/ Fantasy / This Wizard is So Unscientific!

This Wizard is So Unscientific!

This Wizard is So Unscientific!

Fantasy -- chs / week This is the average realized release rate over the past 30 days. The translator’s schedule is --chs / week. 103 Chapters 191.8K Views

Author: Black No. 2


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Grounded in the Transcendent, framed by the Sequence, the Wizard ignited the Source Energy and spewed out a mist of Origin Energy.
The roaring sound of steam echoed through the entire epoch!
In the depths of shadow and the dark tide.
Countless greedy, twisted, polluted, and deformed gazes were coveting this roaring new World.
The World began to buzz with activity!
A certain Wizard, however, was lurking silently in a corner.
"I like to develop!"
"Then, what is the deal with those Demon King's heads and Evil God's skeletons?"
"I told you, I like to develop, and this is the fate of those who hindered my growth!!"


  1. Mrblack98
    Mrblack98 Contributed 2079
  2. Stormsprite
    Stormsprite Contributed 2078
  3. DeQuindrick
    DeQuindrick Contributed 646


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    Really excited to see this develop. Interesting smart mc with a great mix of humor and magic. Hoping for a long run.

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    Author Black No. 2