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Chapter 2: The Mountain

Night had fallen when Alodar finally found something worth while, and it was a mountain. Not like a mountain range, just a single mountain in what seemed to be a massive forest. It was odd but not unheard of. The height of the mountain was from Alodar's estimate 5000-6000 meters in height. Not crazy but also a hike nonetheless, at least it wasn't as bad as the The Tower Of Kau, the place he learned how to fight with weapons and magic. The damn place was on a mountain that was over 10,000 meters in height, not to mention the 1000 meter tall tower at the top. It was terrible, a great workout though, Alodar looked at the mountain sighed then started walking toward it. It would be a good vantage point it was high enough and could be a nice place for a pseudo base.

Alodar had noticed a few thing along the way, one the mana was thin too evenly thin for someone to be absorbing it, so he promptly sealed his ability to absorb mana. While mana could regenerate and grow inside him, it would a small amount in comparison to Kau the other world. The mana could keep him alive for a few thousand years but he wasn't that patient. Thankfully he was a summoner, the reason for why he could only be called kinda a mage and he did have a sword and spear. In this case however he could use his summoning skill to summon items from a personal storage, like magic potions and other items. Of course that meant nothing if he couldn't find a way back to either world. Alodar suddenly had an evil thought, he could be the villain here, to get out his suppressed rage. It was a thought but he quickly threw it to the back of his mind, he had more pressing matters. Like getting up the mountain, and figuring out if he had enough items to make a self sustaining mana farm.

The other thing he noticed was that the length of the day was about 18 hours based on when he got there, the sun had just risen when he had shown up so he presumed a cycle was about 40 hours 20 for night and day. Also the fact that there were in fact 7 moons. Alodar wondered what kind of effects 7 moons would do to a world and how crazy the oceans and seas would be. He had noticed little life almost none outside of plants and a few insects. He saw some sort of badger like creature but it quickly ran from him so he didn't get a good look. In any case he would have to find out more about this world, it was seemingly barren of animals outside of the one he saw. Not even flying creatures as of yet.

In any case he had reached the top of the mountain and to his surprise he found a bowl like crater about a 340 meters in diameter in the top, it looked almost like a volcano but he didn't see any evidence of it being one. However the most surprising fact was amount of mana present at the top. It was thick almost thick enough to be considered average in Kau. While he could absorb it all it would be best to increase it first. Alodar decided it would be his base for the next while. He sadly couldn't see anything different from the mountain in any direction, so the base was the next step, Alodar had a lot of ground to work with almost a hundred kilometers. He let his imagination run wild. Sleep wasn't an issue for him really so he could work for a while. Alodar first set up a magic formation around the crater with some magic rods stuck in a circle, it would seal the mana inside and prevent it from leaving. Next he set up what could be considered a mana generator, Alodar made it by accident and he later called it a cheat item, it was a mana storage crystal that had a metal band around it, the band was enchanted with a magic regeneration effect. Normally one would be used as fuel and the other as a way for a mage to replenish mana overtime faster than it would be created. What he did was combine them together then put them in a formation that took mana from items and spread it out. A mana generator, it was ingenious and possibly rule changing however he never shared this information.

With these Alodar could quickly increase the amount of mana in the area and one day it would be enough for him to survive. Sadly however he only had a dozen of them and that was not enough to power the formation to keep the mana inside the crater and provide enough mana for him. He had to make more, thankfully he had some extra materials and lots of time to do so.

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