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Chapter 2: The Second String

New Orleans, USA


Monday 7:09 am

In all of her seventeen years of life, Marinette Delacroix was never late for anything. When she had a dentist appointment and was stuck in traffic she flung open the ubers door and ran through the streets. The time she thought she would make it to her aunt Penny's baby shower, Nett took her brothers, way too small bike, and rode it downtown.

So even now as she was running through the corridor of Saint Cress Academy, painfully aware that she was nine minutes late, she cringed. Of all days she could be late, Nett ended up being late for the first day of school, after being away for a year.

'Just my luck.' she thought.

It didn't help that she couldn't remember at first in what part she had AP English. Nett spent two years in that classroom and from the panic, could not remember where it was.

Breathing hard she turned left seeing the classroom 3011. Finally!

Now for the hard part.


Paris, France


Tuesday, 16:19

It occurred to her, that coming to France was the best and worst thing she could have done. On one hand, it was simply magnificent to walk around the streets of Paris and take shots of the quirky things she could find. It was Paris!

On the other hand, she missed her father and brother. And of course her friends.


Could she call them that, after the stunt that happened at Alex's party?

Was she quick to judge them and was she over-exaggerated?

Nett let out a loud sigh.

She was about to get a headache from all of this. It would be smarter to enjoy this beautiful summer day.

If only she could.

It pained her when she ignored the girl's call, but when she saw their name flash on the screen on her phone Nett felt...




To her both, Rue and Callia were like sisters. Even with her, being this shy girl, Nett would take anyone on who dared to touch or bad mouth them. She thought they would do the same for her.

Apparently, she was very wrong.

Nett closed her eyes for a second and left her Olympus camera hanging around her neck.


How did life end up like this? Going to Paris should have been a happy experience and not a melodrama where she ran off like a wounded stray. She could easily make the reboot of The Great Escape, starring her. And now there was no new option. The documents have been signed, the transfer papers all brought to the office, her dorm room decorated. It was all done and set. She was already more than a week in Paris. And she had to admit, although it felt wrong leaving on a bad foot, she never felt more relieved when she entered the school grounds. The academy was a perfect cross between modern and well, old fashion Paris. It felt like she belonged. At least for a second.

While she had her moment of epiphany, Nett want aware of her surroundings, which would explain the next thing that happened.

Someone ran into her, chest first, and knocked her down.

New Orleans, USA


Monday 7:14 am

Marinette hated attention.

So when she had to knock on the door to ask if she may enter and actually interrupt Mr. Forte, she wanted to crawl under something. Preferably under some kind of rug, the bigger and thicker the better.

"Miss Delacroix, how nice of you to join us. Anything you want to tell us before we continue talking about the book reports your fellow classmates had to do over the summer?", said her teacher. She had a hunch that he would react that way. To her dismay, he did what he always did when someone was late. He was known for publicly offending any student that came late even a second. And here she came fifteen minutes late.

'Merde." She thought.

"I am so sorry for coming to class late and interrupt you, Mr. Forte," said Nett in a quiet voice.

During her time in France, she did grow more confident, but Nett still couldn't take being the center of attention. Then from the other side, she did like shocking people and being a smart ass, so she did what only a Delacroix would do. " As an apology, I did bring the four-book reports I did over the summer, they are all from the AP English selective list for seniors, of course," she said.

She could have sworn she saw Mr. Forte's eyes go wide as she pulled the reports out. Nett did get nicknames like teacher pet over the years but they never fazed her. Quickly leaving the nearly hundred pages worth of reports, she went to take a seat.

To her surprise, the same seat by the window on the right side, where she sat both in her freshmen and sophomore year, was free.

Going straight to it, glancing quickly around the room, her eyes locked with familiar dark brown ones.

Ruben Howell became, if it was even possible, more beautiful through the year she was gone. Her skin was now clear of any blemishes and her wild curly hair was now shoulder length. In Rue style, she wore a light blue blazer over a white shirt with dark jeans.

Nett could feel her eyes on her, as she sat down in front of her. She really hoped that Rue wouldn't pull that old trick, she used to do. And when she thought trick she meant Rue pocking her in the back exactly seven times. They were so painful and used to make her turn around after the first.

