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Chapter 10: Chapter 10

The teens ended up staying at Saya's for the night. They watched another, more sedate movie and at 1am, Saya showed the boys a guest room with twin beds and an attached bath. The next morning they ate breakfast in the kitchen with the cook, Mac and several other servants. They spent the rest of the day in the library on the computer doing research.

Saya took everyone home in the car late in the afternoon. Stopping at Saeko's first, Saya and Kohta sat in the car while the new couple told each other goodbye.

"What are you doing?" Saya asked Kohta as she watched him sit with his head down across from her.

"Trying not to watch them," he replied. "Even though I want to."

She swatted him on the arm before they both broke down in giggles.

A red faced Takashi frowned at them when he got back in the car. "What's wrong with you two?" he asked.

"Look how embarrassed he looks, Kohta!" Saya said as Takashi got redder. They all broke out into laughter that even affected Mac.

Monday and school came. They got together after eating lunch to set off plan, 'capture the cop' as Kohta called it.

They had decided that Saeko and Kohta would go to the infirmary together to approach Shizuka. Upon entering, the pair found the nurse at her desk filing papers.

"Hello you two, is anything wrong?" the blond asked.

Saeko shook her head as Kohta grinned, "No sensei, everything is fine. I wanted to come invite you to Hirano-san's. We are going to have a little get together to celebrate Komuro-san's feeling better."

"Oh? What would we do?" the nurse asked.

"Not much," Saeko said. "Takagi-san and I are going to cook, then we will just talk, play some games and maybe watch a movie."

"Plus could you ask your friend Minami-san to come also, Marikawa-sensei?" Kohta asked. "Takagi-san and Busujima-san told me she was a police officer and I really would like to meet her and talk with her. I'm thinking about going into law enforcement as a career and it would be great to get firsthand knowledge from someone like her."

Shizuka thought about it for a minute, "I don't see why not, it would be fun and I think Rika is off this weekend. Do you do karaoke? I really love karaoke!"

Saeko laughed, "I'm sure we can come up with something, Sensei. Here is the address with my email and phone number. Would 1pm Saturday be fine?"

Shizuka smiled, "I think so, I'll let you know if we can't make it."

They said their goodbye's and left. Down the hall, Kohta looked back over his shoulder before speaking.

"I hate to trick her like that, Senpai," he said with a frown on his face.

"I know, Hirano-san, but, we will make it up to her someway," Saeko replied.


Saturday came and the teens were as ready as they could be. Suspecting what would happen when Takashi met Rika, they decided he should stay out of sight till the women arrived.

Kohta's home was a nice two story with a fair-sized living area that opened out onto a small patio garden. It was done in western style furniture with a couch, several easy chairs and an entertainment center.

Takashi was sitting outside at a patio table when Saeko came out, stood behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," the boy said as he squeezed her arms with his. "What are Saya and Kohta doing?"

She giggled, "Saya-san is picking on him by threatening to search his bedroom for his 'porn stash'. Kohta-san is protesting he doesn't have anything like that while turning red in embarrassment."

Takashi chuckled, "It is every high school boy's right to have a little hidden porn stash."

"Oh really?" the girl said with a grin. "So what kind of things would I find in your room, Takashi-kun? Hmm?"

Takashi laughed, "Oh no, not me! I don't like girls in kimonos at all!"

Saeko smiled evilly and said seductively, "I'll be sure to remember that, Takashi-kun."

Saya appeared at the door, "They're here."

Saeko gave him a quick peck on the temple before she followed Saya in.

Takashi waited, breathing slowly hoping to lessen the punch in the brain he knew was coming. After a few minutes he heard Saeko behind him.

"It's time," she said.

Getting up, he followed her inside to find the others standing and talking. Shizuka brightened when she saw him and said, "Oh here he is!"

Takashi gritted his teeth as the other woman, who had her back to him, turned around. She smiled and nodded right before it hit him.

"Rika…" Takashi said as his brain lurched and he bent over.

"I have him!" Saeko said as Shizuka and Saya rushed forward to the help the girl lower him to the floor.

"I thought you said he was doing better!" Shizuka said.

"He was…or is!" Saya replied. "This is the first spell he's had in over a week! We knew this one was coming though!"

"What? How?" the blond nurse asked.

"Because…" Takashi started as he got his breath back. "…because it was the first time for me to meet Sergeant Minami, Sensei."

