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I was dumbstruck, dumbfounded, dumb... whatever.

Like what's happening? My parents?? Divorce???


I wondered why I was so unfortunate, why does it always have to be me?

Was I the black shadow cast upon my family? Come to think of it, everything was fine before I was born. My arrival ruined everything.

I wanted to say more that day, but my mum stopped me.


He rushed in.

"What is he doing here? Take him to his room. Immediately!" She gave me a sign indicating I get the hell out.

"Yes, Mother," I said with the biggest fake smile on the planet.

I had decided to keep my cool. So I waited till we were alone in my room.

"How much do you know about me?"

He looked clueless.

My biggest problem with this wish thing is that it just throws you into a well. Without knowing what and why anything is happening.

And at this point, I don't care whether my questions are gonna make Williams think of me as a psycho-weirdo who's on his way to madness land.

I had to ask what was going even if it killed me.

I wiped my face with my sweaty palms. "Williams I'm gonna ask you a lot of questions. Okay? Please do me a favor and just play along. Hmm?"

I was loving the way I spoke with so much authority. It felt good.

I began with a sigh. "Where's my father?" Goddamit! I called my dad's father. Nuts.

This wish broke my mouth.

As ordered Williams did as told. "He's in Paris managing his restaurant and food company.

My dad was living the dream. His dream. My wish had done wonders.

My dad is finally fulfilling his dream. I haven't been a big fan of his, since the incident.

I mean Grandma's death.

But I'm happy for him. It's the first time in his life that he's showcasing his culinary skills.

Yeah, he's worked in many restaurants and bakeries. Unfortunately, Dad's employers only used him.

He's a very good cook I must admit.

Dad lost most of his spark after Grandma's death.

It's been a long time ago but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's gone.

And the way he replied...

She's dead.

The dead vibes.

The negative energy radiates from his skin.

His tone.

It was as if he was a living dead.


He completely changed after that. He was still the sweet loving dad and all. But the bond we shared, I think died along with Grandma.

He cared about me as he used to. But it felt like nothing. He loves me with his all. But I can't trust him.

Always turning back to make sure. He'll not pull out a sword and stab me.

Like he killed Grandma.

I remember the day I saw him popping pills in the bathroom.

I was worried he'd get sick and die.

He smiled at me. "Chester I'll never leave you. Trust me we'll build our world together."

I still don't know what he meant by that. My dad be freaking strange y'all...

I swallowed and asked Williams another question. "Why are my parents getting a divorce?"

He gave me that look. The is this kid crazy kinda look. The I'm creeped out kinda look.

I would have done the same if I were in his place. He must have thought I was blabbing rubbish.


"Chester! For chrissake!"

He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I don't think I would want to talk about such private family matters."

I didn't budge.

He was quiet for a few seconds, then gulped down the remaining water in the cobalt blue glass cup.

"You see Chester, your father wants you all to live in Paris. While your mother wants to face her career in Switzerland."

I didn't even care to ask him what my mom was into.

"Go on." I urged.

"They are all so busy and caught up with work. They don't have time for each other. No love exists between them. I'm sorry but even I think divorce is the best option."

I never imagined someone could say such a thing about my parents.

True love exists and my parents proved it.

Romeo and Juliet wouldn't dare to stand up against my parents when it came to love.

I'm serious.

When the pastor said through thick and thin, my parents took it personal lol!

If I were my mom, I would have left my dad for a richer dude a long time ago.

But despite all the struggles and hurdles, they stayed by each other. Forever loyal...

For the first first time in a long time. I was sad about something other than money.

"It's okay." I turned to Williams. "I've heard enough. Go now leave me!"

It felt so good to say that.

"Yes, Chester." He turned around to leave.

I stopped him. I had one more question. All this talking about Paris, Switzerland blah blah me wondering where on earth I was.

Funny but Williams kept suggesting calling my doctor.

"We are in RED'S FIELD ESTATE." He laughed.

Good, I was still in the estate.

"And school?"

"You don't go to school on Thursdays remember? The team comes over."


"The yoga instructor, music tutor, massagist..."

"Cancel everything." I cut in. "I'm not feeling too we...wait, did you just say massagist?"

He nodded.

Even though I was feeling bummed as hell. Who could ever reject a good massage?

I've never even had a massage ever!

Of course, apart from the one my mom gives me when I have a headache.

It was a tantalizing, breathtaking offer I couldn't refuse.

"Cancel everything except for that massage."

"As you wish."

My one wish had turned my life upside down. A divorce?

My mom is my world. And my dad...well, I didn't hate him. I can't imagine living a life without either of them.

_Axeemah_ _Axeemah_

"never be fooled by what you see because the reality is often a different story."

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