But then again, they were in AP English, one of her favorite classes so maybe she was safe?

Seconds later she felt something sharp stinging her.

' Guess I was wrong.'

Paris, France


Tuesday, 16:21 pm

Marinette was ready to tell the person, 'Putain sont aveugles !', but when she looked up and saw warm hazel colored eyes gazing upon her, Nett was glad she was on the floor.

'How can someone be so gorgeous?' she thought to herself.

Light brown to blonde hair which was combed neatly on the right side, complimented his tan complexion. He was tall, maybe 6 ft 1, with strong legs and quite buff looking biceps. Wearing a maroon colored shirt with some dark washed jeans, he could have been and French Adonis in her opinion.

Nett felt heat starting to form in her cheeks the second he realized that she was checking him out. Why was she so obvious?

"Êtes-vous d'accord, Miss ?", he asked. His voice was deep, but not rough, more melodic. He quickly offered his hand to help her stand up.

She could only nod in response and she gladly accepted the offer. He had a firm grip on her hand, but not enough to cause her any kind of pain.

"Je suis tellement désolé ! J'étais à rêver et n'a pas vraiment attention à mon environnement." she apologized, knowing she was surely bright red in the face. Why did she always get in these embarrassing situations with a hot guy? Why couldn't he be a man in his fifties with horrible breath and greasy skin?

Expecting an insult from him, Nett was quite surprised when he gave her a bright smile saying it was okay.

He then proceeded to ask her where she was from.

"Je viens d'arrivé ici de l'Amérique. L'échange de programme."

"Ahhh. So you are an American. I did have a feeling you were." he said in perfectly fluent. There was just a hint of an accent that made a shiver make its way down her spine.

"Do I really look so stereotypical!" she said laughing a little.

"Nah. That is just me," he said winking at her.

Suddenly she was aware that he was still holding her hand.

He caught her looking down at their still locked hands and as her cheeks turned even redder if it was even possible, he said:" How about I show you something amazing here?"

If she had any common sense she would tell the stranger to go away and proceed alone through the streets to take pictures. But when the guy looks like an Adonis, it was worth taking the risk of maybe going somewhere with a serial killer.

New Orleans, USA


Monday 7:47 am

"I expect you to start reading Crime and Punishment, a novel written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. All except Miss Delacroix, who already did it," said Mr. Forte pinching his nose. Nett could only guess that she pissed off the grumpy lit teacher.

Marinette tried to get out quickly, in hopes of losing both Rue and Mr. Forte. She had a feeling he would give her another assignment just for her to torture her. And frankly, she did not feel like it today at all. Normally she would jump up and down to get an essay to write. Today, tho. She just wanted to go to sleep. It was a real bump when she knew that she was stuck until one at school.

One plus side, Nett did escape from the classroom successfully without being stopped by the teacher.

Making her way to her new assigned locker, she felt someone pulling on her leather backpack.

"Marinette Piperel Delacroix," she cringed at the use of her horrible middle name. " After a year of not returning calls and not seeing each other, you are just gonna ignore me?"

You see, Ruben had this way of making you feel even more guilty than you really are. It was one of those moments.

What the real problem was, Nett did not know what to do.

She knew that she was at fault here, yet she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud.

"Um. Hi?"

There and then Rue slapped her hard on her forearm. " You are a moronic idiot. You are lucky I missed you, now come here."

Rue pulled her so that she was seconds later in a tight hug. It was like some kind of weight was lifted from her chest. And for a second she felt tears trying to slip. It didn't help that Rue smelt like nostalgia. She used the same perfume she did a year ago. As she could recall it was a bottle of Good Girl. Fitting, to be honest.

She didn't let her go for a good minute or two. When Rue saw that someone was late to Mr. Forte's class she expected some of her boyfriends nimords of friends to be the one who disturbed them. But not in a million years did she expect her Nett to enter all flushed and quiet.

A year.

She was gone for a full fucking year without even a pip.

Rue let her go. Then she slapped her again.

"That is for running off that night."

A pinch later," That was for not taking our calls," proceeding another hug, " And this is for missing you like crazy. What were you thinking Nett?"

To say that she was shocked was a logical thing. Marinette thought that the girls wouldn't even want to look at her after what happened at Alex's party.