Rika's eyes narrowed as she looked back and forth between the teens, "Would you like to explain to me how you know my rank, young man? Considering I have never met you before and I'm quite sure I didn't introduce myself to these ladies that way."

"Let's all sit down and everything can be explained," Saya said.

"I don't know about that. I think…" Rika was saying when Saeko stood and bowed low to her.

"Sergeant-san please, please let Komuro-san tell you his story," the dark haired girl asked.

Kohta was next to bow, "Please Sergeant, there are many lives at stake here, hear us out."

After a few second of standing there, Saya also bowed, "Please hear us out, Minami-san, it is very important."

Rika looked at Shizuka, who said, "Rika these are not bad kids. I don't know why they felt the need to do this, but we can at least listen to them."

"Plus," she said as she turned her attention to the teens, with an unhappy frown. "I want to know why they felt they had to trick me this way instead of just asking to see you."

"I swear to you, all will be explained," Takashi said as he sat on his knees and bowed.

Rika thought about it a minute more before nodding. "You have ten minutes."

"At least allow us to make you comfortable and serve tea," Saeko said as she stood.

Rika nodded and sat on the couch.


It took longer than ten minutes, but once Takashi started, they did not interrupt him. Rika sipped out of her tea cup and placed it back on the coffee table as he finished.

"That's a hell of a story," she said. "If you were a writer it might make a good manga or fan fiction." She leaned forward and put her elbows on her knees and clasped her hands in front of her. "But, that being said, do you really expect me to believe this wild ass tale?"

Takashi smirked, "No, not without solid evidence that could not be known by anyone that did not do the things I said. There are a few things I have not told the others that will prove to you what I'm saying is true, or that I'm a master stalker. If that's what you think in the end…arrest me."

"Oh don't think I won't, boy-o!" the policewoman said.

Takashi nodded, "Sensei, did you come in your car today?"

Shizuka looked puzzled, "Komuro-san I don't have a car. I'm saving up for a…"

Takashi held up his hand to stop her, "A little yellow Toyota maybe?"

"Yes, how did you know that?" Shizuka asked in surprise.

Takashi smiled, "So how did you get here today? Did you come in your green Humvee Minami-san?"

Rika's smirked and leaned back on the couch, "Any stalker that knows the address to my house would know what sits in my driveway, Komuro."

Takashi nodded, "But I don't know the address to your house. In fact the only way I got there was because I was led there."

Rika shook her head, "Doesn't mean a thing. You simply act like you don't know the address."

"How about we get in your truck and go there. I'll tell you where to turn and we'll see if I'm right," the boy said. "Once we get there, I'll provide further proof."

Rika thought about it for a minute and then nodded. Pointing at Kohta she said, "You're going to be sitting in the back, ladies in the back seat and you up front with me, Komuro."

"Would you like to check us for weapons first, Minami-san?" Takashi asked.

She glared at him, "No, I don't think so; I'll trust Shizuka on this."

They filed out of the house to the curb where the green army truck sat.

"Wow it is a tank!" Saya exclaimed as they got in.

"No Saya-san, a tank would have treads and…"

"Shut up, baka!" she snapped.

Takashi chuckled and even Rika had to smirk, as Shizuka scolded Saya for talking to cute boys so harshly.

They started out with Takashi giving directions and Rika looking puzzled. "Sorry," he said. "I only know how to get there from where the bus crashed."

This route took them close to the school and then they cut over to where Takashi said he and Rei found the motorcycle. Takashi looked back as they passed the gas station where he shot the thug.

"What?" Rika asked, seeing him look back.

"That's the station where I killed the guy that was trying to take Rei," he said as Saeko reached over the seat and squeezed his shoulder.

Rika kept frowning as Takashi ran a continuous monologue of what went on where until they came to the river bank and the spot he and Rei had met the others again.

"Now from here Sensei and I went down this way. We turned at this corner and then up three blocks. Turn right and that is it on the left," the boy said as he pointed out the apartment.

"We went all around the world," Rika grumped. "That's totally not the easy way."

"But Rika," Shizuka said. "That's the way I always come, I get confused by the other way!"

Rika stared at her friend in the rearview mirror before pulling into the drive and shutting off the engine. Looking at Takashi she said, "Okay smart guy, we're here. Tell me what you think will convince me."

Takashi got out and walked to the door. As they stood outside he described the insides the best he could remember. When he finished Rika shrugged her shoulders.

