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Chapter 8: Ch 8 On the way

"Ah!" The sheepish girl to the side was startled. She couldn't of imagined that their supposed hero would take this time to seemingly try to harass her friend. Just as she made it up in her mind to run along and protect her friend, she noticed something peculiar happening.

The energy radiating from the tip of Isaac's fingers Shined a light blue as it sent a warm stream of power into the girl's cells. Soothing and providing them energy. At the same time it was also urging the platelets to go towards the wound and close it up.

This stream of commands, though he could not understand the finer details of it, Isaac understood that his will was somehow commanding the cell's within her body to listen to him.

The girl whose name, Isaac still did not know was sitting up while looking at him directly in the eye's. Any outsider staring in would mistake the two, as a man and woman who were clearly in love, but Isaac who currently hadn't any emotions didn't have any such love for the women in front of him.

Rather then love, Isaac could only describe the state as a programmed execution. With his 'Will' he left behind acting as the command prompt that gave instructions to the energy inside of him. The energy had followed with a robotic directive, entering the girls body and giving her relief.

Soon the wound on her stomach sealed. The girl who, in the moment had been lost to the feeling that the energy provided her, suddenly awoke from her half conscious state.

Her face reddened when she saw the hands of the man she did not know still on her stomach. Though, she was a bit uncomfortable she did not voice her opinion. She knew that, by some miracle that the man in front of her had helped her recover from the pain.

Slowly the man retracted his hands. She was relieved but she somewhat still felt a longing toward that mystical energy. Just as she thought that the man had finished his procedure, she noticed his still glowing fingertips arriving at the side of her cheeks which had become swollen from the slap of the thug previously.

Still deciding not to move she let the man gently cup her cheeks. He then began emitting another wave of energy. This scene looked like the preparatory actions an actor did in a movie before a passionate kiss. But, the man did not choose this time to act perverted. Rather, his once mild glowing eyes began to burn with an even more pulling appeal. She couldn't describe it. At that moment time seemed to of stopped and become nonexistent. It was only him in her eye's. It was her, in that moment who'd decided to draw her lips closer. just as she was about to kiss the man on his fabric napkin mask, the energy suddenly stopped.

Isaac, who felt as if he briefly lost consciousness came back to himself. The first thing he felt was empty. As if his essence had all left him. He, knew that was the temporary consequences of using most of his spiritual power so he didn't fear.

The second, thing he noticed was that a red faced curly haired girl was right in front of him. Her breath tickled him through the mask he had on.

"What are yo...." he started but he could not complete his sentence. All of a sudden, a force so unignorably present had taken away his attention. Isaac, noticed the world spinning in front of him as he was hit with an intense nausea

He, hurriedly got up and ran to a corner. He, desperately ripped the mask off of his face and began vomiting what felt like a third of his body weight out.

What came out was a day's worth of food and also a mysterious pungent dark gel like substance.

He noticed this but, he was in no mood to figure out what the black gel could be.


Isaac felt conflicted between feeling bad and good. For one, he had figured out a way to use the power he had to heal others, which could be of great help to his mother. This was of momentous news.

But, looking at the surprise and realization on the two girl's faces in front of him made him realize that his identity had been exposed.

"You..your that boy earlier from school" The raven haired girl had forgotten his name but, remembered his face. Her once sheepish attitude had seemingly become nonexistent as she stared wide eyed at Isaac.

"Ah" Isaac could only stare at them with his mouth agape. What was he to say. Could he tell them that this was not real. that all of what transpired was but a dream? Who the hell would believe him?

Realizing that his identity, and worse yet his abilities were compromised. Isaac chose not to panic. After all, he didn't really have to worry about his Soul techniques being told to the outside world. who'd believe them if they said anything?

What he did have to worry about though, is his identity being exposed to whatever gangster group he had just offended.

Isaac thought about it analytically. Recognizing that there wasn't any 'good' way of settling the situation, he knew that he'd have to deal with it head on.

