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Chapter 2: Novice Wizard

A couple years passed and I now was technically 26 and had only just the first hints of peach fuzz growing on my chin but now I had also reached the 27th level of mana core if I kept up growing my core I could break the highest rank anyone in memory had ever achieved of a level 30 mana core. I had officially become a novice wizard and could cast 5 spells reliably most of which were utility spells such as mage hand/telekinesis, light, and create water my two combat spells were lesser shield and lightning bolt. I was on a standard learning speed for most wizards neither slow nor particularly fast however I was certainly doing well based on the fact that I wasn't actually being mentored and had to learn all of my spells on my own.

After 10 years in the wizards tower I was now rated as a novice wizard which my master would have to acknowledge even if he didn't care. I learned a lot about magic in my stay in the wizards tower and found out that when I had been summoned I had developed a pair of white stripes zigzagging through my hair mostly because I had been exposed to a significant amount of magic for a prolonged time and even my normal boring brown hair had changed to a lively red. Interesting facts about mana core levels each rank increased your lifespan by 20% so if the average lifespan was 75 years then a wizard with a level 1 core would live 20% more years depending on when he attained the level in my case I'd live almost 12 years longer on average than my peers but now that I had a rank 27 mana core I would live approximately 319 years more than my normal contemporaries to the age of 394.

After finding out that I might live to be almost 400 years old I was flat amazed and then I found out that there were a few rare potions and ingredients that could double that or more and I was stunned 800 years is a very long lifespan indeed and not one that I ever expected to live though now it was a possibility and I found myself almost craving to live for thousands of years. When I heard that druids could extend their lifespan by 30% using their secret techniques I was practically drooling to rush off to become a Druid apprentice. I spent ten years rising through the wizard training ranks from novice to apprentice to adept and my core didn't stagnate either having improved by 6 levels leaving me at the unheard of rank of mana core level 31 and I was only 31 now myself. My training ended after I reached a certain point simply because the wizard had nothing else left in his library for me to learn from and I now had 40 spells in my spell book from invisibility to greater shields I had become a well rounded spell caster indeed.

It was time for me to leave my so called master had nothing left to teach and I had no patience for his antics or to clean his house for free and so I set out towards the biggest library in the area a 21 day walk. The trip was rather boring I occasionally found some wild game and had some fresh meat but mostly I spent my time walking the hides I'd collected I preserved with a freezing spell so they would be in the best condition when I arrived and soon my pack was overflowing with animal hides. When I finally arrived at the city I had a veritable mountain of frozen beast hide luckily I had experimented with a levitation spell and was simply floating it along with me.

Apparently magic was not allowed inside of town unless you were a registered wizard and seeing as how I'd never registered myself I dropped my load and shouted at a passing boy that I would make it worth his while to bring me a cart and I'd pay extra for speed. The boy ran of and quickly returned with a man bringing a small cart and then I did some quick and dirty haggling and procured his services for a couple hours so loading the cart was quick and then I had the boy lead us to the tannery. The tannery proved a easy find honestly the smell gave it away before we even got close. After availing the tanner with my wares and some hard haggling I managed to get three gold nine silver and forty pence or pennies if you will I should explain a single gold is worth 10 silver a single silver is worth 100 pence there's a couple rarer coins above the gold but I doubt I'd ever see a platinum coin because they were worth 100 gold pieces and forget the diamond coin which is worth 10 platinum ones and let's not talk about the enchanted royal emerald coin which is worth 100 diamond coins or about 1,000,000 gold coins so it goes pence 1 silver 100p gold 10s platinum 100g diamond 10P enchanted royal emerald 100d.

I paid the boy a silver and ten pence for his efforts and he was beaming brightly I also paid the cart driver 3 silver and he seemed satisfied if not exactly bursting with joy and I kept the remaining funds for myself. After selling the hides I dug in my pouch's and produced my small collection of teeth mostly wolves and some bear and tried to sell them sadly I only ended up a silver richer though still a silver isn't too bad for a little work.

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