"I'm sorry," she whispered," Really fucking sorry."

Paris, France


Tuesday, 17:26

To her pleasant surprise nearly an hour later, Marinette was still alive and breathing. The chances of Yanis being a sociopath were now 43%. Still a possibility.

Yanis Carpentier, he said his name was.

'Even his name sounds handsome,' thought Nett.

For the last hour, they were all over the small streets of Paris. Yanis told her the real beauty is in the small things, not at the glorious ones, even when the Eiffel Tower was iconic. The boxes of buildings were simply iconic. From Nobel grey to bold primary colors, the facades clashed together. Making a contrast to the rest of the city.

One that was absolutely amazing was Rue Montorgueilq. Apparently, Yanis worked at one of the bakeries. He did not want to tell her which one.

"Where is the fun if you knew everything about me, less then an hour of our meeting?"

"How is knowing your name and that you like to bake, everything?"

He hummed first," Mystery is good. Do you not agree?"

" How did you become so wise at the age of..?" Nett trailed off.

He laughed, " Nice try Marinette."

She raised an eyebrow,"Now how is that wrong?" she asked."All I want to know is if I am accompanying a pedophile."

Nett knew that he must be around her age, but she wanted it to be confirmed. The last thing she needed was some paparazzi to see her with an older man so she would be known as an escort. Her mother would probably bury it somehow, her father on the other hand.

"Fine, you win."

"Yes !"

"Je me suis tourné dix-huit il y a un mois."

"Eh bien, merci pour la réponse. Ce n'était pas si dur, c'était ?" she replied smilingly.

He smiled, "Yes it was."

They continued to talk and walk together, with the sun still shining brightly upon them. Nett was delighted with their conversations. He didn't ask the usual questions like her roommate Mei. No why did you come? Or are you a trying to be an artist so you thought to come to Paris?

It was more meaningful.

It wasn't because of the art and lights.

Okay, maybe a little. Nett wanted to find herself. As much as it sounds like a cliche, it was true. Oddly enough Yanis, a guy she just met, understood.

" I came here the second I finished school and tried to get accepted in patissier academy," he started. " I was rejected."

"Je suis désolé d'coeur qui." she quickly said.

"No it is fine," he gave her a sad smile, " As a kid, I always had this passion for cooking. The only thought of becoming a patissier was the reason I stayed in school. I cooked, baked like a maniac trying to perfect my technique, but unfortunately, that was not enough for Le Cordon Bleu."

She wanted to say something about how they surely missed a chance with him, but how can she know that? Nett was assuming that this was turning into a soap story when he said," But my Grand-mère didn't raise a quitter, so I am trying again and again, till then I am working."

"I am glad. If you are passionate about something you should never stop trying."

"Mhmm. Now how about I take you somewhere to eat."

"Ahh. There is no need I'm not.." seconds later her stomach growled.

Cheeks redded, " Fine, but get that smug look from your face." she commanded.

"Oui, oui madam." he grinned trailing behind her like a puppy. Not knowing that in a few weeks he will be a lovesick puppy.

New Orleans, USA


Monday 9:20 am

Callia never felt more annoyed in her life as she was approaching Ruben in the cafeteria courtyard. Not only was she the last person to hear that Nett was back from France, but she also had to hear it from Alyshia Jensinski. Alyshia Jensinski! She is the last person to hear anything and she learned about it from her!

The grass stayed plat as she quickened her pace to reach her at the very back of the yard, by the giant willow tree where they used to spend most of the time during free periods. Its leaves were still bright green but will change just in a few weeks like every year. This particular tree in the town is the first one to change its color. Maybe that is why the tree of them liked it.

With a notebook open, Ruben wasn't currently in our world. She was writing her campaign strategy. As former the Student Body President even though she had it in the bag, Callia knew that she will be elected again. Mainly because their popularity grew over the last few months. To Cal it wasn't really important as long she did get invited to parties, but with Rue, it was more political. High grades, perfect attendance, sports background, captain of the debate team and editor of the school newspaper, Rue had Harvard all written over her life. That was the reason why she ran for SBP again. She needed to be perfect. Callia just hoped she would just realize that perfection is not possible.

