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Tom Clancy's The Division: Wildpack Tom Clancy's The Division: Wildpack original

Tom Clancy's The Division: Wildpack

Author: AgentTerry75

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 0001: The Network Fails

Agent Roman Hunter was about to get the toolbox from the shed when the alarm sounded. He rushed out and saw Agent Sanders waving at him. He moved towards her.

"Over here! Meet me at the gate," Agent Sanders shouted.

She dashed off. Roman raised an eyebrow and moved after her. Civilians were tending to the injured as gunshots and explosions grew in intensity. The fear and nervousness on their faces as he passed by only strengthened his resolve.

Agent Sanders leaped over some flaming debris and took cover behind a wall. Roman followed her and took up a defensive position to cover the right flank. Agent De la Cruz was behind a pickup engaging the enemy. The thugs were swarming the area like cockroaches.

"Watch the flanks," Agent Sanders shouted while shooting a guy with a shotgun.

"Got it covered," Roman replied as he took out two guys trying to flank Agent De la Cruz.

Agent De la Cruz advanced to position himself behind another pickup. Agent Sanders advanced to his former position. Roman hopped over the wall. He rolled as he hit the ground and came up in cover behind a small camper. He dashed to a ladder and climbed on top of the workshop.

Agent De la Cruz advanced while firing on a thug behind a pickup. He failed to see one behind the burning gas pumps. His armor took several shots and he went down. Agent Sanders provided suppressing fire. Roman picked off the remaining two thugs from his rooftop vantage point.

Agent Sanders moved to check on Agent De la Cruz. Roman climbed down and rushed to give her a hand. Agent Sanders stabilized him and Roman began to move him to safety. A doctor rushed over to examine the injured agent. Sanders frowned as she surveyed the scene.

"That was close. Too close. I didn't expect another attack so soon. We're going to need to relocate if this keeps up."

"We'll do what we need to protect the people. I'll go hunt these Jackals down if you think that you can hold things down until I return," Roman said as he checked his pistol.

"You going off on your own would be a bad idea. There's not enough of us here to protect everybody," Agent Sanders replied.

"It would only be bad for them."

Agent Sanders shook her head and motioned for Roman to follow her. They made a quick survey of the damage and began to try to restore some semblance of order to the settlement. Agent Sanders began speaking to the civilians trying to gauge morale and offer confidence. Roman assisted in putting out fires and starting work details to clean up.

"Come on. Help me with this," Agent Sanders said as she grabbed a ladder laying on the ground.

Roman helped her set it up. The lookout above looked down at them nervously and then looked back over the wall. Rain began to fall. Another alarm went off. Agent Sanders cussed under her breath. Roman smirked as he rubbed his hands together.

"Time to play again," Roman said.

"Get to the waterfront," Agent De la Cruz said.

"That can't be right," Agent Sanders said as she let go of the ladder.

The agents headed towards the waterfront. The rain intensified its fury. The darkened night sky coupled with the fog obscured vision on the water. Agent Sanders set up her turret as everyone waited for the impending attack.

Without warning, the agents' watches flashed and went dark. The turret deactivated and slumped into an inert position. The watches flared up and coordinates appeared. Roman looked at Agent Sanders.

"This is a distress signal. These coordinates are for Washington D.C. How is this even possible," Agent Sanders asked as she glared at her watch.

Gunshots erupted through nature's wrath. Roman ducked into cover. Attack boats slowly began to emerge from the fog. Agent Sanders huddled behind a wall shouting for others to get down. Bullets soared past. She looked at Roman.

"Someone has to stay. We can't just leave these people here."

"You're right," Roman replied.

"Whatever happened, it needs to be fixed or it's all over. You go," Agent Sanders said as she popped out of cover to return fire. "I'll do what I can here. Go!"

"I don't like leaving everyone like this, but I'll find out what's going on," Roman said.

Roman leaned out firing several rounds before leaving the waterfront. Agents Sanders and De la Cruz continued to trade shots with the attackers. Roman stopped and looked back at Agent Sanders before continuing to his truck. As he grabbed the handle, a young woman quickly approached.

"Are you abandoning us," her lip quivered as she asked.

"No. I have to go on an important mission for the Division."

"Right now?"

"It's critical that I leave right now. The lives of everyone here and around the country could depend on it," Roman said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Will I ever see you again," she asked between sobs.

"I don't plan on dying, but I don't know when I'd be able to make it back. Something big is going on."

She nodded and backed away. Roman opened the door. He paused for a moment. He walked to the woman and hugged her. "Take care of your brother, Jada," he said before hopping in the truck and driving away.

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