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Chapter 10: Ch 10 Success?

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'Adam had chosen a rather cloudy day.' It wasn't by intention, he'd decided the day a week prior but, things unfolded as such. Isaac ears, heard the tapping of the rain and the clapping of thunder as it poured outside.

'Whether, whatever he had planned succeeds or fails it will all be decided by today' He thought as he looked on the table that only had a single seed on it.

Adam, hoped that this seed could produce the first of many trees within his barren world.

Adam, had chosen an apples seed to proceed with the experiment. He'd chosen this seed because it was from his favorite type of fruit. He hoped the seed would bore success like it bore fruit.

Isaac, crossed his legs and began meditating. With the noiseless room and the sounds emitted by rain droplets hitting his windows, he found it easy to enter a state of peace.

Adam, had told him that the amount of energy necessary for the experiment would be a great amount, so Isaac had spent the entire weekend sitting in his room just accumulating the most amount of energy he could.

He hoped his family wouldn't grow suspicious of his odd behavior lately, But, thinking about the depressing dim lights in his father's eye's he doubted if the man had any space left in his mind to care. Instead of succumbing to sadness Isaac instead smiled. If it wasn't for Adam he'd have the same look on his face, but now.. he knew he'd be able to save his mother. It was just a matter of time.

Adam sat in the middle of Isaac's mindscape. Having just arrived, Adam looked nervous. It might've only been a few day's for Isaac, but for Adam it had been months. The thought of it made him even more worried about failure, as he remembered the countless days he sat around within his universe with time that moved faster then earths. He, just ate and ate spiritual energy all day.

Adam shook his head. It wasn't just simple intuition that warned him of the difficulties of opening portals. It was also from the insight he'd managed to glean from observing the portal that allowed him to travel to earth from his universe.

Upon remembering, the complicated formations and the energy radiating from just the entrance of the portal, he couldn't imagine the energy necessary to construct the bridge of one . Not to mention since the Universe here was not his universe his influence in it was far weaker then even in Isaac's mindscape. Thankfully the object he was transporting was not big, otherwise it simply wouldn't be possible.

'Well' he thought 'Whatever couldn't be gained from the months of meditating can't be gained now'. He wanted to go full in rather then wasting his time accumulating a comparatively menial amount of energy.

"Isaac!" He said loudly trying to wipe away any traces of worry on his mind, scaring Isaac from his peaceful state.

"What !" Having been jolted awake, Isaac was somewhat annoyed.

"We'll start right away!!"


"Ah'' within the silent room sounds of muffled whimpers could be heard at different intervals.

Isaac felt his muscles spasm and ache as a vast amount of spirit energy flowed through them. He could feel the resistance that the space he was concentrating on was giving him. It felt like trying to force opposing sides of huge and powerful magnets together. He had nearly faltered the moment energy started flowing.

On the other side, Adam wasn't faring much better. Almost immediately when the experiment began, Adam could feel the tremendous expenditure of energy waning his mind. He couldn't even give Isaac words of comfort as the tremendous amount of energy that flowed in front of him required his undivided attention.

"We can do this" He had managed, after some time to force out these words to the boy who was sweating like he had just exited a pool.

'Just a little more' a blue energy began whipping and raving by the seeds side. The gravitational pull was already effecting the tiny seed, slightly pulling it closer to the energy.

As the unbearable seconds turned into minutes, Adam who felt like he was going to collapse from spiritual fatigue, could finally feel a change occurring. If the previous exercise could be described like the climbing of a steep hill with a bike then this force felt like the complete opposite. It felt like riding down a steep hill with no breaks.

"Ah" The change provided a short reprieve for Isaac, but within a few second later he immediately fell into yet another uncomfortable situation. It felt like something was draining the blood from his veins.

Cold sweats dripped from his brows but, Isaac persevered.

Finally after what felt like hours, a change occurred. The blue energy started spiraling and flashing with different lights, to which Adam and Isaac could recognize as the colors they'd see when they use color vision. The once loosely flowing energy now looked like a web as the energy began to concave pushing inwards like a half of a balloon.

Adam and Isaac sighed in relief, the amount of energy the portal needed now had lessened from a raging waterfall to a steady stream. They could feel that they were finally over the hill. Now all they needed to do was concentrate.

'This is taking longer then expected' Adam, thought with a weary look to his face. Although he was not there yet, he could feel that he was approaching spiritual fatigue. If the portal didn't open soon, then he'd be forced to end this experiment and jot it down as a failure.