Standing there, for now, two minutes, her curly headed friend didn't even notice her. Clearing her throat she said, " Hey Rue, have anything to say to me?"

Not taking her eyes from the notebook she twirled her blue pen, " Not really, C."

"Nothing new in the scene?" she raised her eyebrow.

"C, it is the first day. Nothing is happening."

"Is that why you are planning your world domination?"

"Yes. That is the only exciting thing currently."

"Just that?"

"Seriously Callia, spit it out. What do you want to know." Rue finally looked up.

She sat down, tapping her fingers, that were covered in yellow and orange paint, on the wooden table. " I want to know, why you decided not to tell me that Nett is back. Here in town and at school."

Rue bit her lip. To anyone who knew her, it was obvious that Rue got caught. Even when they were kids when they got caught in a lie or situation that someone should not know Rue bit her lip.

"It slipped my mind?" she tried.

"Nuh-uh young lady. I heard it from Alyshia Jensinski!", yelled Cal, " Do you know how embarrassing it is to find out your best friend came from a different country back and you didn't know about it?"


Rue knew she should have told her." Yeah. Nett kind of hates us now."

"What?!" exclaimed Callia, " She can't still be upset about what happened at Alex's party."

"That is not it."

"Then what is ?"

"She kind of flipped when she heard we are friends with Paris."

"Oh no no no." Calla said while grabbing her lunch out of her yellow Zara backpack, " You are friends with her. Not me."

"Well, I'm not really friends with her either. It's just-"

Cal interrupted her, " You use the popular privileged white girl as a good stamp for your image as well as for your campaign."

Ruben narrowed her eyes, " Fine maybe that is kind of true, but she plays-"

"A major factor in Tyrone's life?" Callia finished, " Yeah, you told me the exact same thing the first month you started hanging out with her." Biting into the chicken, chips and ketchup sandwich.

"How can you eat that," asked Rue, with disgust written all over her face.

Rolling her eyes Cal added, " Do not change the subject." with a mouth full of chicken.

"Fine, and stop talking with your mouth full."

She smiled at her, showing her teeth that had pieces of chicken stuck in them. " Ew. Come on C. What am I supposed to apologize to her just cuz I'm hanging out with someone who she doesn't like?"

Callia finished her sandwich and took a bottle of water out. " You, my dear evil mastermind are hanging out with someone who humiliated her in one of the most horrible ways. Publicly." Bringing the bottle to her lips she added, " There is more there than dislike."

Finishing up the last of the water Callia jumped out from her seat, " I'm going to go and find her, she may have been gone for a year but old habits die hard, so she is probably in the schools dark room" Swinging her bright backpack over her shoulder she started to walk to the school, " I'm hoping you would join me."

Rue let out a sigh, " Later, world domination awaits."

"If you say so."

Paris, France


Tuesday, 18:09

Nett tried really hard to not let out a groan. She honestly should have listened to the French boy who told her not to eat her third Peach Melba. The raspberry sauce was simply divine so after the first one, she insisted on having one more. The vanilla ice cream had shredded bits of vanilla in it, the combination of flavor was simply too good not to taste again and again. Yet now she was on the verge of blowing up, trying her best to hide her discomfort form Yanis.

"Regretting your last plate of dessert, Chérie?"

She gave him a tight smile, "No. It hit the nail right on the head."

"Mhmm. That is why you are right now green in your face. If it makes you feel any better it complements your red lipstick right now," he said with a wink.

"Ha. You are funny," she said while rolling her eyes.

"I know. I'm hilarious," he said. Yanis eyes scattered the room looking for something. Seconds later she realized he was looking for the waiter, giving him a sign with his two fingers. Taking out his wallet, he took a fifty euro bill out.

"I'm paying for my meal," she said.

He raised an eyebrow, " I never let a girl pay on our date."

Slapping a twenty bill on the table she smiled ever so sweetly, " Good thing that this isn't a date." Nett stood up, "Serveur! Nous tenons à payer. Bien sûr séparé. Et gardez la monnaie."

Yanis just shook his head in disbelief. "Vous êtes comme une poignée."

"Get used to it," she whispered.