"The plans are on file with the town building office, are public knowledge and easy to get a look at."

"But what about the furnishings?" Takashi asked. "I won't go into what is in the living room, because the main important item is in the bedroom."

"And what would that be?" Rika asked as she leaned in closer to the boy.

"Hey, could we go inside? I feel like we're being watched out here." Saya suddenly said.

Rika glanced around and realized Saya was right, several others walking the streets and on balconies were watching the group. "Yeah, let's go in," she said as she unlocked the door.

Once inside they stood in the open area by the kitchen and looked around.

"Wow this is nice!" Kohta exclaimed.

"And expensive," Saya added. "How does a police officer afford something like this?"

Rika frowned and said, "Nunya."

"Nunya? What does Nunya mean?" Saya asked facing the older woman.

"It means none of your business, Pinky!" Rika said, staring the girl down.

Saya flushed red and stepped closer to Kohta.

Rika turned on Takashi again, "Okay you, I'm tired of this, what's this proof you think you have? I'm done playing games!"

Takashi nodded and started up the stairs waving for the others to follow. Stopping at the bedroom door he looked back at the woman and said, "May I?"

"Be my guest," Rika replied.

After entering the bedroom he stopped in front of a metal cabinet, standing against the wall. Motioning to it he said, "I can tell you everything in this cabinet. If that doesn't convince you, nothing ever will."

Rika crossed her arms and shook her head, "No way in hell. There is no way in hell you can tell me what is in this cabinet unless you have a camera hidden somewhere in this bedroom. And if you do, I won't bother to take you in; I'll burn you down where you stand."

Takashi pointed at the right side, "In this side there is ammunition, ear protection, eye protection and cleaning supplies." Moving to the other side he stared at the woman, "In this side there is a Barnett C5 Wildcat crossbow, an Ithaca M37 riot shotgun, a Springfield M1A rifle and an ArmaLite AR-10 in 7.62mm. It is the predecessor of the US Army M16. It and the Springfield both have special scopes and bi-pods."

Rika stood blinking at him for a second before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small case. From it she withdrew a short black cigar. Jabbing it in her mouth she pulled out a lighter.

"Could you please not smoke that?" Saya asked. "They stink."

"My house, Takagi-san," Rika said as it flared to life. She took a drag before placing the lighter and the case back in her pocket. Looking back to Takashi she said, "You're wrong."

Takashi's mouth fell open, but he shut it and said, "Well maybe I am. That's what was in the cabinet when Kohta and I broke into it."

Rika reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys. Opening the right door, it was as Takashi had said, ammo and other supplies. Opening the left door exposed the two rifles and the shotgun.

She took another drag before speaking, "The crossbow is on order and will be here by this weekend."


"I don't understand. This is confusing." Shizuka said as she looked back and forth between the others.

"Maybe it would be best if we returned to Hirano-san's," Saeko suggested. "We really did have food and drinks prepared for you."

Rika nodded as Kohta looked dejected. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

"I really wanted to look at the rifles and stuff…" he told her.

Rika looked at him for a minute, "So you really didwant to know about the police and SAT?" He nodded and she smirked, "Look, I'll tell you what; if things go alright I'll make a point to show you my gear in the future. That good for you?" The boy nodded and smiled as he perked up.

Rika locked the guns up and they filed back to the Humvee. It was a quiet drive back and much shorter since Rika went 'the quick way'.

After they settled back in at Kohta's, Saeko and Saya served more tea and some snacks with the promise of more substantial food later.

After sipping tea, Rika leaned back and looked at the quartet, "So, let's say I believe you. What do you hope to accomplish from this? Stop the outbreak from starting or what?"

Takashi shook his head, "We don't see any way of doing that. No government, much less a police or military force, is going to believe the words of a bunch of teenagers that say, 'my friend saw it in a dream'. The only hope we have is to ready ourselves, families and friends for the disaster."

"Smart. Here's my next question," Rika said as she picked at a cookie. "How does it start? Where does this come from and what causes it?"

Takashi smiled and motioned to Saya, "For that I will turn you over to our resident genius to explain."

Saya reached under the table next to the chair she was sitting in and pulled out a notebook and file folder. Pulling out some papers she handed several to Rika, "I have prepared some crib notes for you on the subject. This is where I think it will start…"


Later the police woman was standing outside smoking one of her cigars when Takashi walked up beside her.

"So how do you feel about things now?" he asked.