But, luck seemed to show her beautiful face today. Adam felt an end. As if it was happy the portal started emitting a vaster show of lights. The seed that had been dealing with mild gravitational pulls had suddenly flew into the mouth of the portal, disappearing inside.

Seeing this scene the two were overjoyed. Isaac felt like a thousand pound weight had been lifted from his shoulder's. "Thank god" He said while the world around him turned blurry as he collapsed onto his bed, fast asleep.

Adam's initial worry was overturned with joy as he sensed that Isaac was not hurt but just sleeping.

"You did great thank you" He said to the boy that could no longer hear him.

Rousing his weary mind up he immediately went through the mindscape portal and travelled back to his universe.


As soon as Adam returned to the Oblivion plane he immediately noticed an unusual amount of turbulence.

A storm of energy was being pulled from across all of the plane creating a dense whirlwind that blocked all sight.

Thankfully, since this universe was his own, Adam was much more powerful. Even still, walking through the dense storm felt like he was in a small tornado.

Eventually, having marched along to the center of the storm, Adam noticed a small crystalline marble on the floor. The energy around seemed to be all entering inside this tiny object. 'Is this the greedy thing that's been eating up all of this energy?' He thought.

Looking closer he could see within the crystallized marble a brown seed, that he immediately recognized.

"Ah" Adam was surprised. Not because of the seed being here, he'd expected it. What he was surprised of was the form that the seed took among entering his plane.

Adam, would sometimes figure himself as a rather intelligent fellow, but he couldn't understand why the seed took upon these characteristics.

His only 'Theory' if it could even be called as such. Was that, since the seed was the only other soul bedside's Adam who was inside of this empty universe it took a large monopoly of the floating energy that Adam, upon discovery had classified as 'soul energy'.

Adam had decidedly called soul energy such, because it was and still is the main sustenance that his soul fed on upon his birth. It was a seemingly endless energy that could never be destroyed, only created. Adam had noticed this when he observed closely the fleeting 'Dark energy' that came out of his body after he'd absorbed soul energy. This dark energy took only a few seconds to absorb energy from the universe to become Soul energy. Having observed this phenomenon many times using color vision Adam calculated that the same amount of Dark energy exiting was the same amount of soul energy that went in.

This was like how humans breathed in oxygen and produced carbon and how plants breathed in carbon and produced oxygen, but all packed into one.

As Adam was thinking he didn't notice a small golden glow the size of a particle radiating from the seed. It had began to shed it's mortal coil and began evolving into a god. Only after roots began breaking through the glassy marble walls did Adam, finally notice.

For a moment Adam could hear a small voice entering his head. The voice didn't speak any language that Adam could recognize but Adam could still understand it. It was asking to be fed.

'Greedy little bastard' Adam thought that the little seed was a real glutton. It absorbed several hundred thousand miles of energy, but yet it was still not satisfied. It was not asking to be fed soul energy but rather 'Soul Essence'. Something that Isaac still didn't know the use of.

He knew that soul essence was produced whenever his soul had enough energy, but he didn't know why. He didn't gain anything from it and even Isaac, had no use for it. the only thing he could 'Sense' about it is, if he were to ever run out of it he would die.

Deciding that it was worth the investment Adam gave the little bastard a sip, just for him to immediately regret it.

The seed sucked his soul essence at an incredible speed. With the amount of soul essence he had backlogged he wasn't scared at first, but after a few hours went by he began to worry.

'This little bastard is never satisfied' At this point the only thing that kept Adam, from swatting the little parasite off his hand was the curiosity of what it would become after it was done absorbing.

A few more hours flew by and Adam began sweating bullets. He knew at the the rate of absorption that the seed was taking from him he couldn't last much longer. But, he urged his weakening mind to continue. He was now able to sense something, his gut feeling told pushed him to continue. He felt that just ahead a success so fulfilling, so rewarding would show itself it he continued.

Finally after an hour or two more, Right as Adam was seriously debating destroying the seed to stop the absorption the seed stopped eating.

After briefly recovering from the fatigue that the seed had brought him Adam, noticed a seismic change happening inside of the crystal marble.

The once lightly glowing marble had turned into a tiny sun. Adam, could feel within that golden ball lied consciousness, And a life force so strong that it was pulsating and vibrating the Oblivion plane.

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