They proceeded to walk a little more. Nett just hoped that her growing stomach ache will soon fade. The air was fresh as the sun was slowly starting to set. Paris was really beautiful. There was no doubt. She could see why people all around the world came to see the city.

"So, for the last few hours, we avoided the topic of life in America."

"Yeah, you won't be getting anything out of me, about that this time," she shot the idea right down.

"This time? Okay, so where will you be taking me out next time?" he smiled at her.

"Smooth, Casanova."

"I do try."

"Yeah, it is just going on a date with me is not easy."

"I seem to think we rather enjoyed ourselves right now."

"Could be, French boy. But the thing is this was not a date." she pointed out. Marinette didn't feel like letting him think that it was so simple to get her. She always had high standards. Which is why she still hasn't had her first kiss. To her dismay, it was an uncomfortable topic.

It wasn't just that the boys weren't interested in her, the ones who were didn't get far with her. She was terrified of the proximity. The time that Eric Sworwski tried to kiss her she decked, he was cute enough, but she simply freaked out. With Sean Harrison, it was the same thing. He was definitely her type, yet she only approached him after her sixth shot of tequila. They were sitting on a bench in the park, away from the party. Her friends were already drunk, and seeing that Callia's apartment was close they didn't need a DD the night, so Nett let herself go. It was okay as she was teasing him. Sean was older and definitely drunk, so to see him get all frustrated over a girl who was two years younger than him, was surprisingly amusing.

"So you want to tell me, that you never had sex before?" he asked her bluntly, taking her hand into his. That move made her squeamish.

"Why is it so hard to believe?"

"Well, I find it simply impossible," At first, she didn't even notice it, his other hand making its way up her thigh, and the second she did all she could think of was 'Abort mission'.

As if someone purred water over her," Yeah I think that is enough for the night."

He probably would have fought her at that if he, seconds later, didn't throw up. So that is how that night ended. Thanking God that she was able to escape and find the girls. At that point, Callia was dancing on some tables while Rue smashed some boys in beer pong.

"Hey! You still with me?" asked Yanis.

"Yeah sorry, just went on a trip down memory lane." she smiled at him, " But I have to go. My dorm will close in like an hour and a half and it will take an hour to go back." Nett bit her lip," So it was nice meeting you, Yanis Carpentier."

He started to insist to walk her back," Nope for all I could know, you may be a serial killer." she added with a wink.

Yanis laughed,"Yet you have spent at least three hours with me and are alive. Doesn't that tell you something?"

Nett shrugged, " Better safe than sorry."

"Indeed. Ainsi, Marinette Delacroix. C'était un honneur de vous rencontrer. J'espère vous voir à nouveau." Yanis said before turning to the street and slowly walking towards the bus stop. Nett found herself smiling at the sight of his back. It was a beautiful way to end a night. Let's just hope she finds her way to the dormitory.

New Orleans, USA


Monday 9:32 am

To be honest, Marinette was not really surprised when she heard Callia knocking on the door of the school's darkroom. She actually expected it at some point. Maybe later rather than sooner. Besides she saw Ruben already, why not get it over with already?

Callia knocked again. Three times. Once slow and then two more times fast, just like in the old days.

"I'm busy." was her short response.

"I do not believe that." came Callia's melodic voice, while she continued to knock again, " You do realize that I won't stop till you open up, right?"

"Unfortunately," grumbled Nett.

She slowly lifted the last negative to drip off and made her way to the door. Pulling the curtains across the room, to make sure no light hits the pictures, Nett went to the door to open up.

When the door flew open, Nett got greeted by a teasing grin that only Callia could have. White flowy blouse, yellow backpack, and tight black jeans. Her hair was braided with strands of yellow and purple intertwined.

"Wanna tell me how you got the key for the darkroom so fast on the first day?" she said. Her eyes clear as the sky staring at her.

"As if I ever returned it," Nett laughed.

"And here I thought you were our resident good girl," Callia pulled her in a quick hug," Welcome back weirdo."

Nett returned the hug, even when she was annoyed at her friend she did had to admit she missed these kinds of moments.

"Yeah. You did tell me that sometimes being bad is more fun."

A set of pearly white teeth came into her view, " I knew you listened to me."


"Maybe you should have made it all the time."

