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Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Parting Ways

The first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of gold and rose as Ray was guided by a guard to Enna once more. Their meeting took place amidst the serenity of the waking forest, a sense of quiet anticipation in the air. Enna's eyes held a mix of determination and contemplation as she regarded Ray, her expression a reflection of the weight of their conversation from the night before.

"Ray," she began, her voice carrying a sense of both earnestness and caution, "your plan, while admirable, is not without its challenges. Creating a new nation is a monumental endeavor—one that requires careful consideration and the ability to adapt to unforeseen events."

Ray met her gaze, his expression understanding. "Enna, I understand that there will be obstacles and complications. But having a long-term goal can guide our actions and give us purpose. It's important to have a vision, even if the path to realizing it is uncertain."

Enna's lips curved into a small, rueful smile. "You're right. And your perspective brings a sense of hope. Our people need a direction that goes beyond the cycle of senseless aggression and retaliation. But, Ray, you must understand the need for secrecy."

Ray nodded, his agreement unwavering. "Secrecy is crucial. We can't afford to expose our plans prematurely. Only those who are truly loyal to the cause should be entrusted with this information."

Enna's eyes held a seriousness that matched the weight of her words. "There are those among our kind who are more radical, who would see any collaboration with humans as a betrayal. They may view your plan with suspicion."

Ray's gaze remained steady. "I know. Change is often met with resistance, especially in times of conflict. But as we show the first positive results of our plan, as we demonstrate that unity and diplomacy can yield progress, we may be able to sway even the most skeptical among us."

Enna's shoulders relaxed slightly, a subtle expression of relief. "Your optimism is contagious, Ray. We'll need that in the days to come."

Ray offered a reassuring smile. "We're in this together, Enna. And I'll stand by your side every step of the way."

Enna's gaze softened, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Ray. It's refreshing to have an ally who believes in a better future for our people."

Their conversation was punctuated by the rustling of leaves, and both turned to see a guard approaching. The guard addressed Enna, "Apologies for the interruption, but the council is convening, and they request your presence."

Enna nodded, her attention shifting back to Ray. "We'll continue this conversation later, Ray. For now, rest assured that your plan is being carefully considered."

Ray nodded in understanding, his expression a mixture of determination and patience. "Take your time, Enna. I'll be ready whenever you're ready to continue."

The day waned, casting long shadows across the camp as the elves busied themselves with preparations. Ray stood at the periphery, his gaze a mix of contemplation and determination. Enna's words hung in the air like a challenge, and he appreciated the solidarity she offered. But his path remained a solitary one, etched with the trials and code of a Witcher.

Enna approached, her presence a welcome interruption in his thoughts. "Ray, you've fought by our side, and the offer stands to join us."

Ray's lips curved in a half-smile, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "I'm honored, Enna. But the life of a Witcher is a winding one. My duty calls me elsewhere."

Enna's expression softened, a shared understanding passing between them. "If you ever seek respite or a chance to stand as more than a solitary hunter, our campfires will be your refuge."

Ray's smile grew more genuine. "Thank you, Enna. When I eventually reach Skellige, our paths might cross again."

Enna's gaze wandered to the horizon, her voice carrying the weight of hope. "May that day be one of changed tides, Ray."

As Enna turned back to the camp, Ray took a moment to appreciate the bond forged with this group of elves, their dreams, and his own quest aligning like stars in the night sky.

As he started his departure, Lireth's familiar form emerged from the bustle, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Ray, your deeds... they're not forgotten."

Ray's nod was humble, his words sincere. "I'm glad I could help, Lireth."

She stepped closer, a soft smile gracing her lips. "In Dol Blathanna, I'll remember your courage."

Ray met her gaze, a warm understanding passing between them. "And I'll remember your spirit, Lireth."

With a kiss on his cheek, Lireth's farewell was as soft as the wind rustling through leaves. Ray watched her return to her duties, and with a final nod, he ventured beyond the bounds of the camp.

The forest enveloped him, its secrets whispered through the leaves, a reminder of the ever-present magic in the world. Ray moved east, his thoughts a blend of the conversations that had shaped his journey. Enna's words echoed, and he knew that a horse from Velen would speed his travels.

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