Looking at the two girls he'd decided.

"Hey! My name is Isaac"



Isaac, found himself walking the two to their homes. First, came the raven haired Shy girl's home. He noticed as he was walking that she seemed to have become much less guarded against him after he introduced himself. He came to know her (Aileen) and her stoic friend's (Marionette)" name along the way.

His pace while walking was a bit slow as the girl, Marionette though healed for the most part still had yet to completely recover from her previous injuries'.

As Isaac eventually realized where he was going, he felt a slight unnerving envy rising up inside of him. Reasons being, the streets that he was entering was not the broken and trash filled mess that he was accustomed to. Rather, these streets had prim roads, working street light's and virtually not a person in sight lingered on them. The complete opposite of The crime infested neighborhood's of "D" district New York. This was B district. Where upper middle class to wealthy family's lived.

As he was making pace he couldn't help but to ask the girls. "Why were you two at D district to begin with?" He found it incomprehensible. Why would anybody go to the 'hood' on purpose?

Finally it was the curly haired Marionette, who didn't say anything on the way who spoke.

"They said they knew where my brother was...." She said in a low voice. She could predict what Isaac, was going to say next so she spoke silently as if not wanting to announce to the world her stupidity.

"And you believed them" Isaac, had been trying to be nice but, after hearing this he couldn't help but to slightly raise his voice.

Noticing the stoic's girl's silence once more he tempered his voice a bit lower "You had to of known nothing good would've come from doing that.. so why'd you do it And why'd you think endangering your friend along the way was a good idea?"

She couldn't respond. Her guilt once hearing his last sentence had forced back any words she was about to spit out.

"It wasn't her fault Isaac... it's my fault I'm the one who wouldn't take no for an answer after she told me about it" The sheep like girl jumped in with surprising vigor to defend her friend.

"so you both decided to do something ridiculous... I think the most important question is, why'd you all thought it was a good idea to go there with just you two" Isaac, didn't let up.

"They said they wouldn't tell me if anyone besides me came" Marionette said.

"Then why'd you bring Aileen?"

"I didn't suppose that they'd care if one more girl came along." She said while looking down.

Isaac, sighed. "So who were those guy's anyway.. What gang are they affiliated with?"

The girl, could not help but flinch when asked. "They aren't recognized as a gang.. That's why I hadn't thought that I'd be in danger if I went to talk with them"

"Not a gang? What are they then" He asked.

"In public they are an just a middle size gambling organization?" Her face somewhat contorted in anger.

"My good for nothing brother had racked up a debt there.. After lying and stealing from our family..." Hate filled her face as she continued. "the bastard still couldn't make up for what he'd lost and since three weeks ago he suddenly disappeared."

Isaac, remained silent. He knew that though Gambling was still illegal in New York, Ever since the economy took a big shit a few decades ago the term 'illegal' had become much more flexible. It was left to the highest bidder what was allowed or not.

He still found her decisions to be brainless, but he eased up. 'What would I do if some organization had disappeared one of my family members?'. He questioned. Looking at the anger filled girl besides him as she pensively stared out to the nothing in front of her. He could tell that though she spoke ill of her brother she still loved him. Why else would she put herself in such danger.

After some time walking he decided to finally say what he wanted to say. "Aren't you going to ask me about earlier".

Both of the girls reacted. Even the stoic girl acted looked at him with an unprecedented gaze.

Having seen their enthusiasm, Isaac briefly paused. He'd decided to tell a believable lie. "One day a few weeks ago, I suddenly found out I could see and influence the energy around me". He chose to play the ignorant protagonist.

The girl's who stared at him expecting more from the story were disappointed. It was a completely Bare explanation, but it kept Isaac from having to tell them everything.

"Now that you know.. i'm trusting you guys not to tell anyone"... He spoke in a very monotone and regular leveled voice, but the girls who looked at his glowing eye's were suddenly frightened.


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