Nett shook her head, " So that we both end up drunk and in a ditch? No thanks."

She laughed, "Or maybe if you listened to me you wouldn't have run away."

That kind of stung," Ah. But you know me. I like the drama," Nett said with a tight smile." Plus if I didn't leave how would you make such great new friends?"

"I see you are still as witty as ever," she rolled your eyes, " Isn't it ironic that you ran away from Paris to, well Paris?"

"I see didn't lose your comebacks either."

"I try," she shrugged, " Now I give you two minutes to get it out of your system honey." Glancing down her non-existing watch," Your time starts...Now. Go!"

Marinette pursed her lips and cleared her throat.

"You want me to let it out, fine Birdy."

Callia may not have thought this trough. Giving Nett a chance to blow off the steam seemed like a better idea in her head. Her friend was a really sweet person, yet when you did her really wrong she would get this icy look in her eyes and an even tone that would make you crawl out of your skin.

"How about we start with the fact that you and Rue just watched what happened. Just. Watched. No, wait sorry. You actually looked at the floor not even be bothered, while I, your so-called best friend, was being brutally bullied in front of the school's biggest scene." Callia was about to interrupt her, " No ways, you do not get to say a word. You know I never expected anything from you guys besides having my back whenever I needed it. And if you say you were drunk Callia Esme, I'm just gonna remind you who kicked Carton Ginger's ass when he called you a dog without an owner or the time I made sure Zen Divanion apologized to you when he stood you up when you guys were supposed to have a date. Okay fine. You didn't back me up. Maybe, hypothetically, you didn't have a chance to do so. But I come back only to hear Rue and you are actually friends with Paris!"

"Wow. Do you at least feel better now?" she asked.

"I would love to say yes. Though the answer is no. I do not feel better Callia." she said crossing her arms over her chest.

" If it makes you feel better, Paris is a way better friend than you. I mean her lingerie game is so more advanced than yours. Do you know how many dudes I picked up?" she teased.

Nett laughed," Don't try to be funny when I'm upset with you guys."

"When you are being a moron I got to." she pulled her over to the chair, "Rue, and I can't show you how much we regret not standing up for you. We can blame it on the alcohol, or drugs, or something else. But the reality we were both scared of Paris. Even me Nett."

"So that is was you are friends with her? Because she intimidates you?" she asked.

Callia looked at her as if she lost her mind, " God no! Are you all right in that head of yours? Did you eat too much-molded cheese in France so it started to eat your brain slowly?"

"Hilarious" Said Nett drily.

"Thought so," Callia rolled her eyes again," I'm not friends with. I stopped even attending her parties, Rue is kind of in the grey area there."


"Meaning that the only reason she is even tolerating her is that she wants to go to Harvard."

"What does Harvard have to do with Paris Nightengale and that has to do with her attending Harvard?" Marinette was now confused. What was Rue even up to?

"Well, you see honey. Paris's uncle is one of the Professors there who Rue already met when she was at Paris's house and the second thing is our girls is using her popularity in her favor to be elected."

For a second, Marinette was, what was the word again?

Ah yes. Mindblown.

"Good God. Since when has she become such a... Such a." she didn't have a word for it.

"Master of Control? Who knows, but the girl got game. So I respect that, though I think it has a lot to do with her boyfriend."

"I can't believe she is dating Tyrone!"

"Yeah, same. It was kind of a surprise for me too."

Marinette couldn't help to wonder," Does he treat her right?"

Callia smiled at her," There is our Nett, right there."

"Shut up and answer."

"Yes, he does. He keeps her like a drop of water in a palm," stated Callia.

"Where did you hear that?"

Cal shook her head," It is like a Bosnian phrase or something."

Nett just started to giggle, with Callia soon join her. They both jerked a little when they heard the bell for the next call ring.

"What do you have next," asked Nett.

"Algebra." Said Callia smiling knowing what just happened.

"I do too. Come on we don't want to be late."

"A yes, your pet peeve with being late," she teased.

"Quiet and start running."

They both sprinted out of the darkroom, with their bags bouncing on their backs as they tramped through the hallway.

And as they both were laughing and panting Callia signed in relief knowing that everything was okay.

At least for now.

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