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Chapter 5: GOODBYE

London laid dawn in her bed, she sighed as she remembered today's events. So much had happen, mostly at the afternoon with that blonde boy named Lucas, he had offered them scholarship to a school for mutants, not only for them to spent their rest of high school life there; but also to spent their college years there and if they were to accept, then they would be able to learn how to control and use their powers and they would ensure their future as college students, but with what cost? They had to live their family behind and move forward without them. They had to do what her parents once did to her. Leave her. Leave them. She knew what she had to do, what was right but it scared the hell out of her, being left alone, again, with no parents, just like before, only this time Emerald would be with her.

She lifted her left sleeve and stared at the fox, like tattoo, mark at her forearm. She was lying down, her fur had the color of silver like London's dyed hair, there were flowers at her bushy tail, she also had some weird red marks around her eyes, the fox told her in her dreams that the red in her eyes symbolized the fire she has within her. The fox's brilliant blue eyes were locked at London as if she was watching over her.

-Ah, what am I supposed to do now? She mattered to herself.

She put her hand back down without lowering her sleeve. She stared at the ceiling, she was lost in thought in fact, until a knock on her door made her jump out of her bed.

-Can I come in? Emerald asked her with a very sweet tone in her voice. -Yeah. London respond to her. Once Emerald entered the room her eyes were locked on London's. You could see the tiredness and the sadness in their eyes. London was the first to look away, she laid down at her bed staring the ceiling once again.

-You look tired. Emerald told her.

-I am, but you don't look so well yourself.

-I see your point, mind if I join you to the bed of sorrow? She said as she lay down.

-Bed of sorrow?

-Every time we are feeling sad and we have to figure our problems out, we are ending up in your bed lying down staring at the ceiling and talking along with crying.

-I never thought it that way.

-Well you should… have you decided about the scholarship?

-Not yet… what about you?

-I would like to say yes but I am a bit confused… I mean the way he talked about the school and all the classes they have about powers and martial arts, doesn't that sound like they are training solders, preparing them for war.

-It does actually, I'm so confused…

-Yeah me too, I thought if I would hear your opinion about all of this then it would be easier to decide, but seeing you like this it only makes me doubt more about the school.

-I know, but if you think about it, it's like we don't really have a choice. I mean the other academy is called Dark academy, so my guess is that Luca's academy is far better than the other one.

-Not to mention that they are the only one's that can teach us to control our powers. <If only Jay could teach us>… Emerald thought. His face appeared as a picture inside her head and his voice echoed in her brain telling her to trust them.

-We better take a decision and fast… the sound of a text echoed in the room. Emerald opened her phone, only to see a message from Jay.

<I'm outside of your house> she read. She smiled at the thought that she would see him one more time.

-I'm going out for a while to "clean my head" maybe that way I'll find a good excuse to trust them...

-That sounds good… if you need me, I will be here sighing nonstop…

-I know… you should sleep while you are at it, you seem really tired.

-Maybe. Emerald got up from London's bed, she headed downstairs and took her jacket from the hanger.

-Where are you going? She heard the voice of her step-father.

-For fresh air, I'll be back in a few.

-Alright but be careful.

-I will. She kissed his cheek and afterwards she headed outside where Jay was waiting for her.

He was sitting at a bench waiting for her. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket, jean ripped trousers with a red black plaid shirt tied to his waist, black vans and a black beanie in his head. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes were locked on the ground. She couldn't see his expression clearly because of the shadows but she was certain that he looked sad. The lights of a car passing by them, light up the small alley, allowing Emerald to see his face. Her heart skip a beat, she knew she had fallen for him and she had fallen hard, but she also knew that she wouldn't be able to see him again and that's what was killing her.

-Hey. She told him with a clear but at the same time a very sad voice.

-Hey, take a sit. He said as he made room for her to sit.


-No problem… So, how did it go with Lucas, at least I think that's his name.

-Good, but the way he talked about the academy sounded like he was talking about a military school, and he mentioned another academy, The Dark academy, I believe that's your school?

-Yeap and if you think that the supernatural academy is like a military then you have no idea how much worse things are at my academy.

-Then why aren't you leaving?

-I told you that I can't.

-But why? He looked at her, then sigh

-My father is the headmaster of my academy and the boy I warned you about is my brother… well step brother anyway.



-then why can't I just come with you?

-And risking putting you in danger? No way. Look my academy is way more dangerous and stricter than the supernatural academy and a little bit of warning our academies have been in war since before you were born, that's one of the main reasons why it reminded you a military school.

-Yeah well, I prefer being in the same side with you than being safe in that academy.

-well I don't… he yelled at her, looking her straight in her eyes. Sorry, it's just that it's really not a good idea.

-Don't worry, I understand… actually what I don't understand is why are you protecting me?

-At the beginning was just for redemption you see I have done many bad things and I wanted to make up for what I did, and I thought that by helping people to head towards the right path then maybe I could be forgiven but then something changed and my reason for helping you change entirely, it became more selfish and honestly, I don't care

-So, what's your reason now? He looked at her then smiled.

-I can't tell you that.

-What? why?

-It will ruin the mystery and the fun.

-You are such a jerk. She said and hit him in his arm but her smile quickly vanished from her face. Are we really going to become enemies and do we really have to fight?

