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The Werewolves Of Hermit's Hollow The Werewolves Of Hermit's Hollow original

The Werewolves Of Hermit's Hollow

Author: RaeNenio

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Start Of It All

___________Grian's POV___________ 

'Okay hermits, let's make a circle on the ground so we can play the game.' Scar declares. 

'Oooh can I be the moderator? Pretty please?' Ren says. 'Of course, you can' 'Yeeesssss!' 

Grian silently grins to himself: this is when the fun is really going to start. He exchanges a quick glance with Etho, who smirks back. "He knows" Grian thinks, "...he knows". Before the sleepover, he and Etho may or may not have planned out one thing or another. Y'know... nothing bad. Only some scenarios during the game, some possible ways to win, and some –you can safely say: a lot of- signals to silently communicate. ...What do you mean competitive? 

'Okay my dudes, y'all go and sit on the floor in a circle please!' After everyone has settled down, Ren starts to deal the cards. 

'The game hasn't even begun, and you guys are looking suspicious to others already! Really?' The hermits chuckle at Ren's comment. 'So, just to be clear, there are 3 werewolves, and the thief, cupid and the hunter are in the game as well.' 

As soon as Grian gets his card, he turns it and peeks. He's the seer. Interesting, cool, we can do something with that. He quickly looks over to Etho, and rubs his eye. Said man nods in understanding and traces the corners of his mouth. Etho is a werewolf?! Grian nods too, confirming he got the message. The dude's a werewolf... that makes things definitely funnier.

'Well everyone, then the game shall begin!' Ren announces, 'But first, let me tell you the story of the curse of Hermits' Hollow. Last night, a villager of Hermits' Hollow had a visitor. She was poor, this could be told by her ragged clothes, and dirty hair. She begged for food, and a place to stay the night: "I'll only need one apple, sir, and I'll sleep in the hayloft, if only you would be so kind?" The villager was rich, the yield from a few days ago was good, and he could spare an apple or two. However, the villager refused to share his food with a dirty old woman: "Who do you think you are? Knocking on my door in such a state? You might spread a disease! Go and seek refuge with the forest trolls!" The woman was insulted and bitterly said: "You can miss the goods, yet you refuse to be kind to an elderly with no one left." "Get out!" The villager demanded. "You want me to leave? Then so be it. But you will pay for your cold heart." The woman turned around, disappointed, and vanished in the woods. The next day, the villager was found dead in the hayloft, an apple in his hand. A note stuck to his clothes. It said: Hermits' Hollow, I came to seek kindness, and found none. Therefore, 3 werewolves among yourself will seek revenge against your cold-hearted people until there are none left. Let this be a warning for everyone.'

'The villagers left for their houses, deeply shocked. This night, everyone falls into a restless sleep. You can all close your eyes Hermits.' Ren continues as soon as everyone did, 'But a few are still awake. The thief knows he isn't an angel, surely, he won't survive. He strikes one last time, to hopefully find a skill which will help him survive. Thief, open your eyes and lead me to the person's profession you wish to steal.' It stays silent for a while. 

'Interesting choice, my mischievous lad. Are you sure about your pick?' Silence again. 'Well then, this is your new profession, I wish you luck. You may need it. I'll now tap the person whose profession was stolen on the head. Stay silent, and don't open your eyes.' 

'OH C'MON!!!' Scar exclaims. 'I said: stay silent Scar.' The hermits chuckle. 'I wonder who just lost their card...' Zedaph says. With a "Shush. All of you." Ren shuts them off.

'Well, now that everyone is safe, sound and silent again, the night carries on. Cupid is awake as well. He trusts in the power of love and shoots his arrows. Dear cupid, open your eyes and point at the lucky, or unlucky, couple.' As usual, everything is briefly silent, until Ren continues.

'Are you sure? This couple is certainly going to spice things up... I'll tap on the heads of the two lovebirds now. Cupid, close your eyes and have a good night's rest. Lovers, wake up and meet the others' eyes' 

After a few seconds, Grian feels Ren tapping on his head: "I am one of the lovers?!". He opens his eyes and looks around the circle. His eyes are met with Cleo's. "Well, Ren wasn't wrong when he said this is going to be interesting..." Grian immediately mouths to Cleo: trust me, we're going to win. He has Etho behind him after all. She looks confused, but nods, indicating she got the message.

'I can see the chemistry already blooming, my dudes! Longing glances are exchanged, and small smiles are stolen, but you two will have to go to sleep again, we don't want anything bad to happen...' 

'Now that the thief and cupid have taken precautions, the seer wakes up. He fears for the town's safety, and he reads deeply into the soul of one person, each night, to hopefully help the village through this horrible curse. Oh, wise seer, open your eyes and guide me to the role you wish to reveal.'

Grian opens his eyes again. Who would be interesting to know their role of? Etho's he already knows, he's a werewolf, so... who? Cleo maybe. She's his "lover" after all. He points towards Cleo.

'Excellent choice. Dear seer, this is the role of your chosen one...' Ren picks up Cleo's card and shows him. A werewolf. Again. "Fate has given me to the lions" Grian thinks. He now has a close alliance with 2 out of the 3 werewolves. Well, if they don't betray him, he should be safe, right? 'The seer is content for tonight, and goes to bed, praying everything will be alright. Now, the hour of doom has arrived. The werewolves are out for blood, and they carefully choose their victim, wary of any peeping children. Creatures of the night, wake up, and choose who will never see the daylight again.'

Silence. Tension is thick in the air.

'Ohhh... that is a bold move. The werewolves have made their decision, and after their feasting they go home, content, to sleep the rest of the night away. The witch, however, is a light sleeper and wakes up because of the commotion. Witch, open your eyes... This... is the identity of the corpse. Do you wish to revive them, kill another, or won't you be doing anything?'

'...The witch keeps quiet for tonight. Even though they are unsure of the future, they decide to keep their potions safely stashed away in their hideout. With this, the night is over, and the morning sun shines upon Hermits' Hollow. Hermits, open your eyes. Everyone survived...' 

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