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Chapter 17: Chapter 10- Part 1

295 A.C. (After Conquest)

In the ethereal glow of the dimly lit chamber, the first dragon emerged from its shell, a dazzling silver whose scales sparkled like a sea of diamonds. Its eyes, a captivating blue, seemed to pierce the very soul of those who dared to meet its gaze. The dragon exuded elegance and grace, each fluid movement a mesmerizing dance as it extended its wings and took its first steps into the world. Through their bond, Jon sensed that the creature was female.

The second dragon, resplendent in its radiant gold, burst forth with scales that gleamed like the sun itself. Its eyes blazed with an inner fire, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. A creature of immense power and strength, it moved with assertive confidence. With an adorable, rather than mighty, roar, it attempted to stake its claim as ruler of the skies.

Jon couldn't help but snicker and tease his wife. "I think this one has a head as big as yours, dear."

At that moment, Jon's silver dragon playfully clawed at his feet for attention.

"And this one seems as clingy as you, dear," Daena retorted.

As they cleaned up the remnants of the hatching, Jon cooed to his dragon, "What should I call you, girl?" The dragon chirped happily, and Jon was struck with inspiration. "I will call you Menphina, after the goddess of the moon and love," he said, and the dragon purred in contentment.

Daena, meanwhile, was captivated by her own dragon, its deep, brilliant gold shimmering in the soft light. "And what should I call you, big boy?" she asked, petting him gently. The dragon attempted a menacing roar but produced only an endearing burp, which sent Daena into a fit of affectionate petting. "I will call you Rhalgr, after the god of destruction," she said with a smile.

For hours, the couple entertained the dragons by transfiguring rocks into small mammals, delighting in the dragons' mock hunting and the laughter it brought them. It was a soothing balm for their weary souls.

Resting on the vivarium floor, the dragons now slumbered peacefully in their laps. The couple discussed their next steps, knowing they had to keep the dragons hidden within the vivarium to protect them.

"We can't simply release them into the world, not yet," Daena expressed, her voice gentle but firm. "They're still fragile, needing time to grow and develop their powers before they can soar freely."

Jon nodded, understanding her concerns. "Indeed, but we must also be cautious. Dragons wield great power, and we wouldn't want to upset Westeros's delicate political balance."

Daena's gaze met his, intensity behind her eyes. "True, but we can't keep them confined indefinitely, Jon. They're dragons, craving vast expanses of open sky. The vivarium might suffice for thunderbirds, but Valyrian dragons won't thrive if they feel trapped."

Jon's voice became contemplative. "I know. But our immediate priority is rebuilding Moat Cailin. We must focus on ensuring a safe haven for our people. Then, and only then, can we properly address the future of these dragons."

As they sat in reflective silence, Daena noticed Jon's restless glances toward Menphina. She gently probed, "You seem hesitant to discuss your plans beyond Moat Cailin's reconstruction." Jon visibly flinched, but she quickly reassured him, "I won't pressure you to divulge your thoughts. We all deserve privacy to grapple with our insecurities."

Pausing briefly, she continued, "However, if it concerns our family's safety," her eyes flickered to the newborn dragons, "I ask that you please share your thoughts with me. You're no longer the reckless Gryffindor who dove headfirst into problems. You're my Gryffindor, and I'll ensure we plan our actions carefully."

Jon's soft chuckle nearly roused Menphina from her slumber. His laughter faded, and his tone turned solemn. "You're right; I should share my concerns if they pertain to our family."

Daena's gaze conveyed her support, her hand finding his for added comfort.

"Truth be told, I never resented Robert Baratheon for my father's death," Jon began slowly, "I understand that in his eyes, Rhaegar was the villain. But neither can I say I love the Usurper. My dream is to establish the North as an independent kingdom, free from the rule and dependence of the other kingdoms. However, I worry this may endanger us and alienate my uncle's family."

Daena's expression blended understanding with a touch of sadness. "I, too, know the feeling of fearing the consequences of a dream," she confided, banishing the memories of her own political missteps. "But we can't let fear control our lives. Pursuing the North's independence is achievable, though gaining the support of your uncle and other Northern lords might prove challenging."

Jon sighed, his shoulders drooping in defeat. "It appears my dream of ruling my own domain is pointless," he admitted, discouraged. "Perhaps I should focus on being a supportive Stark and offer guidance to Robb in the future." He scoffed, knowing Daena wouldn't entertain the idea of him leaning on his brother's kindness.

Ignoring his self-deprecation, Daena offered a soothing alternative. "If you're serious about realizing this dream, there are steps we can take. Building political connections with other lords is essential. The notion of courting their favor might unsettle you, but without forging relationships, they'll never accept us as equals. Additionally, we can employ runic arrays to enrich our lands, eliminating the North's reliance on southern imports."

Taking a deep breath, Daena's eyes shone with determination. "Lastly, we'll fortify our future home, transforming it into the most impregnable fortress this continent has ever witnessed. No army will breach our defenses." She raised three fingers. "Unity, sustenance, and protection – these pillars will form the foundation of the North's independence."

As Daena spoke, Jon felt his apprehension wane. He knew she had simplified the situation, but he also recognized her cunning intellect, capable of devising complex, multifaceted plans to achieve their objectives. Grinning, he leaned in and kissed her, gratitude swelling in his chest for her unwavering love and support.

Daena returned his smile and planted a tender kiss on his cheek. "Together, we can make this work," she declared. "All we need is faith and trust in one another."

Jon enveloped her in a warm embrace, his heart full of gratitude. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she murmured, holding him close. The couple stood united, determined to overcome any obstacles that lay ahead in pursuit of their shared dreams, their love the ultimate source of strength and inspiration.


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