-I'll tell you a story about a man that had everything and he was happy, but everything changed once he lost the most precious person in his life and the most precious thing too. His first and only love. His name is Rollan Black, he used to be a student in the supernatural academy where he met Laila Rosee soon to become Laila Rosee-Black, well anyway as they graduated, they decided to start their life together they got married, they had good jobs, Rollan was a university teacher and Laila, well she was a lawyer and a good one, at least that's what I've heard, anyway five years after their marriage they had a kid a little boy. They were a family and they were happy but you see before the kid turn one year old his mother had a difficult case, her client was one of the most dangerous people at that time, but still as fearless as she was and naïve, she took the case and lost it. That man whom was send to prison sent people to kill her and her family, those people were mutants students of the academy. By the time she realized they were coming, it was too late, they broke into the house, got into the baby's room and killed her but she protected her child her powers were to manipulate electricity so she created a barrier made of electricity around her son that lasted even after her death. Once they heard the police they left, apparently some neighbors heard the noise and called the police, and her husband arrived a little bit later only to find the house surrounded by police officers, one of them was holding his son at her arms…

- what about the barrier? Emerald whom was listening to the story with great attention, interrupted him.

-The barrier seized to exist once the baby was out of danger allowing the police officer to take the baby. Anyway, Rollan ran into the house ignoring all the police officers only to see his wife's lifeless body being immersed in her own blood. He was shocked, sad but most of all angry, everything in the house became of zero gravity, floating in the air, and the polished men fall down in the floor as they became heavier. When he snapped out of it, he restored the gravity, and the memories of what happened in the house were erased by another mutant. The police told him what had happen and that they would find his wife's killers and bring them to justice but that wasn't enough to satisfy him. He went to the academy in order to find the people who did this through the records when he did he put a small team together and they went to find them, all of them, their first target was the client who was paying for his crimes in prison, then was the two assassins, but every time, they had to fight with the Supernatural academy and every time they would win and they would kill their targets and the people from the academy. But even the death of those people wasn't enough, he became a faceless outlaw, steeling money from the bank while hiding his face and once he had enough money, he founded the Dark Academy and the reasons behind the academy? first to raise an army to fight against the Supernatural academy and second to find a way to bring his wife back to life. And that's the story of how my dad built the academy and how my mother died. Now to answer to your questions, the answer to both is yes.

-Jay that's…

-Please don't say it, I didn't tell you the story to feel sorry for me or anything like that, I told you the story so you can understand how dangerous my academy is and me…

-What if I stay here, being neutral?

-That's more dangerous than being with the Supernatural academy


-Because you don't know how to control your powers, the extent of your powers and my father is capable for anything, he can manipulate you to join him, it wouldn't be the first time…

-How do you know that besides you can teach me in secret

-once I'm gone, I won't be able to come back here meaning I can't train you and I know because I was the one to manipulate them and there are more people with the ability to manipulate others not just me…

-So, what you are saying is that I don't have a choice right?

-Yeah basically…

-Alright then I'll go to the Supernatural academy…


-If, she interrupted him, you promise me that we will be in touch.

-You forgot the part that we will be enemies?

-No, I just don't care, that's my only condition.

-What if I don't agree?

-Then I'm coming with you

-You are crazy

-I know, so, what it's gonna be?

-what do you think?

-Good then we have a deal. She said as she extended her hand in order to shake hands with Jay. So, you forgot to tell me the reason of protecting me.

-Why do you want to follow me?

-I asked you first

-I know, but my answer is the same with yours. Emerald's eyes were wide open and her face became as red as her hair from the embarrassment. Jay leaned towards her and she did the same, their lips just an inch away, at that moment Jay's phone rang making them to move away from each other. I have to go. He told her as he got up ready to leave.

-Wait. She grabbed his hand, stopping him. Don't forget me okay?

-How could I forget you princess? He gave her a small sad smile, that was their goodbye and it wasn't easy. She got up and kissed Jay's cheek, he stared at her, now it was his turn to hide away his embarrassment but instead he leaned towards her once again and this time he stole a kiss from her.

-Took you long enough. Emerald whispered to him.

-I tried to do it sooner, but it was ruined…

-Yeah… too bad that this is a goodbye kiss

-couldn't agree with you more. Her hand was gently stroking his cheek, he gave her another sad smile, then he gently took her hand from his cheek, lighting appeared in his eyes and without saying a word he disappeared leaving Emerald alone.

She went back to her house, she opened as soundless as she could London's door and picked inside, she saw London lying at her bed reading her favorite book, the fault in our stars, while listening to music through her headphones. She entered the room and closed the door.

-Have you decided? London asked her


-super hearing…

-Right… yeah actually I did… London took of her headphones and closed her book.

-I did too… London told her.

-We don't have a choice…

-I know, we will have to go to the academy like it or not they are the only ones that can help us…

She put her clothes in her bag then she closed it. She looked around her room for one last time, memories flashing in her head, she felt nostalgic leaving behind her past, her life and her family. She knew that she wouldn't see her family for a long time but she also knew how dangerous it would be if she were to stay.

-London. She heard Emerald's voice, she turned around and saw her standing at her door with her bag at her hand. It's time to go

-I know. She said while wiping her eyes as she felt them wet.

Tears appeared in the children's eyes as they were saying goodbye to the girls that felt like sisters to them. Their step mother along with their step father escorted them to the train station where they said their goodbye's, their step parents told them how pound they were for them and how much they were going to miss them.

As they got in the train, Emerald saw with the tip of her eye Lucas who was waiting for them along with the rest of the boys. Their thoughts were a mess but they knew that they did the right thing.

Through the shadows the boy with the soulless black eyes was watching as the train was leaving with the two girls inside of it.

-Why did you let them go? He asked Jay.

-I didn't.

-You guided the boys from the supernatural academy to them.

-You saw that? he said indifferently

-Your father was right to make me your observer.

-What happened to OUR father? Cameron looked at him furious.

-Just because you are the blood son doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want to…

-Did you tell him?

-Yeah, I did and he is very disappointed and angry with you.

-It wouldn't be the first time. And with those words Jay disappeared within the shadows.

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