She chuckled, "Well one thing I will tell you is, I wish we had Pinky doing our mission briefings at SAT. That girl covered the subject with more professionalism than I have seen out of a lot of…well professionals. She truly does seem to be the genius you claim her to be."

Takashi laughed, "Yeah, but she can get on your nerves sometimes though."

Rika nodded, "I can see that, but I like her anyway, she's a big asset. So…let me get this straight, you and Busujima-san are a couple? What about Pinky and Hirano?"

Takashi smiled as he lowered his head slightly, "Yeah, Saeko and I are together, but Saya and Kohta…well let's just say I see it in the future."

The woman snorted at the boy's joke, "What about this ex-girlfriend, Inspector Miyamoto's daughter. What does Busujima-san say about you wanting to be sure to save her?"

The boy shrugged, "Saeko understands that she and I were close for a long time, and I want to at least see her and her current boyfriend safe. Even though we have only just gotten together, Saeko knows I love her, and I don't want to be with anyone else. The other reason is from my dream; I know we survived as long as we did because of a certain mesh of people with the right skills at the right time."

"And what about this child you talked about? What skills does she bring to the party?"

Takashi smiled, "Alice has the ability to look at things from a child's perspective where we as teenagers and adults don't see things that way. Plus she brightened our lives with every smile. The hurt on her face when she told me her daddy had died tore a hole in me. I don't ever want her to go through that again."

"Understood," Rika said. "But how do you bring them in? Didn't you say he was a reporter or something?"

Takashi shrugged, "That's what Alice told us, who he works for and all that I don't know."

"Well that shouldn't be too had to find out. A quick internet search for reporters by that name should come up pretty good. Plus you know what he looks like right?"

"Yeah I got a good look at him through the binoculars and when he was lying on the ground. Plus now I have met her mother which we didn't know anything about. They must live somewhere near me because she had Alice playing at the park we used to play at."

"Well we'll think of something," she told him.

He looked at her and asked, "So you believe this? Takashi's dream of the future?"

"Don't you?" she asked in reply.

He shook his head, "Nope, I think we're all crazy as hell. Saya is the one that started putting all this together. I don't think I will really believe it's true until I see the first zombie walking towards me. But, I do know that I have knowledge of people I had never seen, and places that I have never been to before that dream. I guess it can't hurt to be ready for something like this, can it?"

She put her hand on his shoulder, "You know what, kid? That might be the smartest thing you have said today. It never hurts to be ready."

"Food's ready, you two," Saeko told them as she walked up.

Takashi took her hand and squeezed it as the girl blushed.

"Let's eat!" Rika said.


"So, what now, Minami-san?" Takashi asked after they had finished their food.

Rika smirked, "Well I guess you can start out by telling me the final scores of as many baseball games as you can."

"Why?" Takashi asked with a puzzled look.

"Oh, I'll place a few bets and start a stockpile of cash to buy a few supplies."

Saya's face darkened, "You're going to make bets with the Yakuza? But you're a police officer!"

"Takagi-san the Yakuza making book is a long, time honored tradition. The police leave them alone as long as it doesn't get out of control and to be honest, some of the money they make goes back into the community to the old folks and stuff. That's how they stay popular with the people."

"I still don't like it. What's going to happen when you start winning a bunch of money?"

Rika shook her head, "You don't do it that way. Only a fool would go in and dump a bunch on one or two games. Second best way to get hurt is to bet on a bunch of games and win every one. Hell the Yakuza might turn you in themselves as a suspect of fixing games. What you do is bet a few small amounts, but always place a few bad bets. Let's say you bet on ten games. Bet on five winners and five losers, but bet higher amounts on two of the losers and higher amounts on three of the winners. If you do it right you could come out with a ten or twenty percent profit every time. Then once in a while dump almost every game in the losers slot and the bookies remember you tend to bet well, but are not infallible. They don't mind people like that because in the long run it's good for business. The winner tells other friends and they end up making a profit from the friends that can't pick winners. See?"

Saya thought about what the woman said. "So it's a matter of being patient and letting the profits grow over time like in the stock market…I understand, I never thought about it that way."

Rika shrugged, "You learn a few things after a few years in service. So next question, who comes next? Inspector Miyamoto?"

Saya shook her head, "No, I think my parents. Now that we have you onboard it will help with them to accept this."

"Hmm, we'll see, we'll see," The woman said.

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