through my head for a few seconds while I waited for the answer to my question. "Now that you brought that to my attention I guess I should at least tell you about the trait of the tribe you are from. The Wolf tribe is the only species on Fridina that cannot grow stronger on there own they need to cultivate together with their mate. This is because their mates complete their souls by complementing each other and covering the others weakness. This doesn't mean you have half a soul it just means your Soul Crystal is unbalanced and once you come of age you need to balance out your energy to move into the higher levels of cultivation."

"So your saying that I'm unbalanced because I don't have a mate yet and because of this I will not get stronger until I am able to find him." The voice then sighed and said "Yes, that is exactly what I am saying." wow this just keeps getting weirder and weirder "So what happens if I can't find my mate or Head or whatever he is called? I mean there have got to be some Werewolves or Wolves that haven't ever found their mates." I said lightly "Those Wolves become what is known as torn or broken they lose the ability to feel deep emotion and only find a mate to carry on the bloodline and to balance out their energy. The have to settle with the most compatible companion they can find. Once they join with their partner they are tied to them forever unless they find their true mate. If this happens they have a choice to lose all the cultivation progress they have made with their companion and be with their true mate or to stay with their companion and continue being stunted emotionally."

"Wow that's all I can say to that. So that means that if I don't find my mate I would become emotionally stunted if he chooses to be with anyone other than me." "Pretty much" is that the only answer I'm gonna get to that loaded question. "Alright then how do I go about finding my mate? I'm guessing Fridina is pretty big how am I supposed to find the person or wolf you people forced me from my world to find." I am really annoyed by this stupid voice I just want to smack her face but I can't cause she's not here ahhhh. "The Goddess brought you to just outside one of the towns that he will go through on his journey. Although I wouldn't recommend you going to that town because you are pathetically weak right now due to the fact that you have never cultivated before. This brings us back to the topic of the stuff we prepared for you. If only you hadn't distracted me with so many questions this would have gone a lot faster." At this point I'm beginning to find her voice grating to my ears but i'll keep my mouth shut so I can have my head back to myself the sooner the better.

"The Goddess was kind enough to grant you enough food for four months, a set of clothes so you wont stand out to much as well as a cultivation technique and twenty crystals. This should make it so you wont die before your mate finds you. That would cause us a lot of paperwork that no one wants to do so be thankful to the Goddess." Gee thanks to the oh so caring Goddess I thought. "If you turn to the right you will see a small foot path follow it and it will lead you to a cave where we have set up the things granted to you and a few other daily essentials to keep you alive while you start your journey to becoming stronger. Don't worry the Goddess has also set up a barrier around the cave so no one can find you but this barrier will dissipate in four months so train hard. Also your mate will pass through the town in a little more than four months so don't miss him or you will lose out on your chance. If you need me I will be around but try not to need me to much. Bye Bye little wolf."

littlenita littlenita

Sorry for the late update enjoy!

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